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[Fan Fic] Homeworld 3 Universe

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    [Fan Fic] Homeworld 3 Universe

    After watching lots of Stargate Universe, BSG and Babylon 5, after 4 weeks I have come up with a Homeworld 3 Fan Fic set in another Galaxy. I have lots of concepts in my sketch book for a possible mod, while I have completed Part 1 on paper, I still have to write the rest of Part 1 on to the Laptop, I have however come up with a Story Arc, Prologue & Chapter 1 half way through editing, so should have Chapter 1 up by tomorrow night. Once I have Part 1 up, I will also share with you my research material for further fan material.

    Warning: This is in no way, in the HW3 SoT universe, I have used the Inter-Galactic gate somewhere else, as well as the Saju-Ka class Mothership for the standard Hiigaran Mothership. Although I am using these concepts and inspirations the HW3 Universe Fan Fic is VERY VERY FAR away from the HW3 SoT universe.

    Homeworld 3 Universe Part 1 Story Arc

    Story and written by Alexander House, partially edited by Greg House (Dad)

    In the year 167 AHL, a Hiigaran Patrol group was sent to investigate a Turanic Raiding fleet hiding in the Karos Graveyards… all contact in-between them and Hiigaran Naval Command was lost. After several weeks the Al-Hakin 27th Flotilla was sent into the Karos Graveyard to search for and rescue he lost Patrol group, led by the experienced Captain Daniel Galeseen. Daniel orders the small Flotilla to follow the signal of a distress beacon into a massive dust Nebulae. After finding a Progenitor Megalith attached to a Gate they are ambushed by a large Keeper fleet, and forced through the Gate as their last chance to withdraw. Where they were going… they had no idea. After checking the star charts, the gate’s information & the hyperspace beacons… they are very far from home… M 104, the Sombrero Galaxy. How will they survive, they only have supplies for 3 weeks, food, water and fuel. They can replace food… but where will they find fuel. Daniel must further more please his own Flotilla in this distant Galaxy to make sure that his work fears of mutiny do not result in the eerie silence of low moral.

    Homeworld 3 Universe Prologue (Part 1)

    In the glowing clouds of Hyperspace a Hiigaran flotilla glided, slowly, as the crew slumbered. On the Command Ship ‘Karos Awakening’ one person was still awake... the captain never sleeps... much. Daniel Galeseen or ‘Captain Daniel Galeseen ‘Gaalsiien’ always looked over the observational balcony with his hands strapped to the railings, leaning forward and looking through the glass. This time, like many others, he watched his flotilla passed by the Hyperspace clouds. There were many events that flashed up in his memory whenever he was in Hyperspace. He could remember joining the Navy at the age of 24, training exercises... and the very heat of combat.
    The ultimate memory then flashed up...

    He was in Hyperspace, onboard the Cruiser Type A ‘Saaman Naal’, in amongst a Hiigaran Surface Taskforce.
    He could then remember his captain walking up to him in his quarters, with a proud look on his face.

    “Congratulations Einsne, you’re going into battle, you’ve been promoted to Communications Officer.”

    In the next hour the captain was debriefing the crew in the docking bay, he stood on a floor above us and he lean over the railings and he looked down at all of us with his commanding eyes, and then he start to shout out.

    “Ladies and Gentlemen, to cut you short... welcome to Akhabahra. You’ve all heard the news, a large contingent of Vaygr Crusades have been conspiring against the interests of Hiigara and the Daiamid Council. They have been struggling to take control of their local Gate, Keshima, and we’re here to pound em into submission. A straight out war would be to costly a fight, this is the Crown Jewel of their alliance, at this moment their forces are divided, this large scale ambush will be the most effective means. This is retribution for the millions massacred on Hiigara!”

    Everybody cheered at his speech, especially the added bit of vengeance for the Vaygr war, the Alarms then went off as the fleet dropped out of hyperspace and the ship’s command “Action stations, Action stations” rang out.

    Crew members rushed down the corridors in a flurry to their stations, as their ship started to move into formation. In orbit of the tropical planet, Akhabahra, there were a few Battlecruisers, Destroyers and other Capital ships, all confused and alarmed by the suddenly Hiigaran fleet on their door. Daniel’s cruiser then speed towards the Destroyers, unleashing a hail of Kinetic & Ion fire. The Destroyers were scythed blasted by his Cruiser, with the help of faster Caps.

    Daniel then saw the debris, as well as the dead bodies floating amongst it; their own blood stained the surrounding debris.

    The Vaygr Battlecruisers then arrived, slowly moving towards them with guns pointed right at their faces. As the Vaygr blade like Battlecruiser moved into weapons range, they powered up their deadly Trinity cannons, and fired 3 deadly shots at Daniel’s Cruiser in sequence, like a deadly Mogul cannon hitting an elephant, the shots tore through its hull, lighting up several fires.

    The Captain’s bridge lieutenant turned around and shouted out as he accessed his console “Heavy hits to the hull and upper decks, small fires up all over the damage area.”

    Sparks flew, and smoke whispered, while the Captain shouted out “Take us over, get us with in close range.”

    Ships now surrounded the Battlecruisers, one of them went down in a sea of fire as they were scythed and blasted to pieces. In response the Vaygr Battlecruisers stopped firing; Daniel received the surrender transmission and projected it onto the command screen. On the command screen was a Vaygr Captain with a wrecked Bridge, dead Bridge crew and a bloodied forehead.

    The Vaygr Captain then gasped in dismay “We surrender… I repeat, do not fire, we surrender.”

    But the Hiigarans did not care for the lives of the Vaygr… Every single ship then opened fire and there was the horrific message on the command screen.

    The same Vaygr Commander appeared with tears in his eyes “Oh terrible Sajuuk… they’ve locked on. I repeat they’ve locked on, surrender is impossible… they’re firing… they’re…”

    And the signal then disappeared as the Battlecruisers were shredded into pieces, disappearing in a nuclear explosion.

    The space above Akhabahra was silent in the wake of destruction. Huge Drop ships, carrying Marines, Tanks, small Mechs & supplies then dropped out of hyperspace, descending upon Akhabahra. The iron on their hulls lit up as they descended upon the surface. They were then seen looming over the small Vaygr cityscapes, dropping off the Marines to finish off any Vaygr resistance. Daniel’s Cruiser stayed in orbit for weeks, bombarding the surface to get rid of Vaygr artillery as well as large industries. In the mean while, Daniel got all the horror he would ever need, picking up the several videos of destruction, wounded orphans, dead Marines & soldiers in surrender. Daniel couldn’t take it anymore, and just as it seemed it was all at an end… in an act of spite they flamed the whole entire civilization on the planet. Everything just lit up as the surface was hit by Heavy Nukes, Ion beams, missiles & Kinetic Fire, very little was standing after the genocide.

    Why had they just done this, Why did the Council want the death of a quarter Billion Vaygr, what had the Daiamid Council become?

    “War is a bloody business, if you think that it is the least ‘grand’ then you are either very stupid or very innocent. I may be a Captain, but I Sajuuk damn hate war, the only reason why I participate is because there is nobody else with the guts or sensibility to carry out the gruesome execution.”
    After such a disastrous encounter, Ksht’ar Uresh had been called to the Imperial courts on the Homeworld to discus matters with the Emperor. He remembered a phrase one of his instructors always said to him and his students ‘And remember, the Faruk Empire is at stake ever single second – apply that cold Faruk steel to any situation.’ Well he did, he had done so for the past 60 years, from the Mikrosh war to their current predicament with the Terrans. But despite his ruthless dedication to the Empire in service he failed in these times of peace and disparity to apply this ‘cold Faruk steel’ successfully. The Faruk Empire could not afford a war now in its weakened state, despite their ruthlessness to fight it.

    Chapter 1, Part 1
    By Alexander House, Edited by Alexander House

    Fighter Squadron CO Kadel Kiva walked into the observation balcony, he noticed the relaxed captain, leaning over the railings towards the window, just watching light glowing clouds of hyperspace.

    Daniel heard the footsteps behind him. Before Kiva could do anything Daniel quickly responded with a “no need to salute… a hello would be just fine.”

    “How’s the gazing going?” asked a friendly Kiva.

    “Remembering…” replied a reflective Daniel.

    Kiva wondered “Where to next, why the hell did they send this small waste of a flotilla?” He asked.

    Daniel replied quirkily. “Because some in Hiigaran Command have a grudge against me… I embarrassed them in the public.”

    “So they’ve sent us into the Karos Graveyard, an extremely dangerous area of space, with nasty Keepers … just to get rid of you… command must be vindictive to send us here,” chuckled Kiva.

    “A Frigate Patrol was launched from a Carrier Taskforce near Karos, it’s said that they spotted Turanic contacts. They chased them for days then… no trace of them, what so ever. Command left it to me to search for the group, they gave me the co-ordinates and so off we go,” explained Daniel.

    Wherever the Patrol was, it was obviously off the charts, no one dared chart the Karos Graveyard, unless they truly had to.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Several hours later the flotilla abruptly dropped out of hyperspace, the alarms blared on all ships.

    The command rang out “Action stations, Action stations!” the scene is a flurry of confusion as the crew race to their stations.

    Daniel frowned and turned to his command staff.
    “I need nav stats now!”
    The navigation officer’s hands frantically worked the consol. “Sir, I just checked the star charts.” His pointed finger waved at the 3-D image hovering above the Holo projector.
    “We didn’t arrive at our target destination. The Dust seems to be creating some really heavy static.” On the image a thin wavy line traced a dim path thought the cloudy mass.
    “I’ve got a weak signal to the beacon however… it could be least 3 days passage.”

    Through the command screens, the dust nebulae fill all visible space. Daniel did not bother to use the Holo sensors; he could see it with his own eyes. Rumbling, it looked like a huge beast spanning light years, this is supposedly one of Sajuuk’s cradles of life… it looked as if it was going to rear up and engulf them.

    Daniel gave the order, “No way over, no way around, we’re going in.”

    The thrusters on all ships lit up like a stove burner, the fleet moved into the belly of the beast. Somewhere… in there, a patrol group was lost, or worse, destroyed.

    Dust and debris then surrounded them, and the light was turned into a sandstorm of ochre. The Nav-lights were switched on, and the light projected faded of into the distance.

    Kiva was on the coms “Okay, keep your eyes peeled for contacts; we can’t afford any chance of an ambush.”

    Kiva, however, kept himself company with several little jokes off the coms, and accidentally had it switched on.

    Unfortunately, with out comforts or people around you, it is easy to go insane in the Karos Graveyard, nothing but dust was the problem, as well as the paranoia about immanent Keeper ambush. It was going to take at least a 1 week to get to the beacon. It was not enemy contacts that Daniel worried about but the loneliness and fear that might creep up on them, all of that would cause low moral as well as mutiny.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    It had been several days since they arrived at the Karos Graveyard, there had been nothing but dust and large rocks every few hundred kilometres. Daniel was sitting in his command chair on the bridge, looking at the visual of dust.

    Daniel then spined around in his chair and looked towards his nav officer.

    “How far to the target?” asked Daniel.

    His nav officer called up the 3-D Image of the cloud once more, and had a close look at the thin wavy line. One of his pointy fingers then jabbed at the consol, coming up with more nav stats.

    “1000 Kilometres sir, not long before we get there” replied the nav officer.

    Three hours later Daniel was still sitting in his chair, dying to get the latest update on the distance. Daniel once more asked for the distance and the nav officer brought up the 3-D image once more.

    “One hundred Kilometres sir, ten more minutes to contact” said the Lieutenant.

    Daniel was still looking at the visuals when a megalithic object appeared out of the dust, blotting out the ochre light. Daniel leaned forward and stepped towards the window, he glared at it as if it was Sajuuk himself.

    “Scan it; if it moves at us then just shoot at it” order Daniel.

    The lieutenant then stared at his console, bring up the sensors.

    His fingers pointed at the sensors and he turned his head around to speak to the captain. The lieutenant replied “No sir, no luck so far, the dust is blocking our sensors.”

    The Patrol had finally been found, but Daniel had the feeling that there was no way of knowing if it was in one piece or not.

    Daniel then gave an order.

    “I need a Progenitor expert up here… Dr Adan Manaan.”

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Dr Manaan was on the Research Station, attached to the Command ship, sitting comfortably in his lab looking over some archaeological finds, when the coms went off.

    “Dr Manaan you are need on the Bridge, we have a Progenitor Megalith ahead”

    Dr Manaan then looked up with excitement in his eyes.

    “What! Progenitors, I need to get up there… pronto!”

    He rushed out the door, leaving his puffed associate. He ran down several corridors in-between the connected Research Station and Command ship. Dr Manaan then hoped onto a speed tram and zoomed of to the Bridge. Two guards stood by the bridge door and let him in, he then looked at the large room of desks, consoles and screens, in the very front was the Captain waiting for him.

    Daniel looked at the Megalith as they stood outside and pointed at it.

    “You clearly know who the Progenitors were, what is this?” asked Daniel.

    Dr Manaan stood silent, thinking while stroking his lite moustache.
    “I recognise it... but I don’t know, there are so any different types of Megaliths, all with different purposes.”

    Daniel then looked towards the corridor into the Megalith and pointed his finger down the path.
    “That corridor, move us through there… I want to see what’s at the other end” said Daniel.

    The fleet then glided through the eerie, silent and decayed corridor. They then found themselves at the very end, surrounded by a tall ring wall, with a central spire structure in the middle; it stretched as far their eyes could see.

    “I recognise this, Sajuuk yes, this is a Megalith way, and I was one of the people in the archaeological teams that found the first one” called out Dr Manaan in astonishment.

    Dr Manaan’s hand then waved excitedly in the direction of the other end.
    “Look, right over there, a large ring… that’s got to be a gate!” cried out Dr Manaan in amazement.

    “How far to the beacon?” asked Daniel

    The Nav officer then stared at the image of the megalith and saw the flashing dot near the gate.
    “Eighty Kilometres sir… wait, that’s the same distance to the gate sir?” replied the nav officer.

    Daniel was wondering what was going on with the Patrol group, why hadn’t they made contact, the multiple possibilities rushed through his head.

    The fleet rushed through the open space, the gate was in there sites.

    “One minute to contact,” shouted out the lieutenant.

    They’re mission was then complete… but and ugly site lay in front of them.

    The lieutenant checked the activated the sensors on his console and initiated a scan... his results then came back and slowly turned towards Daniel.

    “Sir… you’re not going to like this… the ships… they’re gone… just debris floating about. I’m picking up heavy scorch marks… may have been caused by Ion Beams” shouted out the Lieutenant with a ghost stricken voice.

    Possibilities went through Daniel's mind, as well as his hands, they throbbed in pain, an automatic combat response. Had they Patrol group fallen pray to an ambush. They were surrounded by a wall like structure, so why would the Patrol group just hang around, they didn’t even have the supplies to last this long a trip.

    Daniel was then hit by the quick and simple revelation of Sajuuk.
    “Wait, is there a Black Box in there, its standard issue for every ship big and small. If it is intact, it may give us information on if the Turanic Raiders struck. I need a Utility ship out there as soon as possible” said Daniel.

    So now, what had happened?

    Word count 1694
    Last edited by Tekanako; 21 April 2010, 05:32 AM.
    After such a disastrous encounter, Ksht’ar Uresh had been called to the Imperial courts on the Homeworld to discus matters with the Emperor. He remembered a phrase one of his instructors always said to him and his students ‘And remember, the Faruk Empire is at stake ever single second – apply that cold Faruk steel to any situation.’ Well he did, he had done so for the past 60 years, from the Mikrosh war to their current predicament with the Terrans. But despite his ruthless dedication to the Empire in service he failed in these times of peace and disparity to apply this ‘cold Faruk steel’ successfully. The Faruk Empire could not afford a war now in its weakened state, despite their ruthlessness to fight it.


      I scanned though it and it seems you are an alright writer. No idea what Homeworld 3 is though .
      You may want to re-edit it, because in my extremely quick scan I noticed an error.
      "Possibilities went through Daniels mind, " when it should be "Daniel's"
      Anyway, seems interesting . If I had time, I would read it.


        Originally posted by Supreme Commander Sil View Post
        I scanned though it and it seems you are an alright writer. No idea what Homeworld 3 is though .
        You may want to re-edit it, because in my extremely quick scan I noticed an error.
        "Possibilities went through Daniels mind, " when it should be "Daniel's"
        Anyway, seems interesting . If I had time, I would read it.
        look at and you will get the fan fiction.
        The Homeworld saga was launched in 1998, it was the game that caused the 3D space battle environment revolution, it's latest and almost greatest, Homeworld 2, is still one of the best space RTS games out ever since 2003.
        After such a disastrous encounter, Ksht’ar Uresh had been called to the Imperial courts on the Homeworld to discus matters with the Emperor. He remembered a phrase one of his instructors always said to him and his students ‘And remember, the Faruk Empire is at stake ever single second – apply that cold Faruk steel to any situation.’ Well he did, he had done so for the past 60 years, from the Mikrosh war to their current predicament with the Terrans. But despite his ruthless dedication to the Empire in service he failed in these times of peace and disparity to apply this ‘cold Faruk steel’ successfully. The Faruk Empire could not afford a war now in its weakened state, despite their ruthlessness to fight it.

