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Russia 'plans to stop asteroid' Apophis

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    Russia 'plans to stop asteroid' Apophis

    The head of Russia's federal space agency has said it will work to divert an asteroid which will make several passes near the Earth from 2029.

    Anatoly Perminov told the Voice of Russia radio service that the agency's science council would hold a closed meeting to discuss the issue.

    Any eventual plan is likely to be an international collaboration, he said.

    The US space agency said in October that there is a one-in-250,000 chance of Apophis hitting Earth in 2036.

    Full Story at Link Below

    "Five Rounds Rapid"


    Yeah woo, go Russia.
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      "Alright Comrades. First we are going to make a BIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG gun, and then we will make BIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGG bullets for this BIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG gun. And then when this asteroid comes near earth... BOOM!!!!!!!! We shoot it with big bullet from big gun! It won't know what hit it! Then we celebrate, hell lets celebrate now! Vasili, get the vodka!"
      In Islamofascist Afghanistan, pain experiences you!
      "The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get." ~ AFSOC MOUT Instructor


        Originally posted by Coela Bellatore View Post
        "Alright Comrades. First we are going to make a BIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG gun, and then we will make BIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGG bullets for this BIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG gun. And then when this asteroid comes near earth... BOOM!!!!!!!! We shoot it with big bullet from big gun! It won't know what hit it! Then we celebrate, hell lets celebrate now! Vasili, get the vodka!"
        By Nolamom


          Originally posted by Coela Bellatore View Post
          "Alright Comrades. First we are going to make a BIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG gun, and then we will make BIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGG bullets for this BIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG gun. And then when this asteroid comes near earth... BOOM!!!!!!!! We shoot it with big bullet from big gun! It won't know what hit it! Then we celebrate, hell lets celebrate now! Vasili, get the vodka!"
          That was disgustingly politically incorrect.

          Frakkin' funny though.

          "Five Rounds Rapid"



            this can only end badly


              Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
              this can only end badly
              How so?

              They did manage to get Sputnik into space...

              "Five Rounds Rapid"



                Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                How so?

                They did manage to get Sputnik into space...
                knowing Russia they'll just nuke it and execpt the whole thing to be destroyed and then up course it will fail and small pieces with land all over the planet killing more people


                  I think America would use shuttles to land on it and then use drills to steal its oil. Maybe we can combine both Russian and Yank ideas and board the asteroid, drill to its centre, put the nuke down and then let it go off. That way the rock can split off into two and avoid a collision with the Earth, and the smaller pieces would more than likely break down in our orbit Bruce Willis has proved this can be done.


                  I miss that guy.
                  I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

                  Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                    Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                    knowing Russia they'll just nuke it and execpt the whole thing to be destroyed and then up course it will fail and small pieces with land all over the planet killing more people
                    The article specifically states that Nukes aren't part of their plan.

                    That really sounds like quite a US thing to do, imo.

                    "Five Rounds Rapid"



                      Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                      The article specifically states that Nukes aren't part of their plan.

                      That really sounds like quite a US thing to do, imo.
                      well we love our nukes.


                        Strange, I live in Russia - and didn't listen about it... indead our govement cry it for all the world - and hide it of own citizens?


                          Originally posted by Mirelinde View Post
                          Strange, I live in Russia - and didn't listen about it... indead our govement cry it for all the world - and hide it of own citizens?
                          Just because a citizen doesn't hear about something, doesn't mean it's being hidden...

                          "Five Rounds Rapid"



                            Originally posted by Coela Bellatore View Post
                            "Alright Comrades. First we are going to make a BIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG gun, and then we will make BIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGG bullets for this BIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG gun. And then when this asteroid comes near earth... BOOM!!!!!!!! We shoot it with big bullet from big gun! It won't know what hit it! Then we celebrate, hell lets celebrate now! Vasili, get the vodka!"
                            "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                            "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                            "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                            "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                            >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                              I'm not sure if it's related, but I know the ESA is planning on altering the trajectory of an asteroid with explosives in order to plan for a potential mission to divert one.

