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    And Did Senator Steve King just expose himself as a Nazi type with some of his comments?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      That goes back to my joke earlier. The elderly should pay more since they cost more for the insurance company
      I don't consider that a joke though.
      BUT you do make a good point. Those who use it more should pay more for it. BUT since most old folk are on fixed incomes, and often don't GET that income rising higher than inflation (and in some years not at all), they can't generally afford any price hikes.


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        I don't consider that a joke though.
        BUT you do make a good point. Those who use it more should pay more for it. BUT since most old folk are on fixed incomes, and often don't GET that income rising higher than inflation (and in some years not at all), they can't generally afford any price hikes.
        See my clip earlier from Fox news, Paul Ryan answers that question, he does not care, it's not his problem. Or you could ask Jason Chaffetz, they should just not buy an IPhone, cause that 500 dollar IPhone (which is probably on a monthly plan) is the same as the thousands of dollars the price rises in insurance will cost.............

        12 million off insurance by next year
        24 million off insurance by 2026
        54 uninsured Americans in total by 2026, 1/6th of your population with no healthcare recourse but the publicly funded ER department
        "Everyone will be covered, and it will be cheaper"

        Oh, and remember trump saying he will not cut Medicare, Medicaid or Social security?
        He's cutting 800 BILLION from it with this plan over 10 years

        Not being able to keep your doctor seems like a pretty pathetic reason to hate Obama now, eh?
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Now they are backing down on the wiretapping claims.. "This wasn't what we meant"

          Oh really, what did you mean?
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            Here's a very funny thing I have been experiencing.

            I talk to a few conservatives on facebook and they seem to like raging at everything. Now that Trump has done a few things they don't like they don't want to blame the Republicans or Trump but are lashing out at "liberals" and the Democrats.

            Errrrr how does that work?
            Easy. The Dems have ruled for most of the last 8 years, and many years prior.
            A lot of changes occurred in those previous 8 years. So, since Trump has allowed some of the Dems to stay on as included with his Administration, once the bad embers start revealing themselves, those persons end up getting sifted thru the strainer faster than a camel passing thru the proverbial "eye of the needle".

            Some people call it "draining the swamp". Let the Dems/Liberals in, so the current Admin doesn't get accused of *playing favoritism*, and then, when the ugly stuff comes out to the surface, out that person goes. (Former) President Obama did the same thing -- he gave most appointed persons one or two chances to make a major error, and then OUT the revolving door they went to somewhere else to be less popular in the workforce field.

            It's not much different with Trump. Except, Trump is giving the grumbling Dems and established Repubs / Rino's a pass first, before someone he really wants gets to stay in. Or else, his appointees are making suggestions for other folks to become part of the "team" until something majorly tainted shows up. Then, after Trump's fan base starts grumbling too much and only if some sort of *dirt* shows up on that appointed persona, OUT the newbie goes, too.

            That's what I've been reading on a few of Trump's more supportive fan based web discussion sites, and heard on the radio, too (for real people back-up).


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              If I had had the option of privately investing the money that was deducted from my pay throughout my working life for SS, I would be set. But it was more important for the government to take it so that I wouldn't fritter it away and the government could fritter it away instead.

              You can slice it up any damned way you want, but the government mismanaged this starting sometime in the 70s and getting worse as time went on.

              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              Maybe instead of relying on such an abused system you should have saved money like the other generations since Social Security will no longer exist when PH and myself retire
              How *young* are you? Please don't take this the wrong way, but I thought you were heading on up towards a happy retirement (over 50 years), based on some of your comments..
              ----AND---(based on some comments)
              PH seems to be in her 30's or younger..
              I know FH is about 20+ years younger than me..
              Annoyed is closer to the ages of my (older) siblings, I think..
              (I don't always read GW birthdates)

              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              That goes back to my joke earlier. The elderly should pay more since they cost more for the insurance company

              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              I don't consider that a joke though.
              BUT you do make a good point. Those who use it more should pay more for it. BUT since most old folk are on fixed incomes, and often don't GET that income rising higher than inflation (and in some years not at all), they can't generally afford any price hikes.
              I don't see any joke in higher payments for elderly folks.
              Core truth of the matter is that IF a person has worked most of their *entire* life, they have already paid umpteen amounts of $$$$ into the SS/medicare system. Same applies with their health benefits. They've already PAID into the system more monetary amounts than the younger folks.

              Seems tho that some of the younger folks are getting sicker more often or injured with long-term disability issues, than their older peers who have tried to live healthier most of their life until the body naturally starts deteriorating from old age issues. I've met too many young peeps in their 20's and 30's having chronic back pain AND spasms, similar to mine and I'm *supposedly* in worse shape than them, but their "pain management" level is almost the same as mine, and they seem to react (and medicate) worse than me..!

              Originally posted by pscard View Post
              More info from The Christian Science Monitor:
              Why a House bill wants workers' genetic information

              Ms. Foxx’s bill, the Preserving Wellness Programs Act, is meant to be a solution. But consumer, health, and privacy advocates warn that the bill could create a nightmare calling to mind the 1997 science fiction film "Gattaca" (which dealt with the question of genetic discrimination in a future society) in that it would allow employers to discriminate against workers and their families whose genetic tests show increased risks for health problems.
              Thank you for the info. At least now it makes more sense why they want the DNA, short of making some sort of bio-chip to insert into their workers for employment.

              Problem is, many people are prone to have degenerative aging issues as they grow older. So, that sounds problematic with the employers' being biased, and the pot calling the kettle black, especially if same employer has major health issues that might cause surgery and other disease issues down the path in say when they reach their 50's...

              Gallbladder and kidney stones affect the younger folks, too. Hernias, herniated discs, cysts, allergies... Had several relatives experience these things between their 20's and 40's..

              Degenerative cartilage hit my spine in my 40's, long before I knew what happened to me at age 46, thereabouts, also happened to my dad at that same age. Took several trips (several years in a row) to the doctors before getting a thorough MRI narrowing down what was causing certain back spasms that sent me straight to the floor, before I could move normally again. Now, that health ailment problem has been corrected with certain exercises to manipulate the bones/cartilage back into position without having a chiropractor do some major adjustments (that don't usually last anyway, so it was a waste of my money in that area.. ended up cheaper for me to do simple floor exercises to move everything back into proper alignment so I could at least move and lift things semi-normally again).

              I usually only take the prescription strength medicine (which is the lowest mg dosage) as a complete last resort. Otherwise, standard OTC medicine works most of the time. I've read about other folks in their 20's and 30's taking higher mg's of the same med or something more powerful, and I can't imagine taking those kinds of higher dosages, because the side-effects are horrible!

              So, anywho, what about female menopausal issues? Does that get a pass, or is tracking this DNA stuff from the employers going to be as ridiculous as it sounds? The bio-chip for employment (have your security pass with all medical and other data ON/in you at all times) sounds more logical, but to not hire based on "OMG!! your relatives smoked like a chimney and ended up with COPD, chronic respiratory disease(s), or had high blood pressure and early heart surgery!! Can't hire you!!"


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                No i said i can understand them doing so. Much like car insurance charges more for younger people than mature adults. Cause case logic shows that younger people are more apt to get into accidents. Ergo the company's gonna pay out more for the young, ergo the young need to pay more in..
                Same logic i can see applying to health insurance. Do a dangerous job, you pay more, cause you are likely gonna need i more.
                Thought as much, but wanted to make sure.

                And therefore, I agree that high risk means a higher insurance because when they get hurt or sick, their medical costs will also be higher.

                As a young driver, my insurance was in my mother's name, which basically meant it was much lower than that it would have been in my name. Even when I finally got my own car (in my name), my insurance was still quite high.

                During the two years I was unemployed I had health insurance which covered everything except ailments which related to my eye sight (I'm near-sighted) and my weight (technically speaking I'm underweight, my BMI is low).

                Now, my health insurance is through my company (and it includes life insurance).

                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                That goes back to my joke earlier. The elderly should pay more since they cost more for the insurance company
                Well, technically that's true.

                Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                And Did Senator Steve King just expose himself as a Nazi type with some of his comments?
                I don't know about Nazi, but I'd say he's very much White Power.

                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                12 million off insurance by next year
                24 million off insurance by 2026
                54 uninsured Americans in total by 2026, 1/6th of your population with no healthcare recourse but the publicly funded ER department
                "Everyone will be covered, and it will be cheaper"
                Obama covered 20 million extra, Trump finally has something that's bigger.

                Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                Now they are backing down on the wiretapping claims.. "This wasn't what we meant"

                Oh really, what did you mean?
                They don't know.
                Other that #45's mental health is debatable.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  I know FH is about 20+ years younger than me..
                  I'm 36.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

                    I don't know about Nazi, but I'd say he's very much White Power.

                    I do not understand that. Explain to me how white people are oppressed?

                    Also links


                    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                      They think if everyone has the same rights as them, then their rights are less valuable. It's like the gay marriage thing.. If gays get married then it destroys the sanctity of marriage, because any two people could get married it makes straight marriage less special.

                      And don't forget, there are only a finite number of rights. If you start giving everyone rights then the straight white people who have always had all the rights will have to give up some of theirs.. so oppression


                        PH is back in here.. Thought I gave you a heart attack the other day by agreeing with one of your posts. The one about the necessity of college degrees and their cost.


                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                          How *young* are you? Please don't take this the wrong way, but I thought you were heading on up towards a happy retirement (over 50 years), based on some of your comments..
                          ----AND---(based on some comments)
                          PH seems to be in her 30's or younger..
                          I know FH is about 20+ years younger than me..
                          Annoyed is closer to the ages of my (older) siblings, I think..
                          (I don't always read GW birthdates)

                          I don't see any joke in higher payments for elderly folks.
                          Core truth of the matter is that IF a person has worked most of their *entire* life, they have already paid umpteen amounts of $$$$ into the SS/medicare system. Same applies with their health benefits. They've already PAID into the system more monetary amounts than the younger folks.

                          Seems tho that some of the younger folks are getting sicker more often or injured with long-term disability issues, than their older peers who have tried to live healthier most of their life until the body naturally starts deteriorating from old age issues. I've met too many young peeps in their 20's and 30's having chronic back pain AND spasms, similar to mine and I'm *supposedly* in worse shape than them, but their "pain management" level is almost the same as mine, and they seem to react (and medicate) worse than me..!

                          Thank you for the info. At least now it makes more sense why they want the DNA, short of making some sort of bio-chip to insert into their workers for employment.

                          Problem is, many people are prone to have degenerative aging issues as they grow older. So, that sounds problematic with the employers' being biased, and the pot calling the kettle black, especially if same employer has major health issues that might cause surgery and other disease issues down the path in say when they reach their 50's...

                          Gallbladder and kidney stones affect the younger folks, too. Hernias, herniated discs, cysts, allergies... Had several relatives experience these things between their 20's and 40's..

                          Degenerative cartilage hit my spine in my 40's, long before I knew what happened to me at age 46, thereabouts, also happened to my dad at that same age. Took several trips (several years in a row) to the doctors before getting a thorough MRI narrowing down what was causing certain back spasms that sent me straight to the floor, before I could move normally again. Now, that health ailment problem has been corrected with certain exercises to manipulate the bones/cartilage back into position without having a chiropractor do some major adjustments (that don't usually last anyway, so it was a waste of my money in that area.. ended up cheaper for me to do simple floor exercises to move everything back into proper alignment so I could at least move and lift things semi-normally again).

                          I usually only take the prescription strength medicine (which is the lowest mg dosage) as a complete last resort. Otherwise, standard OTC medicine works most of the time. I've read about other folks in their 20's and 30's taking higher mg's of the same med or something more powerful, and I can't imagine taking those kinds of higher dosages, because the side-effects are horrible!

                          So, anywho, what about female menopausal issues? Does that get a pass, or is tracking this DNA stuff from the employers going to be as ridiculous as it sounds? The bio-chip for employment (have your security pass with all medical and other data ON/in you at all times) sounds more logical, but to not hire based on "OMG!! your relatives smoked like a chimney and ended up with COPD, chronic respiratory disease(s), or had high blood pressure and early heart surgery!! Can't hire you!!"
                          That's a common misconception. It's because I'm so wise people think I'm older because of the myth age brings wisdom
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                            I do not understand that. Explain to me how white people are oppressed?
                            See PH's reply. She pretty much covered it.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              How *young* are you? Please don't take this the wrong way, but I thought you were heading on up towards a happy retirement (over 50 years), based on some of your comments..
                              ----AND---(based on some comments)
                              PH seems to be in her 30's or younger..
                              I know FH is about 20+ years younger than me..
                              Annoyed is closer to the ages of my (older) siblings, I think..
                              (I don't always read GW birthdates)
                              *shakes cane* You kids stay off my lawn!!


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                PH is back in here.. Thought I gave you a heart attack the other day by agreeing with one of your posts. The one about the necessity of college degrees and their cost.
                                I'm not here...

                                I'm spying on you through your microwave

