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    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
    the LSOS said he supports the french Nazi Party, I mean, Nazional Front, I mean, National Front

    difference is the french have already had a Vichy dictatorship - unlike the americans - so question is have they learnt from history or not?

    Now why would Trump support nazis?

    Oh hang on I didn't even need to ask that did I?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      Hawaii is part of the USA isn't it?
      The 50th in fact.

      And he probably does now after the storm that followed that foot-in-mouth-moment.

      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
      you certainly seem to be implying that you don't think women are capable of sexual harassment
      Oh goddess, they so are.

      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      Just like why is it even THESE DAYS many people still feel women can't be abusers of their spouses, or rapists. only men can.
      Because society is patriarchal in most countries and in the eyes of society a man cannot appear weak.
      You know, that whole men don't cry BS.

      Anyone with a healthy set of eyes and brains can see something is wrong with #45.
      Whether that means he's got a mental problem remains to be seen. But he certainly fits the profile of someone with a degenerative brain disease, who suffers from delusions. He can't distinguish right from wrong, and has no capability for empathy.

      He's a pathological, narcistic liar who hasn't the first clue of what he's doing. He gets the country wrong the US bombed (Iraq when it was Syria), can't remember Kim-Jong Un is in charge of NK these days (not Kim-Jong Il -- he's dead) and even gets Paul Ryan's name wrong three times in a row. Also, rather sad that he thinks the Democrats with shut down the government when they do not have a majority. And the latest, congratulates a Purple Heart recipient when receiving the medal -- because he clearly has no idea what the soldier did to receive that medal. You don't congratulate a Purple Heart recipient, you thank them for their services to your country cause most of them don't even make it out alive.

      He's a dumb-ass fool who's easy to manipulate because of the fact he's not all there. If he was, he'd know what he was doing and not remember the stupid cake.

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      So, there is a bunch of head shrinks that don't like Trump and want him ousted on mental health causes.
      Try looking at the man you call president -- actually look. Observe and tell me if he's really all there.

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      There are a lot of shows where the primary character is a strong female lead.
      Ever heard of the Bechdel Test?

      To pass the Bechdel Test, a film/tv series/book/comic (media in general):
      1. Has to have at least two women in it
      2. Who talk to each other
      3. About something other than a man.

      It isn't iron clad but it has merit when it comes to female characters (even if the lead of a show is a "strong female character").

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
      That show changed the way female characters were being written and portrayed in the last 20 years. Joss is boss after all.

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      Rey (Star Wars franchise)
      Here's the problem with that particular character: remember the outcry when Rey was left out of the merchandise line which followed the release of TFA? I distinctly remember the Monopoly game that was first released which didn't have a Rey figure in there, even though she was the so-called lead of the film. Disney and Lucasfilm didn't think boys would want to play with a girl figure. They didn't even think that a) boys did want to play the game with Rey character, and b) girls would als be playing the game.

      Rey wasn't in the initial merchandise line, even when she was the supposed hero of the film. Finn, Kylo Ren -- no shortage finding action figures for them. It even, in some cases looked like it was actually Finn who was the hero, and not Rey.

      I haven't see Rogue One so I can't comment on that -- except that the diverse cast meets a rather sticky end. Which leads to the comment made in jest (or maybe not): "It was a diverse cast, what else did you expect?"

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      This list could go on, but the point is that it seems that there is more estrogen driving movies and TV these days than testosterone.

      Center for the study of women in television and film
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Are we sure Buffy would pass the Beechdal Test? She spends a lot of episodes antagonizing over Angel
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          So what?
          How is that -at all- relevant?
          You said the law was different "because woman", but that is simply not the case. The difference is society, not law, the -same- society that makes the situation of 99 male bosses to 1 female boss, the same society that just assumes the boss is male because "that's the way it is.
          If the law's unwilling to prosecute, how is that NOT the law being different, not just society?

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Oh, they still exist, how many women were at your military academy for the navy?
          Quite a few. During boot, we had at the time i was there, 11 different boot camp companies.. 7 male, 4 female.. As for the navy academy, last i checked, it was roughly 35% female..


            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            If the law's unwilling to prosecute, how is that NOT the law being different, not just society?
            Because the laws are exactly the same. The choice to prosecute or not has no bearing on what the law says.

            Quite a few. During boot, we had at the time i was there, 11 different boot camp companies.. 7 male, 4 female.. As for the navy academy, last i checked, it was roughly 35% female..
            Yet they make up over 50% of the worlds population. Follow up question, do you think the command structure was 35% female?
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              Are we sure Buffy would pass the Beechdal Test? She spends a lot of episodes antagonizing over Angel
              A lot of the episodes fail the test, and I think that Buffy, as a whole series comes very close to either passing or failing, I can't recall offhand which one.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Trump Vs Trump
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  I wasn't finished yesterday with my previous post, but dinner and then the drive home got in the way, so here be part 2.

                  Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep
                  Or the Ghostbusters (remember how pissed everyone was when they gender-swapped the cast? That's what all other movies are like from the female point of view)
                  Oh my goddess, the outcry was so stupid. I especially liked one commentary from someone who said that Chris' character was only there for eye-candy purposes -- and I was like, "Well hello, welcome to our world!".

                  I haven't seen it yet -- need to fix that soonish (right after watching Rogue One and Bloodwars).

                  It's the same with having gay characters -- too many they'll turn kids gay. Yeah, if that were true, why am I still gay after all these years with all these straight characters hogging my screen?

                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  No, that is by no means a complete list. NuBSG had Starbuck, and several other strong female characters. Galactica TOS had female roles as well, many of them corny by today's standards, but so were many of the male parts. Jane Seymour did a very good Serena in TOS too. Cybill Shepherd carried 1/2 of a very good romantic comedy back in the 80's, "Moonlighting". Col. Wilma Deering in the 80's TV version of Buck Rogers was also much more than eye candy. The Fantastic Four had Sue Storm, and this was back in the 60's. And we can't forget Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman, either.
                  Oh, and remember an actress by the name of Mary Tyler Moore?
                  Those are all well before my time, but when you look back at their times on the shows they were in, how much time was spend on telling their story (except Wonder Woman perhaps since she was the story). Were they mostly there as the girlfriend or to ship them with male guest star of the week? Or were they developed in their own right (without the need to make others look better)?

                  Interesteing thesis by a journalism student on the subject of female characters:
                  The role of women in film: Supporting the men -- An analysis of how culture influences the changing discourse on gender representations in film by Jocelyn Nicole Murphy (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville), May 2015

                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  ...Mara Jade...
                  Isn't she extended universe?

                  I know the character cause I have a friend who cosplays her but Mara isn't film-verse, is she?

                  Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                  But the Avengers has Black Widow but she's too boring to get her own movie. According to Marvel that's why they haven't given her her own movie yet.
                  Everybody knows that's a lame-ass excuse. They're actual reasoning is that the male audience isn't interested in a female hero. They want heroes they can aspire to be like Cap, Stark, the Falcon, Hawkeye, Thor...

                  Heck, same with Rey, Black Widow is hard to find in the Avengers merchandise collection.

                  Remember that scene where she jumps out of the back of a quinjet, with Cap's shield. Instead of BW, they switched her out with Cap, and BW was nowhere to be seen.

                  Boys don't want to play with female action figures, so they aren't made. They only get the male action figures. That's one of the main reasons behind the retconning of Black Widow. They don't think there's an audience for a BW movie. Females just don't count in their demographics.

                  Disney Spent $15 Billion To Limit Their Audience

                  Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                  I find her character exciting. She would make for a kick ass movie so why doesn't Marvel want to give her her own movie. I can't find action figures of her or Rey from Star Wars yet I can find tons and tons of Thor or Captain America and his stupid shield.
                  Here's one important reason why...

                  Marvel CEO Doesn’t Believe in Female Superheroes

                  ...and it's utter bullcrap.

                  I love Black Widow and want to see her shine in her own film, and I'm certainly not the only woman who thinks that way. Plenty others who are comic fans (both male and female) and know more about comics than I could ever hope to know, and they too want to see her shine in her own flick.

                  And in regards to Rey from Star Wars, as mentioned in my earlier post:
                  #WheresRey and the big Star Wars toy controversy, explained
                  Excluding female characters in merchandise is an ongoing pattern.

                  #WheresRey: Fans question omission of female Star Wars hero from merchandise sets

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  It SHOULD be. but look at how FEW male rapes even get reported these days, cause of the mentality in many police forces AND DA's offices that STILL feel "men are too strong to be raped"...
                  Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics

                  Against his will: Female-on-male rape

                  "Often, male survivors may be less likely to identify what happened to them as abuse or assault because of the general notion that men always want sex," says Jennifer Marsh, the vice president for Victim Services at RAINN, an anti-sexual violence organization.

                  "Males have the added burden of facing a society that doesn't believe rape can happen to them ... at all," says psychotherapist Elizabeth Donovan.

                  She says gender roles dictate that males are expected to be strong and self-reliant -- men are viewed as those who seek sexual conquests instead of those who "fend them off."

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Schools. I know a # of women's only schools, some even rather "Prestigious". But there are no all men schools left to my knowledge.
                  You were saying: Google search "all boys schools in the USA"

                  Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                  difference is the french have already had a Vichy dictatorship - unlike the americans - so question is have they learnt from history or not?
                  Macron (24%) and Le Pen (21%) are in the 2nd round.

                  Maybe the French are smarter, who knows.

                  Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                  Now why would Trump support nazis?
                  Oh hang on I didn't even need to ask that did I?

                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  Are we sure Buffy would pass the Beechdal Test? She spends a lot of episodes antagonizing over Angel
                  Probably not.


                  Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The legacy of the teen heroine
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    speaking of, they should renew the Buffy/Angel series - this time with male slayers. no reason why slayers should be female-only, blatant discrimination I say :|


                      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                      speaking of, they should renew the Buffy/Angel series - this time with male slayers. no reason why slayers should be female-only, blatant discrimination I say :|
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        the bros have super strength speed & regen? since when?


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          I wasn't finished yesterday with my previous post, but dinner and then the drive home got in the way, so here be part 2.

                          Oh my goddess, the outcry was so stupid. I especially liked one commentary from someone who said that Chris' character was only there for eye-candy purposes -- and I was like, "Well hello, welcome to our world!".

                          I haven't seen it yet -- need to fix that soonish (right after watching Rogue One and Bloodwars).

                          It's the same with having gay characters -- too many they'll turn kids gay. Yeah, if that were true, why am I still gay after all these years with all these straight characters hogging my screen?

                          Those are all well before my time, but when you look back at their times on the shows they were in, how much time was spend on telling their story (except Wonder Woman perhaps since she was the story). Were they mostly there as the girlfriend or to ship them with male guest star of the week? Or were they developed in their own right (without the need to make others look better)?

                          Interesteing thesis by a journalism student on the subject of female characters:
                          The role of women in film: Supporting the men -- An analysis of how culture influences the changing discourse on gender representations in film by Jocelyn Nicole Murphy (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville), May 2015

                          Isn't she extended universe?

                          I know the character cause I have a friend who cosplays her but Mara isn't film-verse, is she?

                          Everybody knows that's a lame-ass excuse. They're actual reasoning is that the male audience isn't interested in a female hero. They want heroes they can aspire to be like Cap, Stark, the Falcon, Hawkeye, Thor...

                          Heck, same with Rey, Black Widow is hard to find in the Avengers merchandise collection.

                          Remember that scene where she jumps out of the back of a quinjet, with Cap's shield. Instead of BW, they switched her out with Cap, and BW was nowhere to be seen.

                          Boys don't want to play with female action figures, so they aren't made. They only get the male action figures. That's one of the main reasons behind the retconning of Black Widow. They don't think there's an audience for a BW movie. Females just don't count in their demographics.

                          Disney Spent $15 Billion To Limit Their Audience

                          Here's one important reason why...

                          Marvel CEO Doesn’t Believe in Female Superheroes

                          ...and it's utter bullcrap.

                          I love Black Widow and want to see her shine in her own film, and I'm certainly not the only woman who thinks that way. Plenty others who are comic fans (both male and female) and know more about comics than I could ever hope to know, and they too want to see her shine in her own flick.

                          And in regards to Rey from Star Wars, as mentioned in my earlier post:
                          #WheresRey and the big Star Wars toy controversy, explained
                          Excluding female characters in merchandise is an ongoing pattern.

                          #WheresRey: Fans question omission of female Star Wars hero from merchandise sets

                          Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics

                          Against his will: Female-on-male rape

                          "Often, male survivors may be less likely to identify what happened to them as abuse or assault because of the general notion that men always want sex," says Jennifer Marsh, the vice president for Victim Services at RAINN, an anti-sexual violence organization.

                          "Males have the added burden of facing a society that doesn't believe rape can happen to them ... at all," says psychotherapist Elizabeth Donovan.

                          She says gender roles dictate that males are expected to be strong and self-reliant -- men are viewed as those who seek sexual conquests instead of those who "fend them off."

                          You were saying: Google search "all boys schools in the USA"

                          Macron (24%) and Le Pen (21%) are in the 2nd round.

                          Maybe the French are smarter, who knows.

                          Probably not.


                          Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The legacy of the teen heroine
                          I think you'll find that the problem isn't the existence of all-boys's that in today's leftist-driven culture of double standards....all-boys schools are vilified as somehow sexist but all-girls schools are just jim dandy

                          just like how in this same culture of double standards....trying to form a white student association gets you branded as a racist but having a black student association is just fine


                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            I think you'll find that the problem isn't the existence of all-boys's that in today's leftist-driven culture of double standards....all-boys schools are vilified as somehow sexist but all-girls schools are just jim dandy

                            just like how in this same culture of double standards....trying to form a white student association gets you branded as a racist but having a black student association is just fine
                            It all just goes to show just how much pure BS the various equality movements are. They don't want EQUALITY at all. They want their group to rights superior to others.


                              Falcon Horus thank you so much.

                              You said a lot of the things I have been thinking regarding Black Widow and such.

                              I am always told I'm the odd man out for liking her and wanting her to have her own movie and such, and for liking characters like Rey.

                              But dammit if I like those characters why can't I have their merchandise? Why people?

                              Well screw that I say. Fingers crossed sometime in the future we get a Black Widow movie.

                              We're getting Wonder Woman so why the hell not?
                              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                                Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep
                                You want a Whites Only club where they can feel safe from persecution? Where they don't have to worry about being lynched for existing? Where white people don't need to worry about being excluded from school because of their race? As the dominant race, as the one that holds the majority of rights, why are you afraid of other people having their own spaces? White people don't need a history month, or a student association just for them. Every month is white history month. Every association is made with them as the priority.

                                Name five films with a token white character. Or whites in a minority. Where the white guy dies first while the minorities go on to save the day.

                                You're so afraid of them being equal. You deny them any chance of catching up because of your own fear that they're taking over. You can't see how far ahead you are. How much better you have it than they do.
                                only you could paint blatant reverse discrimination as this somehow heroic bid for "equality"

