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    If Trump appoints his own biased Republican Judges then abortion laws can be changed.

    Simple really..

    First off why are people disappointed with the election result?

    This is aimed at the people who didn't vote. Why can you complain about the result when you didn't bother to cast a vote? I find this rather odd that people on social media are complaining about the election result, and then when you ask them why they say they never voted, didn't want to vote.

    So how can you complain then?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
      (In answer to PH) I was actually more interested in the legal points standing in his way rather than the moral ones, everybody knows some things he proposed are just nuts, i was just curious whether those founding fathers really did foresee someone like him being elected and put proper legal safeguards in place, or whether it was just more bull**** from the mouth of someone who should know better.
      Legally it is possible. But not easy. He can't just go stripping away laws created by the previous President just because he doesn't like them. Not that it can't be done...

      The Founding Fathers probably didn't foresee a Trump coming. How could they? America was founded on the idea that anyone could become President if they ran a successful campaign and get elected. Legal safeguards are tricky.. You're talking about a group of men from 200 years ago. The America they founded was very different from the one that exists today. And after 200 years of progress and amendments to the laws they created, whatever original vision they had is long gone.

      But Trump wants to take the US back to the 1950s.. Won't that be fun?!

      *hides in closet*


        Anyone that breathes will have to get in that closet, does Trump like anyone?


          Only himself.

          I hope the next four years are miserable for him. The attention whore who lives to entertain a crowd and perform in front of a camera will have to do real work for the first time in his life. He'll have to sit through so many briefings and read so many reports. And have to deal with real responsibilities. He'll hate it. Being surrounded by people vastly more intelligent and competent than himself, who absolutely despise him and everything he stands for. For the first time in his life he won't be able to get away with blaming anyone else when things go wrong. He won't be able to declare bankruptcy and start over. Every single thing he does for the next four years will be closely watched. And examined. And scrutinized by experts the world over.

          I hope he suffers through every second of it. If Hillary had won he would have had a cushy job on Fox News where he could play the martyr. He would be able to complain about everything she did "wrong" and claim how he would have done it better. But now he has to be responsible. And do real, hard work. Not play for the cameras. He won't be able to get by on sound-bites and catchy slogans.

          And then, when he doesn’t deliver on his promises, when he doesn’t build the wall or create jobs or make people rich, when it becomes clear how incompetent and buffoonish he is, the country and all his supporters will turn on him. They’re going to start blaming him for everything, and those crowds that cheered for him are going to start booing. He’ll be humiliated at every turn, and leave office with the lowest approval rating ever, and he’ll be universally despised.

          And he's going to hate Every. Single. Minute.


            Ooookay......I think PH needs a drink, a stiff one, and perhaps some chocolate

            I agree with you
            Last edited by pookey; 10 November 2016, 07:50 AM. Reason: added comma or sentence would have looked really wrong


              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
              And then, when he doesn’t deliver on his promises, when he doesn’t build the wall or create jobs or make people rich, when it becomes clear how incompetent and buffoonish he is, the country and all his supporters will turn on him.
              he won't care - he'll be in power

              and guess what there may not even be a next election - not an unrigged one anyway (Democrats play clean when it comes to presidential elections, but Republicans don't)
              furthermore a fortuitous tragic terrorist attack on US-SR soil right before the elections would be a good reason for him to declare martial law & remain in power no?


                Chocolate gives PH powerful wind!

                *holds out plate*


                  I will send you a kite for your wind and a ticket to Trumperica


                    Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                    And he's going to hate Every. Single. Minute.
                    I don't mind being proven wrong. If trump turns out to be a great president, it would mean all the BS wasn't for nothing. If he's every bit as bad as he seems to be, then the US wasted 4 years and billions of dollars on absolutely nothing.

                    By the way, regarding the WWIII stuff:

                    You just lost it. Trump's gonna aim for an isolationist America, which means Russia will basically be handed free reign on the world. They won without a fight. Well unless there's going to be a massive shift from everything he said previously about foreign policy.


                      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                      bah don't you folks support execution? it's execution or self defence for democracy or w/e so there you go (legitimate to oust an illegitimate leader who stole an election especially if the majority of the people voted for the other contender)
                      Like it or not,(I don't) the electoral college system is what is in place here. So unless you can document voter fraud in enough quantity to tip the election the other way, His election is legitimate under the laws the land. And that ends that argument.


                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                        Legally it is possible. But not easy. He can't just go stripping away laws created by the previous President just because he doesn't like them. Not that it can't be done...
                        Quite right. Laws cannot be undone on the whim of the executive. Or at least they're not supposed to be.

                        You see the big but coming, though, right?

                        The LSoS did an awful lot of things that he couldn't get legislative approval for via executive order. Those executive orders have all the staying power of of sand castle in a hurricane if the new executive doesn't like them.

                        So, no, laws cannot be charged arbitrarily, but anything that was done by executive order can be changed Jan. 20.


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          I don't mind being proven wrong. If trump turns out to be a great president, it would mean all the BS wasn't for nothing. If he's every bit as bad as he seems to be, then the US wasted 4 years and billions of dollars on absolutely nothing.

                          By the way, regarding the WWIII stuff:

                          You just lost it. Trump's gonna aim for an isolationist America, which means Russia will basically be handed free reign on the world. They won without a fight. Well unless there's going to be a massive shift from everything he said previously about foreign policy.
                          I didn't mention WWIII?


                            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                            I didn't mention WWIII?

                            It was something people said quite a few posts ago. But it wasn't specifically aimed at you


                              Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                              I was going to ask this too, it's my understanding the present abortion laws were a constitutional amendment which makes changing them virtually impossible, as the American on Sky said last night if he tried to change that he might as well resign there and then.

                              So what about Gay marriage rights? How does the American law making system work? Surely he would need to go through the senate and even though he 'owns' that, it's no guarantee they would approve it and even then surely the Supreme Court could block it as being unconstitutional?

                              I suppose what I'm trying to ask is do the pro-lifers and gay marriage supporters actually have anything truely to worry about from a legal standpoint or are they being led up the garden path a bit by those stirring up trouble for the sake of it?
                              Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                              Thanks but 1) that wasn't what I asked, and 2) remember you're talking to a thick Brit who's only "official" source of new relating to USA comes second hand from a Fox News subsidiary so we don't even know what scotus means, to us it's some illiterates attempt to spell scrotum a clever way....

                              So break it down for a thick Brit please who has learnt far more about American politics simply by reading this forum for a few weeks than we could ever hope to acquire from the fearporn the MSM like to call news...

                              The legal acceptance of gay marriage we also the result of a Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision, just as Roe v. Wade (Abortion) was.
                              So Trump cannot legally overturn or go against those rulings.

                              But. SCOTUS judges are appointed by the President, and the Senate either approves or denies the choice. Or denies them a hearing altogether, as in the most recent example.

                              Trump gets one SCOTUS judge choice right off the bat. And with the Senate held by Republicans, he will likely get his choice approved. This particular judgeship is a tiebreaker; there are 4 Lefties and 4 Righties on the court now. So he will immediately tip the court to the right.
                              There are several other elderly judges who may retire at any time. If one or more does, then Trump nominates their replacements. If the Senate approves them, he could easily stack the SCOTUS to the right for at least a generation or more.

                              Therefore, depending upon the makeup of the SCOTUS the next time a case involving these issues arrives at the court, the court itself could reverse it's earlier decisions on Abortion, Gay Marriage, or anything else for that matter.

                              Hope that clears it up for you a bit.


                                Yup cheers.

