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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Zoser
    Just love those bad boys!!
    I ship for no one beside Sam and Jack (and maybe Honey and Duke in Doonesbury - I must thrive on futility)
    I also read today that Donna and Josh in West Wing will probably get together at the end. This is one series I'm sorry to see end. The only other pair that ever interested me in that series was C.J. and the character Mark Harmon played. Of course the killed him.
    I'm depressing myself. - Even worse I saw a thread who's tag line was
    "I like Mitchell better than O'Neill"
    I had to white it out cause to see it again in print would totally upset my stomach. I had to wash my hands after typing it. To that poor misguided soul I say

    Sawyer, Josh Holloway I think is his name, has been making the talk show rounds, and he's just soooo cute. I don't care if he's bad, I love Sawyer! However, I would not say no to Jack.

    And regarding that tag line, I like Mitchell (which I never thought I would) but I couldn't and wouldn't even begin to compare him to Jack O'Neill. Jack is far and above any character on TV or the movies.

    *The radio has a game they play called "DO you know the show" and today they played a tv theme song and you had to call in with what show it was. It was MacGyver! I tried, but I didn't win. And the tickets were to a concert I would love to go to but you can only get tickets by winning them.
    ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


      I got a PM from my buddy Rogue in the Shipper thread - thought you all might be interested
      It's a boonies signed by RDA
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


        Originally posted by Zoser
        I got a PM from my buddy Rogue in the Shipper thread - thought you all might be interested
        It's a boonies signed by RDA
        Normally I run amile at first sight of the boonie but I make an exception for this one.

        Wonder what the question mark means then, something special afoot or is he just teasing us?


          Originally posted by blueiris
          I can see that, except when they are on the man.

          That is one of my Jack obsessions that rather surprises myself. He just looks don't know! Like when men have a thing for the librarian with the glasses and bun, I suppose.
          I'm a librarian. No glasses or bun though.

          I don't know any librarians who fit that stereotype. We rock!

          s u g a r s h a k e r


            Originally posted by Critter

            Send the snow up here blueiris---just make sure it stops before it gets up to ShimmeringStar's place or she might just disown me!!!!!
            Snow.... a 4-letter dirty word.......

            Yes, you and blueiris just keep it all down Virginie-way please!

            It was interesting to see how fast it melted last week though. 10-12 inches fell on Saturday evening and by Friday evening - melted. 'Course then it got fah-reeeeezing over the weekend. Snow is predicted in central VA tomorrow. Supposed to be light rain here. Sorry Critter. (Next time it snows I'll freeze some snowballs for you and FedEx them to you.... how 'bout that???)
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by Rune
              Normally I run amile at first sight of the boonie but I make an exception for this one.

              Wonder what the question mark means then, something special afoot or is he just teasing us?

              Well, my friend... are you one of the 6 bidders on Jack's pants?
              Up to $458 right now....

              Gives a whole new spin on the idea of getting into Jack's pants....
              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                Originally posted by Mala50
                I was just browsing through the Stargate Merchandise forum for news on the DST Action figures: . There are a lot of new photos from the recent Toy Fair. I think some of the figures are looking little better but they still need work!

                There's a preview of the second wave of figures: O'Neill in desert camos!
                nice arms, though!

                ship sistah

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by Zoser
                  The action figures look a lot better.
                  Just an aside - did you see how well endowed Sam's is?
                  Sam and T look good, too, but you're right, for better male sales they show Sam with AT's baby boobs.

                  ship sistah

                  ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    I noticed. This is one of my least favorite publicity shots of AT. I think this series in the tanks tops came after SciFi Channel took over. Maybe after Season 6? She's looking a lot more endowed than she had been in the earlier seasons. I so much prefer Sam in her BDU shirt jacket.

                    I remember noticing this at the time and Ship Daddy happily agreeing with me.

                    ship sistah

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      Originally posted by Zoser
                      Just love those bad boys!!
                      I ship for no one beside Sam and Jack (and maybe Honey and Duke in Doonesbury - I must thrive on futility)
                      I also read today that Donna and Josh in West Wing will probably get together at the end. This is one series I'm sorry to see end. The only other pair that ever interested me in that series was C.J. and the character Mark Harmon played. Of course the killed him.
                      I'm depressing myself. - Even worse I saw a thread who's tag line was
                      "I like Mitchell better than O'Neill"
                      I had to white it out cause to see it again in print would totally upset my stomach. I had to wash my hands after typing it. To that poor misguided soul I say

                      I really liked that pairing, too! They were very good together. I was so upset when they killed him. So unfair. Poor CJ. I tried to watch for a while, but I don't really like Harmon's show, NCIS.

                      ship sistah

                      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                        Originally posted by Rune
                        Argh ... I better not type the first thing that came to mind after seeing that. Yes, yes, each to his own and all that but regarding that sig, IMO then 'FCOL are ya nuts?'

                        *shudder* I am now off to languish in despairing 'I miss Jaaaaaaaack' mode. *whispers* I wish I had a Jack-print duvet to hide under* soooooo snuggly!!!
                        what a fantastic idea!!! somebody call Creation, they seem to have the licenses.

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by Rune
                          Mind? Of course not, I'm sure he'll be as understanding as mine will! ... Ohhh and imagine a Jack-quilt with matching pillowcase and fitted sheet ... you'd be *whispers again* sandwiched!!!! *
                          ooh, and a sleeping bag, and bath sponge, and a lipstick, ...

                          ship sistah

                          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                            Originally posted by blueiris
                            Hi Caty. It really makes me sad that Caty is not doing Sam/Jack vids anymore. Its like the nail in the coffin. Or maybe the last nail. Season 9 has hammered in quite a few.

                            Oh, well. I love Teyla and Ronon, too. And Lost. Are you doing ship vids for Lost, and if so, who are you shipping? I was Jack and Kate, but I jumped ship and am now shipping Kate and Sawyer. I love Jack, but something about Sawyer!

                            Hi BlueIris

                            I miss all of you too but RL is busy plus my other shows are keeping me busy too

                            No more Sam/Jack videos for me but they are all there in my site ( see my sig) .
                            I make videos for Lost, JAG ,Dark Angel and others ( see sig)and I like the shows : Invasion , Medium , Surface , Bones Cold case, CSI vegas and Miami .

                            In Lost , I have always shipped for Kate/Jack .

                            Sawyer is a con man , he treats people without respect . He even did it to kate once and I think she deserves better ..If she ends up with him , she is gonna have a lot of headaches ..poor smart woman ..For me Sawyer only has an outer beauty and that's all as Jack has the inner and outer .

                            Yeah ..Ronon/Teyla ..I find that ship really hot ..they are so cute together ..I have made a couple of T/R wallpapers . Actually I do more wallpapers than videos now .

                            Long live Mala's world

                            Last edited by Catysg1; 22 February 2006, 01:41 AM.


                              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

                              Well, my friend... are you one of the 6 bidders on Jack's pants?
                              Up to $458 right now....

                              Gives a whole new spin on the idea of getting into Jack's pants....
                              *wistful sigh* no, sadly I'm not getting into or indeed bidding for his pants ... in my dreams I'm already there though

                              I think the hockey jersey is kind of neat too and this photo just tickles me ^_^

                              *flumps on the sofa to languish in 'I want the pants/ jersey / hat ... I want Jaaaack torpor*


                                COLOR ME HAPPY----
                                IT'S SNOWING!!!!

                                It won't last long but I'll take what I can get at this point in the season!!!!
                                Desperate Thunker

