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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
    OK, that's it! That was my SciFi Friday presentation for all you Jack fans. I hope you enjoyed it!

    Oh, do I....
    OMG! OMG! They are beautiful. Just called Poz and told her to get online to see them. The eyes on that man OMG! Thank you Mala! Going back for a second look!


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
      Originally posted by Rune View Post
      Ahh cmon, you know they'll only get stuck in your teeth
      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
      Not if I lick them.
      Originally posted by Rune View Post
      Just you mind you don't choke then

      You hussies be careful with those nuts! Save some for the rest of us. Personally I like mine honey coated.


        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
        OK, that's it! That was my SciFi Friday presentation for all you Jack fans. I hope you enjoyed it!

        Oh, do I....
        Nice caps as usual Mala
        Oh My, *sniff* WE MISS YOU JACK O'NEILL..
        Happy Birthday!


          Oh, thanks for that lovely run of those pictures, Mala! You've made my evening.


            To sclairef99, Gen Blue, Trupi, Siler, C7 and Poz -

            Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you enjoyed MW's Jack O'Neill Birthday Celebration.
            And of course,THANK YOU, RDA FOR 8 YEARS OF JACK O'NEILL!!


              Well hussies, once again you've done me proud! This has been a busy week in the critter household and I've not had one second to lurk much less thunk! Today has been a particularly rough day for me....that's why I'm up so late. I won't bore you with details but I have a sister that continues to break my heart! I knew that if I came here, to my happy place, all would be well in my world...and I was right!

              Mala....Fantastic run of pictures. I could just stare into Jack's eyes all night long. I am going to take another gander once I finish here! You really do Jack/RDA proud and I appreciate all that you do for your fellow hussies...especially me!!!! Glad to hear that your family in Hawaii is fine. That was quite an earthquake!

              POZ....glad to hear that your hernia isn't a hernia. Also glad that the docs are going to give you time off for good behavior!

              SS....You go girl with that hair cut! I think it will look great. It will also make you feel great!

              Rune....I don't know why you always get the chocolate...I'm thinking I need to take begging lessons from YOU!!!!

              bev....up to no good as always!

              siler....good to see you and you've even been behaving, sort of!!!

     matter what you call it, a goose is still a goose!

              General that little begging cat you have..could even be called a critter, eh?

              blueiris....Congrats on your Shore Leave plans...July is when we take our family vacation so I can't commit at the moment. But I would love to meet all of you east coast hussies!

              trupi, sclaire, zoser, C7 and the rest of you wonderful hussies...thanks for calming me down tonight. Reading through everyone's week surely did make mine better!!!


              I think I'll try to go back to sleep now. Hoping for pleasant dreams! With all those visions of Jack dancing in my head, anything is possible!
              Desperate Thunker


                What a lip smacking mug!!!!
                Desperate Thunker


                  Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                  To sclairef99, Gen Blue, Trupi, Siler, C7 and Poz -

                  Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you enjoyed MW's Jack O'Neill Birthday Celebration.
                  And of course,THANK YOU, RDA FOR 8 YEARS OF JACK O'NEILL!!
                  Thank you, RDA, for Jack O'Neill!

                  Thanks, Mala, for keeping him so well preserved and available for lusting looking at here in Mala's World!

                  And, coogamooga, he's good looking!!!
                  ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                    Originally posted by blueiris View Post
                    Thank you, RDA, for Jack O'Neill!

                    Thanks, Mala, for keeping him so well preserved and available for lusting looking at here in Mala's World!

                    And, coogamooga, he's good looking!!!
                    COOGAMOOGA ????? LOL! Sorry BlueIris. That just struck my funny bone..or was that DR. Jack?

                    Ditto Mala! Thanks to you RDA and Jack never lack in the THUNKALICIouS department here at MW!


                      Originally posted by Critter View Post
                      Well hussies, once again you've done me proud! This has been a busy week in the critter household and I've not had one second to lurk much less thunk! Today has been a particularly rough day for me....that's why I'm up so late. I won't bore you with details but I have a sister that continues to break my heart! I knew that if I came here, to my happy place, all would be well in my world...and I was right!

                      Mala....Fantastic run of pictures. I could just stare into Jack's eyes all night long. I am going to take another gander once I finish here! You really do Jack/RDA proud and I appreciate all that you do for your fellow hussies...especially me!!!! Glad to hear that your family in Hawaii is fine. That was quite an earthquake!

                      POZ....glad to hear that your hernia isn't a hernia. Also glad that the docs are going to give you time off for good behavior!

                      SS....You go girl with that hair cut! I think it will look great. It will also make you feel great!

                      Rune....I don't know why you always get the chocolate...I'm thinking I need to take begging lessons from YOU!!!!

                      bev....up to no good as always!

                      siler....good to see you and you've even been behaving, sort of!!!

             matter what you call it, a goose is still a goose!

                      General that little begging cat you have..could even be called a critter, eh?

                      blueiris....Congrats on your Shore Leave plans...July is when we take our family vacation so I can't commit at the moment. But I would love to meet all of you east coast hussies!

                      trupi, sclaire, zoser, C7 and the rest of you wonderful hussies...thanks for calming me down tonight. Reading through everyone's week surely did make mine better!!!


                      I think I'll try to go back to sleep now. Hoping for pleasant dreams! With all those visions of Jack dancing in my head, anything is possible!

                      Aw, ((((Critter))))) We wuvs you!

                      I had a terrible week this past week as well and have only had time to lurk. Mala's World always makes me feel so much better!!


                        Originally posted by Critter View Post
                        Well hussies, once again you've done me proud! This has been a busy week in the critter household and I've not had one second to lurk much less thunk! Today has been a particularly rough day for me....that's why I'm up so late. I won't bore you with details but I have a sister that continues to break my heart! I knew that if I came here, to my happy place, all would be well in my world...and I was right!

                        ((((major snippage))))
                        Awe, Critter Go ahead and bore us. I bore you all enough It feels good to get it off your chest! Didn't you know they're opening a new place in Shippertown(back me up here please mala:) called MW's Therapy Group Home?

                        I hope the day's stress has eased up by now! (((((CRITTER)))))


                          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                          I know! You can find a lot of pictures from his Mac days where he's all dressed up, but since he's been on Stargate, not so much.

                          I think that the last time he wore a suit before FMA Vancouver, might have been at the 200th Party back in August. In case you haven't seen the behind the scenes video of AT and RDA on the revamped MGM site, here's the link:
                          RDA and Amanda Tapping at the 200th Party

                          I also made a page of caps for my web site (they're big caps) - the two look so good together and it's fun...

                          HOLY THUNKING Buckets of DROOL!!

                          I was over at the Jack Oneill Moments thread and someone said go to MALA World, so here I am.


                          Great Job on all the pictures.. Oh RDA looks good.. (so does Amanada!!)
                          Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                            A Warning would have been nice!!
                            Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                              Oh MALA.. your increasing my MALA folder big time..

                              Great run of pics!!
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                                OK, that's it! That was my SciFi Friday presentation for all you Jack fans. I hope you enjoyed it!

                                Oh, do I....
                                Thanks Mala, very thunkalicious.

                                I miss him too.

