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    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
    So how exactly does eliminating immigration quotas equal elimination of security measures?

    And none of this happened in previous administrations?

    I am a citizen, never claimed otherwise. But you just made my point on the whole profiling thing, you just partook in it.

    There's a reason why Washington didn't want any political parties to begin with.
    Yeah....for example...I can understand being angry at all the offshore outsourcing of many of our jobs that's going on....and it sometimes unfortunately leads people to assume that any customer service agent they're talking to on the phone that has a foreign accent must be outside of the of my mom's co-workers at the call center she's working at was originally from India but is now a US citizen and has a good grasp of English but she still has an accent too so unfortunately she gets a lot of "can you transfer me to someone in the USA" when the customers hear her accent and most of them won't believe her when she tries to explain to them that she is indeed a US citizen


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Sounds like a great religion to follow.


      So, I hear Trump asked Russia to find Hillary's mails on national television and now the hashtag TrumpTreason is trending.

      If he was trying to be funny, I think it backfired.
      Democrats can apparently only understand sarcasm when it comes from Stephen Colbert.
      If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


        I think perhaps he should also have asked them to find his tax returns.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Obviously, anyone who did not hear the previous quoted comments would naturally wonder if Trump is seriously trying to get himself into trouble and hand over the presidency automatically to Hillary Clinton. However, when the previous comments are noted IN CONTEXT, then it is or should be understood that Trump was jesting a dare..
          IMO Its standard fair for the media to cut off some of a quote, just so they can emphasis what THEY Want to make it seem like this or that person said..

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          The cost to deport all 11 million immigrants would be in the order of 400-600 billion dollars. (American Action forum)
          So, that is somewhere between 1200-1800 dollars per man, woman and child in the US.
          And how much is it going to cost to keep those same 11 million illegals IN The USA for say 5 to 10 more years? What is our 'break even point'?
          Additionally, the left keeps hamping out that 11 million figure for YEARS now.. So its more likely into the 15 mil region at the least by now..

          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          What she has done is dodgy, it's questionable, it displays poor judgement in dealing with internet security, and I'll -never- defend her for doing it, or say that people don't have a case for calling her on it.
          And even with that 'dodgyness' you would rather HER in the white house, where her ineptness can be applied to even greater secrets?

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          So how exactly does eliminating immigration quotas equal elimination of security measures?
          If you can't see how allowing unfettered immigration can elimiate security, then nothing i can say to you will convince you otherwise.

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          I am a citizen, never claimed otherwise. But you just made my point on the whole profiling thing, you just partook in it.
          My "Profiling" as you claim was based on the entirity of your political stance and statements.. You often seem to not be American...

          Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
          Yeah....for example...I can understand being angry at all the offshore outsourcing of many of our jobs that's going on....and it sometimes unfortunately leads people to assume that any customer service agent they're talking to on the phone that has a foreign accent must be outside of the of my mom's co-workers at the call center she's working at was originally from India but is now a US citizen and has a good grasp of English but she still has an accent too so unfortunately she gets a lot of "can you transfer me to someone in the USA" when the customers hear her accent and most of them won't believe her when she tries to explain to them that she is indeed a US citizen
          Of the past 10 times i have called a 'service agent' for one of the larger firms, 7 of them WERE stationed in India.. Even got into a nice convo with the last gal, about variations and ingredients to make good Madras curry...


            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            IMO Its standard fair for the media to cut off some of a quote, just so they can emphasis what THEY Want to make it seem like this or that person said..
            Particularly if they can paint the right in an unfavorable light by doing so.

            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            My "Profiling" as you claim was based on the entirity of your political stance and statements.. You often seem to not be American...
            I've never gotten that sense from him.


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              And how much is it going to cost to keep those same 11 million illegals IN The USA for say 5 to 10 more years? What is our 'break even point'?
              Additionally, the left keeps hamping out that 11 million figure for YEARS now.. So its more likely into the 15 mil region at the least by now..
              I could link you some studies from CATO, but seeing that it is a libertarian org you probably think it's not an American organization

              If you can't see how allowing unfettered immigration can elimiate security, then nothing i can say to you will convince you otherwise.
              At least let me in on your logic. How is lifting immigration quotas forcing anyone to forgo background checks, criminal records, and histories and using said information from preventing anyone from entering the US based on the reasonable belief that they'll commit crimes or seek to cause harm or are fleeing justice or have little desire to be productive members of society?

              My "Profiling" as you claim was based on the entirity of your political stance and statements.. You often seem to not be American...

              So not being super conservative=Not American? Is it my stance on Immigration and free trade? I've said nothing Gary Johnson hasn't said, and a lot of which I have said was practically plagiarized from Ronald Reagan himself. Is it my dislike of Trump? Just watch the Democratic convention, or #nevertrump, I'm not alone in this. Is it my issues with police impunity when it comes to police brutality? Both the Democratic and Libertarian parties share my concerns (And the democrats are even more vocal). My distaste for Sanders or Trump? My lack of imperialist tendencies for foreign policy? Have you ever heard Ron Paul or his son speak on the matter...or the GOP of the early 20th century? My dislike of countries like China, North Korea, and Russia? My Support of Israel? My (what at times does seem like unreasonable) belief in the free market? Or is it outlier issues like my support of public education and accessible healthcare for all Americans? Once again, just look at the donkey party's planks. My views on Abortion? Look in a mirror. My religious beliefs? Who knew Christianity was unAmerican. That I believe that voting is a right? (Belief not needed, just the constitution). Or that I remember that the bill of rights is comprised of more than just the 2nd amendment? Or that I have the audacity to believe that racism still exists because I have actually lived through such experiences?

              What math or political test did you use to come to your conclusion? Is there is definition or a written code somewhere that dictates the scope and depth that one must be limited to when it comes to political beliefs? What exactly don't Americans believe in? A country of over 300 Million people that come from all walks of life. Or maybe its just people who don't fit the black and white world you've constructed for yourself? Do I need to express admiration of dictators and antagonistic world leaders and display ignorance of individuals who seek to harm the US? Because Trump certainly does that.

              So do enlighten me and anyone else who may be curious, how exactly do my politics make me seem like not an American? Barring that, anyone else care to back up your bold claims? Or does one need to be like Nirude, insanely right winged populist conspiracy nut to be seen as American (When he himself is not an American at all, not even from any of the Americas).
              By Nolamom


                Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                Yeah....for example...I can understand being angry at all the offshore outsourcing of many of our jobs that's going on....and it sometimes unfortunately leads people to assume that any customer service agent they're talking to on the phone that has a foreign accent must be outside of the of my mom's co-workers at the call center she's working at was originally from India but is now a US citizen and has a good grasp of English but she still has an accent too so unfortunately she gets a lot of "can you transfer me to someone in the USA" when the customers hear her accent and most of them won't believe her when she tries to explain to them that she is indeed a US citizen
                If a person has a strong foreign accent, they shouldn't be on the phones no matter what country they are from.
                If a company sells their product in country A, they should offer customer support in the native or majority language of country A, AS THEY SPEAK IT. This goes for whatever country we happen to be talking about.

                There is no justifiable excuse to force a customer to struggle with trying to understand someone with a heavy accent. The customer bought the product in the country they live in, and deserve support in the language of that country as it is spoken there.

                The litmus test should be "Can someone talking to the agent/representative on the phone tell that English is not their milk language?" If they can't, then fine, put 'em on the phones.


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  If a person has a strong foreign accent, they shouldn't be on the phones no matter what country they are from.
                  If a company sells their product in country A, they should offer customer support in the native or majority language of country A, AS THEY SPEAK IT. This goes for whatever country we happen to be talking about.

                  There is no justifiable excuse to force a customer to struggle with trying to understand someone with a heavy accent. The customer bought the product in the country they live in, and deserve support in the language of that country as it is spoken there.

                  The litmus test should be "Can someone talking to the agent/representative on the phone tell that English is not their milk language?" If they can't, then fine, put 'em on the phones.
                  I can understand someone with a thick accent working in call centers in say India (Who would know that their accent was bad?)...but why would someone with a thick accent want to work at a call center of all places here in the US? If companies are going to outsource, the least they can do is make sure the call center people (Domestic or foreign) can be understood easily...and in turn easily understand us. Otherwise...I can understand anyone getting angry.

                  A simple accent is no trouble at all. We even have to deal with that ordering a Philly cheese-steak in Philadelphia (Yous want onions wit dat?). But speaking of simple accents vs hard to understand accents, did you know that the geico lizard originally had a thicker Australian accent but they had to change that because people couldn't understand him?
                  By Nolamom


                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    IMO Its standard fair for the media to cut off some of a quote, just so they can emphasis what THEY Want to make it seem like this or that person said..
                    True, ALL media does that, be they left, right or sensationalist.

                    And how much is it going to cost to keep those same 11 million illegals IN The USA for say 5 to 10 more years? What is our 'break even point'?
                    Well, what does it cost you to have them?
                    The only public service I can think of that illegals -may- use is Hospital emergency services.
                    They won't call the cops, they won't kick up a stink if they get short changed with work. Their ability to -stay- in the US is mostly based on their ability to stay off the governmental radar, and using government services is a pretty good way to get noticed!
                    Taking US jobs?
                    Well, have we not been discussing how US citizens won't do the jobs the illegals do? As for legal immigrants on work visa's, ask Trump why he recently asked to have more migrant work visa's granted to his staff or to fill positions.
                    "They send all their money back home, so it does not help us"?
                    Well, they may send some home, sure. But living day to day is not free, and they still get hit with sales tax on anything they need to survive which -does- help your economy.
                    So, what do they cost Joe taxpayer to "be there"?
                    Additionally, the left keeps hamping out that 11 million figure for YEARS now.. So its more likely into the 15 mil region at the least by now..
                    Given that illegal immigration to the US has been on the decline for quite some time now (fact, not feel), I doubt the number has gone up much at all, if any.
                    Also, it's not "the left" saying that number, it's people who care about it so much to bring it up all the time.

                    And even with that 'dodgyness' you would rather HER in the white house, where her ineptness can be applied to even greater secrets?
                    In comparison to Trump, yes.
                    You see, I don't "like" Hillary all that much for what she has done on some issues. I think she is a centrist war hawk. I -despise- Trump however for his stance on damn near everything. He is a schoolyard bully to his fellow Americans, and his foreign policy, what little you can glean, is more like a mafia style protection racket.
                    So yes, I prefer some dodgynes to a self serving tyrant, I'm just crazy that way.

                    If you can't see how allowing unfettered immigration can elimiate security, then nothing i can say to you will convince you otherwise.
                    Tood said quota's, not the vetting procedure or security.
                    Last edited by Gatefan1976; 28 July 2016, 01:59 PM.
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by Womble View Post
                      Democrats can apparently only understand sarcasm when it comes from Stephen Colbert.
                      And Republicans don't notice Trevor Noah and Larry Wilmore cause.......................
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        I admit to being confused since they are all liberal comedians
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          I admit to being confused since they are all liberal comedians
                          That's right, they are all COMEDIANS.
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                            I can understand someone with a thick accent working in call centers in say India (Who would know that their accent was bad?)...but why would someone with a thick accent want to work at a call center of all places here in the US? If companies are going to outsource, the least they can do is make sure the call center people (Domestic or foreign) can be understood easily...and in turn easily understand us. Otherwise...I can understand anyone getting angry.

                            A simple accent is no trouble at all. We even have to deal with that ordering a Philly cheese-steak in Philadelphia (Yous want onions wit dat?). But speaking of simple accents vs hard to understand accents, did you know that the geico lizard originally had a thicker Australian accent but they had to change that because people couldn't understand him?
                            You would be surprised. I know, it comes off as a stereotype but many folks with such accents work in call centers even when the center is physically in the U.S. The centers operated by my employer have many such people answering the phones.


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              In comparison to Trump, yes.
                              You see, I don't "like" Hillary all that much for what she has done on some issues. I think she is a centrist war hawk. I -despise- Trump however for his stance on damn near everything. He is a schoolyard bully to his fellow Americans, and his foreign policy, what little you can glean, is more like a mafia style protection racket.
                              So yes, I prefer some dodgynes to a self serving tyrant, I'm just crazy that way.
                              Yeah, that's about where I stand on this election as it stands now too.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                You would be surprised. I know, it comes off as a stereotype but many folks with such accents work in call centers even when the center is physically in the U.S. The centers operated by my employer have many such people answering the phones.
                                I've gotten lucky so far with them. I've had one thick accent once though with American Airlines >.>
                                By Nolamom

