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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    I've heard of that being done to someone as a 'screw you' move.. Sort of like the current trend of "Swatting" someone.
    Sure, but that is no proof of "organization". I tweet or spam "BLM in Denver" and 5000 people show up, that's not organization, that's just people with different reasons showing up.

    Not as much as i should.. But i do know some.
    Don't you think before you base your opinion on something, you should learn more about it?

    Then why are they not say called "Anti cop brutality movement", rather than black lives matter??
    Because they are addressing a sub section of that greater "banner". Much like breast cancer, or testicular cancer awareness groups are targeting a specific kind of cancer. Should Breast cancer advocates spent their time on testicular cancer when another group does the same for that?

    We imo don't need more regulation though. What we need is MORE enforcement of the damn laws we already have..
    Its like all those who say our immigration system's broken. NO its not, its just not properly enforced!
    You always say that, and you have just admitted a limited knowledge of the law.
    This leads to a question. What laws are not being enforced?

    The white population is 63%, while blacks make up 14 to 17% depending on which source you go by.. That's NOT a 9 to 1 ratio.. More like a 3 to 1.
    OK then, 3 to 1, are there 250 dead white people by cops?
    The simple fact is, 100 dead whites, 87 dead blacks when you admit that no matter what the ratio, one statistic is larger than the other.
    I said near everyone.. NOT everyone as a certainty. BUT i will admit maybe it was a bad choice of words..
    What i am saying though, is over the past 5+ years, there has been MANY a high profile (meaning MASSIVE media) attention to blacks (often criminals, not all i will admit) getting shot by cops (some white, some black, some latino), and we all seem to know THOSE victims names. However damn near all the time when a white person is shot in the exact same manner, you barely hear a peep from the media.. Unless its on the local news for that area....
    Dude, You don't hear when a black bear dies, but you do hear when a Panda does, for 2 reasons.
    1: there are less Panda's
    2: People are paying attention to the Panda's.

    As Tood said, if you don't care about the Black bears, why would anyone else?

    Well, just the last century, there were around 187 million killed in all the various wars, from WW1, 2, vietnam, all the wars in Africa and so on.
    Based on This site
    Since 1980, there has been roughly 1.4 Billion world wide, based on info each country provides to the WHO and UN...
    I stand corrected.
    The question remains, So what?
    Why is it -your problem- if someone decides to have an abortion?
    It's not criminal, it's not illegal, so why do you care?

    No, what i am wanting is equal enforcement of the law. If person A can get done for Y cause of not doing something (or doing something bad), then so too should person G...
    Your example was a "under the weather" doctor performing medical activities, the person doing nothing is in no way a comparison. To compare the two would require a step beyond current law.

    Then why does it seem from a lot of your prior posts you seem to want the 2nd amendment revoked ..
    Because hundreds of countries around the world have access to firearms without the 2nd amendment, and the second amendment, given it's design, is outdated.
    I find the notion of "not being able to change an........ AMENDMENT" stupid, and people holding that view stupid. "no, you can't change a change!!".
    And how many were multiple killings from one shooter, or repeated killings by the same shooter over time (Drive bys)??
    There is, on average around 1.2 "mass shooting events" every day in the US. Killings "over time" are simply not noted, unless they can form a pattern and be known as "serial killers"

    Then perhaps we need to change it to where if you want to 'carry' in state X, you get licensed BY state X, so can't just go to the most lenient state, get a license and carry where ever..
    But you don't need new laws, just to enforce the ones that exist, remember?
    LOL.. Well it does make you think.. Prior to computer games of a violent gun toating nature etc, being so prevalent, we had no where near as much gun crime, and never heard of mass shootings like we do now days..
    Did you know that computer games did not exist in the 30's?
    Did you know that we had 2 world wars before computer games, let alone all the "police actions" and "local insurections"
    You are mistaking a lack of reporting with a absence of crime.
    Oh, and before the mid 80's, the public having such easy access to semi-auto weaponry was extremely limited.
    But no, it's GTA's fault..............
    And guns were as prevalent in society back then. Same with violent, criminal glorifying movies/shows, rap etc.
    So you do have to wonder.
    Guns, yes, ability to cause mass carnage?
    And who's currently in control over schooling?? Liberals via the DoE..
    What is it that you define as a "liberal"?
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      I find the notion of "not being able to change an........ AMENDMENT" stupid, and people holding that view stupid. "no, you can't change a change!!".
      I thought you said you understood our government? Perhaps I was mistaken.
      There IS a process for changing our Constitution. In fact, there are two different processes available. But they intentionally require a very high level of public support, so that it can't be changed at the behest of a small portion of the population or on a whim.
      If those who want to do away with the 2nd amendment can gather the support of enough of the population, they can get it changed. However, if they can't garner the level of support required, they ought to sit down and shut up.


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        The leadership of the establishment Republican party just doesn't get it, do they?

        Paul Ryan Promises Endless Supply of Cheap Foreign Workers for Employers

        Memo to Paul Ryan: This is why Trump kicked the "establishment" Republican party's arse in the primaries. Offhand, I'd say that you don't learn very well, do you?
        Why do I get this feeling that if Trump was ever to set foot in the white house as president he'd be blocked left, right and center, the same as Obama.

        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        I didn't even get a cool spaceship.
        Aw ... there, there...

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Which leads to the following DARK WEB article concerning this Friday (July 15, 2016). Please see articles below (links are in article titles).
        Hey look, another one who doesn't get what the dark web is... How surprising.

        *points down*

        The Dark Web is a term that refers specifically to a collection of websites that are publicly visible, but hide the IP addresses of the servers that run them. Thus they can be visited by any web user, but it is very difficult to work out who is behind the sites. And you cannot find these sites using search engines.


        People operating within closed, totalitarian societies can use the Dark Web to communicate with the outside world.


        The 'Deep Web' refers to all web pages that search engines cannot find. Thus the 'Deep Web' includes the 'Dark Web', but also includes all user databases, webmail pages, registration-required web forums, and pages behind paywalls. There are huge numbers of such pages, and most exist for mundane reasons.

        Source: What is the Dark Web? How to access the Dark Web. What's the difference between the Dark Web and the Deep Web? by Matt Egan | 28 Apr 16

        And thus, no, the dark web or deep web isn't a verboten place to go or be.

        Onwards to your wonderful articles and sources:

        Exhibit A -

        General IP Information
        Decimal: 842968296
        ASN: 26496
        ISP:, LLC
        Organization:, LLC
        Services: None detected
        Type: Corporate
        Assignment: Static IP

        Geolocation Information
        Continent: North America
        Country: United States
        State/Region: Arizona
        City: Scottsdale
        Latitude: 33.6119 (33° 36? 42.84? N)
        Longitude: -111.8906 (111° 53? 26.16? W)
        Postal Code: 85260

        It doesn't look like a legitimate news site to me, especially since the article is fake.

        Exhibit B -

        IP Address:
        ISP: Amazon Technologies

        Location information
        Countrycode: US
        Country: United States
        Region: Virginia
        City: Ashburn
        Postal Code: 20147

        Superstation95 is sadly a fake news site. It's noted as a hoax-site. The radiostation if refers to, doesn't even exist. And it's articles -- well, see for yourself:

        Example 1 -- Can we add Superstation95 to Hoax?
        Example 2 -- Superstation 95 is a News Organization, Apparently -- fake article and what actually happened side by side

        Your credibility just sunk to an all-time low.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          Why do I get this feeling that if Trump was ever to set foot in the white house as president he'd be blocked left, right and center, the same as Obama.
          You might be right. How long have I been saying that the establishment R's will oppose him any way they can? Even now, I still half expect some way to deny him the nomination will be tried.

          But what might happen is that he wins with an overwhelming level of support, just as he did the primaries (no one expected that, either), and if he does, they may not dare oppose him.


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Sure, but that is no proof of "organization". I tweet or spam "BLM in Denver" and 5000 people show up, that's not organization, that's just people with different reasons showing up.
            Would or wouldn't you say that, using the internet to get people to spot X is organization? Isn't that wha they do with flash mobs?

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Don't you think before you base your opinion on something, you should learn more about it?
            Na. As the lord high, muck muckty, i know it all, eat it all, and crap it all..

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Because they are addressing a sub section of that greater "banner". Much like breast cancer, or testicular cancer awareness groups are targeting a specific kind of cancer. Should Breast cancer advocates spent their time on testicular cancer when another group does the same for that?
            Then as i said/asked, if they are 'targeting' a subsection, why not name it for that subsection?

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            This leads to a question. What laws are not being enforced?
            From reading up on it, several of the shooters, who got guns over the past 5+ years, had 'flags' on their records, if those doing the checks, would have properly looked, OR those flags had actually been put into the system. So more enforcement's needed ON getting that properly done.

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            OK then, 3 to 1, are there 250 dead white people by cops?
            The simple fact is, 100 dead whites, 87 dead blacks when you admit that no matter what the ratio, one statistic is larger than the other.
            Check out the CDC's own stats..
            The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention keeps data on fatal injuries from 1999 to 2011 and one category is homicides by legal intervention. The term "legal intervention" covers any situation when a person dies at the hands of anyone authorized to use deadly force in the line of duty.

            Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks. So while, not exactly 3 to 1, the #s are still higher for whites than blacks. In 2012, according to the CDC, 140 blacks were killed by police. That same year 386 whites were killed by police. Which is almost that 3-1 figure..

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Dude, You don't hear when a black bear dies, but you do hear when a Panda does, for 2 reasons.
            1: there are less Panda's
            2: People are paying attention to the Panda's.
            And why is it we are only seeming to care about those pandas keeping your example up?

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            I stand corrected.
            The question remains, So what?
            Why is it -your problem- if someone decides to have an abortion?
            It's not criminal, it's not illegal, so why do you care?
            Cause to some of us, BLM seems to rant about all the deaths of blacks, when they are the ones responsible for most of it.. Its to us, Disingenuous to say the least.
            As for the abortion angle, i have often said, i agree with it but only in certain situations (rape, incest, mother's life is at stake)..

            Here's a question for you.. IF it was all of a suddenly made Illegal to get an abortion, do you think
            A) only the docs performing them should be punished
            B) only the women getting them done should be punished
            or C) both should be punished?

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Your example was a "under the weather" doctor performing medical activities, the person doing nothing is in no way a comparison. To compare the two would require a step beyond current law.
            The under the weather doc though, is doing something to contribute to the situation, by operating knowing his "Under the weather condition is going to compromise his skills". In that vein of thought, those blocking traffic willfully to protest, are doing something to contribute, as their BLOCKING of traffic means EMS and Fire trucks can't get through those areas...
            So by that logic, they should be held to the same standard.

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Because hundreds of countries around the world have access to firearms without the 2nd amendment, and the second amendment, given it's design, is outdated.
            And how many are dictatorships?

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            But you don't need new laws, just to enforce the ones that exist, remember?
            Yes i do.. However its imo cause of misinterpretation of the law on the whole "Good faith clause" (or what ever the wording of that thing is) that lets people from one state drive 5 states over (Or just do so online) to get a license from lenient state A, when they live in state Y, that makes it to where state Y has to accept it..

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Did you know that computer games did not exist in the 30's?
            Did you know that we had 2 world wars before computer games, let alone all the "police actions" and "local insurections"
            Yes we did. BUT wars are not the same as joe schmoe going on a shooting rampage, or Homie "B" and his posse doing a drive by yet again.

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            You are mistaking a lack of reporting with a absence of crime.
            Oh, and before the mid 80's, the public having such easy access to semi-auto weaponry was extremely limited.
            But no, it's GTA's fault..............
            Then what else can it be? Guns were still around, sure maybe not Uzis on the street or AR-15s, but plenty of others. And we never seemed to see these sorts of mass shootings, LET alone school shootings in the Pre-80s.. So what else has happened to society, that reduced peoples morals, THAT BADLY??

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            What is it that you define as a "liberal"?
            Pushing mantras of 'social justice, calling for tolerance, but never showing it. Calling people who don't agree with their viewpoint racist/sexist/bigot/phobic....


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              What could possibly go wrong?

              Well he's probably insulted half thee known world at one time or another so nothing could possibly go wrong


                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                Well he's probably insulted half thee known world at one time or another so nothing could possibly go wrong
                So he, is your Donald Trump?
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  So he, is your Donald Trump?
                  Yep pretty much



                    That image needs a caption.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Man, Trump is going to win by a landslide. The Clinton campaign so far has been terrible.. even MSM are starting to report the polls are tied.


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        That image needs a caption.
                        Sounds like a job for you
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          Sounds like a job for you
                          I'll have to think about it.
                          Shall put it on my to-do list for tomorrow's workday:
                          1) finish Farscape review
                          2) caption Boris Johnson
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            3)Make bacon for the rest of us
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                              Man, Trump is going to win by a landslide. The Clinton campaign so far has been terrible.. even MSM are starting to report the polls are tied.
                              I wouldn't be handing him the keys to the White House quite yet. It could go either way at this point.

                              While you and I might not trust her as far as we could throw her email server, she is a very polarizing person. And those that like her won't let those or any other problems deter them from supporting her.

                              But on Trump's side, we have an awful lot of people who are just plain old P.O.'ed. First time in decades we've had someone who is saying what these people want to hear. They know that the middle class has been decimated by the economics of the past 30 years or so. Free Trade has benefited those at the top of our economic ladder, but it has been very bad for those in the lower & classes.

                              This was also a big factor in Col. Sanders popularity on the left, he pretty much mirrored Trump's position on trade.
                              And I've read articles saying that some of Sander's supporters aren't going willingly into the Clinton camp. Some have said they'll vote for Trump.
                              Also, some of the same hotbutton issues that garnered support for brexit are being felt in the US, too. Populism seems to be popular this year.

                              And who knows what might happen on the international front in the next few months? Or how badly Trump might put his foot in his mouth?

                              This horse race is far from over


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                I wouldn't be handing him the keys to the White House quite yet. It could go either way at this point.

                                While you and I might not trust her as far as we could throw her email server, she is a very polarizing person. And those that like her won't let those or any other problems deter them from supporting her.

                                But on Trump's side, we have an awful lot of people who are just plain old P.O.'ed. First time in decades we've had someone who is saying what these people want to hear. They know that the middle class has been decimated by the economics of the past 30 years or so. Free Trade has benefited those at the top of our economic ladder, but it has been very bad for those in the lower & classes.

                                This was also a big factor in Col. Sanders popularity on the left, he pretty much mirrored Trump's position on trade.
                                And I've read articles saying that some of Sander's supporters aren't going willingly into the Clinton camp. Some have said they'll vote for Trump.
                                Also, some of the same hotbutton issues that garnered support for brexit are being felt in the US, too. Populism seems to be popular this year.

                                And who knows what might happen on the international front in the next few months? Or how badly Trump might put his foot in his mouth?

                                This horse race is far from over
                                Yeah international front.. speaking of which..

                                I'm not holding Islam responsible for this one, this time it's definitely on the leftists. i.e. the people who vote for socialist parties and democrats and control MSM and so on. They didn't bother doing anything after the last attack and have utterly failed their people.
                                Last edited by Skydiver; 14 July 2016, 04:19 PM. Reason: Removal of hot linked pic

