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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    When was the last time you were in the desert -- there's no humidity there, just very dry heat. And wearing black actually is the best thing you can do. It might seem weird since it absorbs the rays of the sun, but black is best in the middle of the Sahara.
    Just ask the Bedouins.
    Did you ask them about which colors are better to wear in HOT, arid heat..?

    FH, I know my fashion wheel colors. BLACK absorbs all colors, plus absorbs heat from the sun, which makes you HOTTER.
    WHITE reflects that same heat from the sun, which is supposed to be cooler than wearing darker colors.
    Try it on a hot 95-ish or hotter F. degree day. See which colors work better. Type of material also helps offset the heat stroke factor, too.

    About 40 years ago, before I reached high school, parents were advised to dress their children properly for winter, recommending darker colors to hold the heat into the clothes. Lighter colors reflected the sun's heat rays, thus was a better wardrobe color during the warmer and hot summer months.
    So, which color is better in the desert?
    If you wanna bake inside your clothes, wear BLACK cloth and darker colors on HOT days. However, if you want to stay cooler a tad longer, then dress with lighter colors, instead.

    Better yet, sit underneath a dark colored tent for several hours, then test out a lighter colored tent for the same amount with the same heat index, etc. Dark colors may be great to provide some sort of shaded light, but the heat beneath is questionable. I've used reflective colored material (silver) as a tent cover, and there is a temperature degree difference between light vs. darker color varieties.

    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
    I could say that mens kilt's are an abomination, but that is a Scottish dress style. So, unless you're wearing a kilt and waiting 20 minutes in 15 F. degree temps with bitter wind chills below Zero F. degrees for the school bus that broke down (for the umpteenth time), while frostbite is creepy up your exposed legs, then you have a valid reason to complain about "pants" vs dresses.

    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    You better not let any Scot hear you say that.
    The kilt is not just any skirt...
    I can say jest..(and have in jest). There is a guy who sometimes shows up in a Scottish kilt at work. So, he understands what it's like to get cold legs on breezy days.
    --ladies knee-length skirts are also an abomination on FREEZING, cold winter days/nights.
    I've been saying that for years......thus, another good reason why I stopped wearing them & dresses. And wrapping leggings or leg warmers in the exposed skin areas don't make the skirt or dress any more special than without it. Might as well wear casual (ladies) slacks/pants, and keep the slacks/pants on, instead. *wink, wink*

    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
    I have no need to wear men's pants or underwear. Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner did (or still does).

    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    ... if you can tell me where in the blazes she's hiding those boxers in this dress, you're really good.
    *sigh* .. People can position themselves in such a way as to hide certain leg lines under their clothes. Or, ever hear of a girdle? Even if not a girdle, there are clingy briefs that men wear that are barely noticeable under their more form fitting sports clothes. I see male bicyclists wearing clingy capris probably with the type of longer briefs, where the bottom leg seam is somewhere within the mid-thigh level.

    Anywho,I don't really care what Caitlyn Jenner did to his/her body. BTW, recently saw an article blurb that Caitlyn might be out dating a blonde -- female? I couldn't tell by the picture, but it doesn't matter at this point what s/he is doing (can't change the original genetic code, so technically, "she" is still a *he*).

    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    My dad's sweaters are cosy -- tooooooo large but cosy.
    My hubby's sweaters and sweatshirts are nice and large enough to keep me butt warm. =)
    But I usually only get them after he's discarded them to the recycling/trash pile. So, instead of tossing them out, they get recycled into *my* direction, thus since they no longer hold a MALE identity factor AND are no longer HIS clothes, they become mine...

    I just consider those clothes as "hand-me-downs". Had some *really* nice sweaters from his dad too. Gave most of them away, tho. I still have my hubby's dad's cashmere sweater, but it's been washed and air-dried and shrunk so much, by now, that I'll have to recycle it off to someone smaller than me.

    Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
    And I've never seen pants with a zipper on the side.. Must be an old people thing..
    LOL!! Bought mine at Kohl's back in the 1990's or thereabouts. Lasted for several years, until I outgrew them, or the material started falling apart at the center-seam.
    I've had about 4 to 6 very form-fitting pairs with side zippers in them for slender figures. Nice fake suede material on at least 2 pairs.. I almost bought a soft leather one, but I passed on the price-tag..!

    Old folks thing, indeed! Do you really need a picture to see the proof..? Plenty of sewing patterns out there with side zippers still being sold on the internet.
    I got tired of the zipper types and invested in several, elastic waist-band types, instead.


      Originally posted by Womble View Post
      Netanyahu can't openly bash an American President.
      I can visualize a grumble session in the bathroom during morning grooming though.

      Originally posted by Womble View Post
      Netanyahu just had a phone call with Trump, by the way. Oh, to be a fly on that wall...
      On either wall...

      Originally posted by Womble View Post
      P.S. I can't help but repeat that Trump is a grenade thrown into the American democracy.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Did you ask them about which colors are better to wear in HOT, arid heat..?
      There was actually a scientific study done.

      Strange but true: science's most improbable research: Why do Bedouins wear black in the desert?

      "...measured the overall heat gain and loss suffered by a brave volunteer. They described the volunteer as "a man standing facing the sun in the desert at midday while he wore: 1) a black Bedouin robe; 2) a similar robe that was white; 3) a tan army uniform; and 4) shorts (that is, he was semi?nude)".

      Each of the test sessions (black-robed, white-robed, uniformed and half-naked) lasted 30 minutes. They took place in the Negev desert at the bottom of the rift valley between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Eilat. The volunteer stood in temperatures that ranged from a just-semi-sultry 35C (95F) to a character-building 46C (115F). Though he is now nameless, this was his day in the sun.

      The results were clear. As the report puts it: "The amount of heat gained by a Bedouin exposed to the hot desert is the same whether he wears a black or a white robe. The additional heat absorbed by the black robe was lost before it reached the skin."

      Bedouins' robes, the scientists noted, are worn loose. Inside, the cooling happens by convection – either through a bellows action, as the robes flow in the wind, or by a chimney sort of effect, as air rises between robe and skin. Thus it was conclusively demonstrated that, at least for Bedouin robes, black is as cool as any other colour.

      The study as published in Nature:
      Why do Bedouins wear black robes in hot deserts?

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      *sigh* .. People can position themselves in such a way as to hide certain leg lines under their clothes.
      I dare you to hide boxers underneath a slinky dress.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Anywho,I don't really care what Caitlyn Jenner did to his/her body. BTW, recently saw an article blurb that Caitlyn might be out dating a blonde -- female? I couldn't tell by the picture, but it doesn't matter at this point what s/he is doing (can't change the original genetic code, so technically, "she" is still a *he*).
      Actually, you do care about what CJ does with her body, or you wouldn't make it a point that she used to be Bruce Jenner, and wouldn't bother stating that she's genetically still male. If you didn't care one ounce, you wouldn't even have brought her up in the conversation, but you did so you do care, or at least are bothered by it.

      Who Caitlyn Jenner is, bothers you. Not that she's an airhead who supported Trump (my goddess, what was she even thinking), but that she's got a male body and in your opinion is not respecting that which your god gave her. Perhaps, your god should have given her the male gender to go with that body, instead of the female one.

      Your understanding of gender and sex are probably limited, otherwise you'd know better.

      Yesterday, may 17th, was International Day Against Transphobia, Homophobia and Biphobia -- some folks wondered why we still need days like this. You're the perfect example why we do. Because ignorance, and willful disrespect is still very much a problem for LGBTQ's across the globe.

      So, how does it feel disrespecting people?
      Ever given it much thought how people you happen to know feel about thoughts like the one above?

      Final question: I take it you consider yourself cis-gendered female (sex: f, gender: f).
      Tell me how you know your gender is female?
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Actually, you do care about what CJ does with her body, or you wouldn't make it a point that she used to be Bruce Jenner, and wouldn't bother stating that she's genetically still male. If you didn't care one ounce, you wouldn't even have brought her up in the conversation, but you did so you do care, or at least are bothered by it.
        The thing that gets me about people like this is their incredible level of self-deception and the willful ignorance of hard, cold facts if those facts aren't in line with what they wish the facts were. Until we have the technological ability to modify the chromosome count with regard to XX or XY pairs, we as a species do not actually have the ability to change a person's gender.

        All we can do is mutilate the individual and let him/her pretend to be something they are not. Cut whatever you want off and construct something else from the tissue or go the other way. It doesn't matter. The cold, hard fact is that person remains their original gender. What level of self-deception does that require a person to have to be able to convince themselves otherwise when it comes to such a basic truth? What they do to themselves is their own business, none of mine.

        But depending upon the person's occupation, it may become a matter of public concern. Should a person that is that willing to ignore basic facts in favor of what they wish the facts were be making decisions that affect other people's lives?


          Why the hell can't Netanyahu openly criticize the President in his own homeland?

          I loved watching Trump on the news tonight. It almost sounded like

          "waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa why are they all picking on me? They never picked on the other Presidents like they are picking on me.."

          He sounded like my 5 yr old nephew when things don't go his way.
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            And why should it be any of your business what anyone does with their own body? If they want to be a girl let them... People just want to be in everyone else's business.
            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              The thing that gets me about people like this is their incredible level of self-deception and the willful ignorance of hard, cold facts if those facts aren't in line with what they wish the facts were. Until we have the technological ability to modify the chromosome count with regard to XX or XY pairs, we as a species do not actually have the ability to change a person's gender.

              All we can do is mutilate the individual and let him/her pretend to be something they are not. Cut whatever you want off and construct something else from the tissue or go the other way. It doesn't matter. The cold, hard fact is that person remains their original gender. What level of self-deception does that require a person to have to be able to convince themselves otherwise when it comes to such a basic truth? What they do to themselves is their own business, none of mine.
              Gender is not the same as Sex.
              Learn that, and you -might- understand.
              But depending upon the person's occupation, it may become a matter of public concern. Should a person that is that willing to ignore basic facts in favor of what they wish the facts were be making decisions that affect other people's lives?
              Most people misuse the word irony, but you nailed it.
              Bigly win for you, 'uge, termendous
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                And why should it be any of your business what anyone does with their own body? If they want to be a girl let them... People just want to be in everyone else's business.
                Because if a person is so willing to ignore a solid, inarguable fact such as their own gender because they don't happen to like it, they might ignore other facts they don't agree with when making decisions that control other people's lives. Like a Judge, for example.

                You want to get tried by a judge that believes "if he wasn't guilty, the police wouldn't have arrested him", and acts on that belief, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary?


                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  Gender is not the same as Sex.
                  Learn that, and you -might- understand.
                  Gender, Sex, Male or Female, call it whatever you want, in this context it means the same.


                    My posts get the most likes, many people are saying it, don't listen to the fake posters, cause the are fake. Many people said a fake post would never get a like, but I liked it,so they are wrong, they are liars, and it's Obama's fault.
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      Gender, Sex, Male or Female, call it whatever you want, in this context it means the same.
                      No, it does not.
                      Lets take a step back. Is homosexuality real, or not?
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        No, it does not.
                        Lets take a step back. Is homosexuality real, or not?
                        Yes. But a Homosexual is still physically of one gender or the other. That gender doesn't change just because person's preferences do.


                          It is fun to see this discussion and then point out how Science Denying the Left can really be. Because to them (The Left) the Matter of such things as Race, Gender, Species, Etc can all be determined by the Power of...

                          I like Sharky


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Yesterday, may 17th, was International Day Against Transphobia, Homophobia and Biphobia -- some folks wondered why we still need days like this. You're the perfect example why we do. Because ignorance, and willful disrespect is still very much a problem for LGBTQ's across the globe.
                            Falcon, how is pointing out that no matter how many ops, hormone therapy etc, someone goes through, their BASE DNA still says they are the sex they were born as, being disrespectful or discriminating against them??

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Final question: I take it you consider yourself cis-gendered female (sex: f, gender: f).
                            Tell me how you know your gender is female?
                            Cause her dna says so?

                            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                            Why the hell can't Netanyahu openly criticize the President in his own homeland?

                            I loved watching Trump on the news tonight. It almost sounded like

                            "waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa why are they all picking on me? They never picked on the other Presidents like they are picking on me.."

                            He sounded like my 5 yr old nephew when things don't go his way.
                            Maybe, but he is right. IMO we have NOT seen this level of anamosity from damn near all sides to a sitting president as we have with Don.


                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              Maybe, but he is right. IMO we have NOT seen this level of anamosity from damn near all sides to a sitting president as we have with Don.
                              A lot of folks considered Reagan to the the anti-christ. Anyone who articulates a strong right/conservative position will be treated like this. Reagan, Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas just to name a few.
                              But the left is just SO tolerant of other ideas, right?


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                A lot of folks considered Reagan to the the anti-christ. Anyone who articulates a strong right/conservative position will be treated like this. Reagan, Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas just to name a few.
                                But the left is just SO tolerant of other ideas, right?
                                As someone toward the middle of the spectrum (though more to the left on social issues), I can say that both sides do this and complain about the other side doing it.

                                To paraphrase my father about ads during election season: "They both spent so much time saying the other was an ******* that I decided they were both right."

