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    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

    Maybe because the rest of the world is *finally* getting sick of the c*** that is being hurled upon them.

    That's not very ladylike..... Wash your mouth out.

    What are people sick of? Explain in detail. Are you whining?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      Why should either of them say anything?
      What makes you think that they should say anything?
      Don't knee jerk a response to that, actually think about why you feel they should do something about it..
      Since both Hillary and obama called on Trump to denounce the vandals and violence at his rally's even though most of that were people PROTESTING him, not his actual supporters, why SHOULDN'T they now do the same when its HER supporters rioting?
      As for obama, since he is STILL the potus (for just over 60 days), he also should denounce it.. However if anything it seems he is encouraging it.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Actually, finally heard on a radio station this morning, a news blurb with some comments from Obama talking about the protesters (against Trump).. President Obama basically said that our (USA) country has the freedom of speech that "allows voices to be heard". However, he did NOT tell any of the rioters to stop vandalizing or being violent, so that is sort of revealing on *what* he may be thinking without saying so. Indirectly, it sounded like he was *approving* of the riot acts.

      Okay, if that is true, *WHO* is going to be responsible for paying out the damages? Surely, the insurance companies are getting tired of these vandalism reports and claims from the victims of such "crimes". There used to be a saying about people walking into businesses with fragile and breakable items--

      "You break it, you've (just) bought it". Same should apply to rioting vandals and gang violence--
      "You wreck it, You PAY for the damages, repairs, or replacement(s)".
      My thoughts exactly SG... If they want to riot, then make THEM pay for the reparations and repairs.


        Trump supporters are protesting Starbucks... By buying drinks at Starbucks and having them write 'Trump' on the cups.

        That's not how boycotting works...

        But then these are are same people who protested the red cups last year by buying more of them...


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          Oh, and if Hillary -did- win, I would have expected far, far worse from the right, not because they are inherently bad, but because their idiot in chief was directly calling for it -before- the results were known.
          That's the Democrats' delegitimization of G.W. Bush coming home to roost. When you create a precedent of declaring your President elect illegitimate because your side has lost, the other side will grab that ball and run with it further still.
          If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            Maybe because the rest of the world is *finally* getting sick of the c*** that is being hurled upon them.
            So, what sort of crap might that be?
            Please, explain?

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Ok, should I find some twitter feeds for people wanting to kill HRC, Blacks, Latino's, Asians, LGBTQ's, (anyone non white, non straight basically) to re-enforce some argument?
            I could find tens of thousands of such things to support the notion that Trump supporters are all want to be murdering psychopaths.
            I see plenty of reports of hatred, bigottery and more popping up in my feed.

            No wonder, minority students need counselling (oh yeah, I remember what I was writing in reply to Annoyed's Fox news article about the coddling crybabies -- they left that part out though) -- they fear what a Trump presidency might do to them. And the hate crimes don't make it any better.

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            No, that's Atheism.

            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            What are people sick of? Explain in detail. Are you whining?
            And yes.

            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
            Trump supporters are protesting Starbucks... By buying drinks at Starbucks and having them write 'Trump' on the cups.

            That's not how boycotting works...

            But then these are are same people who protested the red cups last year by buying more of them...
            I don't think they understand the word boycot very well.


            Hey SGAlisa, I got a good one for you. It's from twitter:

            John: *writing Revelations* So, trumpets will sound the end of days, right God?

            God: No, Trump/Pence.

            John: Yes, trumpets.

            God: Trump/Pence.

            John: Trumpets it is.

            God: No, Tr... *sigh* They'll get it when it's there.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
              exactly peaceful protests are a joke (not to mention, not a very effective way of ousting an illegitimate leader)
              You can pretend all you want, but Trump won the election by the rules, and is therefore the legitimate president.
              Those who oppose him and don't want to see a 2nd term might better spend their time figuring out how to offer a candidate which appeals to someone besides whiny Democrats.


                Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                Trump supporters are protesting Starbucks... By buying drinks at Starbucks and having them write 'Trump' on the cups.

                That's not how boycotting works...

                But then these are are same people who protested the red cups last year by buying more of them...
                That may not be how boycotting works, but it is an ingenious way to torture whiny liberals.


                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  My thoughts exactly SG... If they want to riot, then make THEM pay for the reparations and repairs.
                  With prison time, if they can't pay for damages in cash. 'Cause you know a fair number of these whiny snot-nosed children don't have 2 nickels to rub together.
                  Peaceful protest? I have and will never have any objection or intent to restrict such activity. But that right does NOT include the right to destroy other people's property, disrupt traffic or harass people who disagree with them.
                  People who do choose to loot, riot, destroy property or disrupt traffic under the banner of "protest" should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And yes, I mean, make an example of them.


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Maybe because the rest of the world is *finally* getting sick of the c*** that is being hurled upon them.
                    So, what sort of crap might that be?
                    Please, explain?
                    Really, that's a serious question? Look at the driving forces behind both Brexit and Trump's election if you need that answered.

                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    I see plenty of reports of hatred, bigottery and more popping up in my feed.
                    Sadly, you're right on this one. Trump's victory is being used as an excuse for cockroaches of all stripes from the KKK to Nazis to crawl out from behind the woodwork. They've been trying to hang their hats on anything that might accept them. They'll be forced back into hiding soon enough. I don't think they will find a home.

                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    No wonder, minority students need counselling (oh yeah, I remember what I was writing in reply to Annoyed's Fox news article about the coddling crybabies -- they left that part out though) -- they fear what a Trump presidency might do to them. And the hate crimes don't make it any better.
                    Have the articles about whiny liberal bed wetters that I've posted ever even discussed race? I don't recall them doing so. Race doesn't seem to be the common denominator. To me, it seems that the primary thing that they have in common is youth, stupidity and a tendency to be spoiled rotten. They're just not used to being told "NO". It never even entered their mind that other people might have other ideas or that they might lose and not get their way. Probably a result of the "entitlement mentality" of the society they have grown up in. Or not grown up, as the case may be. Their rude awakening is long overdue, if you ask me.


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      That may not be how boycotting works, but it is an ingenious way to torture whiny liberals.

                      Writing a synonym for 'fart' on a red cup?

                      Increasing the revenue of the business they're protesting?

                      Explain the logic.


                        If memory serves the Starbucks thing was about some customer disgruntled that he wasn't he being served in the time. He turned it into political because the waitress was a minority. I used to work in retail so I dismissed it as experience has taught me that some people will complain about anything
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post

                          Writing a synonym for 'fart' on a red cup?

                          Increasing the revenue of the business they're protesting?

                          Explain the logic.
                          Starbucks is the domain of the young. Many if not most of their employees are/were ardent Hillary or in many cases Sanders backers.
                          Forcing them to write the name of the person who knocked their candidate out of the ring on cups they hand to their customers must be very irritating to them; a reminder that their views were repudiated at the ballot box.


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Starbucks is the domain of the young. Many if not most of their employees are/were ardent Hillary or in many cases Sanders backers.
                            Forcing them to write the name of the person who knocked their candidate out of the ring on cups they hand to their customers must be very irritating to them; a reminder that their views were repudiated at the ballot box.
                            Do you know how many names they write? How many joke names they must be asked for? Your protest won't affect them at all.

                            It's like trying to embarrass the cashier at the supermarket by buying suggestive product combinations. They see it so often they're completely immune to it.


                              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                              Do you know how many names they write? How many joke names they must be asked for? Your protest won't affect them at all.
                              It's not my protest, I first heard about it reading your post earlier in this thread.

                              But I can respect and give kudos to a good idea wherever it comes from.


                                A good idea...

