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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    Before or since 2005? (The year Kelo was decided)
    I'm not sure, it is only a piece of a memory, that caught my eye, because of the eminent domain thing, I just can't remember.


      Originally posted by epg20 View Post
      I'm not sure, it is only a piece of a memory, that caught my eye, because of the eminent domain thing, I just can't remember.
      Did you look at the Kelo case? SCOTUS ruled in direct violation of the Constitution. The takings clause states:

      "private property [shall not] be taken for public use, without just compensation."
      SCOTUS ruled for a mall developer.


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        ...Here is the actual proposed Green New Deal details...
        Well, I finally read thru the whole New "GREEN DEAL" bill #H.Res.109. Seems that this may become the prototype agenda that will eventually be adopted for the rest of the entire world to get suckered into abiding by, as well. Thus, the *prototype* LAW for the NWO, so to speak.

        Found the following *global* "blueprint" detail(s),
        (with emphasis at specifically (b)(2)(N)) as noted----

        paragraphs "Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that—

        (1) it is the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal—
        . . .
        (2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the “Green New Deal goals”) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the “Green New Deal mobilization”) that will require the following goals and projects—
        . . .
        (N) promoting the international exchange of technology, expertise, products, funding, and services, with the aim of making the United States the international leader on climate action, and to help other countries achieve a Green New Deal;
        . . .

        So to the rest of the world... get ready for YOUR New GREEN DEAL... cause you ARE next in being added to this NWO agenda..!
        (Remember, it's the USA Democrats who are pushing this bill at the moment.)

        Since the United Nations regulations is (often) the "go to" blueprint manual for most gov't agencies to seek out advisement and compliance thereof to the various laws being enforced on a global scale, it is VERY possible that the USA bill #H.Res.109 or something similar to it will become adopted by the UN and enforced globally.

        Think not? Don't underestimate those seeking enforcement on this, because ever since Al Gore went on his world tour, the whole crazy "Climate Change" phenomena is being pushed as an *emergency crisis* issue, with current energy resources dwindling. Some people already on these very discussion forums have openly embraced portions of this GREEN New Deal without considering the flaws within it... oh, it's okay for everyone else, so "make it so!"

        Also, for "Climate Change" supporters, please NOTE the following detail under "Resolved"----
        paragraph "(2)(B)(iv) by ensuring that any infrastructure bill considered by Congress addresses climate change;"

        In other words, EVERYTHING that deals with changes in infrastructures anywhere on USA soil, will not be approved without consulting with the details worked out in the "GREEN New DEAL". That means --for example-- if a road needs repaving or bridge needs repairing, this GREEN New DEAL will be the ultimate "GO TO" guide first. If the work being proposed doesn't comply with approved energy resources or methods as acceptable within the New GREEN DEAL, then the work will NOT be approved, until it *is* in complete 100% compliance thereof.

        If this is a form of ancient Egypt's Pharoah's idea of making bricks without hay, then there you go... as NO fossil fuels, oil, gas, coal or nuclear energy methods will be used... *ever* again... net-ZERO emissions will soon become mandatory as noted--
        "(i) zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing;".

        Oh, and all this will be monitored by "smart technology" grids, as noted----
        "(2)(D) building or upgrading to energy-efficient, distributed, and "smart" power grids, and ensuring affordable access to electricity;"

        Yeah... tell that to the people in Wisconsin and Michigan who nearly had their electric power supply cut off during the most extreme cold weather temperatures just a few weeks ago (2019)! The local Energy/Power company over there threatened the entire population of neighborhoods that if the people did NOT turn down their thermostats to 65 degrees (F) during the day, and even down to 62 degrees (F) at night, then the Energy company would cut everyone on the grid completely off of their power supplies.

        So... how many pipes froze (from lack of reinforced/proper insulation) and how many people got sick???

        Cutting OFF the power supply lines would have been made mandatory, if the people failed to be compliant. Plus, there have been other stories circulating about how many people have already installed "smart thermostats" which in turns gives the Energy supply company direct access to your abode and by remote control, the Energy company can turn down or turn OFF the heat or a/c, if they believe you are using up too many energy units. Some folks have already felt the sting of those moments!

        Hey world... enjoy the few blessings (generic) you do have now. Perhaps within less than ten or 20 (generous) years, this system will be refined with voluntary compliance for a short while, until mandatory compliance becomes enforced for globally. Only the "chosen" elites will be permitted to break these rules, and will do so claiming extreme circumstances required them to resort to previous (alternative) energy uses.

        Times are soon to become even more intriguing...


          God knows you are a moron.
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            The power companies did not almost cut off our power a few weeks ago. In fact, it's illegal during the winter
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              God knows you are a moron.
              She's got a few facts unhinged, such as energy companies controlling the smart thermostats, but her fears are not unfounded. Given their way, they will mandate this on a global scale.

              With that said, the Kindergartner's plan doesn't have a chance in hell of becoming law.


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                She's got a few facts unhinged, such as energy companies controlling the smart thermostats, but her fears are not unfounded. Given their way, they will mandate this on a global scale.

                With that said, the Kindergartner's plan doesn't have a chance in hell of becoming law.
                Something's unhinged but I don't think it's facts.

                Besides, I hope you both have your tinfoil apparels on, wouldn't want the lizards knowing what you post on GW would ya?
                I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                  Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                  Something's unhinged but I don't think it's facts.

                  Besides, I hope you both have your tinfoil apparels on, wouldn't want the lizards knowing what you post on GW would ya?
                  Nah, Lizards are harmless until after they've been irradiated and turn into Godzilla.


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Nah, Lizards are harmless until after they've been irradiated and turn into Godzilla.
                    So they would have you believe
                    I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                      He believes what Trump tells him to believe
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        He believes what Trump tells him to believe
                        If that was the case, we wouldn't be having this discussion. He says you're a figment of a deranged imagination.


                          We all know his love of telling lies. My favorite is the witch Hunt.
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            The power companies did not almost cut off our power a few weeks ago. In fact, it's illegal during the winter
                            Is it illegal..(do you really know when your gov't is passing an emergency order)..?

                            The whole point of the threat from the Energy companies, with the 2019's deep winter freeze and high winds causing outages in the northern USA, was that *if* the energy output exceeded the amount of power that would easily flow thru the power lines and burned out connection points in the power lines or at the station, the announcement was to alert the people that rotating the energy around the neighborhoods was not an option OFF the table... because it was seriously being considered. California goes thru these sorts of rolling black-outs all the time... So, it's not impossible for other states to push thru that idea as their *threat*, especially if it became a necessary evil.

                            Once all of the choices run out from the proverbial table, there is nothing else that can be done to stop the inevitable from occurring. When the power goes out because it's burned out or exploded a transformer or transmission somewhere or whatever, there is NO more power and NO more grid to rely on, until it gets replaced or restored.

                            Until the power is restored, leave to live at a hotel or relatives who do have electricity, or freeze with heat generated from fireplaces. I've lived thru enough blustery winters without heat and power for up to 2 days (in my childhood years). Now, those types of stories last up to a week or more. Outside/Snow became our freezer, and the fireplace hearth cooked some food, unless we had cold sandwiches, just like in the time eras before electricity existed. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to a fireplace hearth or woodstove, so unless we can get a generator hookup, we have to find temporary shelter like so many other people without such items have to do. And since my hubby is diabetic, he needs his medicine in the fridge and kept at a stable temperature or it spoils.

                            When the squirrels chewed thru the wires in southeastern Canada during the 1960's and caused a major 3 day black-out along the northeast USA corridor (NY/NYC got the worst of it), it happened during a hot, humid summer before air conditioners became more popular. What are the energy companies going to do when power outages cascade down the entire grid? Smile and wave at the people claiming the workers in the energy fields didn't realize some dumb animal could bring the entire grid down?

                            When hurricane Sandy knocked out power lines in NJ in October 2012, some of those lines didn't come back on for 3 weeks or more. Emergency crews came in from other states to rebuild the power lines / infrastructure because too many poles went down from the extreme winds. First responder type workers NOT on generators were fixed first. Then, highly populated areas were fixed next. People just put up with it, because there just wasn't enough man-power or equipment to repair and fix everything the moment it happened.

                            My own relatives purchased a generator many years prior to Sandy, because they were always the last ones on the road-line to be fixed during (week-long) smaller storm outages. But after Sandy's windy fury, they nearly went frantic and almost packed up after 3 weeks to live in a hotel that HAD working electricity, when their own fuel supply nearly ran out and they couldn't get a delivery for several more days. Fortunately, the power came back on while their generator was running on its last fumes. Both are elderly, one ended up with a rash from handling the gasoline containers (she has chronic spinal issues, which makes picking up certain weighted containers difficult), and one is wheelchair bound with a leg prosthetic up to his hip. *Nature* doesn't favor the handicapped over the healthy.
                            Last edited by SGalisa; 10 March 2019, 04:13 PM. Reason: fix wording


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              She's got a few facts unhinged, such as energy companies controlling the smart thermostats, but her fears are not unfounded...
                              Ummm. Doubtful, since I know an electrician and another (Power) Lineman's family. But anyway...

                              Well, I *did* say that some people already had their smart thermostats/power units messed with from the Power companies monitoring their abodes, by remote control (i.e., via those nasty internet services that can be operated while the home-owners are away on vacation or whatever...). They use the same principle and similar techniques that "On-Star" (vehicle services) and security companies utilize from remote locations.

                              So, it's NOT impossible for such methods to be employed, since there have been several stories of these situations happening in the news or on forum discussion sites.

                              My hubby invested in a timer thermostat that was a prototype before internet connected "smart" thermostats became popular (those are the ones families can operate thru their i-phones or some professional company doing it for them). If we connected ON-line, direct to the Energy/Power company, they could control our thermostat if it has internet programming abilities. But so far, we keep the heat down (usually under 72 degrees for a few hours at night/weekends, but mid-60's at night and most of the day). I layer the sweaters and blankets on when it gets 70 and below. With hot flashes, I can't tolerate too many hours of 72 degrees (F). My hubby's mom used to keep the thermostat AT 80 (F), when she was alive. She smoked and didn't exercise, so she had very poor blood circulation...and thus, had a very hot house..! I found out years later that there was NO insulation in the house, at all either...

                              BTW.. I do know a very high tech person who rigged his house up to operate his home appliances, heat, phones, cameras, etc. via remote on his i-phone. He showed us on his i-phone and computer... Weird, seeing the entire house in one giant visual or separate images.

                              Also, seen that sort of system set up on the professional youth *entertainment* shows we go to and sometimes help out with, as well. The owner got tired of having his "stuff" broken into, having the police babysit now and then, and he now has complete control over his replaced "toys" with a security company as back up, taking care of details most folks here on this forum could only *dream* about. And YES, it was a very expensive system to install; but became one of those "necessary evils" against the social miscreants wrecking havoc with the *proverbial* furniture and equipment!

                              So, installing a "smart thermostat" to the internet program connections with a remote company essentially babysitting it, is NOT an impossibility. It's just not something most people I personally know can afford to do right now (or would *WANT* to do).

                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              Given their way, they will mandate this on a global scale.
                              True... But perhaps if we get *lucky* ...AOC's bill will be improvised and rewritten to include hybrid variants to include GAS, OIL, Coal, whatever like the hybrid vehicles that cost more than most consumers can afford to purchase.

                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              With that said, the Kindergartner's plan doesn't have a chance in hell of becoming law.
                              Never say never... There is a strong possibility if AOC drops off being the favored media's voice-box, someone else will pick up where AOC left off.

                              Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                              ...Besides, I hope you both have your tinfoil apparels on, wouldn't want the lizards knowing what you post on GW would ya?
                              What "lizards"? (MSM/media, AND politicians.. not to also mention other web discussion sites..?) "They" probably already know what we post on here, because I keep hearing various conversations in the news within a few days after posting about certain items here on GW
                              (or on Facebook, too)...
                              Last edited by SGalisa; 10 March 2019, 01:50 PM.


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Ummm. Doubtful, since I know an electrician and another (Power) Lineman's family. But anyway...

                                Well, I *did* say that some people already had their smart thermostats/power units messed with from the Power companies monitoring their abodes, by remote control (i.e., via those nasty internet services that can be operated while the home-owners are away on vacation or whatever...). They use the same principle and similar techniques that "On-Star" (vehicle services) and security companies utilize from remote locations.

                                So, it's NOT impossible for such methods to be employed, since there have been several stories of these situations happening in the news or on forum discussion sites.

                                My hubby invested in a timer thermostat that was a prototype before internet connected "smart" thermostats became popular (those are the ones families can operate thru their i-phones or some professional company doing it for them). If we connected ON-line, direct to the Energy/Power company, they could control our thermostat if it has internet programming abilities. But so far, we keep the heat down (usually under 72 degrees for a few hours at night/weekends, but mid-60's at night and most of the day). I layer the sweaters and blankets on when it gets 70 and below. With hot flashes, I can't tolerate too many hours of 72 degrees (F). My hubby's mom used to keep the thermostat AT 80 (F), when she was alive. She smoked and didn't exercise, so she had very poor blood circulation...and thus, had a very hot house..! I found out years later that there was NO insulation in the house, at all either...

                                BTW.. I do know a very high tech person who rigged his house up to operate his home appliances, heat, phones, cameras, etc. via remote on his i-phone. He showed us on his i-phone and computer... Weird, seeing the entire house in one giant visual or separate images.

                                Also, seen that sort of system set up on the professional youth *entertainment* shows we go to and sometimes help out with, as well. The owner got tired of having his "stuff" broken into, having the police babysit now and then, and he now has complete control over his replaced "toys" with a security company as back up, taking care of details most folks here on this forum could only *dream* about. And YES, it was a very expensive system to install; but became one of those "necessary evils" against the social miscreants wrecking havoc with the *proverbial* furniture and equipment!

                                So, installing a "smart thermostat" to the internet program connections with a remote company essentially babysitting it, is NOT an impossibility. It's just not something most people I personally know can afford to do right now (or would *WANT* to do).
                                While it's true that there is technology available to power utilities that do allow them to monitor & regulate your energy uses, that's not what is referred to as a "smart thermostat", such a a Nest.
                                There are threats involved with Nests and such, but that is primarily the stupidity factor of the owner. Poorly secured wireless connections, or no security on the wireless network 'cause the owner is too damned lazy to figure out how to lock it down. If they can't get at the thermostat on the network, they can't touch it.

                                Oh, and Nest itself is a problem 'cause it's owned by Google. But anyone who trusts that company with the time of day deserves what they get.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                True... But perhaps if we get *lucky* ...AOC's bill will be improvised and rewritten to include hybrid variants to include GAS, OIL, Coal, whatever like the hybrid vehicles that cost more than most consumers can afford to purchase.
                                TBH, I'm not that concerned with the rest of the world. They can take care of themselves, as the Yellowshirts in France (of all places!) are adequately demonstrating.
                                As far as the UN goes, it is not in a position of authority over the United States, so I don't care about that either. In point of fact, I've been of the mind that we should tell that whole outfit to take a flying leap, and move their headquarters 12.1 miles due East at their earliest convenience for a few decades now.

                                It comes down to what OUR government wants to do.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Never say never... There is a strong possibility if AOC drops off being the favored media's voice-box, someone else will pick up where AOC left off.
                                Not Gonna Happen. At least not in the U.S. during my lifetime. (Not because I can stop it, but because I'm not gonna be here that long)

                                If you look at the Kindergartner's plan, the environment is only a small part of it; "the hook" as it were to a population that has been taught that mankind is evil. The real plan is conversion of the U.S. to a socialist state, far more blatantly than Sanders was talking about in 2016. That's where the danger lies, and that's why it's not gonna fly.

                                The U.S. as a free society is doomed already. If you recall, I said that a few times when I first came to these boards. It's gonna take more than the ten years the Kindergartner would like it to take, though. Her ideas are 20-30 years out. I don't expect to live that long. If it's not her, then it will be someone else pushing that idea.

                                But for now, she's actually beneficial. Her socialist crap is gonna push fence sitters to the R side of the fence; they're not ready for socialism yet. In fact, if you look at the proponents of socialism, most of them are children who want everything handed to them.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                What "lizards"? (MSM/media, AND politicians.. not to also mention other web discussion sites..?) "They" probably already know what we post on here, because I keep hearing various conversations in the news within a few days after posting about certain items here on GW
                                (or on Facebook, too)...
                                This is just ball-busting; you can't have missed Chaka's avatar looks somewhat like a Lizard. Although a deformed one.

