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My Issues with MTV/VH-1

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    My Issues with MTV/VH-1

    This is a thread for all those who cannot tolerate the greed and ignorance promoted by MTV and VH-1 and their ridiculous shows. Because of shows such as My Super Sweet 16 little girls everywhere think they're entitled to million dollar birthdays and act like spoiled brats when they don't get their way. Shows where 10+ women try to become the temporary sexual partner of b-list celebrities only promote ignorance and greed. If the celebrity in question is making you compete in ridiculous games with 10 other people, with the prize of going out to dinner with said celebrity, they probably don't have true romantic feelings for you. Most contestants on those shows admit to having boyfriends/ girlfriends and are clearly only trying to date the celebrity for money, this is nothing short of prostitution. Now VH-1 has shows such as I Love Money where former contestants on previous shows do the most ridiculous activities for money. These networks glamorize ignorance, greed, and just general stupidity. freedom of speech is fine and well, but those who parade around like morons should be hated, not idolized. The other day in school, i heard classmates actually arguing over who they want to win whatever ridiculous competition vh-1 or mtv currently have.

    The networks in question used to show music videos, and that was perfectly fine, but now they barely show any, and when they do it's between the hours of 5-6am. MTV should change its name from music television to mindless television. I don't watch either of these networks, but it seems like wherever i go people are talking about them. And now i'm seeing commercials for their shows on other networks. Furthermore, my younger sister constantly watches them and i'm forced to hear about the shows.

    well, there's my rant on these ridiculous networks. vent your rage and anger at their stupidity.

    Note: i am not saying that these shows should be removed from television, i am however saying that people should be informed that people on said shows should in no way be idolized
    Last edited by tombombadil; 27 March 2009, 03:04 PM.
    Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina

    Amen tom. if i hear the theme tune to SWEET 16 or MADE again i will seriously start trying to kill myself. (my sister loves those shows) what happened to channels that put decent shows and music on? what happened MTV?

    I'm not dead. Yet.

