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    thank you principia
    sry for asking but im not sure i know whos on your sig...?
    On leti,on tak krasne leti!


      I managed to dish out a tad bit more green. Then I ran out. If I haven't gotten you in a while, let me know and I'll be sure to try and get you when the system allows me to green again.


        It's time for another round of greening...


          Originally posted by Gabophis
          thank you principia
          sry for asking but im not sure i know whos on your sig...?
          she's from a j pop music band called morning musume


            aha thnx
            On leti,on tak krasne leti!


              Originally posted by principia
              she's from a j pop music band called morning musume
              Just saying... I love your sig, and... I don't know why.


                Originally posted by Jumper One
                It's time for another round of greening...
                It's always time for one of those...


                  4 more points until my next block! Thanks everyone! I'm still on the ban through.


                    green meplz im getting close to a second block


                      I got my first red from some random troll the other day who seemed to find it hysterical. Apparantly I'm "lame." Ah well, you can only espace stupidy for so long.

                      Susanne you got your third block then! I think its time to spread some love...

                      Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


                        I hate it when ppl abuse the rep system. Would give you green but I'm still under the very very annoying 24 hr ban.


                          Originally posted by silverdamascus
                          I got my first red from some random troll the other day who seemed to find it hysterical. Apparantly I'm "lame." Ah well, you can only espace stupidy for so long.

                          Susanne you got your third block then! I think its time to spread some love...
                          I greened you so I hope your red is a bit less now because of me

                          As for the red...well some just give you red cause they like it!! or just because they dissagree...A hint never go post in really bad disscussions if you don't like red cause you can get some of it!


                            I love debates, I even green people for arguing me if they do it well and respectfully!

                            And it wasn't even that, lol, it was for saying that there is possibly more hope for saving SG:1 if Sci-Fi cancelled it in a bargaining stunt as the last news update makes it seem that in they just didn't want it anymore. (Glances around warily for a repeat offence)

                            Thanks for the greenhug , have one yourself!

                            Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


                              i got red from darth budda for saying that the media was bias, i felt that was in bad taste i didn't red him back since that would make me worse than him.

                              Anyway, keep green pouring on it, im 92 points away from my next block, so close and yet so far.......


                              ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

                              (Shameless advertising ftw)


                                I always red back if someone reds me for no good reason. It doesn't make me as bad as them as they deserve it.

