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    Originally posted by CKO View Post
    Embarkation room...

    Sarra: *nods* yes we do that's for sure... they work.. we have fun sit around Joe's have a few beers ect. *smirks* course we do work from time to time as well.
    Embarkation room...

    Nyssa: From time to time, little girl. Of course going to Joe's is essential for maintaining a good working relationship with you're fellow worker's. And we fill Joe in on things that have been going on.


      Originally posted by Caren Jackson View Post
      Embarkation room...

      Nyssa: From time to time, little girl. Of course going to Joe's is essential for maintaining a good working relationship with you're fellow worker's. And we fill Joe in on things that have been going on.
      Embarkation room...

      Sarra: That's true *smirks* and keeping our fellow co workers happy is always good, not to mention Joe loves to be informed of what's happening around.


        Originally posted by CKO View Post
        Embarkation room...

        Sarra: That's true *smirks* and keeping our fellow co workers happy is always good, not to mention Joe loves to be informed of what's happening around.
        Embarkation room...

        Nyssa: He does, doesn't he. Well, little girl, I'm going to find Methos and explore something mind blowing with him. If you get my meaning. *pats her on the arm* Have fun darling. *wanders out*


          Originally posted by Caren Jackson View Post
          Embarkation room...

          Nyssa: He does, doesn't he. Well, little girl, I'm going to find Methos and explore something mind blowing with him. If you get my meaning. *pats her on the arm* Have fun darling. *wanders out*
          Embarkation room...

          Sarra: Yes he does *groans as she listens to what her mother wanted to do with her father* that's a bit too much info there mother dear *smirks* have fun *watches as her mother wonders out.* yea they'll gonna be occupied for a while *wonders off and to her self* may as well go find Mac and go have a good time while my folks are occupied.



            A lone figure lays on the ground, with three men looking down at her as they each start to question where the mission had gone wrong. She had died in the line of fire protecting them. Her insticts had kicked in as she stepped in front of them taking the hit from the trap that had been lain by others, a spear had pierced her heart killing her almost instantly... They had removed the spear and it was resting on the ground.

            Kath: *revieves with a gasp as groans softly, after having been put her life on the line to save the rest of her team* Relax guys... i'm fine.. seriously.. i *pauses* was pre immortal... i'm like Sarra now.. she told me.. that i was pre immortal, my destiny was to become one.. so uh.. yeah here i am.. immortal..

            John: And I suppose they forgot to neglect to tell us that was gonna happen. *sighs* for you to die on this mission... those damn sneaks kept that from us.

            Kath: Shep, relax... they were within their rights not to tell us.. somethings are supposed to happen... my death was in the hands of fate, I reacted on instinct when I threw myself in the front of the three of you to protect you from harm.. what's done is done.. *pauses* I understand now... I was supposed to die.. to set in motion what is to come... I don't understand what that means...

            John: Betcha those two witchys know. *smirks slightly as he looks at her*

            Kath: Hmmm Sarra and Jana... yea most likely.. they tend to know things before most of us do..



            Sarra and Jana's medition room...

            The two witches looked at each other as they came out of their medition.

            Jana: Kath... she's immortal now.

            Sarra: I know.. I felt it the moment she came to.

            Jana: *nods as she agrees.* I felt that as well... the rest of the team is kinda confused as well.

            Sarra: They're puzzled and wondering why we kept that from them.. Kath's being pre immortal and that she was supposed to die.

            The two witches continue to talk.


              Originally posted by CKO View Post

              A lone figure lays on the ground, with three men looking down at her as they each start to question where the mission had gone wrong. She had died in the line of fire protecting them. Her insticts had kicked in as she stepped in front of them taking the hit from the trap that had been lain by others, a spear had pierced her heart killing her almost instantly... They had removed the spear and it was resting on the ground.

              Kath: *revieves with a gasp as groans softly, after having been put her life on the line to save the rest of her team* Relax guys... i'm fine.. seriously.. i *pauses* was pre immortal... i'm like Sarra now.. she told me.. that i was pre immortal, my destiny was to become one.. so uh.. yeah here i am.. immortal..

              John: And I suppose they forgot to neglect to tell us that was gonna happen. *sighs* for you to die on this mission... those damn sneaks kept that from us.

              Kath: Shep, relax... they were within their rights not to tell us.. somethings are supposed to happen... my death was in the hands of fate, I reacted on instinct when I threw myself in the front of the three of you to protect you from harm.. what's done is done.. *pauses* I understand now... I was supposed to die.. to set in motion what is to come... I don't understand what that means...

              John: Betcha those two witchys know. *smirks slightly as he looks at her*

              Kath: Hmmm Sarra and Jana... yea most likely.. they tend to know things before most of us do..

              Cam: *looks to Sheppard* I bet chaos and mayhem knew about this too.

              Daniel: *rolls his eyes* Mum and dad would have said something... *stops mid sentence* No they wouldn't have. Forget I said that. *helps Kath to her feet* Well I'm sure my sister is going to have fun training you and all that.

              Cam: All right, this mission is a bust, let's get out of here. Jackson, dial the gate.

              *Daniel rushes over to the DHD to do so*

              Originally posted by CKO View Post


              Sarra and Jana's medition room...

              The two witches looked at each other as they came out of their medition.

              Jana: Kath... she's immortal now.

              Sarra: I know.. I felt it the moment she came to.

              Jana: *nods as she agrees.* I felt that as well... the rest of the team is kinda confused as well.

              Sarra: They're puzzled and wondering why we kept that from them.. Kath's being pre immortal and that she was supposed to die.

              The two witches continue to talk.

              Sarra and Jana's medition room...

              *Methos and Nyssa stroll in*

              Methos: Well, Sarra, congratulations are in order.

              Nyssa: Yes, it's bouncy, bright, girl. Good luck training. *grins*

              Methos: Any luck and she'll be as big of a pain in the ass as Sarra was.

              Nyssa: Or even bigger, which would be comic payback.


                Originally posted by Caren Jackson View Post

                Cam: *looks to Sheppard* I bet chaos and mayhem knew about this too.

                Daniel: *rolls his eyes* Mum and dad would have said something... *stops mid sentence* No they wouldn't have. Forget I said that. *helps Kath to her feet* Well I'm sure my sister is going to have fun training you and all that.

                Cam: All right, this mission is a bust, let's get out of here. Jackson, dial the gate.

                *Daniel rushes over to the DHD to do so*


                Sarra and Jana's medition room...

                *Methos and Nyssa stroll in*

                Methos: Well, Sarra, congratulations are in order.

                Nyssa: Yes, it's bouncy, bright, girl. Good luck training. *grins*

                Methos: Any luck and she'll be as big of a pain in the ass as Sarra was.

                Nyssa: Or even bigger, which would be comic payback.
                psst brat... you forget to sign into YIM?


                John: Yeah, it's a good bet they knew as well.. *sighs* typical of em... we get shot at and all that jazz *pauses* right let's get the hell off of this planet.

                Kath: *let's Daniel help her up* Hmm lucky me... well.. she also trained Jana as well.. go figure.. witchy training another witchy... now we have two of em who act almost like sisters at times... *smirks* right let's get off this planet.

                The team heads over towards the DHD as they wait for Daniel to dial the gate.


                Sarra and Jana's medition room...

                The two witches turn in unison as they face Sarra's parents.

                Sarra: Gee thanks.. and yeah... *indicates towards the younger witch* She was a pain in the ass as well.. *smirks*

                Jana: Well yeah... guess I was.

                Sarra: They're on their way back now.. the mission ended up being a bust..*shrugs* now everything has been set in motion.. it's only a matter of time as to when everything will happen. *arches her eyebrow* we should get to the gate room.
                Last edited by CKO; 06 October 2010, 02:09 AM. Reason: was kinda tired while posting


                  Originally posted by CKO View Post
                  psst brat... you forget to sign into YIM?


                  John: Yeah, it's a good bet they knew as well.. *sighs* typical of em... we get shot at and all that jazz *pauses* right let's get the hell off of this planet.

                  Kath: *let's Daniel help her up* Hmm lucky me... well.. she also trained Jana as well.. go figure.. witchy training another witchy... now we have two of em who act almost like sisters at times... *smirks* right let's get off this planet.

                  The team heads over towards the DHD as they wait for Daniel to dial the gate.
                  Yes and I was signing off when I realised it

                  Cam: *sighs* I'm so not looking forward to writing this report. *looks to Sheppard* I'm starting to think I should have taken creative writing in college.

                  Daniel: *dials the gate and sends though his IDC when it opens* We're good to go, Colonel.

                  Originally posted by CKO View Post

                  Sarra and Jana's medition room...

                  The two witches turn in unison as they face Sarra's parents.

                  Sarra: Gee thanks.. and yeah... *indicates towards the younger witch* She was a pain in the ass as well.. *smirks*

                  Jana: Well yeah... guess I was.

                  Sarra: They're on their way back now.. the mission ended up being a bust..*shrugs* now everything has been set in motion.. it's only a matter of time as to when everything will happen. *arches her eyebrow* we should get to the gate room.

                  Sarra and Jana's medition room...

                  Nyssa: Yes, well we figured the mission would end it a bust, that was obvious. *shakes head* Kath is as big of know it all as you are, Sarra. I thought I trained you better then that. Less information, more advantage. Don't give too much away, too much information confuses.

                  Methos: Well, little one. Like I always say. The young do not always do what they are told.

                  Nyssa: So true.

                  Methos: Don't give Cam and Daniel a hard time, ladies. *waves and heads off with Nyssa*

                  Sarcasm doesn't come across well, but that's what they're being. That and I'm tried and have had a few exceptionally long days.


                    Originally posted by Caren Jackson View Post
                    Yes and I was signing off when I realised it

                    Cam: *sighs* I'm so not looking forward to writing this report. *looks to Sheppard* I'm starting to think I should have taken creative writing in college.

                    Daniel: *dials the gate and sends though his IDC when it opens* We're good to go, Colonel.


                    Sarra and Jana's medition room...

                    Nyssa: Yes, well we figured the mission would end it a bust, that was obvious. *shakes head* Kath is as big of know it all as you are, Sarra. I thought I trained you better then that. Less information, more advantage. Don't give too much away, too much information confuses.

                    Methos: Well, little one. Like I always say. The young do not always do what they are told.

                    Nyssa: So true.

                    Methos: Don't give Cam and Daniel a hard time, ladies. *waves and heads off with Nyssa*

                    Sarcasm doesn't come across well, but that's what they're being. That and I'm tried and have had a few exceptionally long days.

                    John: *snickers* yes have fun with the report.

                    After Daniel sent the IDC, the team walked through the gate.


                    Sarra and Jana's medition room...

                    Sarra: But it's so much fun to confuse others *smirks as she looks at her parents* yea yea yea.. less is always good.

                    Jana: Well that's true.. both are know it alls

                    The two witchys watched as both Nys and Methos left their medition room before beaming into the gate room to wait for the team to arrive.


                      the witchys medition room...

                      The two witches turned in unison as Kath walked into the room.

                      Sarra: *looks at the young immortal* Back for more torture.

                      Kath: Not really.. but both of you did promise to help me strengthen my shields. *shrugs slightly.*

                      Jana: *nods* So we did, *smirks as she looks at her.* brace yourself youngling.. you will not know when we decide to test 'em.

                      Kath: *nods.* right.. gotcha.

                      The two witches look at each other and nod slightly as they begin to teach the youngest immortal to strengthen her mental shields.

                      A few hours later.

                      Kath: *allows her guard to drop slightly as she takes a breather.*

                      Sarra: *looks right at Kath as she pentrates Kath's shields.* AGAIN MAJOR and keep your shields up even when you're relaxing.

                      Kath: *clutches her head in pain.* damn you witch.. *mutters* you purposely waited til my shields were down.

                      Jana: Sarra had mentioned that one of us would catch you off guard when you least expect it..

                      Kath: *sighs* yeah i know that.. i guess i'm starting to get tired.. it's taking a lot outta me.. to mantain my shields like that on a constant basis... can we work on something else?

                      The two witches nod.

                      Sarra: We can.. *holds out her hands as some food appears in the room.* eat up, and we can talk and we'll go easier on you.. working with some of the other meditions and relaxations that you can do on your own time.

                      Kath: *nods* sounds good.

                      The three of them start to eat their meal as they talk.

