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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    and I have to ask, does Trump even know what his own goals are?
    you really have to ask? of course he knows exactly what his goals are & they're super simple:
    more rights for the elites
    fewer rights for the commonfolk (american or illegal makes no difference)
    build a wall...between the classes
    and make America - not americans* - powerful & prosperous

    *'cept a few


      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
      you really have to ask? of course he knows exactly what his goals are & they're super simple:
      more rights for the elites
      fewer rights for the commonfolk (american or illegal makes no difference)
      build a wall...between the classes
      and make America - not americans* - powerful & prosperous

      *'cept a few
      Build a wall and make the american middle class pay for it.


        His pants was also quite a few times on fire -- liar, liar-kind.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          I just wonder if Trumpalicious will ever answer a question. He is the master of circular rhetoric!


            Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
            I just wonder if Trumpalicious will ever answer a question. He is the master of circular rhetoric!
            LOL! That's one way of putting it...
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              That's quite a one sided argument. Clinton wasnt going over the time limit like Trump and didn't start fights with them.
              I only watched part of the debate, but I saw her go over numerous times and the moderators call her on it.


                Originally posted by Starsaber View Post
                I only watched part of the debate, but I saw her go over numerous times and the moderators call her on it.
                She did and they did. Not as much as he did which is kind of my point of the whole idea that they sided with Hilary. I thought they did well to remain neutral. No one can be completely neutral. I wish they had gotten to more questions instead of the constant bickering between the two
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by Starsaber View Post
                  I only watched part of the debate, but I saw her go over numerous times and the moderators call her on it.
                  She didn't fight them on it. Or complain that it wasn't fair. Donald Trump is like a child. Every time he was asked to stop talking because the time was up he complained "but she's doing it too! You're not telling her off!"

                  And the constant interruptions when Hilary was talking.

                  I remember the good old days when Trump was just a more polite way of saying fart.


                    Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                    He is the master of circular rhetoric!
                    that's why he's so popular in the higher circles


                      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                      She didn't fight them on it. Or complain that it wasn't fair. Donald Trump is like a child. Every time he was asked to stop talking because the time was up he complained "but she's doing it too! You're not telling her off!"

                      And the constant interruptions when Hilary was talking.

                      I remember the good old days when Trump was just a more polite way of saying fart.
                      He wasn't so crazy in the 90s
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by soulreaver View Post
                        that's why he's so popular in the higher circles


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          NYC operates completely differently than the rest of the state in most respects. It's the 50,000 Lb elephant in the room. Or Albatross around our neck, as it were.

                          You keep saying that like if it means something...

                          By no means. It's generally just the 5 larger cities that have problems. And again, NYC is an animal unto itself.
                          It's hard to understand how you expect poverty not to have an impact on a child's education. The thing is, NYC isn't the only city in the Union that is liberal and has a respectable education system. And NY does have some of the poorest cities in the country. Now, unless the school budget is being used as welfare and to create actual jobs and eliminate crime and abuse (all of which follows centers of poverty) then it doesn't matter how much you pay them.

                          A problem you fail to understand, among many, is that cities have a high teacher turnout. You don't get many experienced teachers in the cities as you do in the smaller schools. That also has an impact. Yes they are marked "effective" or "Highly Effective" but in education "highly" is a nonsense word, a buzzword. Effective only means that they are okay teachers, highly effective means some people like buzzwords.

                          There's a lot that goes into why those five cities do so poorly when compared to elsewhere. Political affiliation just isn't one of them. Not everything is rooted in political parties. Honestly, I question whether you see democrats as American or even human.

                          Wages are not the issue. That district that handed out 40% raises in the mid eighties? Median compensation there is mid-50's and up. That's one of the problems. We've been throwing more and more money into it, and it just keeps getting worse. So they want still more money. And the voters can't even say enough is enough. Unlike the rural areas, where the school boards submit their budgets to the voters for approval, the big 5 have the rules written so they don't have to do that.
                          That's a weird system. Out here voters don't vote for any budget. They vote for the people who approve the budget, but beyond that they don't decide the budget. Maybe the problem has more to do with your whacked up system too.

                          So this is indeed a problem caused by the politics differences, urban/suburban. The rural areas are unionized too, but operate just fine, but as far as the big cities go, the unions are far more powerful. And those unions spend A LOT supporting the Democratic politicians who support their positions. State legislature, bought & paid for in any matter regarding education.
                          Then how is it the Baltimore is a bit more comparable to NYC as far as graduation rates go? Or better yet, Boston's graduation rate. Or even better, Super Blue Philadelphia which beats NYC? Los Angeles also has a high graduation rate and San Francisco too. How many more democratic huge cities should I point out?
                          By Nolamom


                            Originally posted by Womble View Post
                            And yet they are, that's part of the point. In fact, whole classes are established on the basis of nothing but political advocacy.
                            Classes, learning, education, indoctrination.
                            Sounds like junk science to me, or I could be describing religious studies, which are based in political advocacy as well.

                            Well, it's happening in American colleges.
                            No, it really isn't. There are individual -teachers- who may include politics in their teaching style, but the state guidelines simply do not have that bias. Feel free to look up current and previous syllabus guidelines if you want, for any subject.

                            Why, yes, really. In fact, I am baffled why you would even draw such a distinction!
                            Not sure how to respond to that. sounds sarcastic, but might be ignorance.

                            Should it be proven that homosexuality is not genetically hardwired but a chosen behavior, will it become okay to discriminate against homosexuals?
                            No, but that is not the point, and I think (hope?) you know that. You are trying to create a false equivalency between that which you control, and that which you do not.

                            Because you're still asking it wrong.
                            Not really, you answered my question, I think I asked it just right.

                            I do, as a matter of fact. I would even question whether Western society has a mainstream culture, let alone that it's white or patriarchal. But the interesting question here is, whose terminology are you using in asking the question? Don't you see that you're phrasing it in pre-rigged "when did you stop beating your wife" terms?
                            What I see is people who are afraid to look into their past and accept it for what it is because they see "white patriarchal society" as a personal affront to them. If you want to argue that "Western Society" has not been dominated by 1: Whites and 2: Men in the last millennia, go right ahead, then pick up a history book and disabuse yourself of that nonsense. Oh, you get the occasional woman, the occasional non white in there, sure, but on the whole, no. In fact, chances are that Women or Non white is only included because some "junk historian" wanted to learn more.

                            That is a complex question and I'd say a range of perspective should be taught.
                            Like what?
                            Come on, you brought the subject up, surely you have some answers.
                            More importantly still, the teachers should not act as if they represent, rather than inform the students about, the ideas that are being taught.
                            The vast majority do not, and those that do should not be public educators.
                            Oh, I know, no respect for the science's halo. But you know what? Not all that glitters is gold and not all that is called science, is good science. Modern-day "gender studies" are junk science just as phrenology was junk science.
                            You are trying to compare the role of the study of men and women and their societal roles over time with skull fingering?
                            Are you going to compare Astrology to Astronomy next?

                            In which universe is that a fair parallel to public education?
                            In -every- universe when the subject (remember that, the subject) is TEACHING.

                            Again, the fact remains that the ratio worsens over time. Barring all sorts of arcane explanations, one is forced to conclude that the field of public schooling has become conservative-hostile, hence them not going there.
                            One is forced to conclude you don't spend much time with teachers.............
                            Teachers, like any field taken on it's totality attracts all kinds of people, be they public, private, or even religious. Certain systems tend to "scoop up" a majority outlook, sure, but as I have said, multiple times, injecting personal teacher belief into education is not right, and should be avoided, -especially- in public schools.

                            The depth of your argument astounds me.
                            Yeah, I can only work with what I get, sorry.

                            But religion is not science and does not lay claim to being science. You are shamelessly misdirecting the discussion with this comparison and I am forced to ask why.
                            I am misdirecting nothing.
                            You are accusing progressives of bringing their belief system into education, I am merely pointing out that conservatives do the exact same thing, and have been doing it for a far, far longer time. You worry about "progressive dominated schools", yet Conservatives have held that dominion for centuries, to the point where the only form of education available was through conservative schools.

                            The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
                            Guess you better start building a death star.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              In other opinions:
                              (NSFW, and it's Bill Maher, so I am sure it will get minimal clicks, pity........)
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                At this point I am really ready to get on the "Stop the Planet I want to get OFF" Bandwagon. Seriously. I don't want EITHER of these Horrible, HORRIBLE People to get this important office.
                                I like Sharky

