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    I was afraid this would happen some day: House Republicans would let employers demand workers’ genetic test results

    Here are a couple of excerpts:

    “What this bill would do is completely take away the protections of existing laws,” said Jennifer Mathis, director of policy and legal advocacy at the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, a civil rights group. In particular, privacy and other protections for genetic and health information in GINA and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act “would be pretty much eviscerated,” she said.
    “It would allow employers to ask employees invasive questions about … genetic tests they and their families have undergone” and “to impose stiff financial penalties on employees who choose to keep such information private, thus empowering employers to coerce their employees” into providing their genetic information.
    Total syffy posts: 36,690
    (Chosen One)

    Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
    Matthew 5:9


      That is just wrong. I don't expect it will pass.


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        Except for one minor detail. I WORK for a living, (Unheard of these days, I know) and my insurance is purchased through my employer at the rates they are able to negotiate, rather than those on the open market.
        But you won't be working until you drop dead.

        Also, do you really think your employer's gonna continue to pay for it when it goes up?

        Originally posted by Womble View Post
        Trumpcare. It's the same as Obamacare, except you don't care.

        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        Utterly irrelevant. While I do class abortion as murder, and hope to see Roe v. Wade overturned, when have I ever suggested that the law be ignored and the procedure banned anyway?
        Why do you care so much what a woman does with her body?

        You're the one constantly complaining about leechers. Who do you think will suffer the most if abortion would become illegal?

        Originally posted by pscard View Post
        Did he name it after himself or did someone else?
        Someone else did.
        Apparently he doesn't like it though.

        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        Yes, I do. The only difference is that you agree more with the philosophy of one site, while I agree more with the other.
        Bias aside -- the story needs to be correct. Sadly, it has been shown Huffington's stories are more accurate than Breitbart's.

        Try to look past the bias for once. That's just a way of writing and appealing to one side.


        I hear Republicans also want prenatal care out of Trumpcare, and mental health care. And post-addiction care.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Wow Gattacca here we come.
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
            except for Wall Street & generally big business (only a Communist would enforce laws on them)
            except for the likes of James Duckett (wouldn't be very Patriotic to sentence them)
            except for the LSOS himself (who dodged taxes & swindled his own employees)
            No, i want laws enforced. FOR ALL.. No exception for being a star, politician, sports person.
            And who the hell is duckett??

            Originally posted by pscard View Post
            I was afraid this would happen some day: House Republicans would let employers demand workers’ genetic test results

            Here are a couple of excerpts:
            What the FLUK over!??! I want the names of ALL 22 republicans who voted yes to allow this turd to pass!


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              What the FLUK over!??! I want the names of ALL 22 republicans who voted yes to allow this turd to pass!
              More info regarding H.R. 1313:

              This doesn't list the 22 republicans, but here's an excerpt with one of the supporters:
              In a statement supporting the bill, GOP Rep. Bradley Byrne of Georgia accused the EEOC of trying to “undermine” efforts to lower health care costs through the use of wellness programs:
              The question is, will the government use this bill to create a database of everyone's genetic information?
              Last edited by pscard; 11 March 2017, 09:47 AM.
              Total syffy posts: 36,690
              (Chosen One)

              Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
              Matthew 5:9


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                IS or is not, being in the country illegally a crime? YES OR NO. So by that what else do they have to do to warrant being deported IYO??
       It's not a crime, it's a civil offense. If it were a crime, then President Obama would have had the authority to issue the DACA executive order, or rather just give a general pardon, without question.

                So what is the point in having a border, citizenship, entrance visas etc, if you are just going to 'ignore those who break them' and let them stay anyway??
                Somebody is getting triggered...need a safe space?

                The problem here is that you are making a strawman argument. It's hard to answer your questions, when they are based on a premise that the people you are speaking with simply don't have.

                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                They kind of are...

                Have you read Breitbart? I'd call the National Review and Fox News opposites to Huffingtonpost. Breitbart is the opposite to buzzfeed.

                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                No, i want laws enforced. FOR ALL.. No exception for being a star, politician, sports person.
                And who the hell is duckett??

                How is deporting nearly 8 million people in the past 18 years, and catching and blocking millions of other illegal entries not enforcing the laws?

                What the FLUK over!??! I want the names of ALL 22 republicans who voted yes to allow this turd to pass!
                Why? I thought you loved the Trump agenda?
                By Nolamom


                  More information from

                  H.R.1313 - Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act

                  (The H.R. number seems kinda ironic.)
                  Last edited by pscard; 11 March 2017, 09:08 AM.
                  Total syffy posts: 36,690
                  (Chosen One)

                  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
                  Matthew 5:9


                    I saw this train wreck coming almost 40 years ago, when scientists were beginning to talk about the possibility of mapping out the human genome.

                    I actually did a college thesis opposing such research, because it was plain to me that once we had a "map" and could predict genetic diseases, insurance companies and the govt. would use the information to exclude those with genetic markers from the employment and insurance markets rather than to seek cures for the diseases.

                    As I said above, I don't think it will pass. The proposed replacement for LSoScare includes the provision that insurance carriers/employers can't use preexisting conditions as a bar to insurance or as a trigger for higher rates, so I don't expect this to survive to become law.


                      Originally posted by pscard View Post
                      More info regarding H.R. 1313:

                      This doesn't list the 22 republicans, but here's an excerpt with one of the supporters:

                      I'm concerned that the government will use this bill to create a database of everyone's genetic information ala The X-files.
                      White supremacists are bringing back the eugenics movement..

                      Is anyone really surprised?


                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                        White supremacists are bringing back the eugenics movement..

                        Is anyone really surprised?
                        We'll start sterilization immediately
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          I have a few suggestions...


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            I saw this train wreck coming almost 40 years ago, when scientists were beginning to talk about the possibility of mapping out the human genome.

                            I actually did a college thesis opposing such research, because it was plain to me that once we had a "map" and could predict genetic diseases, insurance companies and the govt. would use the information to exclude those with genetic markers from the employment and insurance markets rather than to seek cures for the diseases.

                            As I said above, I don't think it will pass. The proposed replacement for LSoScare includes the provision that insurance carriers/employers can't use preexisting conditions as a bar to insurance or as a trigger for higher rates, so I don't expect this to survive to become law.
                            -At the moment- the proposed bill does say that, yes.
                            It also want's to put such people in high risk pools, so they have to pay more for insurance, which I am sure you are fine with. All they will do is use the information to pre-empt the potential high risk people in those pools. They aren't denying coverage, they will just price them out of the market.

                            For a party and people who have such a hard on for getting rid of "PC culture", you sure don't mind swallowing this crap when it is dressed up nice and only have issues when the "niceties" are stripped away.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              On a somewhat humorous and cautionary note, there will be no hiding from littering. A trashed soda can, beer bottle, or half-eaten sandwich is going to have DNA on it.

                              If you've seen Gattaca (released 20 years ago this October), you'll know what I mean.
                              Total syffy posts: 36,690
                              (Chosen One)

                              Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
                              Matthew 5:9


                                Why do we want to repeal and replace Obamacare??
                                Oh, that's right

                                Middle class, you are on your own and really we don't care about you at all.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

