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    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

    Someone on another website forum had asked if Trump was "Supernatural" .. I'm guessing if that meant protected by some Divine Power above, because of how he survived all the odds in actually reaching to very end of the election cycle -- bruised, but bouncing back unscathed at various points. I personally could only hope he was (apart from some of his worst schoolboy jousting moments in the Republican elimination process), but wasn't putting too much stock in where that might go.

    So your got protects liars and adulterers....... What about those 10 handy commandments?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
      so far only the neocons have stolen national elections & this is just the 3rd time

      it's obviously rigged so let's hope the voters rise up & make things bloody messy
      And I get criticized for mentioning that "one Twitter" feed was inciting fuel for some riot act, if Trump won the election?
      yeah... so, what was "War Machine III"s words again..?
      hmmm. *grumble* . . .

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      And who is going to riot if they lose?

      Protests erupt in California after Trump wins election
      There's more locations than that floating around the internet regarding protesting against Trump's win.
      At least 8 (EIGHT) different USA regions plotting protests against Trump already. Some of those areas are very popular urban zones. So, at the moment protests are peaceful, but we've seen how some of those ended up within the last several years (Ferguson, MO)..

      The following comments were either noted from Twitter feeds or news agencies--
      * Boston, MA (obvious place of course ---- protests planned) --Twitter feed
      * BLM protesters shut down some freeways in Missouri (probably St.Louis area, since the note regarding came from that regional area)
      * New York City, NY (protests planned) --NBC New York
      * Phoenix high school students protesting towards Arizona State Capitol
      * some protests in Pittsburgh, PA
      * Protesters block off Congress Avenue in Austin (state not listed? but might be Texas)
      * San Francisco and/or Oakland, California (protests planned) --KRON
      * (
      Washington state?) West Seattle High School students -- down at California Avenue --@ MarcusQ13Fox
      * additional protests in the BLUE area states --Facebook--NowThisNews
      ( videos/1220631778026944/ )
      (USA Map--Blue regions are pro-Democrat zones; Red regions are pro-Republican zones)

      . . .


        Watch the news, there are protests going on right now in at least 7 major cities.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          People always protest after a federal election. That's how the whole birther thing started
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            I am not so sure about that Jel. (the protesting part)
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              As long as I have been voting, the other side always fights no matter how difficult it is
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Lets hear from our republican friends for a moment on a big issue for them.
                The ACA.
                Under the ACA, insurance companies cannot refuse insurance for pre existing conditions anymore, it is also a big reason why premiums have gone up.

                Given that Trump has promised anything he replaces the ACA with will be "better", do you think that such people will still be covered, and how is this and different (in theory) than being told that you can keep your doctor?
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  As long as I have been voting, the other side always fights no matter how difficult it is
                  Fight, sure, mass protests by the people?
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    People always protest after a federal election. That's how the whole birther thing started
                    I don't recall there being widespread protesting in the streets after the LSoS's wins in 2008/12. And the birther idea was born in the runup to the first term election, wasn't it?


                      I never said mass protest.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        I don't recall there being widespread protesting in the streets after the LSoS's wins in 2008/12. And the birther idea was born in the runup to the first term election, wasn't it?
                        The last big protests -I- know of was in 1968.
                        If the protests remain as they have been, peaceful, then I have no issue with them, much as if Hillary won and Republicans protested -peacefully-.
                        I think personally, Trump is a stain on the human race, many feel Hillary is as well, but it is a moot point, he won and the people have the right to peacefully voice their disappointment. At the same time, they have the responsibility to -try- to make it work. Too many people have died to give people what we call "western democracy" to loose it all over a hissy fit. I would never take my eye of the man, that will never change, but to not give the man a chance spits in the eye of those who have already paid for peoples rights.
                        If America implodes now, you might as well say that the 3rd plane finally hit, just 15 years later than the other two, and while Al-queda and ISIS may be bombed to oblivion by Trump, the goal that they were already prepared to die for will have been achieved.
                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          Lets hear from our republican friends for a moment on a big issue for them.
                          The ACA.
                          Under the ACA, insurance companies cannot refuse insurance for pre existing conditions anymore, it is also a big reason why premiums have gone up.

                          Given that Trump has promised anything he replaces the ACA with will be "better", do you think that such people will still be covered, and how is this and different (in theory) than being told that you can keep your doctor?
                          Being that I work daily with amendments and adoptions to various regulations and used to work at two different regional-office insurance companies, I think what needs to be done is to keep make the insurance companies continue paying for the pre-existing conditions. This is important, because when moving from one location to another, or from job to job, the new insurance payer had the option on the old, non-ACA system, to reject paying out for pre-existing conditions, depending on what those health issues were. That is just flat out WRONG.

                          As people get older, many of them deteriorate in general health. Some of those health conditions are NOT easily reversible, such as a degenerative cartilage condition that can cause chronic arthritis, slipped/herniated discs, and severe muscular back spasms. There are other health problems that are equally just as severe and in need of major medical attention (heart, lung, kidney, etc. conditions).

                          However, it is now mostly the current and future payouts on the premiums and deductibles that people are complaining the most about. If the insurance companies can stop charging outrageous prices and setting deductibles so sky high that the average family ends up paying out-of-pocket fees in the thousands of dollars before ever reaching their deductible, in order to get any eventual and reasonable discount(s) later in that same year -- THIS is what needs to be adjusted down into a more reasonable price range.

                          I've heard stories where one lady said her premiums are going up 42% next year, and others are claiming similar issues with some rates over 90% more higher to be paid out. Those people who opted to OPT-OUT and pay the penalty fee will be paying twice as much in the annual fine for 2017 and beyond.


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            Lets hope he is more effective than obama was when the dems had the white house and both houses in congress..
                            Thanks garhkal for sharing. Here is what Mark Levin was saying earlier today---

                            Mark Levin (talk radio host) recommends NOT trusting and NOT voting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell back in for a continued next term, because Mark Levin basically believes McConnell will revoke support for Trump's Administrative cabinet appointments and policy-making after making a reversal of initially supporting Trump. McConnell is part of the (political) "establishment" and has pulled that technique on so many other potential candidates for office by voting against support at the last moment.

                            Mark Levin also basically said Chuck Schumer is a staunch stonewaller against certain Repubs getting appointed to specific posts. Schumer has a history of stirring up so much trouble that it would end up blocking any appointments Trump would like to make. Mitch McConnell is another one who would *possibly* roadblock appointments and legislature, regardless of what the rest of the news MSM is saying about McConnell, who is currently claiming to be looking forward to cooperating in working with Donald Trump's new venue in life.

                            Hey, additionally, some folks in Arizona would love to toss Senator John McCain out of Legislative power-voting too, but the rest of the (AZ) state keeps voting him back in.. It's believed that McCain would block building any wall in his (own) state of Arizona. Afterall, during Obama's 8-year presidential reign, McCain has let many Mexicans come thru his "porous" border and settle down (illegally) in Phoenix and other parts of the state, that he'd be too unstable in trusting to get any job like that done at all.

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Well, this was a very pleasant morning.
                            Trump won the presidency and both houses of Congress are still in Republican hands.
                            yeah.. when I heard Trump had "officially" garnered the electorial votes (which is what "officially" determines the winner), it was more of a *whew* -- WWIII has been temporarily averted.. at least between the USA and Russia, for a little while.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Clinton won the popular vote.
                            She won many of those votes thru the deceit of fixed (electronic) machines that were readjusting every Trump vote into a Hillary vote. Other stories claimed their Trump vote simply vanished and wouldn't register their "Trump" vote. They weren't allowed to vote again, lest the system incorrectly recalculate *twice* for Trump.

                            No one knows for sure how many of those machines had the so-called glitches or pre-programmed/marker box set-up. It was probably programmed in and not caught for a while; but Pennsylvania was one of those states that got exposed for having lots of those problems, because even the *observing watcher(s)* tending to the booths -- tried to see what happened and ended up with the same problem.. glitch or deliberate pre-programmed result, if gone on not checked and in *FAVOR* of Hillary Clinton, NOT Donald Trump.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Well, that happened.

                            Congrats to Garhkal, Annoyed and SGAlisa -- your candidate has won the electoral vote. I hope you won't come to regret your choice.
                            Trump was *not* my first choice. My choices all vanished. The balloted ones would never get in -- just put a wedge between the two top candidates (Clinton and Trump).

                            BTW, New Jersey lost our long-termed congressman, Scott Garrett (Republican) to Josh Gottheimer (Democrat)..
                            Many years ago, Scott was instrumental in helping my husband's side of the family get his dad's financial aid straightened out after 7 long months of back and forth conflicts between the nursing home that "dad" was in and the State medicare/medicaid program folks approving or disapproving payments for his financial health care.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Congrats to Garhkal, Annoyed and SGAlisa -- your candidate has won the electoral vote.
                            . . .
                            Congratulations America.
                            Here's an idea!!!
                            George Soros can send Hillary Clinton & family overseas, and then install her somewhere into the E.U.'s Administration. Then, she can rise to the top of the ladder somehow (probably quickly) and rule over ALL of you E.U. folks, instead. There she can implement ALL of her wonderful ideas on how to make you believe in awesome and amazing lifestyle changes that will bring joy eternal into your future during the rest of her reign over everyone..

                            That works for most of us who saw previews of what she was about to enforce upon us over on this side of the Atlantic.. ...


                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              Being that I work daily with amendments and adoptions to various regulations and used to work at two different regional-office insurance companies, I think what needs to be done is to keep make the insurance companies continue paying for the pre-existing conditions. This is important, because when moving from one location to another, or from job to job, the new insurance payer had the option on the old, non-ACA system, to reject paying out for pre-existing conditions, depending on what those health issues were. That is just flat out WRONG.
                              SG, before the ACA, there was absolutely no coverage for such things, correct?
                              Trump wants to roll back ALL of the ACA, which means by default going back to the norm of "pre-existing? tough cookies".
                              He wants something "better", ok, I can get behind better, the ACA was a gutted half measure, but HOW is he going to make it "better"?
                              You say it is wrong (flat out wrong no less), but this is -exactly- what Trump will do, put the insurance companies back to pre-ACA conditions.

                              As people get older, many of them deteriorate in general health. Some of those health conditions are NOT easily reversible, such as a degenerative cartilage condition that can cause chronic arthritis, slipped/herniated discs, and severe muscular back spasms. There are other health problems that are equally just as severe and in need of major medical attention (heart, lung, kidney, etc. conditions).
                              My story time.
                              This year my mom died of cancer (on my brothers birthday), my only remaining grandparent is all but blind and has lost her daughter and simply does not want to live anymore as she lost her husband some 40 years ago as well, and I had to convince my dad not to take his gun out and blow his head off -and that is just the last 6 months-. My 40 year old wife I have had to take to hospital because as a result of a work injury has bulging and herniated discs and suffers from back spasms that look like she is having a fit.
                              Do NOT assume that because I am "only 40" I don't know how "older people" feel, are we clear?
                              However, it is now mostly the current and future payouts on the premiums and deductibles that people are complaining the most about. If the insurance companies can stop charging outrageous prices and setting deductibles so sky high that the average family ends up paying out-of-pocket fees in the thousands of dollars before ever reaching their deductible, in order to get any eventual and reasonable discount(s) later in that same year -- THIS is what needs to be adjusted down into a more reasonable price range.
                              Do you know that the ACA has -NO control- over what the insurance companies charge?
                              Do you know why?
                              I've heard stories where one lady said her premiums are going up 42% next year, and others are claiming similar issues with some rates over 90% more higher to be paid out. Those people who opted to OPT-OUT and pay the penalty fee will be paying twice as much in the annual fine for 2017 and beyond.
                              We have a medicare levy which increases 1% per year that you do not have private cover as well as having medicare (our medicare, not yours) past the age of 30. Taxing people for their decisions may seem unfair on the surface, hell, you could see it as "submit or pay", but remember, nearly every law we have (out here) with a punitive tax for breaking it or not complying with it only exists because people when given "free choice" care more about themselves than their overall position.

                              The ACA -needs- work, no argument, is the US prepared to do what it takes to make it "better"?
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

                                She won many of those votes thru the deceit of fixed (electronic) machines that were readjusting every Trump vote into a Hillary vote. Other stories claimed their Trump vote simply vanished and wouldn't register their "Trump" vote. They weren't allowed to vote again, lest the system incorrectly recalculate *twice* for Trump.

                                No one knows for sure how many of those machines had the so-called glitches or pre-programmed/marker box set-up. It was probably programmed in and not caught for a while; but Pennsylvania was one of those states that got exposed for having lots of those problems, because even the *observing watcher(s)* tending to the booths -- tried to see what happened and ended up with the same problem.. glitch or deliberate pre-programmed result, if gone on not checked and in *FAVOR* of Hillary Clinton, NOT Donald Trump.
                                The republicans won, and you are STILL crying rigged??
                                You should get to your doctor before you are diagnosed with a pre-existing condition.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

