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Before Golden Dawn

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    Amann Adar walked in the cafeteria with Lianazhu and got a tray. She got one as well and they were given food. Amann looked at the offered food.

    "Ah good old slop. Better than amino acids, but not by much."

    He walked back to an empty table and started eating. It was nutritious and alright in taste, but it looked horrible to eat.

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      Once they had sat down, a few odd looks given to them both from various students, even some of the staff. Liaanzhu took a bit of the food she had been given, it smelled gross. looked even worse, but tasted but like Amann had said, it was better then the amino and city grown crap she had been trying to get used to in her life. So it was ok food for once. Nither of them said a word for a few minutes as they ate. The stale bread seemedd to satisfy her need for faster food then anything else. Not even bothering to touch the mineral water either as she ate, she knew by smell alone that there was amino in it.

      Oma arrived at the eating area and got herself some food and sat a few tables away, watching the two eat, barely touching her own food. Why were these two the center of the Councils attention now? The second boy of Adar, and the only child of Credianu were pretty much loners. The fact that the council said to allow Liaanzhu to dress as she liked made things even more bizzare for the headmistress.

      All she knew was that Lianazhu was a mole for the council, Adaain had said that much in the encoded transmission as he left the city. A mole for the council, even if she didn't know it, and was to be put through many many tests. "The Void Born would not survive too many tests before breaking." She had been told in the message. "She has bested Cadet Dakur, and therefore is seen as suprior to the others, however she is to be closely watchedand trained." Adaain also attached several items that were to be kept for the girl, orginically grown food, and freshwater, not the mineral stuff. Mineral water to a void born was deadly stuff indeed.

      Okma had agreed, now it was time to watch them both, one was parentless, the other, from the void, but both of them close friends. Oma didn't know if it was by total luck or if it was by fate. She watched them both eat. Making sure one of the staff members had given Lianazhu a cup of freshwater, and not the mineral water either.

      When the staff member of the academy brought the cups of water, one mineral and the other freshwater to their table Lianazhu was at first confused. How did the staff here know she drank the fresh stuff? Possibly being void born had a few benifits. After another minute she spoke. Feeling full indeed. "You are right, the food here is better then at home. I feel sleepy now too." maybe tomrrow they could learn a bit more about each other too, unless they talked when walking back to their room.

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Amann shrugged.

        "Not much to tell really. I am simply a ordinary second year."

        He was never to tell about his genetic enhancements. Demos told him to never tell anyone. He took that seriously. He only wanted to get the training done so he could serve onboard one of the Lantean's starships. He downed his food and drank the mineral water that was offered. He made a face and got up to place his tray in the disposal bin.

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          "A simple second year, with a fourth years power already mastered." Lianazhu mused getting up and following Amann as she too place her tray of where it would be returned for cleaning. As the pair then headed for their shared quarters Lianazhu wondered if he was who she was to look for, if he was who her parents were worried about for her to watch. Why was the academy so ready for her to be there? Were they expecting her or was there something else going on.

          As they walked through the halls Lianazhu knew for a fact that there were various cameras watching all the halls, cameras only the Headmaster of thw academy had access codes for. So she spoke mentally to Amann. Thinknig it best to confide in him then and there. If he was to be her friend for the next five years. She knew she could trust him with her life. "My parents are both on the high and lower councils, they sent me here. I was not expecting to be challegend by a fifth year. My parents sent me on a mission, to find another void born here. They didn't say who the other was, or what he or she looked like, only that I'd know the person, and could trust the person as well. For one thing, I was not expecting to be defended, or tested upon arrival here." She told him mentally. It was one of the things a second year had to learn, mental talking.

          She hioped she was doing the right thing, finding another void born was going ot be hard, but even then, at the time she was the only one who was void born for all she cared. But she had a friend. And Amann looked to be a strong good hearted young man. She would be safe near him, she knew that for sure.

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Amann paused as he thought. He sent a telepathic message back.

            "I am not a void child. My powers are unusual, but a void child I am not. So your search for another like yourself is not likely to be successful. Perhaps it is not a void child they seek after all..."

            They entered her quarters and both sat down in their respective beds. Amann could see her sitting on the bed when both doors were open. since her room was right across the little hall.


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              She perched on her bed in thought, the terminal in the kitchen area beeped, and a list of their next days classes were listed on the screen. first thing on the list was gatecraft pilot training. solo and group missions. They werep aired together in almost all of the classes listed save for two. Mental imagery, and powers control. They'd be alone for both of those classes. She sent back a thought.

              "You know i'm of the Void, but you, why are you so secretive of your past? IF it is something your family had done, I can keep a secret like that, after all, my father taught me the few skills I know with a weapon. but taught me nothing of using powers." She seemed shy. "My father, Casseidia is the weapons master of Oatha, where I grew up, he taught me everything since I was five. I learned to use a weapon before I learned to walk as some of the council says." She smirked then at that thought. And it was true too, she could keep a secret, and even better, fight to keep it too.

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Amann hesitated before he spoke mentally.

                "I was told to never speak of it. Perhaps someday...."

                He spoke aloud.

                "So anyway, we will be piloting a gateship tomorrow. Feeling up for it?"


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                  She didn't know what to say now, was he the one that her parents sought? He was secretive to the point of never saying a word. But trusting enough that he'd take his own secrets and those of others to his own grave rather then tell another. That meant she could trust him. "I understand" There was something of disheartening feelings as she mentally spoke those words before aying aloud.

                  "I am unsure, what I worry of the most is powers control class. We will be on our own during that class, and also the mental training too. But with only the two of us in a gate craft, I do not know how I will fare with that." She was nervous, barely off the councilors shuttle and she was tested by a fifth year, then given a room with a fellow second year, and now trying to cstake her claim there at the academy as a student. All she wanted out of it was to survive it and go back home.

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Amann nodded.

                    "Well, the gate craft is easy enough. I am able to master it sufficiently. I've done it before I will probably be made the pilot and you the co-pilot. I will control most of the functions. Powers class is a doozy, but we will be alone so we won't be making fools of ourselves either."

                    Amann yawned and sat back.

                    "Time to get some sleep."


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                      Maybe he was right, the two of them together in a gatecraft, he said he had skills in piloting such craft. Maybe they'd be ok, but then again, if he was who she was to seek out. Maybe she could instead of having him show himself as a freak like herself, keep that secret since he was so secretative about his past? So without another thought she said. "I do not think making a fool of oneself would be the least of my worries, I worry more of the fifth year, he is most surely in the same class as I and might target me again. But the gatecraft classes seem ok, not sure about the battle classes though. But we will see what tomorrow brings" She heard Amann start to snore. He selpt like a rock it seemed, 'he snores louder then father does!' She thought to herself finding herself unable to sleep. But when she finally did sleep, all she could see was the fifth year student, gloating for some strange reason. hadn't she won the test?

                      End of chapter two: Friends are Lifelong
                      Start of chapter three: The Second Test

                      Morning blasted its way into Lianazhus mind as the silent alarm once more went off. The acaademy was still in space, moving somewhere, and so far sheh adn't been able ot make contact with her parents yet to say she had arrived, no doubt the high councilor had told them. Getting up she noticed Amann not in his bed, she noticed the bathroom door closed though. So that seemed slightly better. 'at least he is awake now'

                      She looekd at the list of classes as she drank a glass of freshwater. Their first class was hand to hand fighting and defense. 'Like yesterday, but no powers' she thought. She still wondered if things would be fine from there on out, but she was wrong. She knew that for sure, nothing ever went right for her. She had gone to sleep in what she had worn the day before, nothing bothering to change before sleeping. So she figured she'd be ok for the day.

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Amann stepped out of the shower and started to dry himself. He went to the sink and started to brush his teeth, making sure to put on deodorant. He wrapped a towel around himself and stepped out of the bathroom, heading for the bedroom he was staying in. He closed the door and put on his uniform, adjusting the wrinkles in it so that it was crisp and fresh. He stepped out to find Lianazhu waiting for him.

                        "Shall we go to the Jumper Bay? That is where the class is being held."


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                          She was somewhat startled at his voice, but didn't show it. "Lets go then." She said tryingot think of how this day would go, if it went any better then the last, maybe there was something good in it for them both, but it didn't matter then, all that mattered at ther time to her was trying to find out why the fifth year was gloating in her sleep last night, she had passed the test of strength and powers when weaponless. So why was he gloating? The pair left their quarters and headed for the topside gatecraft bay. She let Amann lead as he had been there before.

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Amann led the way into the jumper bay. There were 2 dozen students there already with 2 instructors. There were a dozen jumpers waiting for them as well. The instructor spoke.

                            "I am Dr. Gaius. This is my assistant Dr. Marcelle. We are here to show you how to pilot a jumper. Listen carefully..."

                            As the instructor spoke, Amann looked at Lianazhu, she looked nervous. He spoke mentally.

                            "Do not worry, its easier than it sounds."


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                              She tried to listen, but she was shortly and very quickly lost in what was said. Think to fly the thing? it was that easy? "If you are sure" She thought back to AMann, listening as names were rambled off in pairs, and the two fo them were together in a jumper with two other students, both of them Amann's age or there abouts, one of them a white haired girl, who looked a bit like she was smirking. Is she happy to be paired with us or something else? Lianazhu wondered as they were led to a jumper and the autopilot activated as the cityship dropped from hyperspace and floated in a open system.

                              The four students sat in the forwards section of the jumper and heard over the radio system "Seal the gatecraft bay alpha." A minute later the top door slid open allowing the jumpers ot lift free, Amann was at the wheel with the white haired girl next to him. Lianazhu tried to not stare at the other girl she looked far to pale to be planet born, so she figured her for a city born, or space born. She later found out her name was Xiao and had been a friend of Lucia and Galadriel

                              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                                Amann concentrated on the jumper as it lifted off. He spoke into the headset.

                                "Gateship 4 clearing the hold. I am joining the formation. Keep me appraised of any changes."

                                "Understood Gateship 4. Proceed."

                                Amann sat back slightly from the controls.

                                "You should all give it a try, before you assume your posts."


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