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    Yes. I need multiple lives so I can mock ignorance
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Yes. I need multiple lives so I can mock ignorance
      I meant they would all get along fine in this one Jel.
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        Erdogan might not like that anymore, his view of frump has changed a little since he declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel.
        Erdogan doesn't like anyone really. He's got problems with every country on the map these days.

        But I am sure Duturte would still be happy.
        I don't know.

        Duterte is... complicated.

        I've just came back from the Philippines. The people there are overwhelmingly supportive of Duterte, and the support is genuine, not manipulated through media control like support for Putin in Russia. I've met many people who described Duterte as being bad for their business (small B&B owners and tour guides usually, complaining that fewer tourists are coming to the Philippines since his election), but the people not involved in tourism? Enthusiastic supporters.

        The Philippines may be a paradise-like playground for Westerners with money, but for the locals the country is a colossal mess. Crime, drug trade and corruption plagues everything. And yet smack in the middle of that mess, on the Mindanao island where the usual troubles are compounded by Islamist rebels roaming the jungle, stands Davao city, ranked as the 4th safest city in the world or so the local narrative goes. Duterte was elected, and remains supported, because of his record as the mayor of Davao and the perception that his "Punisher" methods are effective at combating crime and drug trade. The Filipinos don't seem to give much thought about how Duterte's brash style looks to the outside world.

        (They also seem to admire Putin a lot. When I mentioned that I was born in Russia, some people would start telling me how much they like Putin, and were very surprised to learn that I didn't.)
        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          Why must the world bend over so not to offend Trump. Shouldn't Harry be allowed to invite whoever the hell he wants to his wedding?
          They don't, not really. But Trump's style has shown to be largely reactionary and anti-Obama. So there's definitely a chance that Trump would get triggered by Obama's presence and announce some stupid new move just for the heck of it.

          Originally posted by Womble View Post
          Erdogan doesn't like anyone really. He's got problems with every country on the map these days.
          Seems like Erdogan wants to cozy up to Europe again. Which is fine, by the way. He doesn't need to be our enemy, but he sure as hell isn't our friend either.

          Originally posted by Womble View Post
          (They also seem to admire Putin a lot. When I mentioned that I was born in Russia, some people would start telling me how much they like Putin, and were very surprised to learn that I didn't.)
          Putin is great if your views align with his. I imagine the same is true for Duterte. As long as none of his supporters will get hit by legalized murder, they'll support him to the end. And the same is true for Erdogan.

          Of course, if it's not, then it's hell on earth. And since Putin and Erdogan have both been breaking up any organized opposition, it's not likely that their power base will be broken soon.


            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            Can you imagine if they invite both?
            Trump in the back with the commoners and Obama in front with the royals -- bring it!

            Originally posted by Womble View Post
            Erdogan doesn't like anyone really. He's got problems with every country on the map these days.
            He does seem to yo-yo between countries these days.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Womble View Post
              Erdogan doesn't like anyone really. He's got problems with every country on the map these days.
              Not saying he is a good bloke Womble.

              I don't know.

              Duterte is... complicated.

              I've just came back from the Philippines. The people there are overwhelmingly supportive of Duterte, and the support is genuine, not manipulated through media control like support for Putin in Russia. I've met many people who described Duterte as being bad for their business (small B&B owners and tour guides usually, complaining that fewer tourists are coming to the Philippines since his election), but the people not involved in tourism? Enthusiastic supporters.
              So, he is supported by people who don't know anything outside the Phillipines?
              Sounds familiar.
              The Philippines may be a paradise-like playground for Westerners with money, but for the locals the country is a colossal mess. Crime, drug trade and corruption plagues everything. And yet smack in the middle of that mess, on the Mindanao island where the usual troubles are compounded by Islamist rebels roaming the jungle, stands Davao city, ranked as the 4th safest city in the world or so the local narrative goes. Duterte was elected, and remains supported, because of his record as the mayor of Davao and the perception that his "Punisher" methods are effective at combating crime and drug trade. The Filipinos don't seem to give much thought about how Duterte's brash style looks to the outside world.
              When I was much younger, I got invited to go to the Philliphines, I would not go there now if you paid me.
              (They also seem to admire Putin a lot. When I mentioned that I was born in Russia, some people would start telling me how much they like Putin, and were very surprised to learn that I didn't.)
              Were you surprised they admired Putin?
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                So, he is supported by people who don't know anything outside the Phillipines?
                Sounds familiar.
                Common people in every country are like that.

                When I was much younger, I got invited to go to the Philliphines, I would not go there now if you paid me.
                You are missing out. Hugely.

                It's a gorgeous country, with good people, and you are reasonably safe there if you're smart enough. You just need to keep things in perspective, keep in mind that it's a third world poverty zone with all that it entails. In the 3 weeks that I've spent in the Philippines, there was only one moment when I felt genuinely unsafe - when a street beggar child in Cebu was unusually persistent and tried to block my way. I almost expected it to be a Moscow-style trap and was very careful to not push the kid away or make any body contact. I actually took some risks, going into the poverty areas like Las Pinas in Manila - you are safe even there if accompanied by locals.

                For a Western tourist, most dangers in the Philippines are more like annoyances. Drink bottled water only, don't roam around alone after dark, be respectful with everyone including everyone, and watch your stuff.

                Were you surprised they admired Putin?
                Yes, actually.
                If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  They don't, not really. But Trump's style has shown to be largely reactionary and anti-Obama. So there's definitely a chance that Trump would get triggered by Obama's presence and announce some stupid new move just for the heck of it.
                  Trump certainly has his flaws, but being anti-Obama isn't one of them. Being anti-Obama is common sense in my book.


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Trump certainly has his flaws, but being anti-Obama isn't one of them. Being anti-Obama is common sense in my book.
                    Yeah, but with him it isn't about common sense, it's the popularity contest he can't win.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      I just want to be the fly on the wall if they both sit at the same table....... Imagine the mood.
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Trump will just insult everyone while saying he is humble
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          My below reaction is to the article, not to Coco Pops' earnest question.

                          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post

                          Serious question:

                          Why must the world bend over so not to offend Trump. Shouldn't Harry be allowed to invite whoever the hell he wants to his wedding?
                          (After reading the article, and some of the reaction comments, too..! )
                          Oh good grief. (Media) People in this world are so freaking afraid of political correctness, that it's bled over into the UK and rest of the world. So what if Prince Harry and Meghan invite the Obamas to their wedding..?

                          Someone sent me a video about Meghan's genetic roots (she's half black-African and half white caucasian). When I watched the video, I didn't read the info under it -- instead, I just watched the video because it started playing automatically. It wasn't until I saw the video that I realized why Meghan is so PRO African... well, duh, it's in her bloodstream to feel bonded, as some of her relatives may be in Africa.

                          Anywho, that's just a sidenote. But perhaps an important detail as to WHY Prince Harry and Meghan want to include the Obamas in their wedding... Both BHO and Meghan have connections with their African roots, so it makes sense AND Harry likes the former President Obama, regardless. She did recently use her fame and royal status (engagement connection) to bring attention to some controversial major world issue, but that's another story for another possible future day.

                          BTW, Meghan is stunningly beautiful, with an inner beauty/heart to match--based on the video I saw. After seeing her video, I got the impression that if anyone could bring this world's black & white and everyone else together on a peaceful note (and not just at her wedding, but at all times & everywhere), it could be her. But that's my own POV, and it would depend on how she would proceed to do that challenge which remains ever before her.

                          Next item... inviting the Trumps, or not. Sounds like the invite there would be a matter of cordial respect to the governing office of America, since Meghan is American, and this is going to be a BIG wedding. That would probably be the ONLY reason President Trump and his family might be invited. Screw the tweets and reactions thereof from the UK and mainstream rest of the world.

                          It'd be easier to seat the Obamas and Trumps at back to back tables, than to the same table, because the Obamas would probably want to *sit* with like-minded other guests. Likewise, the Trump family could sit with like-minded other politicians or socialites. I'm sure if the "Royals" had their complete way, they wouldn't invite anyone opposed to their political viewpoints ever (that means the Trump family). But that's just being opening biased, and showing the world of that bias-ness.

                          Still, if the Trumps and Obamas were seated at separate but nearby tables, the conversations would flow better, and even if back-to-back tables, both sides would never have to bother with each other, except for getting in and out of their seats. Problem solved. And since wedding receptions are usually noisy, neither side would ever have to hear the other opposing side ever... except maybe in passing each other to the restrooms, or whatever. And unless the battlelines are pre-established and cemented in some defined language with proverbial swords unsheathed, most people are usually exceptionally polite in awkward situations...

                          Jeesh. This is far less complicated than it needs to be.
                          I went to a wedding where not one, but both sides of two families divorced sides showed up. They sat at separate tables, but weirdly were arranged back-to-back (or side to side). What made this arrangement weirder was that the groom's EX-wife was sitting at my table with the rest of our family, and his divorced parents were nearby each other at merely about 5 feet apart.

                          Okay, best seating for divorced mom and dad with step-parents I can understand, but when it was later revealed that my ex-niece with her new guy-friend at our table were there to take her (vs. the groom's) kids as her turn with child custody (babysitting), while her ex-hubby/groom and new bride took off for a vacation on a honeymoon for a few weeks. Ohhhhhh. Awkward as it first appeared, it made perfect sense in the ultimate end. Worked out for the best for everyone, too. There was no arguing or fighting, just pleasant conversations all around. And, we all had a lovely time to chat with each other.

                          In the case of the article regarding the Royal family with their favoring Obamas vs. Trumps, seems like some people just like to mash opposing POVs together just to stir up unnecessary anger moments.

                          Also, if anyone remembers correctly, President Trump was dissed and "banned" by certain high-ranking UK members from ever meeting up with Britain’s prime minister, Theresa May, after he got into office... let alone he'd ever met up with Queen Elizabeth.

                          By golly, gee, I'm related to Queen Elizabeth (thru marriage) and I'll never meet her -- not in this life. I could go to her web page and post a direct message and it'd end up probably being declared as one of those kooks... So why bother..? She has more important people to bond and connect with than me. If God wanted us to meet, He'd move heaven and earth to do it, and that hasn't happened yet... not expecting it to either. Besides, the persona she's related to (thru her uncle, former King Edward VIII {David}, who abdicated the throne to marry--) Wallis Simpson -- is a "black sheep" of our entire families (hers and mine). The Queen and I may have a common bond there, but it's a mute point. Besides, there's enough turmoil within her family to shy away from all of it, from my POV.

                          BTW, on a personal note, based on Prince Harry's former comments elsewhere thru time, I have lost respect for him, personally, and think he's gaining a wife he doesn't deserve, because Meghan seems so much better in persona and values than he seems to be. Tho I've heard a few comments about Meghan being progressively negative in her own dominant way, I'd like to imagine seeing her helping to influence Harry to become a better person----which would be a challenge in itself. Some people commenting elsewhere believe Meghan and Harry were made for each other, since they seem so happy with each other and their goals. Whatever...
                          *Godspeed for her* (if this works out in a positive hopeful way).

                          It was also Prince Harry who said he believed the world would be better off if 80% of the population was wiped out....forget where I saw the article there, but it was years ago when the whole global warming and overpopulation issues came up. He was probably putting himself into the expected 20% survival stature of that mass extinction event, too, to reform and repopulate the earth.

                          My reaction to that 80% vs 20% comment was "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat???!"

                          Besides, in Prince Harry's POV and based on his past comments, I'd probably forever be amongst the lowest of lowly peasants / Commoners than (considered or on the same level as) one of "them" (higher ups), so pursuing any chance at meeting my extended "Royal" side of the family is a silly notion to start with... Not planning on visiting the UK or London either (not rich enough to travel that far anyway), so...
                          Last edited by SGalisa; 30 December 2017, 12:43 PM. Reason: fix spelling and corrections


                            Why don't they just elope to 'Vegas and get a wedding there? A hell of a lot neater all the way around.



                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Ya know, it might not be the best idea for Pence to take his vacations in liberal paradises such as Aspen, CO.

                                Pence neighbors in Aspen hang 'Make America Gay Again' banner

                                Just from the point of view of liking to see the feds hamstrung, that's gotta tick Pence off no end, and there isn't squat he can do about it.

