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    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
    *silently smothers PH so my secrets dont leak out*
    But I wanted a sandwich..


      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      What ,the fox "Fair and balanced' thing??
      <Is that Why Fox and Brietbart are "fair", and everything else is "lame stream"?
      You don't pass on it, you live in it. >

      Being that fox does at least get BOTH sides of the argument on, where as most of the rest of the media seem to only do the one side (i can't remember the last time they had a conservative pundit on MSNBC), it certainly shows fox etc are 'more balanced' compared to the rest..

      Well, if you invite a political figure to do a CAMPAIGN STOP in your church, then you should expect him to talk politics, such as attacking his adversary..
      Remember, the left considers presenting their view only the correct way to cover info. Giving the other side a voice is unacceptable. Remember their overwhelming tolerance of opposing viewpoints?


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        I forgot you showed that.. Humble apologies...
        BUT that said, the #s are no where close to the amount of times i have heard of it happening from liberal colleges.
        Informational illusion.
        When you go looking for patterns, people tend to find them.
        What ,the fox "Fair and balanced' thing??
        <Is that Why Fox and Brietbart are "fair", and everything else is "lame stream"?
        You don't pass on it, you live in it. >

        Being that fox does at least get BOTH sides of the argument on, where as most of the rest of the media seem to only do the one side (i can't remember the last time they had a conservative pundit on MSNBC), it certainly shows fox etc are 'more balanced' compared to the rest..
        MSNBC -is- left leaning, heavily so, but NBC and CNN tend to show both as well. My issue with fox is not so much the news that it has on (Fox extra is actually pretty good for disseminating pure info), but the line up of obviously partisan personalities it has on in it's hour blocks. It's a daily parade of right wing agenda's wrapped around dubious "facts". Fox may have left leaning people on, but sit there and honestly evaluate the "discussions" sometime.

        On the 'blacks have no jobs, hope etc.. Where was trump wrong though? Under Obama's regime, their unemployment #s have gone UP...
        No, they have not, and yes, Trump is wrong.
        The Black unemployment rate is about twice of the white one, true, but both have been falling for years now.
        Just another Trump Dump.

        Well, if you invite a political figure to do a CAMPAIGN STOP in your church, then you should expect him to talk politics, such as attacking his adversary..
        It's possible to talk politics without going into attack mode, and Trump was not invited to give a "campaign speech". Either way, The Pastor asked nicely for him not to do it, and he looked all chastised and stopped. Next day, he rags on her via twitter. If he had the brass balls people seem to think he has, he would have done something at the event.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Remember, the left considers presenting their view only the correct way to cover info. Giving the other side a voice is unacceptable. Remember their overwhelming tolerance of opposing viewpoints?
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            Background quotes first...

            hunh? (SGalisa) reads how original subject got morphed into something else...
            Probably because you tend to not speak in exact terms, it's all "fluffy".
            Talking in parables might work in the bible, it does not work for you, sorry.
            I agree with there being too much political correctness being pushed on folks who aren't allowed to say anything, lest the person being spoken to gets the least amount offended
            Like what?
            Give me -specific- examples of what you are not allowed to say that does not deserve to be derided in context.
            If your are incapable of doing it............
            -- jeeze, try that in the work office about some job project being incorrectly done, and suffer the scolding that occurs in the process.. If school/college aged people are now that fragile, how are they *ever* going to cope in the long-term, REAL working world..?
            If you screw up, you deserve the scolding. This notion that millenials are "fragile flowers" is garbage. Since WHEN is standing up and saying "I don't want to hear your garbage" and pro-actively confronting systemic stupidity seen as "weak"? Millenial's have more "issues" because they are growing up in a far, far more complicated world than I did, let alone the world that baby boomers were born into. As far as I am concerned, the baby boomers are the most self important, arrogant, weak and pathetic generation to come out of the 20th century. Their PARENTS fought and died for them, They (the WW2 generation) set up systems to make sure that they were better off than they were, they tried to prevent future wars on the scale of WW2 and baby boomers think that their involvement in "police actions" made them as good as their parents???
            Then you get to see what these "greatest generation" did with what they were given, they covered their own arses, did not want to pay for it and now they cry that there is no money left in the kitty and leave a broken system that they are entirely responsible for and have the audacity to complain. They live off the greatness of those who came before, and dump on those that will come next.

            Employers trying to provide customer service business to the rest of the world, won't tolerate slackers and whiny, insecure folks for too long, lest it bring down the productivity levels that supports their salaries.
            Maybe they are waiting for god to fix it?

            But I wasn't referring to "safe spaces" like hiding in a closet from verbal chastising (job related) or insults (from any person in any neighborhood).

            I was referring to there aren't any (or many) SAFE places left on this planet to be safe from physical injury. People casually walking down the street, or strolling thru the park -- not safe from bandits or molesters. Kids can't even be left alone at a school bus-stop, because of creeps waiting in the shadows or nearby car to kidnap some child. Females, regardless of their age, aren't totally safe from sickos (usually men, but other women, also) with ill intentions.
            If you think there ever was a "safe space" in that context, you are delusional. The only difference between now and "then" is that more gets reported and information is disseminated faster. Crime has gone -down-, not up, but it is reported on far, far more.
            Crawl underground in case of war/chaos event, and I've seen discussion boards with an opposing person (supposedly joke) claim they'll hunt down your stash of food and other sheltered belongings for their own survival too--even break into the bunker, so they've declared.
            "Many people say" eh?

            Geographically, no where *seems* totally SAFE. If there is such a place, there may be other issues, like water/land pollution or horrible weather occurrences--then, there's no safe health place, environmentally speaking, including where sick people are out and about shopping or working--because they *have* to--they might not have anyone else to help them out. Not to also mention window shopping at a mall, and then dealing with what a St. Cloud, Minnesota mall (USA) just dealt with this weekend. Crazy guy on warpath "for Allah" and the Islamic State claims support of this event.
            Wow, no where safe environmentally, I wonder why.............

            It's situations and events like that -- that I meant no more *safe* PLACES. Sometimes, we humans need to rest to restore our day's lost energy. Not rest six feet under (dead)..! Or end up in some hospital bed pumped up with meds to calm us down.
            Some of us are under tremendous amounts of stress. It may be financial or health or both, or even family related. However, the world's various hostile situations just add to those levels of stress.. Try turning a blind eye to it, til it ends up in (generic) your neighborhood or during your travels. Grant it, that isn't what happens everywhere... but just this weekend alone, Minnesota Mall had a violent attacker on the loose -- dressed as in a security uniform.. Oh, that's a helpful soul.. NOT. Can't trust just anyone based on their appearance status. And one psychopath, out of how many semi-normal people on this planet isn't enough to be alarming to some.. that's nice for the naysayers.
            What naysayers?
            Also (in the USA this weekend), school is in session now. A seashore park in NJ experienced a pipe bomb coincidentally on the same path as a charity 5K (marathon) run was in progress. Sounds almost like Boston, Massachusettes all over again. If that wasn't enough, there was a bombing incident in NYC, as well -- still under investigation. Oh, and there was another incident in Florida where some naked person broke into someone's house, bit the person inside, and then died. What is wrong with the people on this planet??
            Do you think any of these concepts are new?

            That is what I am referring to with having *safe* places. This world is turning itself upside down. NOT all, but some of (probably about 20%) of the people are regressing into satisfying their violent appetites.
            Just wait for Jesus to kill the unbelievers (sorry, CLEANSE them)
            Perhaps he can offer everyone a shower?
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              Saw that earlier.
              I laughed somewhat at one of the reports saying over a dozen shots were fired at him, and he only had one wound in the arm/shoulder..
              If so, man do those cops need to go back to the range!


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                I laughed somewhat at one of the reports saying over a dozen shots were fired at him, and he only had one wound in the arm/shoulder..
                If so, man do those cops need to go back to the range!
                Many have said that, in general.
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  How is Shillary doing?
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Like what?
                    Give me -specific- examples of what you are not allowed to say that does not deserve to be derided in context.
                    I say, let's open up the floor and speak freely.
                    Notwithstanding the words Gateworld will bleep out, I say, let it rip.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    I laughed somewhat at one of the reports saying over a dozen shots were fired at him, and he only had one wound in the arm/shoulder..
                    If so, man do those cops need to go back to the range!
                    I thought I saw some bandages around his thigh as well.
                    Nevertheless, Stormtroopers come to mind.

                    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                    How is Shillary doing?
                    Still very much alive.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Give me -specific- examples of what you are not allowed to say that does not deserve to be derided in context.
                      Why the qualifier "that does not deserve to be derided in context."?
                      I don't care if you or anyone else thinks it should be derided. The right to express one's views should be absolute. The listener can decide if it's worthy or not.


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        Why the qualifier "that does not deserve to be derided in context."?
                        I don't care if you or anyone else thinks it should be derided. The right to express one's views should be absolute. The listener can decide if it's worthy or not.
                        So why do people complain if people shout them down?
                        Those doing the shouting down are not stoping people from expressing their views, they have merely decided that what is being said is not worthy of hearing.
                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                          I laughed somewhat at one of the reports saying over a dozen shots were fired at him, and he only had one wound in the arm/shoulder..
                          If so, man do those cops need to go back to the range!
                          It's called "American Style" shooting.

                          Why use one bullet when ten will do?


                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            So why do people complain if people shout them down?
                            Those doing the shouting down are not stoping people from expressing their views, they have merely decided that what is being said is not worthy of hearing.
                            Just because the shouter has decided he doesn't want to hear it, that doesn't mean others don't. The shouter shouldn't be making the decision for others.

                            But it's typical. Silence the opposition, rather than allow the ideas to be heard.


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Many have said that, in general.
                              Trying to remember which other article i read, but it had something about 3 cops in a shoot out with 2 perps, and over 50 rounds were shot by the cops, and only 4 hit the perps.. !?!??!?


                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                Trying to remember which other article i read, but it had something about 3 cops in a shoot out with 2 perps, and over 50 rounds were shot by the cops, and only 4 hit the perps.. !?!??!?
                                Again.. American Style..

