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    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

    You're not a fan of the free exercise clause huh? Maybe you should consider moving to places where they excel at banning religious expression like China, North Korea, France or Germany.
    I am a fan, when it's applied evenly. BUT when i hear stories like a guy being FIRED for having a bible quote as his 'screen saver' cause it would 'offend non religious types', then the same place redesigned a room to serve as a foot bath for muslims THAT IS NOT even application.

    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    Regarding Trump canning Comey.

    WTF ?? Isn't he having enough problems without walking up to the beehive and whacking it with a baseball bat. This makes no sense, unless there is another shoe yet to drop. Maybe a case of misdirecting attention away from what he really doesn't want noticed?
    I disagree. MANY of us trump voters HOPED he would have canned Comey right from the get go..

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    The only thing I can think of, from your perspective would be his continued breaking of his promises.
    Wall -No
    NAFTA - No
    China - No
    Paris - No.

    What are -you- imagining would be the next thing on stage?
    Nafta/China i will give you, but on the wall, are you certain its HIM that flipped, or is it congress styming him?

    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
    Oh this is sooooooooooo twisted. Chuckie Schumer might be high on the next hit list.. along with John McCain .. McConnell..
    Since they are senators, Trump can't fire them. BUT there are plenty of times i DO wish he could..

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Correct, but no one cares about the congratulations, they care about the hacking part.
    But what was hacked? Election machines - no. DNC servers - iirc no as that was a WORKER there who LEAKED it..
    So what actually got hacked?


      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      I am a fan, when it's applied evenly. BUT when i hear stories like a guy being FIRED for having a bible quote as his 'screen saver' cause it would 'offend non religious types', then the same place redesigned a room to serve as a foot bath for muslims THAT IS NOT even application.
      I disagree. MANY of us trump voters HOPED he would have canned Comey right from the get go..
      And if he did, this problem would not exist.

      Nafta/China i will give you, but on the wall, are you certain its HIM that flipped, or is it congress styming him?
      You mean like EVERY DAMN THING republicans complain about with Obama?
      I thought you were against participation awards...........

      Since they are senators, Trump can't fire them. BUT there are plenty of times i DO wish he could..
      Yeah, who needs and old bit of paper when it get's in the way........

      But what was hacked? Election machines - no. DNC servers - iirc no as that was a WORKER there who LEAKED it..
      So what actually got hacked?
      So, there is an investigation into -what- exactly?
      EVERY intelligence agency agreed on -what- exactly?
      The -fact- that you personally are ex-military, yet seemingly ignore an assault on your sovereignty, the one you chose to serve, is really........... odd.
      What exactly did you sign up for?
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
        I wonder how often he says "I am the President!"
        I eagerly await the next "purple wedding" (or rather, "orange wedding")


          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          What the hell does "dress modestly" even mean as far as women's fashion is concerned?
          Dress modestly pretty much means, covered shoulders and knees.
          It also depends on the workplace.

          For example, I work at an office where the dress code prohibits tanktops and really deep cuts, and really short shorts or skirts. Men can't wear short shorts (like the kind you wear going to the beach).
          All my colleagues which are the liaisons between the company and the client, face to face anyway, are assumed to wear suits and be decent in their outlook, well-dressed and well-kept (long hair decent, no piercings in the face, no large, visible tattoos, ...).

          Of course he fires Comey -- how else is he going to cover-up on #TrumpRussia?

          What's a little bit of obstruction of justice anyway...

          Nevertheless, Comey is still going to testify on thursday so possibly we'll have some juicy stuff to look forward to. Or not..

          Still LOL'ing at Sally Yates handing Ted Cruz his proverbial balls on a platter.

          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
          not that I'm opposed to firing a corrupt cop, but...the LSOS fires Comey?
          that's some major ingratitude lol
          And he didn't even tell him in person -- poor Comey had to find out through the BREAKING-news on TV.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          WTF ?? Isn't he having enough problems without walking up to the beehive and whacking it with a baseball bat. This makes no sense, unless there is another shoe yet to drop. Maybe a case of misdirecting attention away from what he really doesn't want noticed?
          Could it be the FBI has #45 under investigation? And by firing Comey (who had it coming anyway) he hopes to make that go away?

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Of course...........
          Fire everyone investigating him, but it's totally unrelated....
          Bareet (or whatever his name was)

          Who's next?

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          To be honest, I was surprised. You'd think Trump would love the guy...but the sweet irony is that had Comey kept his trap shut until after the election, he would still have a job.
          Hindsight is always 20/20 -- I hope nobody mentions that to Jimmy the next couple of days.

          Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
          This whole gongshow is like an episode of Game of Thrones, except every character is Cersei: supremely confident, breathtakingly incompetent, completely aloof, and ready to burn everything down when things don't go their way.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          But doing this just doesn't make sense. He has to know he can't stop the investigation at this point, no matter who he fires. All this can possibly accomplish is to further infuriate his opponents/enemies. So why do it? Gotta be some rhyme or reason to it.
          When your president is pissed off he acts like a 4-year old in a store who can't have his favorite candy bar from Momma Bannon, so his desicions can rarely be called rational.

          He doesn't think beyond the next cartoon on his television or the next paper he can scribble his name under without reading it.

          He's a dumb idiot. A puppet on a string -- whomever is pulling the strings will stay clear of any backfiring, that's for sure.

          Our King has to meet your dip**** of a president when he's visiting Belgium on the 25th of May (for once I'm glad I'm not in the country). I already feel sorry for Philippe.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Wait til the rest of the (political anti-Trump) gang start quaking and shaking. That's part of why the various protests have been going on to oust Trump as president---to stop him from doing this sort of (firing and *revealing* of the things kept hidden from the public view) thing --"drain the swamp" stuff.

          Are you really that ignorant about the implications of what you're saying there?

          A) threatening opponents and/or opposition is behavior which usually is attributed to dictators the likes of Erdogan, Putin, Duterte, Kim-Jong Un

          B) the protests I've seen, and marches which have happened, all had a clear purpose in mind: bringing to the attention of the people at the top that the people are not going to sit back and let their rights be trampled on, or their health care taking away from, or that science is important -- silencing the people is yet again, a sign attributed to dictators (see list above)

          C) "drain what swamp" -- he's been clogging the swamp since day one with his 1% buddies, putting people in place of departments they've been fighting against, tearing them down from within.

          Are you really that happy living in a state which limits your freedoms?
          Because at the moment, the checks-and-balances are being seriously strained.

          And the world watches in amazement how the States are spiriling down in a big pile of horse manure -- actually, you've become the laughing stock of the community.

          But we're laughing green at the though what other stupid, dumbass moves that orange dip****'s gonna pull from his orange ass.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Oh, and President Trump also just upset the Dems bunches more by siding with the Kurds, now. Obama and his former Admin team ain't gonna be a happy camper about that. Neither will the "Establishment" (Repubs)
          The US has been arming the Kurds since the start, since they started fighting IS. Just so you know... ...I assume you've heard of the Peshmerga-fighters. They even have a whole contingent of female fighters.

          Erdogan ain't too happy about that, by the way.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Obstruction of several investigations, too. Details to follow over the future..?
          OH LOL... "but her emails"....

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          The Russian hacking into Hillary Clinton's emails was a separate issue from Putin voicing support for Trump as the next USA President.
          Oh yeah, let's ignore the hacking that did take place.

          Loved Macron's team though, creating all these fake emails and documents to beat the hackers at their own game.

          Point for Macron.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          I only have issues with people *forcing* other people to wear hijabs and burkas (or whatever cultural / religious fashion) against their will.


          Just don't make other people do it on a continuous / *forced* basis.
          Who is forcing you to wear something you don't want to wear? Or choose to wear?

          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          But I like Cersei she's hot

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          BUT when i hear stories like a guy being FIRED for having a bible quote as his 'screen saver' cause it would 'offend non religious types', then the same place redesigned a room to serve as a foot bath for muslims THAT IS NOT even application.
          It was a woman, and it wasn't just bible verse that got her discharged. She failed to follow orders on several occasions and failed to respect her superior officers.

          Also, here's the quote she had taped to her computer screen, and the actual quote from the bible:

          "No weapon formed against me shall prosper."

          Isaiah 54:17
          "no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.”

          The footbaths -- is hilarious if that offends you so because before footwashing basins were build, the students at this particular university (from the article) just used the washing basins. Especially, since anyone can use them to wash their feet.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Since they are senators, Trump can't fire them. BUT there are plenty of times i DO wish he could.
          Oh, he'll probably find a way around it -- he may have to abolish the house and senate, and burn the constitution probably... but he's got Erdogan and Putin on speed dial. And I'm sure Duterte can give give him some extra tips too.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          So what actually got hacked?
          So far, voting machines, servers, ... emails ...

          I mean, sure you like the rightwing news websites but even they've been reporting on this issue, have they not?
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            So far, voting machines, servers, ... emails ...
            Do you have evidence that shows any voting machines were hacked, or the actual vote count altered in any other way?


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              Do you have evidence that shows any voting machines were hacked, or the actual vote count altered in any other way?
              Do you? After all those times you claimed three million illegal votes were cast for Hillary?

              (coincidentally, exactly the number she won by)


                That is why the intelligence community exists. I'll take their word over loud mouth
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  When your president is pissed off he acts like a 4-year old in a store who can't have his favorite candy bar from Momma Bannon, so his desicions can rarely be called rational.

                  He doesn't think beyond the next cartoon on his television or the next paper he can scribble his name under without reading it.

                  He's a dumb idiot. A puppet on a string -- whomever is pulling the strings will stay clear of any backfiring, that's for sure.
                  Originally posted by politico
                  President Donald Trump weighed firing his FBI director for more than a week. When he finally pulled the trigger Tuesday afternoon, he didn't call James Comey. He sent his longtime private security guard to deliver the termination letter in a manila folder to FBI headquarters.

                  He had grown enraged by the Russia investigation, two advisers said, frustrated by his inability to control the mushrooming narrative around Russia. He repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldn’t disappear and demanded they speak out for him. He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said.
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth



                    So now we are getting into arresting and charging the free press.
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Oh, and the fun rolls on

                      Forget the potential treason, stay for the RICO case
                      Donny Capone's might get away with murder, but the IRS is eternal.
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        poetic justice

                        that corrupt piece of s torpedoed Clinton's campaign (by revealing false but damaging info on her right before elections) and protected the LSOS (by only investigating him after the elections in other words when it was useless)

                        so he backed the wrong horse & got kicked out by that horse, sounds like good old karma I say


                          Comey failed miserably in his job by failing to pursue charges against Hillary last summer. More than a few FBI operatives have publicly stated that there was evidence to charge Clinton but Comey, a Democrat and LSoS appointee, refused to do so.
                          Trump was right to fire him, but he *should* have fired him 5 minutes after he was sworn in as POTUS. Waiting till now doesn't make any sort of sense, unless it's a distraction from something else. That is what stinks about this, the timing, not the firing itself.

                          On the other hand, maybe whoever is appointed to take his place will finally go after Clinton.


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Comey failed miserably in his job by failing to pursue charges against Hillary last summer.
                            there's little the SS can do when there's no proof (except in a full-on police state, which your country is not...yet)

                            Trump was right to fire him
                            on this at least everyone appears to agree (on both camps, interestingly)

                            but he *should* have fired him 5 minutes after he was sworn in as POTUS.
                            that would've made more sense since Comey's primary role was to destroy Clinton's campaign & have the LSOS elected, he was of no use thereafter

                            On the other hand, maybe whoever is appointed to take his place will finally go after Clinton.
                            yeah man who cares about million dollar tax evasion & high treason with a hostile stalinist superpower - better focus on the essentials ie. someone who had a mail server in their toilet

                            how suspicious do you think Comey's dismissal will look to a jury? best defence ever if the LSOS decides to go against his word & go after her (in addition to reinforcing his reputation as a lying sack of s of course)


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              EVERY intelligence agency agreed on -what- exactly?
                              Not every agency agreed there was a hack.


                                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                                how suspicious do you think Comey's dismissal will look to a jury? best defence ever if the LSOS decides to go against his word & go after her (in addition to reinforcing his reputation as a lying sack of s of course)
                                Not only that, but there may be or is an investigation of Trump's alleged dealings with Russia. Gonna look even worse if anything substantial shows up there.

                                I've said elsewhere that this move makes no sense whatsoever unless its a distraction to take everybodys mind off whatever else might be going on that we might no know about yet. Its a good move overall, but the timing stinks like hell.

