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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    And how many news reports have we seen in the past few years, where illegal invaders HAVE BEEN murderers/rapists and the like?
    Invaders? They are overthrowing the government and subjecting people in the territory they control under new rule? Xenophobic remark aside...There have been far many more reports of non-illegal immigrants committing murders. I'm sorry, but taking the actions of an individual/small group and applying that guilt to the entire group is the textbook definition of prejudice and bigotry.

    Try telling that to the hundreds of trump supporters who were just going to his rally's in the run up to the primaries/election, who GOT ASSAULTED just for being a trump supporter...
    None of them were carrying weapons, none of them were doing anything "Threatening".. YET THEY STILL GOT ATTACKED.
    Or do you think merely going to see/listen to trump WAS a threat against all other people??
    They were doing as much punching themselves. And a few days ago they even ran someone over with a car!
    By Nolamom


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      The camps were never only for Jews -- there were gypsies, homosexuals (pink triangle), Jews, resistance members, opposition members, people who helped Jews, Christians, ... The Jews did make up the largest group but it was never just them.
      Very true. The Romey were one of the larger non-jewish groups hit by those camps.. Which is imo a sorry fact often overlooked..

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Your little conspiracy theories aside, here's a different witness perspective:
      You want to talk conspiracy theories..
      How's about these video and other links;

      Though those last two seem to link/reference the same video..

      Then There's this one from Antifa DEMANDING soros pay them the money he promised for them to go and riot/counter protest

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      I witnessed a terrorist attack in Charlottesville. Then the conspiracy theories began.

      Note of caution: the banner on top of the article, with the title across, is of the moment the car hits the crowd and there are people flying in the air. If that image which has been publicized is a trigger, I suggest not clicking the link and I'll be so kind as to provide the text of the article so that you do not need to see that image again.
      Thanks for the heads up.. I've seen that video many a time. Its one of the many that keep getting repeated by the media.
      However one conspiracy theory i saw, showed that car driver (or accused driver's) mother showing their registration for the cars which did not match what we saw on the car in that ramming video... So either SHE is lying, the Son changed his car's license plate, OR that was not the same car..

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      No, you wouldn't because there are no class trips to the house he was born in. In fact, the town wants the house gone as soon as possible. It's been in private hands until recently. They want to repurpose the site.
      GOod for them.

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      The Vikings?!?

      They plundered English shores, and were quite violent towards their victims. They were a scourge on the English kingdoms, but eventually settled down and mingled with the locals.
      We'd also have to add the romans, the europeans when they came to the shore of what would become america..

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Mmm... and let's not forget those who opposed him and were attacked by the supporters.
      Other than that old white guy who punched that black guy who was in cuffs at a trump rally, i don't remember hearing of any other incidents.

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      It's a threat to your brain.
      So is listening to Hillary.. BUT i don't want her shut down do i.


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        So is listening to Hillary.. BUT i don't want her shut down do i.
        She's gonna be out with her "book of excuses" next month. It ought to be hilarious. Why would you want to silence her?


          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Very true. The Romey were one of the larger non-jewish groups hit by those camps.. Which is imo a sorry fact often overlooked..

          You want to talk conspiracy theories..
          How's about these video and other links;

          Though those last two seem to link/reference the same video..

          Then There's this one from Antifa DEMANDING soros pay them the money he promised for them to go and riot/counter protest

          Thanks for the heads up.. I've seen that video many a time. Its one of the many that keep getting repeated by the media.
          However one conspiracy theory i saw, showed that car driver (or accused driver's) mother showing their registration for the cars which did not match what we saw on the car in that ramming video... So either SHE is lying, the Son changed his car's license plate, OR that was not the same car..

          GOod for them.

          We'd also have to add the romans, the europeans when they came to the shore of what would become america..

          Other than that old white guy who punched that black guy who was in cuffs at a trump rally, i don't remember hearing of any other incidents.

          So is listening to Hillary.. BUT i don't want her shut down do i.
          As for the Soros bus with nazis and BLM people, apparently that's based on Facebook posts of someone saying that they heard about it. No actual evidence. But if it sounds like it fits "your side" why question it?
          By Nolamom


            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
            As for the Soros bus with nazis and BLM people, apparently that's based on Facebook posts of someone saying that they heard about it. No actual evidence. But if it sounds like it fits "your side" why question it?
            Independent facts??
            Say it isn't so Tood!!
            Oh, and as we -always- get the "Saul Alinsky playbook" coming up as well, The Tea Party based it's entire approach on the rulebook for radicals.
            Funny how the people complaining about it are far more........... informed about it than the people supposedly using it.
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              While I will never call every single illegal immigrant a vicious danger to society....I will say that there is certainly a higher sensitivity towards violence committed by that group vs violence committed by other groups.
              You mean it is more likely to spark a reaction.
              Where was the NRA, and the rest of our 2nd amendment warriors when a citizen in a legal carry state got -executed- for exercising the rights they hold as self evident truths when he was not even going for his gun?
              Cause he was BLACK.
              The Black panthers were a terrorist group for intimidating people with firearms, but now, turning up to a rally with 5 ranged weapons is "being prepared for the other side" while I shout "legally allowable" speech by people who have no clue what free speech is, is "exercising my rights"
              Come on Sky. I understand the Devil's advocate position, but even the devil would sometimes say "man, that's on you guys"
              We see it even now and the disparity is highly publicized in that if a hispanic person or muslim person or person of color does ANYTHING it is highly publicized and criticized, while white on color crimes are underreported and under publicized.
              Not sure about that one, that really comes down to source. Example: "Chi-raq" is held up as a failure of racial intergration and "gangs gone wild", which is sorta true, but it is well below New Orleans in murder rate (N.O. is first, Chicago is 15th), most of which is white on black violence, not gang violence. From that I -could- say that without crime or criminal enterprise as an underlying factor, the dominant white culture of N-O. is far more prone to "random" violence than any other city in the US.
              A person would need to look at actual crime stats to have any idea what the numbers might be and even those are not an accurate representation since POC stand a greater chance of being held accountable for thier actions vs a white person that is more likely to get a pass.
              Look at crime stats?
              it's depressing.
              I will not deny that gang and other types of violence have not increased with illegal migrant numbers. BUt I also know that, when it suits the person doing any reporting or discussing, the crimes of some will be blown out of proportion when the 'inconvenient crimes' committed by other groups are ignored or downplayed.
              Follow the money.
              Gang violence is often tied to criminal enterprise, so is white collar crime.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                Independent facts??
                Say it isn't so Tood!!
                Oh, and as we -always- get the "Saul Alinsky playbook" coming up as well, The Tea Party based it's entire approach on the rulebook for radicals.
                Funny how the people complaining about it are far more........... informed about it than the people supposedly using it.
                Now if you excuse me, I got some shopping to do with money that I totally didn't get for making that post....
                By Nolamom


                  Get me some rum and bacon while you are out
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Get me some rum and bacon while you are out
                    With the amount of money I got I can buy up the entire bacon and rum industries!
                    By Nolamom


                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      Very true. The Romey were one of the larger non-jewish groups hit by those camps.. Which is imo a sorry fact often overlooked.
                      Trust me, they are still spat upon and chased away.

                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      You want to talk conspiracy theories..
                      How's about these video and other links;
                      The source of those video's -- Alex Jones.

                      A man who loves his lies and his conspiricy theories, like I love my chocolate.

                      Here, read a little: All the Charlottesville Conspiracy Theories from Trump's Friends in the Lunatic Fringe

                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      We'd also have to add the romans, the europeans when they came to the shore of what would become america.
                      Can't invade a country that doesn't technically exist. There was no America. There were indian nations who occupied land. Much like the Romans couldn't invade countries since those didn't technically exist yet. regions sure, countries not so much. Kingdoms and fiefdoms and lots of other doms.

                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      So is listening to Hillary.. BUT i don't want her shut down do i.
                      At least, she talks like an actual adult.

                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      As for the Soros bus with nazis and BLM people, apparently that's based on Facebook posts of someone saying that they heard about it. No actual evidence. But if it sounds like it fits "your side" why question it?
                      The source is Alex Jones himself -- and from there it took a life on its own.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        With the amount of money I got I can buy up the entire bacon and rum industries!
                        Do it and you will have my love
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                          As for the Soros bus with nazis and BLM people, apparently that's based on Facebook posts of someone saying that they heard about it. No actual evidence. But if it sounds like it fits "your side" why question it?
                          That's why i said "For the conspiracy theorists".. Though it seems since Antifa has now made their own you tube video to DEMAND soros pay the money he owes them, that theory is getting a little stronger..

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Trust me, they are still spat upon and chased away.
                          In the UK and other areas, imo that's cause they've brought it on themselves, with theft and other crimes seeming to always follow them around, along with lots of litter being left where ever they go...


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            That's why i said "For the conspiracy theorists".. Though it seems since Antifa has now made their own you tube video to DEMAND soros pay the money he owes them, that theory is getting a little stronger..

                            In the UK and other areas, imo that's cause they've brought it on themselves, with theft and other crimes seeming to always follow them around, along with lots of litter being left where ever they go...
                            Have you seen all the conspiracy comments elsewhere? They are even claiming that the neo-nazis were actually Jews, because they are always involved in some conspiracy. It's tied to the whole New World Order conspiracy that developed in Nazi Germany, a conspiracy that your pal Alex Jones fully buys into (he even claims that 9/11, Oklahoma City bombings, and Sandy Hook massacre were all inside government jobs/hoaxes). As for Antifa videos, I would need to see them before I can even comment. Oh....isn't Soros Jewish? What a coincidence.
                            By Nolamom


                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                              Have you seen all the conspiracy comments elsewhere? They are even claiming that the neo-nazis were actually Jews, because they are always involved in some conspiracy. It's tied to the whole New World Order conspiracy that developed in Nazi Germany, a conspiracy that your pal Alex Jones fully buys into (he even claims that 9/11, Oklahoma City bombings, and Sandy Hook massacre were all inside government jobs/hoaxes). As for Antifa videos, I would need to see them before I can even comment. Oh....isn't Soros Jewish? What a coincidence.


                              As for Soros, while he might be jewish, lore on him, is that he actually gave UP jews to the nazis... which is how he made his initial money.



                                Ask us again why we ask you to check facts.......
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

