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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    I think he is referring more to the "bad boy" stereotype than someone physically abusive FH.
    Oh, that type... That makes more sense.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      In your government, for starters.
      So which officials have been acting like neo-nazis??

      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      No, it won't.
      IF the wall is up, and thus less people are needed to patrol it, why won't it free those others up??

      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      So, charity needs a ROI now?
      Your "hundreds of millions" of aid is around .7 of a cent of every tax dollar that is "robbed" from you, you would give more in tips per year.
      IMO they should have SOME sort of metric to show that they are actually doing what they profess to raise funds for..

      Originally posted by Gatecat View Post
      That would be smart, so why is the US doing it all the time?
      Because the CIA and our govt loves playing king maker it seems.. AND NEVER seems to learn from their pas mistakes..

      Originally posted by Gatecat View Post
      You did it in Syria and you got screwed yet again.
      And who was it who DID that.. Certainly not trump or bush.

      Originally posted by Gatecat View Post
      And those are only the main action in the middle east and central asia. I didn't even count Southamerica and east asia. Or any other operation you had your finger in the pie via CIA etc.
      Which is why i have often said the CIA needs to be disbanded. IT HAS (IMO) done far MORE wrong/criminal things, than it has done RIGHT..

      Originally posted by Gatecat View Post
      Forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't recall Obama being president in 2003.
      Which areas are now hotbeds of issues.. Egypt, Syria, Lybia, Yemin.. ALL PLACES screwed over by Clinton and obama. NOT BUSH..


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        So which officials have been acting like neo-nazis??
        That's a start.

        IF the wall is up, and thus less people are needed to patrol it, why won't it free those others up??
        Why would they not patrol it? You will probably find they will end up using more people on the wall, so more government employee's for you to pay for! YAY!!

        IMO they should have SOME sort of metric to show that they are actually doing what they profess to raise funds for..
        They do.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Do you know what Mexicans think about Trump's wall?

          Who cares... They'll get over it.

          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Do you know what Mexicans think about Trump's wall?

            Who cares... They'll get over it.

            You're half right.
            Who cares?


              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                And where ARE these large #s of rightists acting like neo-nazis? I have seen news report after news report PROVING my claim of the leftists acting like brats.. BUT other than some FAKE claims of trump fans beating people up (most proven falsified), i have not seen any about trump supporters/rightwingers acting like a bunch of KKK associates..
                Did you make up that little fact of yours or is there an actual source, someone who actually fact checked and compiled data and came up with results in a verifiable manner? I mean, if I remember my history correctly, and I do, Nazis did take steps to discredit news sources that disagree with them, Trump does that. They also came up with the "Others" that are the enemies at the gates who also already are inside, Trump does that. Then you have Trumps people saying that his authority "Shall not be questioned" exactly do you define Authoritarianism or Totalitarianism? Oh yeah, unquestioned authority. If it was Clinton doing these things, you'd be going insane right now screaming about the death of American democracy. But I understand you, one does not simply speak against their god.

                No i am just tired of people thinking cause i am a trump supporter, i must be aligned with 'the Alt-right'..
                Did I say that you were? I mean initially in the first post, did I even imply that you or all/most Trump supporters are with the Alt-Right? Better yet, find one post, ONE post where I ever said anything like that.

                And how much "return on investment" have we had for the hundreds of millions we have sunk say into Mexico, to 'fight the corruption and drugs", or into Sudan/Etheopia etc??
                For starters, there are more Mexicans leaving the US than entering the US. That's both Legally and Illegally. Illegal immigration from Mexicans has been down for years, at record lows. The only reason there is so much violence right now is because the Mexican government has gotten so good at chopping off the heads of the cartels that they constantly experience "civil wars" trying to fill in power vacuum after power vacuum. Just a few months ago, the people forced a law through Congress to crack down on corruption known as the 3 by 3 law. If you go back into the Bush/Obama era, loads off cooperation and joint operations and even aid to the US from Mexico can be seen.

                But instead of asking stupid questions, why not look up the information yourself and post it here. If it agrees with you, then that would make a great point on your behalf. If you find out that you're not entirely right, maybe you'll I don't know...create an informed opinion versus one based on idiotic assumptions.
                By Nolamom


                  Who needs a border wall when you have a catapult? Trebuchets anyone?


                  Oh haha.

                  All you need is a bigger bucket thing and you can send people over the wall.
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    That's a start.
                    ANd HOW have they acted like neo-nazis?? Or is their putting that immigration HALT into play making them that way??

                    Did you make up that little fact of yours or is there an actual source, someone who actually fact checked and compiled data and came up with results in a verifiable manner?
                    Verified.. Like that case from the NY school where that one muslim gal falsly claimed some 'guys' had threatened her and tried to take her veil.. She was outed a few days later and admitted it was false.
                    And there's plenty of others of those..

                    Did I say that you were? I mean initially in the first post, did I even imply that you or all/most Trump supporters are with the Alt-Right? Better yet, find one post, ONE post where I ever said anything like that.
                    Did i say you did it? NO. I said i am tired of some people saying it/making it sound that way.. NO One was called out specifically..


                      So basically, all that personal data will be free for all to use as they please... Hello telemarketeers!

                      So, this is what's at stake should any of you be interested in knowing:

                      FCC adopts privacy rules to give broadband consumers increased choice, transparency and security for their personal data

                      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                      Who needs a border wall when you have a catapult? Trebuchets anyone?


                      Oh haha.

                      All you need is a bigger bucket thing and you can send people over the wall.

                      At least, someone paid attention in history class.

                      Although, with people, you kinda have to make sure they are caught in a net of sorts. No.

                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      ANd HOW have they acted like neo-nazis?? Or is their putting that immigration HALT into play making them that way??
                      Definition of a neo-nazi:
                      "Neo-Nazi groups share a hatred for Jews and a love for Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. While they also hate other minorities, gays and lesbians and even sometimes Christians, they perceive "the Jew" as their cardinal enemy, and trace social problems to a Jewish conspiracy that supposedly controls governments, financial institutions and the media."

                      Definition of alt-right:
                      "The Alternative Right, commonly known as the Alt-Right, is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization. Characterized by heavy use of social media and online memes, Alt-Righters eschew “establishment” conservatism, skew young, and embrace white ethno-nationalism as a fundamental value."

                      "Trump is a hero to the Alt-Right. Through a series of semi-organized campaigns, Alt-Right activists applied the “cuckservative” slur to every major Republican primary candidate except Trump, who regularly rails against “political correctness,” Muslims, immigrants, Mexicans, Chinese and others. They have also worked hard to affix the Alt Right brand to Trump through the use of hashtags and memes."

                      Source: The Southern Poverty Law Center

                      And now for the grand finale:

                      An article on Vox from november 28, 2016:

                      What the alt-right actually wants from President Trump

                      The alt-right’s priority, first and foremost, is preserving America’s status as a white-majority nation. To that end, they want Trump to follow through on the most extreme immigration ideas he’s discussed — such as deporting millions of undocumented immigrants and banning Muslim immigration. These steps, they think, will slow what they call the “dispossession” of America’s whites.

                      But the alt-right wants Trump to go even further. They want him to slash rates of legal immigration and defund groups that advocate for immigrants, like La Raza. Ultimately, they want Trump to push the boundaries of acceptable opinion to the point where the nakedest of naked racism becomes permissible in mainstream public discourse.

                      You were saying?

                      "A few of the Trump policies Taylor has praised include:
                      * Tripling the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents
                      * Ending federal payments to “sanctuary cities,” cities that protect undocumented immigrants from deportation
                      * Banning immigration from “terror-prone” (read: heavily Muslim) countries
                      * Cutting off federal benefits, like food stamps, for undocumented immigrants"

                      Donald Trump builds cabinet team of far-right figures, nationalists – and white men named Mike

                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      Verified.. Like that case from the NY school where that one muslim gal falsly claimed some 'guys' had threatened her and tried to take her veil.. She was outed a few days later and admitted it was false.
                      And there's plenty of others of those.
                      Where are the others?

                      And also...

                      "Only three of the 58 people arrested for the attacks [Cologne New Year 2016] were refugees from Syria or Iraq. The police chief also said that of the more than 1000 reported incidents, 600 were connected to theft instead of sexual in nature.

                      The other people arrested were mostly of North African descent, though three were German citizens, according to Bremer.

                      The fact that only three of the arrested were from Syria or Iraq will likely do little to stem the xenophobic and Islamophobic outrage emanating from Germany, where Middle Easterners have faced heavy stereotyping as sexual deviants who aren’t able to assimilate into European culture."
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        "undocumented immigrants"...perhaps you should quit dealing in political correctness nonsense a spade a spade....they're illegal aliens plain and simple and should be made to go back to their country of origin and to the back of the line of people waiting to get in different than if you were caught cutting a lunch line in grade got sent to the back of the line


                          Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                          "undocumented immigrants"...perhaps you should quit dealing in political correctness nonsense a spade a spade....they're illegal aliens plain and simple and should be made to go back to their country of origin...
                          And if they can't go back?

                          End of what line then?
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            "Trump is a hero to the Alt-Right. Through a series of semi-organized campaigns, Alt-Right activists applied the “cuckservative” slur to every major Republican primary candidate except Trump, who regularly rails against “political correctness,” Muslims, immigrants, Mexicans, Chinese and others. They have also worked hard to affix the Alt Right brand to Trump through the use of hashtags and memes."

                            Source: The Southern Poverty Law Center
                            So cause the alt-right loves trump that makes him a neo-nazi??

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Where are the others?
                            Lets see if i can find the news reports..

                            Ok, here are some sites for ya..





                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            And also...
                            The fact that only three of the arrested were from Syria or Iraq will likely do little to stem the xenophobic and Islamophobic outrage emanating from Germany, where Middle Easterners have faced heavy stereotyping as sexual deviants who aren’t able to assimilate into European culture."[/I]
                            Being that the govt/police were even going so far as to DENY the incidents happened in the first place, till the media frenzy from all the locals going online and ranting about the cover-up going on (from their PoV), i wouldn't put much faith in what the police chief said..

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            And if they can't go back?

                            End of what line then?
                            What would stop them going back?
                            Last edited by garhkal; 16 February 2017, 08:48 PM.


                              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                              "undocumented immigrants"...perhaps you should quit dealing in political correctness nonsense a spade a spade....they're illegal aliens plain and simple and should be made to go back to their country of origin and to the back of the line of people waiting to get in different than if you were caught cutting a lunch line in grade got sent to the back of the line
                              What about the ones who were brought here when they were young enough that they didn't know they were doing anything wrong (or have a say in it)?

                              And in another case, what about families who had children here who are American citizens? Would you kick those citizens out of the country as well or separate them from their families and put them in foster care?


                                Originally posted by Starsaber View Post
                                What about the ones who were brought here when they were young enough that they didn't know they were doing anything wrong (or have a say in it)?

                                And in another case, what about families who had children here who are American citizens? Would you kick those citizens out of the country as well or separate them from their families and put them in foster care?
                                then it's on the parents if that happens....should've thought of that before committing a crime

