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    Hey everyone I couldnt find a thread for this so I Just want to disscuse and remember those that were lost. and pray that our Countries will still be protected. Im greatful for what we do have and continue to pray and remeber those who died to save others. They will always be Remembered

    Team Ronan

    Looking Back on 9/11: A Nation Stood United


      Living about 20 miles from NYC really has a very powerful effect. I saw the smoke from the bridge going to work that morning.

      Check out this video, one of the most powerful songs used for a tribute, imo..


        well thankfully i was in Arizona at the time, but i am orginally from Manhattan
        May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


          My brother-and-law worked downtown Manhattan. It tooks us days to hear from him and we were relieve when we found out he had on the spur of the moment extended his vacation in another location and wasn't there when it happened.

          I can still remember that day vividly where I was when the first plane hit and then listening to the radio on my way to work as the 2nd plane hit. When I finally got to work, no one else knew and I had to tell them to get on the news. TV's normally are not allowed at my work. The only exceptions I've ever seen them make was for the Challenger explosion and for 911.


            Yeah I remember that I was at a DR app. and we were in the waiting area I heard somone yell out "turn on the tv news" and so the Receptions did and there it was. we had to tell my DR cus he had know idea. me and my mom started praying for the famlies and friends who were over there after the App.

            Team Ronan




                I was in my car and the radio was talking about a mass tragedy. For a second I thought something bad had happened but soon realized it was tribute to people lost on 9/11
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Where was I on 9/11?

                  I'd just gotten to work. I was working for a local tv station at the time and got there around 7-730ish. I booted up my computer and saw the flashes about a special report, that a plane had hit the world trade center.
                  I went into master control to tell them to take the special report, but they already had. We were airing the Today show so taking it was a no brainer.
                  I remember standing there, looking at the smoking hole in the tower and thinking 'dude, what kinda idiot couldn't miss that?'
                  I'd never seen the towers in real life, so I had no idea just how big they were, and how big that hole was. I thought that some bad pilot in a Cessna or such had massively messed up and flown into the tower.
                  I went back to my desk and went about getting ready for the day. My biggest thought was 'great, if this special report lasts too long we're gonna lose spots and we'll have to find room to make them good'.
                  I briefed others as they arrived and didn't think too much about it. My desk was close to the receptionist's desk and she had a TV (for a tv station we didn't have many tv's around) and I remembered being by her desk or walking by her desk and hearing Matt Lauer say 'was that another plane? Did another plane just crash?' and I looked up to see smoke coming from the other tower.
                  I remember thinking 'oh my god, we must have a catastrophic failure of the air traffic control system'. The thought of it being a terrorist attack didn't even occur to me.
                  By the time the third plane hit the Pentagon, I remember sitting at my desk, on the internet – which kept going in and out due to not only being overwhelmed but, at the time, the loss of any servers that were housed in the WTC, and posting and reading the old gateworld.
                  I remember someone posting 'well, if you have any post cards of the world trade center, hang on to them, because they're collectors items now'. I remember posting that the second tower had fallen.
                  I remember doing the station log for the next day, even though we knew it'd never get used. I remember spending a chunk of that Tuesday, just being at work. Once all the planes were grounded, I remember going outside to see the contrail of a plane, turns out it was Air Force One, headed to Offut AFB in Nebraska. We knew that because it was the only plane left in the sky by then.
                  That night we drove to a nearby city to pick up a car, because we simply couldn't stand to continue to watch TV and see people die over and over and over. It was an eerie drive to see no contrails in the sky.
                  The next week was crazy as we made log after log that we then basically threw away. I remember we finally aired Oprah and Jeopardy on Thursday, to a mixed reception. Half the viewers grateful for something more than endless coverage, half the viewers upset that we didn't stay on NBC programming.
                  I remember people being upset and concerned about being trapped when their planes landed wherever they landed. Some were certain that some planes would never fly again. I was also concerned because I was due to fly out to Gatecon the next Tuesday. But I also knew that the planes wouldn't stay down forever. They couldn't. We move too much by plane for them to stay forever.
                  I flew to Gatecon next Tuesday, the 19th. And it was the most surreal experience of my life. I flew on United, so there was a memorial wreath by the check in counter. Our plane took off early, because all the remaining people booked on the flight had shown up. I navigated an empty O'Hare air port. I got fed breakfast that came with a plastic knife…but metal fork and spoon (and trust me, if I wanted to more damage could be done with a metal fork than a dull butter knife). I had 3 seats all to myself and flew from Chicago to Seattle with my legs stretched out and my back against the wall of the plane, because the plane was less than 1/3 full.
                  I remember the lovely gesture of Canada's flags being at half staff. I remember the customs folks at the border in bullet proof vests. I remember people being afraid to fly, and others defiant 'I'm not giving into the jackasses, if I do they win, so I'm flying'.
                  I remember explaining to someone the mindset of a Jihad, that the terrorists don't care about their lives and see dying in a Jihad as a one way express train to heaven.
                  I remember people being concerned and me telling them 'hey, we're in Kansas, they won't hit us here cause we don't have enough people to make a splash. I'd be worried if I was in LA, cause if I was a terrorist, I'd hit there for the 'coast to coast' effect.
                  I remember getting a passport for the first time since I knew Gatecon 2002 would be during the same time frame.
                  I remember a time before body scanners and taking off your shoes and when the biggest concern with an airline was getting your exposed film ruined by the x-ray and them losing your luggage.
                  I remember a day before I realized that there were people out there that hate me and want to kill me, simply because I don't share their beliefs.
                  I remember the world the way it was.
                  And I don't think I'll ever forget the day it all changed.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    I was working at the time. Just after we had all gotten to work, we started getting word of what happened. In the rec room, someone had turned on a TV. Everyone was absolutely transfixed as we saw the incoming reports, aghast that something of such scope could actually happen.

                    As I recall, during the early minutes, various news sources were speculating the death toll in the tens of thousands. After about an hour of watching everything unfold, with nobody able to even pay attention to what we were supposed to be doing, we were all told to go home.

                    The very next day, I found out that one of my former professors (I had graduated with my degree in May of '01), had lost his daughter in United Flight 93.

                    Like Skydiver said, it was the day everything changed.


                      I don't remember much from back then, since I was just in the first grade back then. However I do remember that I came home from school (2-3pm Swedish time), and I think I was about to tell my mom something when she told me to be quiet. Her and my brother were standing in the living room and watching a live tv broadcast of the towers. That's pretty much all I remember. Still, it's probably the only thing I really remember from back then, and the strongest memory I have from that long ago.

                      You know, September has become a bit of a weird month for me, since a lot of bad things have happened during that month, over the years. Of course none of them are as bad as WTC, but there's stuff like the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anna Lindh, dying from her stab wounds inflicted the day before, on September 11th, 2004. Or my grandmother getting paralyzed due to a stroke, or being in the car crash which killed my uncle. All of that happened in September. But I'm just overthinking it anyway.


                        Originally posted by EvilSpaceAlien View Post
                        I don't remember much from back then, since I was just in the first grade back then. However I do remember that I came home from school (2-3pm Swedish time), and I think I was about to tell my mom something when she told me to be quiet. Her and my brother were standing in the living room and watching a live tv broadcast of the towers. That's pretty much all I remember. Still, it's probably the only thing I really remember from back then, and the strongest memory I have from that long ago.

                        You know, September has become a bit of a weird month for me, since a lot of bad things have happened during that month, over the years. Of course none of them are as bad as WTC, but there's stuff like the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anna Lindh, dying from her stab wounds inflicted the day before, on September 11th, 2004. Or my grandmother getting paralyzed due to a stroke, or being in the car crash which killed my uncle. All of that happened in September. But I'm just overthinking it anyway.
                        me to, for the not remebering much but i was in Kinder


                          i just came from school when my mother told me to watch the news
                          its interesting that many people know what they did when this happened


                            I remember where I was - I'd just walked in the back door of one of our dealerships and saw it on the TV out in the waiting area. I saw the 2nd plane hit and having worked in the airline business for 13 years was sure it was an accident or something. I had driven into town with the radio off but had it on all the way back to where I worked. I had friends who worked for both United and American and was concerned. My husband called to see if I knew where our one pilot friend was. Fortunately I'd talked to his mom a few days before and she said he was going to Denver for a few days. The thing that really upset me that day was my manager... he was in a 'mood' to start with and seemed ticked off that I would go to the lounge to check the news. He had NO CLUE how it upset me knowing I might have known people on one of those planes.

                            Oh and one of my co-workers had actually worked laying floors in one of the towers when it was built.
                            sigpic myLornefanfic


                              I was in class, It was some sort of 3 week elective that had to do with computers and electronics. I was coming back from the bathroom when the teacher simply stated that two planes crashed into the Twin Towers. I thought it was just two small little planes like the kind they use to spray crops. Then later he turned on the TV and we just stared at the columns of smoke.

                              It was kind off numbing, like if it was somewhere far away but it wasn't. It was somewhat shocking to see them just collapse on the tv. I was in Middle School that day.
                              By Nolamom

