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    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
    hoho I like this part:

    so all ye Patriots, let's see how much you really respect your own soldiers who risked their lives in the world's ****tiest hellholes to protect you
    What the hell would you expect for what this guy did? A slap on the wrist? I don't care what your past is, you get on a rooftop and start firing at people, I don't think what you did in the past counts anymore.


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      What the hell would you expect for what this guy did? A slap on the wrist?
      ironic isn't it - just a few days ago if you'd read about his background you'd have sung praises god bless america never forget etc.

      I don't care what your past is, you get on a rooftop and start firing at people, I don't think what you did in the past counts anymore.
      that's not how your own courts see it
      (a military status doesn't give you immunity - if he'd been caught he'd be on death row - but there's other things that do)


        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
        cartesian logic 101 fail

        only of those guilty
        hoho! wait one - you know they always support each other no matter what crime their comrades committed right? this sort of omerta is a known thing in the US

        As others have pointed out, you didn't answer.

        Originally posted by Womble View Post
        That was not a no.

        As in that was not you denying that you support indiscriminate murder of police officers.

        Just saying.

        It appears, by the way, that the gunmen are on record saying that they specifically sought to murder white police officers, not just anyone in uniform. And white people generally.
        I think that qualifies as a terrorist attack.

        Just saw on the Daily show that there was a third shooting, a white kid gunned down while on the ground.
        By Nolamom


          But what bugs me is that they slackened the entry requirements for the armed forces because of the Iraq invasion when Bush was in power, and Cheney did warn them about letting people with mental issues into the army as they would be time bombs on legs..... No one listened to that now did they?
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            I can just imagine the headline in the next few years:
            "President Clinton issues pardon for herself".
            I hope not..

            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            But what bugs me is that they slackened the entry requirements for the armed forces because of the Iraq invasion when Bush was in power, and Cheney did warn them about letting people with mental issues into the army as they would be time bombs on legs..... No one listened to that now did they?
            Just like they are doing so again now, just to get more females in..


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              I hope not..

              Just like they are doing so again now, just to get more females in..

              But if the females can fight well why not? What are they really changing in the requirements? I missed some posts as this thread moves too fast.
              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                Interesting detail - apparently the police used a remote controlled bomb disposal robot with an explosive device to blow up the shooter.
                If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                  Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                  ironic isn't it - just a few days ago if you'd read about his background you'd have sung praises god bless america never forget etc.
                  Oh, really.
                  Dallas sniper followed black militant groups on Facebook, was sent home from Afghanistan over harassment claim

                  In May 2014, six months into his Afghanistan tour, he was accused of sexual harassment by a female soldier. The Army sent him stateside, recommending an "other than honorable discharge," said Bradford Glendening, the military lawyer who represented him.

                  That recommendation was "highly unusual," Bradford said, since counseling is usually ordered before more drastic steps are taken.

                  "In his case, it was apparently so egregious, it was not just the act itself," Glendening told The Associated Press. "I'm sure that this guy was the black sheep of his unit."
                  With incidents like this, it's always best to wait a few days at least before starting to make judgements, as we always get the initial report, and the details tend to dribble in over the next week or so.

                  And while I haven't seen it yet, I've heard reports of another video that has surfaced regarding the Sterling shooting that may change the story on that one.


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Oh, really.
                    Dallas sniper followed black militant groups on Facebook
                    how quick you are to ditch the same 1st amendment that you usually are (or claim to be) just as quick to defend

                    was sent home from Afghanistan over harassment claim
                    how quick you are to dismiss the known facts (he served in the military, in afghanistan, and in the end he got an honourable discharge) in favour of speculation
                    if there were the slightest proof he'd have been court-martialed instead

                    when did you suddenly turn feminist?

                    With incidents like this, it's always best to wait a few days at least before starting to make judgements
                    or read a few sensationalist articles


                      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                      how quick you are to ditch the same 1st amendment that you usually are (or claim to be) just as quick to defend

                      how quick you are to dismiss the known facts (he served in the military, in afghanistan, and in the end he got an honourable discharge) in favour of speculation
                      if there were the slightest proof he'd have been court-martialed instead

                      when did you suddenly turn feminist?

                      or read a few sensationalist articles
                      Did I ever question his right to read whatever drivel he wants to read? No. But looking at his reading choices can tell us something about him.

                      Regarding the discharge, the details may eventually emerge. but the military hasn't been known as a feminist club either. I have to think there is something there.


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        but the military hasn't been known as a feminist club either


                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          You get kicked in the head by those cops you hate so much?
                          Do you not recall how many situations such as tailhook where the US military's macho attitudes encouraged mistreatment of women? Like it or not, right or wrong, the tendencies and attitudes are deeply embedded into that organization. They are working to put a stop to that nonsense, but I still wouldn't call them staunch advocates of women's rights.

                          Do you really think the same organization is going to ship a soldier back to the states and toss him with a dishonorable without some just cause, even if the details aren't public?


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            You get kicked in the head by those cops you hate so much?
                            Do you not recall how many situations such as tailhook where the US military's macho attitudes encouraged mistreatment of women? Like it or not, right or wrong, the tendencies and attitudes are deeply embedded into that organization. They are working to put a stop to that nonsense, but I still wouldn't call them staunch advocates of women's rights.
                            I've said before I'd have to be incredibly suicidal to live as a commoner in your country I've read enough about it lol
                            I just find it interesting how your views on feminism change conveniently depending on the context & right now they even lead you to criticize an institution that's normally highly respected
                            btw in your country the ss rape women on a regular basis so it goes way beyond harassment see, one of the "perks" of their job hehe (courtesy of your anti-soliciting laws yet strangely enough the Patriots never call them out on this: double standards again, unlike the ss that soldier wasn't part of a privileged circle he's just a grunt, basically a commoner - albeit one working in far tougher conditions than most civies - so I reckon a mere harassment claim is enough to make him guilty right?)

                            Do you really think the same organization is going to ship a soldier back to the states and toss him with a dishonorable without some just cause, even if the details aren't public?
                            harassment ain't enough of a just cause? they've been dishonourably discharged for way less
                            if there's evidence they're at the very least indicted & tried just like any other commoner, it's reeeally simple
                            Last edited by SoulReaver; 09 July 2016, 09:38 AM.


                              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                              like I said before I'd have to be incredibly suicidal to live as a commoner in your country I've read enough about it lol
                              I just find it interesting how your views on feminism change conveniently depending on the context & right now they even lead you to criticize an institution that's normally highly respected
                              btw in your country the ss rape women on a regular basis so it goes way beyond harassment see, one of the "perks" of their job courtesy of your anti-soliciting laws yet strangely enough the Patriots never call them out on this (double standards again: unlike them, that soldier wasn't part of a privileged circle he's just a grunt, basically a commoner - albeit one working in far tougher conditions than most civies - so I reckon a mere harassment claim is enough to make him guilty right?)

                              harassment ain't enough of a just cause? they've been dishonourably discharged for way less
                              if there's evidence they're at the very least indicted & tried just like any other commoner, it's reeeally simple
                              You've been watching way too much American tv...

                              Sure I've complained about the police, but its rather the culture of blindly backing up each other that I dislike. Beyond that, must cops really aren't out to get you. They're just doing the best they can to do good. What is killing their image is that blind loyalty they have for each other. They need to realize how it is making people distrust them as a whole. Beyond that, it does make sense that a country with 300 million people like the US would naturally have a lot more of everything than a small "country" with a population half the size of California's (like just any smaller European nation).
                              By Nolamom


                                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                                Beyond that, it does make sense that a country with 300 million people like the US would naturally have a lot more of everything than a small "country" with a population half the size of California's (like just any smaller European nation]
                                Except that the relative numbers for america are MUCH higher as well.

