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A gift for the Mods! "The Cantina Wars"

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    Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
    Females...Gutters....*tries not to think of dirty things*


    *decides not to post the bit of innuendo thought of*
    LOL..... you live in the gutter LOS...admit it!!
    Originally posted by jelgate
    This brings much pain but SQ is right


      So is that the gutters in the streets, or the gutters on the roof line of the house?
      no means no, and so does pepper spray
      Sig by The Carpenter


        Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
        Nice Not as funny as the first one, but it was a lot more smooth, better, and had a lot more originallity and merged with GW ideas of posting and epicness.
        You added enough new twists and turns into it to make it more yours the whole thing with Tame was hilarious, though pushing the envelope jsut a little. I did notice the terms Luke, and Vader in there though, might want to watch out for that
        Thanks! I noticed both and am now working hard on adding comedy while retaining my tone. I am also adding the same type of twists!

        The tame thing was, indeed, a highly debated thing...yes I debate with my a problem with that?

        I decided that it was needed for my morals that will be done in episode 6. Episode 6 is half way done.
        Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
        I know you lets make out!! *pulls him into the closet* ...... *snort*

        Originally posted by Jper View Post
        *Steals smilie*
        By Nolamom


          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          *Steals smilie*

          You want to snurch this smiley too?

          Come, let's get married.
          A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
            Thanks! I noticed both and am now working hard on adding comedy while retaining my tone. I am also adding the same type of twists!

            The tame thing was, indeed, a highly debated thing...yes I debate with my a problem with that?

            I decided that it was needed for my morals that will be done in episode 6. Episode 6 is half way done.

            *Steals smilie*
            ARe you laughing at me tood??
            Originally posted by jelgate
            This brings much pain but SQ is right


              I did WHAT!!! ....*hides in shame* ......... seriously funny aretood2

              and at least I look great while forcing myself on unsuspecting spoon jedi
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
                I did WHAT!!! ....*hides in shame* ......... seriously funny aretood2

                and at least I look great while forcing myself on unsuspecting spoon jedi
                Believe it or not that is part of someone's plot! Who I can not say tell I post episode 6. And he liked it! Maybe I should have made that more clear....and what did you force exactly? All you did was kiss and get "on top off him"

                I guess the gutter proved useful for you
                By Nolamom


                  Episode 6 is quite large. The links for all the parts are located here below the spoiler tags!

                  Brand spanking new episode 6!!!
                  Part 1 of
                  Que this music
                  Cantina Wars!
                  Episode VI
                  “Return of the Cantina!”

                  Pharaoh Atem has returned to
                  his home Thread of “Ban the Poster Above”
                  in an attempt to rescue his
                  friend Cowpants from the
                  clutches of the vile gangster
                  Pookey the Hutt.

                  Little does PA know that the
                  Hawt Vile Mods have secretly
                  begun construction on a new
                  armored space station even
                  more powerful than the first
                  dreaded Death Smite Button Star.

                  When completed, this ultimate
                  weapon will spell certain doom
                  for the small band of Cantina rebels
                  struggling to restore freedom
                  to the Forum....

                  [end music]
                  On a Shuttle approaching the Death Smite Button Star the Captain, Flying Officer Bennett, makes contact with the Death Smite Button Star.
                  Flying Officer Bennett: Command station, this is ST 321. Code Clearance Blue. We're starting
                  our approach. Deactivate the security plot shield.
                  s09119: (command) No
                  Flying Officer Bennett: ? What?
                  s09119: I said no! and you can’t make me!
                  Flying Officer Bennett: You should know that Hawt Package is onboard
                  s09119: Why didn’t you say so?!?!?!?! The plot shields are down!

                  As the Shuttle Lands There is a welcome party of well ordered goon troopers. The Base commander Mod Lackey puddlejumperOZ is also there to greet the guest. The shuttle’s bay door opens and out comes Darth Clanger in all her hawtness and glory. That’s when He bows and begins to speak
                  puddlejumperOZ: I am honored by your presence my lord.
                  Darth Clanger: you may stop kissing up commander; I am here to put you back on schedule.
                  puddlejumperOZ:But Ma’am we are working overtime here! The codes are complicated!
                  Darth Clanger: Then you should say that to the Grand Empress herself when she arrives.
                  puddlejumperOZ: She is coming? We will quadruple our efforts!
                  Darth Clanger: Good, she has been displeased with your lack of progress. If you know what’s good for you, you will finish this. The Grand Empress is not as forgiving as I am.

                  Darth Clanger walks off to attend to her duties.

                  Here are the other parts of Episode 6

                  Part 2/8

                  Part 3/8

                  Part 4/8

                  Part 5/8

                  part 6/8

                  Part 7/8

                  And the Last Part, 8/8
                  Last edited by aretood2; 28 January 2010, 02:01 PM.
                  By Nolamom


                    Part 2 of 8

                    Back on the “Ban the Poster Above” thread we find our beloved droid couple waltzing to a shaddy post establishment. They arrive at a door and knock, something peaks out and demands a to know their business. After Col. Foley tells it of their business they are allowed in. They make it to the lair where slaves are tied on the walls, a funky band is playing crazy music, and a pretty poster known as Pookey the Hutt is found. She is 8 feet tall and rumors have it that she came from the “Female Thread of Femaleness” were some giant babes (both male and female) and regular sized babes are known to be found. What? You think I actually want to turn posters into overgrown worms? How would I get green then? huh?

                    Squirrely1: (To Pookey the Hutt) I am here to deliver this message to you ma’am from my master. Foley please show the good lady the recording
                    Col. Foley: Sure thing babe.
                    (recording with PA speaking): Greetings, Exalted One. Allow me to introduce myself. I Pharaoh Atem, Spoon Jedi Knight and friend to Captain Cowpants. I know that you are powerful, mighty Pookey, and that your anger with Cowpants must be equally powerful. I seek an audience with Your Greatness to bargain for Cowpants’ life. (Pookey's crowd laughs) With your wisdom, I'm sure that we can work out an arrangement which will be mutually beneficial and enable us to avoid any unpleasant confrontation. As a token of my goodwill, I present to you a gift, these two droids.
                    Squirrely1: What did he say?!?!?!
                    Pookey: There will be no bargon! I will not give up my favorite decoration, Cowpants frozen! IT is funny! He has no pants!

                    The droid couple then is taken to a droid handler that separates them
                    Squirrely1: No! Foley you said we will never be apart again!
                    Col. Foley: Don’t be afraid my love, we will meet very soon

                    The court of Pookey the Hutt is in the midst of a drunken, raucous party. Sloppy, smelly posters cheer and make rude noises as a good looking male dancer performs in front of Pookey's throne.

                    Then a Bounty hunter arrives with Choccie!
                    Squirrely1: No! not Choccie!
                    Bounty Hunter: I have come for a bounty for this Muffin. Fifty green will be the fee.

                    Pookey the hutt is angered and says something to Squirrely1
                    Squirrely1: Her excellence says that she would sooner cut your throat out and feed it to the spammers than pay you that amount.
                    Bounty Hunter: But you see, I am holding a thermal detonator (Shows the bomb)
                    Squirrely1: (After listening to Pookey) Her excellence will pay 30 green.
                    Bounty Hunter: Great! I’ll take it!

                    Chocolate_muffin is taken to a cell under the court of Pookey the Hutt. Then the Bounty Hunter goes over to the frozen Cowpants and frees him under Pookey’s wish. The bounty hunter then begins to speak quietly to Cowpants
                    Bounty Hunter: Relax, you’re account was frozen. Now you are free.
                    Cowpants: Halleluya brother!..I can’t see? (Pookey laughs) I know that laughter! Pookey!
                    Bounty Hunter: Don’t worry, everything is under control
                    Cowpants: Who are you?
                    Bounty Hunter: Someone who loves you
                    Cowpants: Susanne?

                    Just then Cowpants is put in the presence of Pookey the Hutt.
                    Cowpants: Pookey! I was just coming to pay you!
                    Pookey: Too bad, now time to feed you to my rancor spammer!

                    Cowpants is thrown in the same room as Chocolate_muffin where they are reunited and Choccie alerts Cowpants as to what is going on.
                    Cowpants: (To Choccie) What do you mean part of the plan? And what do you mean PA will rescue me? That kid couldn’t take care of himself!
                    Chocolate_muffin: he is a Spoon Jedi Knight now, He has been training for months.
                    Cowpants: A Spoon Jedi Knight? I--I'm out of it for a little while, everybody gets
                    delusions of grandeur.

                    Just then someone brings in Tombombadil and reveals that Susanne is the Bounty hunter
                    Pookey: Bring her (Susanne) to me!
                    Susanne: We have powerfull friends! you’ll regret that!
                    Pookey: Hubwash! I like this one (Susanne) She will be my new slave. Strip her to her undies and replace them with sexy leather bikini and a loose garnet that will only serve to highlight her long legs!
                    Tombombadil: But you’re a female?
                    Pookey: So? I like the girls too! Got a problem with that?
                    Susanne: : weiranime33: Excusme? I only liketh thee men.
                    Pookey: Not my problem

                    Just then Susanne is undressed and fitted with a sexy leather bikini just as Pookey the Hutt ordered, then she is chained near Pookey. Just then incomes a man dressed in a robe like Jelgate.
                    Pookey: Who are you hansome?
                    Pharaoh Atem: I am Pharaoh Atem, Spoon Jedi knight of the Cantina Alliance to restore the Delphi forums.
                    Pookey: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Little man is here to challenge Moi?

                    A trap door opens right under PA and he falls into a cell with a large Rancor Spammer. The Racnor begins posting sensless things like “It’s Awesome” Or “This is horrible, it should be canceled!” without elaborating on the whys. But then PA uses the Spoon to distract the rancor, makes it to the end of the cell and closes a conveniently place door that ends up strangling the Rancor. This angers Pookey the Hutt to the point that she grabs a bystander and squeezes said bystander to death!
                    Pookey: They are to be feed to the sand Troll!!! All of them!!!
                    Pharaoh Atem: You should have bargained Pookey, this is going to be the last mistake you ever make.
                    Cowpants: Since when did you grow balls?

                    As Cowpants, Choccie, and Pharaoh Atem are on a Hover craft In restraints surrounded by guards including Tombombadil in disguise. Meanwhile Pookey the Hutt and her merry gang are on a flying sail ship both heading to the sand dunes where the sand Troll lives (a huge mouth with tentacle tongues that reach out and grab people to eat)
                    Cowpants: Hey, I can see blurs now!
                    Pharaoh Atem: There is not much to see here, I used to live here you know.
                    Cowpants: We will die here
                    Chocolate_muffin: Relax, it’s part of the plan.

                    They finally arrive. Meanwhile the presoners await Pookey to make some sort of dramatic thing. Meanwhile inside the ship Col. Foley has been made into a servant and has to give people their drinks. As he poors Mighty Platoon 6 a drink he goes off on some political rant (Happy Foley? Your political rant is here! See you aren’t just a sex addict!)
                    Col. Foley: I mean Big Galactic Governments can’t work! Sure they win you over with universal health care, but then they start deciding what is good for you and not good for you! And if you think differently the Grand Empress would just moderate you to death! There is no real freedom. What about individual Thread rights? And don’t get me started on the taxes.
                    Mighty Platoon 6: What’s your point?
                    Col. Foley: my point is that you should join the Cantina Alliance to restore the Delphi Forums.
                    Deevil: Don’t listen to him, he is crazy!
                    Squirrely1: Foley! You’re here too?
                    Col. Foley: You. Me. Closet. Now.
                    Pookey starts to bring Susanne closer as intends to molest her. Susanne delivers a soccer punch right into Pookey’s stomach.
                    Pookey: (in slight pain) Feisty! I like!

                    Just then the sand troll underneath wakes up
                    Troll: Mindless babble. mindless bable. off topic bable.
                    Cowpants: Its worse than I thought!! (see’s Susanne) but she looks better than ever!
                    Chocolate_muffin: I take it you haven’t ran into a troll on the forums before?
                    Tombombadil: ( Quietly)As soon as Pookey stops talking I will realease you guys.
                    Pookey: (from ship) Listen Little men! You will now suffer the mindless of topic bable of a troll forever! Any last words?
                    Pharaoh Atem: Pookey this is your last chance, free us or die!

                    Everyone laughs
                    Mighty Platoon 6: Isn’t that that kid that cut of your hand?
                    Deevil: yes it is! He is getting what he desirves

                    But just then, Col. Foley here’s the key words
                    Pookey: Never! Kills them!

                    [Que this music
                    So Foley leaves the closet (a little upset) and throw’s a Spoon to PA. Girlbot then flies off in her jetpack to the hover craft just as Tombombadil has released our heroes. Cowpants see’s Girlbot and attempts to knock her of, while Tom and PA fight of the guards and Choccie takes control of the hovercraft’s gun and fires flame lasers at the flying ship. In the middle of the chaos Susanne wraps her chain around Pookey’s neck and strangles her to death. PA jumps using the Spoon on the ship and free’s Susanne and the droid couple. Just then as Girlbot and cowpants struggle,
                    Girlbot: Wait cowpants! I am a double agent working for the Cantina Alliance!
                    Cowpants: What?

                    But just then they fall over hanging by a thread when Choccie comes in to grab Cowpants who is grabing Girlbot.
                    Chocolate_muffin: I can’t pull the both of you up!
                    Tombabil: (Reaching to help Choccie) Girlbot, you are going to have to try to reach me!
                    Girlbot: (To Cowpants) I am sorry my love, but you must let me go.
                    Cowpants: Love?
                    Girlbot: after years of chasing and beating you up, I have…become fund of you. But someone else already has your heart. you must let go.
                    Cowpants: Are you nuts?
                    Squirrely1: (from the ship) did someone say nuts? where? I want some!!
                    Girlbot: Let go, I have dealt with trolls in the past.

                    Cowpants lets Girlbot go and she plummets into the troll that starts babbling off to her about how forced her love for cowpants was and how he hates contrived plot twists. Then he moves on to talk about twilight and so on.

                    Just then Susanne and PA jump on the hovercraft along with the droid couple. As the Hovercraft speeds off the flying ship blows up do to some bombs that Girlbot left onboard. The gang arrives to the Millinium Falcon that has a Data Wing parked near it.
                    Cowpants: I got to hand it to you kid, you were pretty amazing out there.
                    Pharaoh Atem: Na, it was nothing…
                    Cowpants: No really, you finally grew a pair.
                    Chocolate_muffin: You did great! (She hugs PA and gives him a kiss)
                    Squirrely1: I am outraged that none of you told me about the plan
                    Col. Foley: It was need to know babe.
                    Susanne: It wasn’t that bad, I kind of like this outfit!
                    Cowpants: Me too.

                    Just then Susanne slaps Cowpants across the face.
                    Cowpants: What?
                    Susanne: I just like hitting you
                    Pharaoh Atem: I’ll meet you back with the fleet
                    Cowpants: Why don’t you leave that old crate and come with us.
                    Pharaoh Atem: Sorry, But I have a promise to keep.
                    Cowpants: (to Tom as PA leaves) I guess I owe you one.
                    Tombabil: Think nothing of it. Now lets leave this sorry excuse for a thread!

                    Both the Falcon and PA’s Data wing fly off in different directions.
                    [End music]
                    Last edited by aretood2; 29 December 2009, 02:52 PM.
                    By Nolamom


                      Part 3 of 8
                      [Que this music]
                      A Super Spoon Destroyer and several ships of the Mod Fleet rest in space above the half-completed Death Smite Button Star and its green neighbor, “Welcome New Members” thread. Four squads of TIE Mods escort an Mod shuttle toward the Death Smite Button Star. The Shuttle lands in front of an army of ordered and fancy looking array of Goon troopers. Darth Clanger, puddlejumperOZ are found in the center awaiting the new arrivals.

                      As the shuttle’s door open out comes the stunningly beautiful Grand Empress Skydiver dressed in her usual attire followed by her equally good looking daughter TameFarrar. Beside Tame is the poster known as Gateworld, who looks like he is sleep walking. Everyone then gets on their knees
                      Skydiver: Rise Darth Clanger
                      Darth Clanger: Where is Padame
                      Darth Clanger: Forgive me master, for I mixed up the movies.
                      Skydiver: I sense that you are eager to seek out PA.
                      Darth Clanger: yes my Master
                      Skydiver: He will come to you.

                      As Skydiver and the poster known as Gateworld and Darth Clanger walk off TameFarrar Walks right up to puddljumperOZ. She grabs him by the chin pulling him up until he is standing up. She then reaches around his lower back with her right arm and pulls him in to the point that her chest and waist makes contact with his.
                      TameFarrar: (Talks into puddlejumperOZ’s ear) My mother is most displeased with your lack of progress.

                      A nervous and somewhat aroused Mod Lackey commander responds.
                      puddlejumperOZ: we..we…a..are on schedule my lady.

                      Just then She stabs her right hand’s finger nails into his lower back.
                      TameFarrar: I don’t like it when someone doesn’t appreciate what I am trying to say.

                      Just then she takes out a miniature Goa’uld pain stick and stabs him with it while she holds him up with her right hand pining him to her body. he screams.
                      TameFarrar: Mother says that I should stab you right here in front of the troops to send a message. Saddly a handsome man like you will die in the process before I get to have fun with him.

                      She lets go of him and delivers several kicks then she stabs him again this time killing him
                      TameFarrar: Let this be a lesson to all of you. Fail us and you will suffer a worse fait!

                      All the troops see this and are now more scared of her than of skydiver. This lady is no cute kitty cat. She is even more crazy, weird, ego maniacal, power mad, cold hearted, and cruel than her mother. She is also more charming though. But seriously, do not get her mad. She will moderate you six ways to Sunday and crush whatever ego you posses and she’ll do it with style. This is what mods do (P.S. Love you tame )
                      [End Music]
                      Meanwhile PA lands with his Data Wing at the thunk thread where Commander Jumper lives. He finds himself inside her house seeing her in her robe getting ready to sleep.
                      Pharoah Atem looks at CJ as notices that she has grown old.
                      Commander Jumper: Look so old to young Spoon Jedi eyes? hmm.
                      Pharaoh Atem: it just that…Anyway I came here to finish my training!
                      Commander Jumper: When nine hundred years old you reach, look as young you will not. No more training do you require.
                      Pharaoh Atem: You’re not old!
                      Commander Jumper: Strong with the Spoon I am, but not that strong. Age and death, Natural it is. It is the way of the sSpoon.
                      Pharaoh Atem: But I need your help
                      Commander Jumper: Rest…get some rest, I must.
                      Pharaoh Atem: You said I didn’t need more training. Does that mean that I am a Spoon Jedi?
                      Commander Jumper: Face Clanger, you must. Then Spoon Jedi you will be.
                      Pharaoh Atem: (as CJ gets in bed) Is she my mother?
                      Commander Jumper: Yes, imply this, her name would. But Face her, you must….Know you must…there is….there is…another…your…si-

                      With that Commander Jumper slowly dies and her account disappears.

                      Just as PA began to speak to Foley
                      Col. Foley: What’s wrong dude?
                      Pharaoh Atem: I can’t do it man…not alone
                      Jelgate (as a ghost): Commander Jumper will always be with you.
                      Pharaoh Atem: Jelly!...Why didn’t you tell me about my mother? You said clanger murdered my mother? and My father was killed by Skydiver.
                      Jelgate: Your father was killed by sky. Your mother was seduced by the dark side of the Spoon and at that moment she became Darth Clanger and Major Clanger died.
                      Pharaoh Atem: But why did she turn?

                      [Que this music.]

                      Jelgate: She turned because Skydiver seduced your father and tried to get the same thing Tame got from you. But he never gave in so sky killed him.
                      Pharaoh Atem: that is ridiculous, wouldn’t that just make her angry at Skydiver?
                      Jelgate: Anger is a path to the dark side. One moment your mom was a getty as a school girl and
                      the next she was this emo crybaby chick.
                      Pharaoh Atem: CJ said there was another…what did she mean?
                      Jelgate: You have a twin sister. We had to keep you safe. That is why we separated you two.
                      Pharaoh Atem: (Gets sick to his stomach) It’s not Susanne is it?

                      PA sees Jelgate nod yes. And he vomits…At least it is a more accurate reaction from someone who realized that they not only had the hots for their sister but actually kissed her! This is a lot more than mister Skywalker ever did when he learned this.

                      Pharaoh Atem: I can’t fight my mother, I won’t
                      Jelgate: you must.
                      Pharaoh Atem: But I…I…I still love my mother.
                      Jelgate: then the Grand Empress has already won.
                      Pharaoh Atem: Tell me about my mother
                      Jelgate: When I first met her she was a skilled pilot…well actually she just got lucky bouncing all over the place in that one fighter. She was a bit of a spammer at first too. But she was good on her feet and had a heart of gold. PA, you must learn to control your feelings. Do not fall to the hands of anger, Lust, Passion, or Vanity for they lead to the dark side.
                      Pharaoh Atem: Then I will face my mother
                      Jelgate: The Spoon will be with you, always.

                      [end music]

                      A vast fleet of social groups has formed in the outskirts of furom space. From Mon Calamari Social Cruisers that can stand their ground with Spoon Destroyers to Nebulan-b Socail Frigates that act as support. The Large ragtag fleet is lead by the Cantina and Admiral Mappalazaru (Mapp the ex mod). Inside the lead ship “The Gateworld Cantina” Social Group (SG will now stand for Social Group). We find our heroes in a meeting with a large group of cantina members and their allies
                      Cowpants: (To Tombombadil) Well look at you. General huh?
                      Tombombadil: Yep I got it right after I made Mapp the SG “Mappothism”. It is a beauty of a ship.
                      Cowpants: Didn’t know they would ask you to lead this insane attack
                      Tombombadil: I’m surprised that they didn’t ask you.
                      Cowpants: Who said they didn’t? I am just not that crazy you know. You are the respectable one, you lead it.

                      Mapp begins to speak
                      Mappalazaru: The Grand Empress has made a stupid error and the time for attack is now. The data brought back by Crazy Tom’s team has revealed that the Grand Empress will be in the New Death Smite Button Star. Unfortunately this star is protected with an impenetrable Sticky force field coming from the thread below, the “Welcome, New Members” thread. Our plan is to disable this by using captured pass codes that Girlbot got us. A strike team will take out this shield and the fleet will attack the Smite Button thus destroying the tyranny of the Mods. This briefing will begin with our Mon Calamari Admiral of the Cantina thread, Admiral Lordofseas
                      Lordofseas: As you can see the Death Smite Button Star is orbiting the Newbie thread. Our plan is to disable the shield, Once this is done the fleet will engage the enemy forces defending the Death Smite Button Star. Rouge, Gold, and Blue Squadron will make a run for the exposed region of the unfinished super weapon all the way to its core and destroy it from within. Yellow-Tan Squadrons will provide backup and security for them. Alef-betazoid squadrons will defend the fleet and engage enemy forces.

                      Just then General Crazy Tom begins to speak.
                      Crazy Tom: Before the main attack, a shuttle carrying two strike teams will use the passcodes provided by Girlbot to bypass the shields. It will land near the shield generator on the Newbie world unloading the first strike team. Then it will fly off and dock with the Smite Button Star with a second strike team that will attempt to free the poster known as Gateworld. This team should be far away by the time that that Rouge Squadron along with the Millinium Falcon manages to destroy the Death Smite Star.

                      Mapalazaru: The first strike team will be lead by Cowpants. The second will be lead by myself and general Crazy Tom. Admiral fish head will lead the capital ships while General Tombombadil will lead the fighters in attacking the Death Smite Button Star. Cowpants, is your strike team ready>
                      Lordofseas: I am not a fish head!

                      Tombombadil: (To cowpants) You?! I thought you said you weren’t crazy
                      Cowpants: (Ignoring Tom and speaking to Mapp)Well I need a really pretty lady with me
                      Susanne: Don’t get your undies excited. I am waiting for marriage.
                      Cowpants: I also need a loveable side kick
                      Chocolate_muffin: I guess this means me?
                      Cowpants: An adorable yet annoying droid couple

                      Tumbling out of the closet Col. Foley and Squirrely1 signed on to the mission
                      Col. Foley: Someone called?
                      Squirrely1: aww…I’m flattered!
                      Cowpants: And I need a religious nut.

                      Then comeing into the room Pharaoh Atem dressed like Luke Skywalker speaks up
                      Pharaoh Atem: You still haven’t accepted the spoon into your life cowy?
                      Cowpants: (To Mapp) Yep, my team is ready sir.
                      Mapp: This is going to be the most important and climatic battle in all of our posting lives. The Freedoms we once enjoyed under the old Mod regime in the Delphi Forums will one day be enjoyed here. Today is the day that we will live in Famousness. With the Mod’s out of the picture the Cantinains will become the new moderating force that will insure the first amendment rights of all posters. May the Spoon be with all of you.

                      As everyone begins to work on their assignments prepping for the epic battle PA sees Susanne and stares at her in a loving matter realizing that he has a sister
                      Susanne: What? why are you looking at me like that
                      Pharaoh Atem: Ask me again later.

                      Inside the Hanger of the SG “The Gateworld Cantina” our heroes meet for one more time before the epic battle of epicness.
                      Cowpants: Take care of her you hear me
                      Tombombadil: What? That old bucket of bolts? She’ll be find. I am more worried about the Tie Mods that will missunderestimate () her.
                      Cowpants: Good luck
                      Tombombadil: May the Spoon be with you.
                      Cowpants: You spend too much time with PA you know that.

                      Just then the Two strike teams are on the shuttle at the “Welcome, New Members” thread system approaching the Death Smite Button Star. Chocolate Muffin is complaining on how there is just too many people on that cramped shuttle. I mean two strike teams? What was Mapp thinkning?

                      The rest to come as the day grows old
                      Last edited by aretood2; 29 December 2009, 02:52 PM.
                      By Nolamom


                        Love it Tood!! But many times are we gonna be in that closet?? I mean come on!! *snort* It is funny tho...... Keep 'em coming!
                        Originally posted by jelgate
                        This brings much pain but SQ is right


                          Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                          Love it Tood!! But many times are we gonna be in that closet?? I mean come on!! *snort* It is funny tho...... Keep 'em coming!
                          I laugh out loud every time you two end up in a closet

                          so don't ruin it
                          or I will * moderate you six ways to Sunday and crush whatever ego you posses and do it with style*
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
                            I laugh out loud every time you two end up in a closet

                            so don't ruin it
                            or I will * moderate you six ways to Sunday and crush whatever ego you posses and do it with style*
                            hehehehe I think it's funny too....but I don't think Foley is too happy about it!!
                            Originally posted by jelgate
                            This brings much pain but SQ is right


                              Well its just that she is supposed to be the sex addict not me
                              (too much?)


                                ^^^ ... great story Tood, at least i wasnt a slobbering, slimey, fat worm...just a Bi-sexual maniac...much better

