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Netflix suggestions

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    Netflix suggestions

    my queue is running close to empty any ideas of what to add.

    anything at all movies,tv ect.!/Solar_wind84

    Let's see, The TV show Millennium was pretty good, if you haven't seen it. A Dog's Breakfast was good. Iron man and Dark Knight were both really good. Maybe some older classic movies such as the original Day the Earth Stood still, I was going to rent a bunch of classic Sci-fi on netflix, but my parents canceled the subscription before I could. Pan's Labyrinth was an excellent movie, if you don't mind subtitles.

    If you like Horror, I just got Orphan from my sister for Christmas, it was pretty good (one awkward scene just to warn you, in case if your watching with family or anything).

    Hope that helps.


      Pan's Labyrinth was good! My brother and I love it ^^


        Dexter, all 3 seasons, you probalby wouldn't like The Tudors for the soap aspect, but it's also full of pretty girls that get naked every so often...and you learn a bit of history

        Shawshank Redemption is good. Rome is also good, ran for 2 seasons on hbo and is very R rated for content, violence and nudity. Band of Brothers is also good

        you could catch up on NCIS, it has 6 seasons on dvd. there's a movie called 'shattered'...dare you to figure hte twist out.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          Dexter, all 3 seasons, you probalby wouldn't like The Tudors for the soap aspect, but it's also full of pretty girls that get naked every so often...and you learn a bit of history

          Shawshank Redemption is good. Rome is also good, ran for 2 seasons on hbo and is very R rated for content, violence and nudity. Band of Brothers is also good

          you could catch up on NCIS, it has 6 seasons on dvd. there's a movie called 'shattered'...dare you to figure hte twist out.
          sky wins

          i've been wanting to get into dexter and NCIS why didn't think of that "slaps self" i've heard good things about band of brothers

          and thanks for letting me now about the nudity aspect and such being catholic i try to avoid that when possible.

          Originally posted by Daedalus-304 View Post
          Let's see, The TV show Millennium was pretty good, if you haven't seen it. A Dog's Breakfast was good. Iron man and Dark Knight were both really good. Maybe some older classic movies such as the original Day the Earth Stood still, I was going to rent a bunch of classic Sci-fi on netflix, but my parents canceled the subscription before I could. Pan's Labyrinth was an excellent movie, if you don't mind subtitles.

          If you like Horror, I just got Orphan from my sister for Christmas, it was pretty good (one awkward scene just to warn you, in case if your watching with family or anything).

          Hope that helps.
          i'll try a dog's breakfast
          i own dark knight and i hated iron man
          tried earth stood still
          i'll get Pan's Labyrinth thanks


            ok, if you don't like nudity, dexter has some...but not a ton. I can think of a half dozen sex scenes over the years. and the f bomb gets dropped quite often. it is a darn good show though.

            rome and probably won't like them for that aspect. rome is very brutal in places (it's rome in the days of julius caesar, people die bloodily and violently), tudors has some violence, but the show is about henry the 8th and his wives....and htem wives do what wives do

            so rome and tudors will probably have too much nudity and sex for your tastes. Dexter has some but it's more punctuation or fits with the plot rather than for the titillation factor.

            band of brothers is very good...i haven't caught the whole thing not edited for TV, but it's about a group of soldiers in WWII, so i doubt there's much sex and you're more likely to get war type violence and some language
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              well i'm obsessed BSG fan so sex and nudity is ok but i just don't like it in ever ep and scene. sorry should have said that sooner.


                i can't recall the nudity quotient for Tudors and Rome. I think Rome was less so, but, you know, season 1 of the Tudors was Anne seducing Henry so, seduction usually leads to nudity and sex

                you could always look on the showtime site and see how each eps is rated. showtime is re-running all 3 seasons of the Tudors in prep for the s4 premiere in a couple of months, so their site should be fairly up to date
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  oh, presuming netflix has this, want some very safe 70's tv?


                  gotta love 70's cheese, fake blood and sometimes cliched acting...but it's a fun cheese. and when you consider that the wrecks and fires they dealt with were recreated - no green screen here - you have to admire the talent and skill it took to recreate stuff like that.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    I've just discovered Chuck. you may have already seen it, but if not, it's hilarious.

                    Anyway, you can always explore older shows, from the 80's and 90's. Quantum Leap. the original Night Rider, Air Wolf. St. Elsewhere. Sliders. Bay WAtch. MacGuiver lol. Plenty of fodder for Netflix.

                    May your que never run dry.

                    Some people have a way with words. Others not have way.



                      How about The Mummy
                      Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                        Originally posted by Stargate Atlantis Girl View Post
                        How about The Mummy
                        i've seen the first two. the third one has jet li who is my hero so i'll look it up


                          That's all I'm saying on the matter.



                            If you haven't watched it, you should definitely try Weeds. It's a great black comedy about suburban mom Nancy Botwin, that is forced to become a pot dealer to maintain her, and her sons lifestyle, after her husband dies.

                            The show goes through a bit of change in season 4, but I really think that this is waht keeps it fresh. And you just gotta love the ending of the fifth season. It has officially moved up Shane Botwin to spot of favorite character in my mind.


                              The Wire, The Wire, The Wire.

                              Seasons 1-4 are simply the best television ever written, bar none. Season 5 was a bit of a letdown, but still a lot better than most TV.
                              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

