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    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
    King Don will reach a new level of dumb if he really thinks Kim Jong will ever renounce his toys (especially since he invested billions on those nukes)

    anyway for most people of NoKo peace would probably be a nightmare
    I don't think for a minute NK wants to give up its fledgeling nuclear program. This is probably a stall. It's quite possible that he doesn't really have them working as well as he wants every to think they do. He knows ours our decades proven technology, he might be just trying to buy himself more time cause he can't compete in let alone win a firefight right now.

    Well, yes. You can either have peace or freedom. Rarely both at the same time.

    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
    no prob since those workers will be in deep s & bitterly disiollusioned long before 2020. the real problem of course will be the rigging of national elections (rules have changed remember)
    Yes, they have. The Democrats just got a court to force a redraw of Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional district, which I admit looks to have been carved up like a roast to benefit the Republican party.

    But, on the other hand, New York's 28th congressional district was fine with the Democrats. Because it benefited Democrat Louise Slaughtger. I can't speak for the character of the areas in PA, but for the NY map, her district was carved up to include two urban areas, where Democrats do well, and ignoring all the generally "red-state areas" between them.

    In other words, the Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans are. Every 10 years, the law requires the districts be redrawn as a result of the new census, and the party in power at the time gets to draw the map for that state. That's the way it has been for decades. It's fine when it benefits the Dems as in the NY state district, but when the Dems are on the losing side, they go whining to the courts. I hope to hell SCOTUS smacks them down hard.


      What is this. A protection racket?

      In other words "nice country you have here would be a shame for something to happen to it"
      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        What is this. A protection racket?

        In other words "nice country you have here would be a shame for something to happen to it"
        It's turnbull showing 2 things.
        1: He knows that putting tarrifs on our steel and Aluminium is bad for us, so he is doing something about it, so that's good.
        2: He is showing he has no spine.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          What is this. A protection racket?

          In other words "nice country you have here would be a shame for something to happen to it"
          No, I think it is a general walking back of the original stance of "Steel/Aluminum tariffs for all" to a position where some countries can get exceptions. Didn't he say the same about Mexico and Canada?

          My guess is that some bright boy in Canada out they could put a tariff on Canadian Beer.

          On a semi-related note, didn't I read that Au was going on with what's left of the TPP after we walked out and that a lot of workers in Au. were quite unhappy about the terms their leaders had agreed to? Something about outsourcing labor, I think it was.


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            It's turnbull showing 2 things.
            1: He knows that putting tarrifs on our steel and Aluminium is bad for us, so he is doing something about it, so that's good.
            2: He is showing he has no spine.
            But wait Malcolm has tweeted


            So what's he not telling us?

            What has he signed Australia up for?

            No one gets anything for nothing and Trump would have wanted something in return.

            Malcolm what have you done?
            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
              the real problem of course will be the rigging of national elections (rules have changed remember)
              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              Yes, they have. The Democrats just got a court to force a redraw of Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional district, which I admit looks to have been carved up like a roast to benefit the Republican party.

              But, on the other hand, New York's 28th congressional district was fine with the Democrats. Because it benefited Democrat Louise Slaughtger. I can't speak for the character of the areas in PA, but for the NY map, her district was carved up to include two urban areas, where Democrats do well, and ignoring all the generally "red-state areas" between them.

              In other words, the Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans are. Every 10 years, the law requires the districts be redrawn as a result of the new census, and the party in power at the time gets to draw the map for that state. That's the way it has been for decades. It's fine when it benefits the Dems as in the NY state district, but when the Dems are on the losing side, they go whining to the courts. I hope to hell SCOTUS smacks them down hard.
              I meant something much more hardcore than jerrymandering


                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                I meant something much more hardcore than jerrymandering
                Yes, I know, you have a very active imagination. Just bringing you back to reality.

                Really, there have been changes to our election process, the biggest of which has been the switch from old school mechanical / paper (read: unhackable) voting machines to this electronic crap we have today that has come about as a result of Democrat Al Gore's whinefest after he lost in 2000. If you really want to talk about the integrity of our election process, there is is the biggest problem, and whose feet to lay the blame for it at tied up in a neat bow.


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  Yes, I know, you have a very active imagination. Just bringing you back to reality.

                  Really, there have been changes to our election process, the biggest of which has been the switch from old school mechanical / paper (read: unhackable) voting machines to this electronic crap we have today that has come about as a result of Democrat Al Gore's whinefest after he lost in 2000. If you really want to talk about the integrity of our election process, there is is the biggest problem, and whose feet to lay the blame for it at tied up in a neat bow.
                  Bush led the election-night vote count in Florida by 1,784 votes. The small margin produced an automatic recount under Florida state law. The machine recount occurred the day after the election and reduced that margin to just over 900 votes. While Gore did request the manual recount...Bush (the former worst President) worked to stop the recount. So, stop with the Democrat/liberal blamming. Additionally, if you think using paper to vote is unhackable...I have news for ya it is just as hackable.


                    Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                    Bush led the election-night vote count in Florida by 1,784 votes. The small margin produced an automatic recount under Florida state law. The machine recount occurred the day after the election and reduced that margin to just over 900 votes. While Gore did request the manual recount...Bush (the former worst President) worked to stop the recount. So, stop with the Democrat/liberal blamming. Additionally, if you think using paper to vote is unhackable...I have news for ya it is just as hackable.
                    Gore was just trying to imagine votes he didn't get; hanging chads and all that crap. Oh, we should assume that he meant to vote for me!

                    And as an aside, if you're too stupid to operate a simple paper ballot, which was in part the assertion that Gore made, I'm not so sure you should be voting to begin with.

                    More seriously, Gore made the assumption that many minority folks whom he would have expected to vote for him did have difficulty using the paper ballots. What does that say about his views on minorities?

                    And I've yet to understand how a mechanical vote counter or paper vote counting system can be hacked. As long as a proper physical custody trail is observed, multiple witnesses and such, it can't be.

                    Whereas electronic crap, particularly that which is networked is at very high risk. Thanks, Al.

                    PS: Worst Presidents (within my lifetime)
                    #1 and reigning champion: Obama
                    #2 Jimmy the Peanut Farmer Carter
                    #3 Dead heat between Clinton and Nixon.


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      If it wasn't a federal issue then explain how the federal courts were able to block Arizona's aggressive immigration laws?

                      Can't have it both ways.

                      Oh, and see the article I quoted above.
                      Don't you see it? Arizona was prevented from stepping into immigration enforcement. Caifornia is not stepping into immigration enforcement.

                      Basically the argument is that ICE tends to start making demands out of local LEO's without backing them up with funding. And local governments have a compelling interest in not seeking out immigration enforcement. It doesn't help when ICE deports your witness or a witness is unwilling to come forward for fear of deportation. And that's just one example.

                      Another example is, are states bound to actively enforce all federal mandates? For example, Colorado is most certainly not enforcing federal law when it comes to Marijuana. In fact, its laws contradict federal law. If this case was really about law, then why isn't the DOJ or Trump going after Colorado?
                      By Nolamom


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        And I've yet to understand how a mechanical vote counter or paper vote counting system can be hacked
                        with a machete

                        anyway Dump & his government admitted that the ruskies will be interfering - again - in your next national elections and [surprise] they also say they won't can't do anything about it

                        no sh** they won't since they know the bloody ruskies will interfere in favour of Dump so why would they try to stop it? don't bite the hand that feeds you

                        so Dump & his government have essentially confessed to [passively] colluding with the ruskies which constitutes high treason

                        and what do your laws say about high treason? what's the punishment?


                          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                          Don't you see it? Arizona was prevented from stepping into immigration enforcement. Caifornia is not stepping into immigration enforcement.

                          Basically the argument is that ICE tends to start making demands out of local LEO's without backing them up with funding. And local governments have a compelling interest in not seeking out immigration enforcement. It doesn't help when ICE deports your witness or a witness is unwilling to come forward for fear of deportation. And that's just one example.

                          Another example is, are states bound to actively enforce all federal mandates? For example, Colorado is most certainly not enforcing federal law when it comes to Marijuana. In fact, its laws contradict federal law. If this case was really about law, then why isn't the DOJ or Trump going after Colorado?
                          Oh? And how much would it have cost that Oakland mayor that issued warnings that the Feds were planning ICE raids in SanFrancisco to just keep her mouth shut? How much did issuing her warning cost in taxpayer dollars?

                          She certainly was sticking her nose into federal matters of her own free will. I hope the feds hang her out to dry.

                          And Sessions has made noises about enforcing federal laws regarding marijuana.


                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            with a machete

                            anyway Dump & his government admitted that the ruskies will be interfering - again - in your next national elections and [surprise] they also say they won't can't do anything about it

                            no sh** they won't since they know the bloody ruskies will interfere in favour of Dump so why would they try to stop it? don't bite the hand that feeds you

                            so Dump & his government have essentially confessed to [passively] colluding with the ruskies which constitutes high treason

                            and what do your laws say about high treason? what's the punishment?
                            Another term, he's not a ******ian with a forged birth certificate.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              Oh? And how much would it have cost that Oakland mayor that issued warnings that the Feds were planning ICE raids in SanFrancisco to just keep her mouth shut? How much did issuing her warning cost in taxpayer dollars?
                              A twitter account?
                              Not much.
                              She certainly was sticking her nose into federal matters of her own free will. I hope the feds hang her out to dry.
                              Many Are Getting Arrested.
                              And Sessions has made noises about enforcing federal laws regarding marijuana.
                              Poor little gnome is worried about his rain cover.................
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Worst Presidents (within my lifetime)
                                #1 and reigning champion: Obama
                                #2 Jimmy the Peanut Farmer Carter
                                #3 Dead heat between Clinton and Nixon.
                                You are mistaken...
                                #1 Mango Mussolini (aka Donald Trump)
                                #2 George W Bush
                                #3 Three way tie bewteen Bush Sr, Reagan, and Nixon

