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    Considering the number of people that voted for him, you're going to need an awful lot of dogs, canes and dark glasses.


      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
      Like the Neo-Nazis' planned protest against the Jewish population...
      I would find a link but I'm on my phone..
      I found you a link. It dates back to when the story was first published.

      Neo-Nazis planning to 'take action' against Jews in Montana town

      Andrew Anglin, who runs The Daily Stormer [the neo-nazi's website], posted on the website last Friday: “We are planning an armed protest in Whitefish. Montana has extremely liberal open carry laws, so my lawyer is telling me we can easily march through the centre of the town carrying high-powered rifles.”
      A date is set, in the meantime, apparently -- Sunday, January 15.

      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
      Has anyone heard Mark Hamill read Donald Trump's tweets in his Joker voice?
      I saw his tweet yes.

      Originally posted by pookey View Post
      Im rather alarmed that a future president is tweeting, to be honest, i find it undignified. Maybe just me *shrugs*
      There's an official POTUS and FLOTUS account, which is owned by the WH administration, and used by the residing President and his wife. Tagged with O meant Obama was sending tweets from it, for the FLOTUS account, I think Michelle tagged with her full name when possible (considering there are only 140 characters).

      I used to follow both, but have shifted to Obama's twitter account for a while now (long before anyone knew who would be the next POTUS), and dropped FLOTUS altogether.

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      If you were Trump, wouldn't you want a way to communicate your message without giving the opposition the chance to filter and edit it?
      He doesn't edit or filter -- all spellingmistakes and grammar mistakes are seen loud and clear.
      He's a joke.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        They are not "neo communism", they are self indulgent BS.
        "America first, and screw the rest of the world"

        "But I am a foreign company"!!

        "Who cares, us first"

        It's like a baby looking for mummies boob.
        The problem with America First is that reality is counter intuitive. Take wild fires for example.

        Mexico in the past lacked the firefighters with the proper training to fight them (It's not the same thing as fighting house fires). So Canada and the US sent aid and trainers and resources to Mexico to fix that. In return, in the past decade, those newly trained Mexican fire fighters have been used to fight fires in California and British Colombia.

        This is called Reciprocity, or "You scratch my back, I'll scratch your back". An American First guy may have said back in the 90's "Why are we using our resources to help Mexicans when we have our own fires to deal with?" but doing so would mean that Mexico wouldn't be able to help...which it can do so now. It did so during Hurricane Katrina. And it is equipped to do so again should the US need it.
        By Nolamom


          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          It's not just Trump. The news media as a whole in this country has gone ga-ga over social networking, twitter in particular. Most news stories these days replace half of the supposedly professionally written content with tweets from whatever celebrity idiot they can find who agrees with their position. I don't like that trend at all. But I suppose its going to get worse.

          But in Trump's case, I can at least see a legitimate reason. He is hated and despised by the left-leaning media. They don't even try to put on a false front of being impartial anymore.

          If you were Trump, wouldn't you want a way to communicate your message without giving the opposition the chance to filter and edit it?
          You have an.. interesting.. idea of how the world works..

          Do you believe the Republicans are filtering and editing Obama's speeches?


            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
            You have an.. interesting.. idea of how the world works..

            Do you believe the Republicans are filtering and editing Obama's speeches?
            Don't be ridiculous! They would never do such a thing. Censorship is purely a (how does GF spell it?) Liburrul habit! Where's my tinfoil?
            By Nolamom


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              He doesn't edit or filter -- all spellingmistakes and grammar mistakes are seen loud and clear. He's a joke.
              As far as public speaking/P.R. and such, yes, I've said many times that he's got the worst case of foot in mouth disease I've ever seen.

              Although spelling/grammar/etc. is an important consideration, that isn't the sort of editing I would be concerned with. If he was allowing the media to publish his communications, you can bet that they would present whatever he says in a negative light.

              Oh, and as far as who to follow on twitter... I don't even have an account. Problem solved.


                Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                You have an.. interesting.. idea of how the world works..

                Do you believe the Republicans are filtering and editing Obama's speeches?
                PH, why do you pretend to not understand things that you clearly do? You're not an idiot.

                You know damned well that the "Republicans" are not the media. You also know that with some exceptions such as Fox, the media in the US have been in the tank for the political left for a very long time. And they are positively stark raving off the rails in their hatred of Trump.

                Of course they won't outright censor by changing the content. But there is nothing stopping them from presenting the news using phrases and words that have high negative or positive indices or connotations; there is even a name (which I can't think of right now) for the science of presenting information in a way that will make your audience react to your information in a way that you want them to.

                If I was Trump, facing a hostile media, I would probably rather communicate directly, cutting the media out of the picture as much as possible too.


                  But you said "the opposition".

                  That should mean the Democrats, right?

                  The media love Trump. They talk about him all the time. He didn't need to spend anything on advertising during his campaign because the media reported on his every move for free.

                  Doesn't really sound like something an opposing force would do.

                  And they don't need to edit what he says to make him sound evil or stupid.. He does that all on his own...


                    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                    Don't be ridiculous! They would never do such a thing. Censorship is purely a (how does GF spell it?) Liburrul habit! Where's my tinfoil?
                    Annoyed has it. Its the only way he can stop the NSA from reading his brainwaves.
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                      But you said "the opposition".

                      That should mean the Democrats, right?

                      The media love Trump. They talk about him all the time. He didn't need to spend anything on advertising during his campaign because the media reported on his every move for free.

                      Doesn't really sound like something an opposing force would do.

                      And they don't need to edit what he says to make him sound evil or stupid.. He does that all on his own...
                      The media thrives on conflict which Trump provided by going places no other person would go. No politician would mock a physical disabled reporter
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        PH, why do you pretend to not understand things that you clearly do? You're not an idiot.

                        You know damned well that the "Republicans" are not the media. You also know that with some exceptions such as Fox, the media in the US have been in the tank for the political left for a very long time. And they are positively stark raving off the rails in their hatred of Trump.

                        Of course they won't outright censor by changing the content. But there is nothing stopping them from presenting the news using phrases and words that have high negative or positive indices or connotations; there is even a name (which I can't think of right now) for the science of presenting information in a way that will make your audience react to your information in a way that you want them to.

                        If I was Trump, facing a hostile media, I would probably rather communicate directly, cutting the media out of the picture as much as possible too.

                        Here's the darnest thing. Remember when Trump was complaining of the millions (his words) of negative adds from Clinton? Well...those adds were nothing but clips of him saying and doing things with very little to no editing. The media isn't doing anything but simply sharing what he does and says and mentions whether or not they are lies. Just because he's not everyone's messiah, doesn't mean that the media loathes him.
                        By Nolamom


                          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                          But you said "the opposition".

                          That should mean the Democrats, right?

                          The media love Trump. They talk about him all the time. He didn't need to spend anything on advertising during his campaign because the media reported on his every move for free.

                          Doesn't really sound like something an opposing force would do.

                          And they don't need to edit what he says to make him sound evil or stupid.. He does that all on his own...
                          But in Trump's case, I can at least see a legitimate reason. He is hated and despised by the left-leaning media. They don't even try to put on a false front of being impartial anymore.
                          I was clearly talking about the media in that post.


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            It's not just Trump. The news media as a whole in this country has gone ga-ga over social networking, twitter in particular. Most news stories these days replace half of the supposedly professionally written content with tweets from whatever celebrity idiot they can find who agrees with their position. I don't like that trend at all. But I suppose its going to get worse.
                            And imo the reason news media is going that route, is everyone wants access to everything NOW, NOW, NOW.. rather than waiting to get home and turn ON the news channel or read it in a paper..


                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                              The problem with America First is that reality is counter intuitive. Take wild fires for example.

                              Mexico in the past lacked the firefighters with the proper training to fight them (It's not the same thing as fighting house fires). So Canada and the US sent aid and trainers and resources to Mexico to fix that. In return, in the past decade, those newly trained Mexican fire fighters have been used to fight fires in California and British Colombia.

                              This is called Reciprocity, or "You scratch my back, I'll scratch your back". An American First guy may have said back in the 90's "Why are we using our resources to help Mexicans when we have our own fires to deal with?" but doing so would mean that Mexico wouldn't be able to help...which it can do so now. It did so during Hurricane Katrina. And it is equipped to do so again should the US need it.
                              Extend that a little more and you get the situation where firefighting was NOT a public service, if your house was burning, that's your problem.
                              Fortunately ebil libbuuralism won that battle
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                And imo the reason news media is going that route, is everyone wants access to everything NOW, NOW, NOW.. rather than waiting to get home and turn ON the news channel or read it in a paper..
                                That's got more to do with the media becoming sensationalist rather than investigatory. Look at your big left and right leaning news outlets. Most of the content is not actually -news-, but partisan talking heads yelling at each other.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

