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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Rebel by grilling FH
    good idea that'll teach her to give me the cold shoulder


      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
      since heavier bullets tend to conserve more of their kinetic energy (in other words more penetration & less transfer) wouldn't the most damaging round be lightweight & hollowpoint instead of a heavy & hollowpoint
      Given the same velocity? Of course not.

      btw anyone explain what's the advantage of a non-automatic AR (won't even get into automatics since they empty so quickly & are so damn inaccurate) over a good old fashioned handgun in terms of either defence or offence?
      Mainly accuracy at range. 5.56 is designed to mimic the range and accuracy of full-power rifle cartridges like 30-06 with less recoil, allowing for faster follow-up shots. Handguns are small, lightweight weapons for close quarters; the distance between the sights is too short to allow long-range aiming, and the low weight of the weapon limits the power of the cartridge to what your wrists can handle. Basically, when you're outside, you want a rifle; when you're indoors, you want a handgun or a shotgun.

      armour-piercing? it's not like bulletproof vests are the norm in schools (yet)
      Desks and doors are.

      more ammo? handguns (even revolvers nowadays) can be reloaded in 2 seconds
      Not even the fastest cowboy can reload a revolver in 2 seconds.

      since they're smaller there's also the possibility of dual-wielding (even if you're not Wild Bill Hickock)
      Dual-wielding is an action movie cliche; nobody actually does that. If you want to hit anything at all with a handgun, you shoot one gun with two hands, not the other way round.
      If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


        Originally posted by Womble View Post
        Given the same velocity? Of course not.
        no given the same energy (~amount of powder) so the bigger bullets have lower speed

        Desks and doors are
        ? unless the doors are armoured nothing ordinary guns can't handle?
        if not then armour-piercing rounds exist for handguns too (iirc there was this weird shaped rusky pistol with rounds that could easily punch through IIIa soft body armour can't remember the name)

        Not even the fastest cowboy can reload a revolver in 2 seconds.
        make it 1/2 second - I meant those special revolvers that reload quickly (to emulate pistols)

        you shoot one gun with two hands, not the other way round.
        granted two guns with one hand would be pushing it


          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          Strict gun laws.... Come on people you are killing freedom
          Freedom is quite literally killing them.


            Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
            What I think some fail to see is that if the shooter was anything other than white...he wouldn't have been labeled as unstable with mental issues. There would be no such consideration if he was any other race. If he were any other race he'd be a radical "X" hell bent on killing.
            I noticed the phenomenon a while ago as well. White shooter? Mentally unstable, bullied, misunderstood, institutions at fault. For bonus points, blame computer games. Brown shooter? Terrorist, must be deported, all muslims are evil. (also ignore that Saudi Arabia, a major US ally, is basically legitimate ISIS).

            It's the same rhetoric over and over again. White people are individual cases, others are symptomatic of their race, class or religion.


              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
              In several middle schools you're not allowed to give a kid anything below a 50% for anything. Do you really think administrators like the one Lt.col mentioned will let you? That's the problem I am describing. People often forget that a school is more than the teachers in the classrooms. It doesn't matter what a teacher does if the building's/community's culture is broken.
              Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
              I know my district tried to do something like that. We weren't allowed to give grades below a 50%. I was like WTF...if a kid does no work he/she still gets a 50? What about the kid that works and is genuinely only earns a 50? Thankfully, the teacher's union pointed out that it is illegal for school administration to mandate what grade a teacher has to give a student.

              A broken community is what we deal with in my district. Teachers bend over backwards for students, but a majority of the parents don't care. If the parents don't care, how can we expect the kids to care? All of my students have lofty dreams, which is great. Unfortunately, they don't put in the work to attain those goals.
              And how did ridiculous situations such as these come about? I seem to recall someone around here saying something about overpaid, overeducated but under common-sensed idiots insisting that we coddle all children, and this was often enforced by FEDERAL decree?


                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                good idea that'll teach her to give me the cold shoulder
                Better to warm it up then.

                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                Not even the fastest cowboy can reload a revolver in 2 seconds.
                Lucky Luke is faster than his own shadow.

                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                Dual-wielding is an action movie cliche...
                It does look cool but in reality, indeed, quite impractical.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  And how did ridiculous situations such as these come about? I seem to recall someone around here saying something about overpaid, overeducated but under common-sensed idiots insisting that we coddle all children, and this was often enforced by FEDERAL decree?
                  This had nothing to do with "FEDERAL decree." This was a local decision, which went against established state education law. It was an attempt to allow students to see that it was not mathematically impossible to pass a semester if they failed a six weeks grading period. However, if a student actually made below a them the 50 didn't encourage them to work. Not to mention, the district was violating state law by mandating grades.


                    Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                    This had nothing to do with "FEDERAL decree." This was a local decision, which went against established state education law. It was an attempt to allow students to see that it was not mathematically impossible to pass a semester if they failed a six weeks grading period. However, if a student actually made below a them the 50 didn't encourage them to work. Not to mention, the district was violating state law by mandating grades.
                    Are they not just violating teaching standards?
                    Are you saying That TEXAS, a red as red state as you can get wanted to hand out participation trophies to students?
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Are they not just violating teaching standards?
                      Are you saying That TEXAS, a red as red state as you can get wanted to hand out participation trophies to students?
                      It wasn't was my school district in hell...errr...I mean Texas.


                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Previous background comments first.

                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                          Why turn this into some *biased* / racial background issue? There is NO need to be judgemental when the person committing the criminal behavior got "caught in the act".

                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          Because the response is different?
                          Was I not clear enough?
                          Stating a *hypothetical* is not what this sounded like. It read more of having an accusatory tone to it, than presenting an alternative mode of thought discussion.

                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                          Why turn this into some *biased* / racial background issue? There is NO need to be judgemental when the person committing the criminal behavior got "caught in the act". Persona on a rampage gets caught -- end of story. Should be plain and simple. All are *guilty* who do things like that. It's usually the MSM, psychologists, psychiatrists, and "friendly sympathizers" who turn these things into issues of bias or a race/religious thing. It's thousands times worse if/when nothing is done to stop the situation either.

                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          Did you write that with a straight face?
                          Actually, you probably did.
                          Yes. Does *that* bother you? ...If so, good... (j/k)
                          However, I do realize that I am just as guilty of making something sound just as biased or some religious issue as the MSM,

                          (wow... short responses from me...! ...I must be moody or miffed)

                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          Bull. I have in the past.
                          Thought about this a little more. You are saying that if the shooter were black, Arabic or an illegal, I would not reserve judgement until the dust has settled.

                          I'm not reserving judgement regarding the shooter. He's as guilty as the day is long.

                          I'm reserving judgement on the armed police officers (now more than 1? ) who did nothing to stop the attack.

                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          Well, you thought about, so yay for progress.
                          But you still missed the point
                          Yes the shooter is guilty, same as any guilty person, but you are not looking at the greater implications of your decision making process.
                          IF the shooter were Black, they would be a Criminal
                          IF the shooter was Arabic, it would be a Terrorist
                          IF the shooter was Hispanic, it would be an Illegal
                          IF the shooter is White, they are disturbed, need help, but are probably a product of a "leftie culture"

                          I don't disagree that you should reserve judgement, I want to know WHY you are this time.
                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          Because we don't yet know the full extent of armed officers doing nothing. First it was 1, now its 4? ..
                          New update on Broward County, FL "shooter" situation. New info shows none of this was a racial or "religious" issue, but seems more political based on new rules set into place for police (protection?).

                          Tried to find news in more than one location, but only a few bites so far... If TRUE, this *MAY* change the situation, and will or SHOULD *require* a re-evaluation of protocol procedures in emergency situations where every minute/SECOND counts.

                          Apparently, the ORDER *was* given to STAND DOWN. Reason-- Because the officers were not supposed to enter the school building unless their "body camera"s were turned ON. Since all 4 officers had NO body camera at all, they stayed back. Coral Springs officers took over when the Broward County officers would not or were prevented from going in. Well, that sort of makes more sense over *why* the Coral Springs PD felt "disturbed" (as another article mentioned) over this whole situation.

                          Video also on article's web page--

                          "Report: Deputies Were TOLD Not To Go Into High School"
                          by Justin Caruso
                          11:55 PM 02/26/2018 (dailycaller-dot-com)

                          ...Fox News' Laura Ingraham reported Monday that Broward County deputies were told not to go into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during the mass shooting earlier this month.

                          The alleged reason? They didn't have any body cameras with them.
                          . . .
                          and then reinforcement with this next article...

                          "4 police officers told not to enter FL school during mass shooting"
                          by Cheryl Hinneburg, February 27, 2018

                          ...Coral Springs police were troubled that the four Broward County Sheriff's deputies didn't go into the school, according to reports.

                          "Now, our sources near the Broward County Sheriff's Department are telling us that the deputies who arrived at the scene of the shooting were told not to enter the school unless their body cameras were turned on, and then we found out that the deputies did not have body cameras so they did not enter the building or engage the shooter," Fox News' Laura Ingraham reported Monday.

                          Ingraham did not say who issued the order to not go into the school.
                          . . .
                          Oooooooooooo! Sounds like a bunch of blame shifting about to go on...
                          Not surprised Sheriff's Deputy Scot Peterson resigned, since the situation would cause an automatic no-go regardless of who is being killed, etc.

                          Also, if there is no re-evaluation in what procedures were followed WHEN and WHY, then the families of the teachers and students involved just might rise up and demand changes in the Law Enforcement/*protection* protocol -- afterall, BEFORE body cameras became available, there was no such thing as a body-cam, thus, there would have been NO excuse to stay back either, and just maybe a smaller death toll would have happened instead.


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            I'm reserving judgement on the armed police officers (now more than 1? ) who did nothing to stop the attack.
                            you anarcho-communist terrorist-sympathizing SJW!
                            recant that seditious statement immediately!
                            Unpatriotic™ & unacceptable!


                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              Previous background comments first.

                              Stating a *hypothetical* is not what this sounded like. It read more of having an accusatory tone to it, than presenting an alternative mode of thought discussion.
                              It's not a hypothetical, read your own newspapers SG. Not youtube comments, or the comments section of an article, the -actual- articles.
                              I am not the only one who notices that the response is different based on whatever sketchy reporting is coming out before everything is known.

                              Yes. Does *that* bother you? ...If so, good... (j/k)
                              However, I do realize that I am just as guilty of making something sound just as biased or some religious issue as the MSM,
                              (wow... short responses from me...! ...I must be moody or miffed)
                              Or you know how I will respond to a longwinded story, I'll just cut it and stick to the important thing.

                              New update on Broward County, FL "shooter" situation. New info shows none of this was a racial or "religious" issue, but seems more political based on new rules set into place for police (protection?).

                              Tried to find news in more than one location, but only a few bites so far... If TRUE, this *MAY* change the situation, and will or SHOULD *require* a re-evaluation of protocol procedures in emergency situations where every minute/SECOND counts.

                              Apparently, the ORDER *was* given to STAND DOWN. Reason-- Because the officers were not supposed to enter the school building unless their "body camera"s were turned ON. Since all 4 officers had NO body camera at all, they stayed back. Coral Springs officers took over when the Broward County officers would not or were prevented from going in. Well, that sort of makes more sense over *why* the Coral Springs PD felt "disturbed" (as another article mentioned) over this whole situation.
                              Cops should always be wearing body cams, for everyone's safety.

                              Oooooooooooo! Sounds like a bunch of blame shifting about to go on...
                              Not surprised Sheriff's Deputy Scot Peterson resigned, since the situation would cause an automatic no-go regardless of who is being killed, etc.

                              Also, if there is no re-evaluation in what procedures were followed WHEN and WHY, then the families of the teachers and students involved just might rise up and demand changes in the Law Enforcement/*protection* protocol -- afterall, BEFORE body cameras became available, there was no such thing as a body-cam, thus, there would have been NO excuse to stay back either, and just maybe a smaller death toll would have happened instead.
                              But they ARE available now, worrying about how it used to be is irrelevant. They SHOULD have had body cams, plain and simple.
                              Would there be a smaller body count? Depends if the cop could ambush the shooter, otherwise there could have been one more.
                              What would have really limited the body count, is if they didn't have a semi auto at all.
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Here's one for you {Name redacted at Coco Pops' req.}

                                How is this not government bullying because a corporation doesn't want to support the NRA?
                                Last edited by Bagpuss; 28 February 2018, 01:10 AM. Reason: Redaction.See Mod note.:)
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

