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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by sgt.siler
    It's good to be back here after a long and very busy vacation. I first need to vent off some of my fustration about what has happened to Gatecon. In simplest terms, Gatecon is being taken over by a huge blood sucking leech. Creation is nothing more than a money hungy company who cares nothing for the fans and the actors. They only see dollar signs and will suck every penny they can out of the fans. I, personally, will not attend any convention that is run by Creation.

    *steps off soapbox*
    Don't hold back just tell us how you really feel (((((Siler))))) Personally I have never been to a Creation Con and i've heard good and bad about them. Given the rumors flying around the net for the last six months or so I'm not surprised that Gatecon lost out. Do I think it's unfair, even stupid-yes I do. What's done is done however and whether we like it or not the television/movie industry is all about making money. As is most of the world. I'm not ready to pan all Creation events simply because of what happened to Gatecon. I've been to two GCs and after last year's I honestly felt that if they were going to continue they would have to do some major work in regards to organization. If I could afford a con this year I would try to attend an East Coast event, which would more than likely be a Creation con. Since I can't it's a moot point I suppose. Just adding my two cents to this discussion.

    As far as NYE. Well I won't be doing what MeiMei is in part because my dvd player seems to be going on the fritz. Given how much it costs to get these things fixed here in no man's land I may have to purchase a new one. Certainly not something I planned on. Hubs and I are going to the neighbor's to play game and yes drink away the remainder of 2004. It has certainly been a year of enormous highs and tremendous lows for myself and the people around me.

    Here's hoping 2005 brings us all: Propserity, Good Health, Love, and perhaps most importantly PEACE. (((((((MWorlders)))))))


      Originally posted by sgt.siler

      I hope you get off early at least. LOL *siler is already in the gutter today* What a tuff decision you have about some Jack episodes?
      Me? I'm going to my brother-in-law/sister-in-law's for NYE and we're going to "party" away 2004 and drink till 2005.
      Thank goodness I won't be spending it with my darling brother... I didn't think that I was going to survive Christmas! If I had to spend NYE with them I would either end up in jail or in the looney bin... My family puts the fun in dysfunctional! Throw in my brother's second bit..., ur, wife and I would just be so tickled that I would have to kill myself!

      My brother is so totally whu... infatuated with the new young bit.., er, wife that he's a total pain. Too bad the first bi..., er, wife got his, er, "private property" in the divorce settlement...


        Originally posted by meimei
        Thank goodness I won't be spending it with my darling brother... I didn't think that I was going to survive Christmas! If I had to spend NYE with them I would either end up in jail or in the looney bin... My family puts the fun in dysfunctional! Throw in my brother's second bit..., ur, wife and I would just be so tickled that I would have to kill myself!

        My brother is so totally whu... infatuated with the new young bit.., er, wife that he's a total pain. Too bad the first bi..., er, wife got his, er, "private property" in the divorce settlement...
        No offense meant Meimei but ROTFLMAO!!! You have family/friends like that too? Isn't it lovely that dysfunction is universal!


          Unfortunately, this is what they've done to the Star Trek fans as well.


            Uh oh.....Siler is killing the mood of Mala's World. How about some shippy/thunk pics? I'd post some if I had some of my own. I have a bucket full of pics that belong to other people. I wouldn't know who to thank if I posted them.


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              Yep. And it makes you afraid to commit to purchasing anything (those cheap non-refundable airline tickets or the con tickets) if everything is so up in the air & subject to change.

              Maybe we should all just meet at DisneyWorld or some cruise ship & have our own con????

              That is a fabulous idea *nods approval*

              Oh baby! Your siggy!!!



                While we're at it, check out what SueKay did for me... I love it! And look at those two lovely men....

                *faints again*

                I've had too much wine... ooooh where can I go and create some havoc... what's Shadow up too?


                  Originally posted by Ruralstar
                  Don't hold back just tell us how you really feel (((((Siler))))) Personally I have never been to a Creation Con and i've heard good and bad about them. Given the rumors flying around the net for the last six months or so I'm not surprised that Gatecon lost out. Do I think it's unfair, even stupid-yes I do. What's done is done however and whether we like it or not the television/movie industry is all about making money. As is most of the world. I'm not ready to pan all Creation events simply because of what happened to Gatecon. I've been to two GCs and after last year's I honestly felt that if they were going to continue they would have to do some major work in regards to organization. If I could afford a con this year I would try to attend an East Coast event, which would more than likely be a Creation con. Since I can't it's a moot point I suppose. Just adding my two cents to this discussion.

                  As far as NYE. Well I won't be doing what MeiMei is in part because my dvd player seems to be going on the fritz. Given how much it costs to get these things fixed here in no man's land I may have to purchase a new one. Certainly not something I planned on. Hubs and I are going to the neighbor's to play game and yes drink away the remainder of 2004. It has certainly been a year of enormous highs and tremendous lows for myself and the people around me.

                  Here's hoping 2005 brings us all: Propserity, Good Health, Love, and perhaps most importantly PEACE. (((((((MWorlders)))))))
                  Yes, I think, after considering all of this, that we should have a Mala's World con.

                  We can all meet, up in some place where there is sunshine, lots of clones, good food and fine wine. And chocolate.

                  Mala can open the con, and give us a short talk about how she comes up with her creations. Then a short q&a, followed by a cocktail party (with drink and chocolate) around the poster screens which have Mala's creations on them.

                  A talk about "Use and care of clones" will be given by Meimei. Rural can give a workshop on "How to Thunk and not Flood the planet with drool", and I will give a presentation on "Why you should ship for Weir and Sheppard now that Jack isn't in SG-1 anymore"

                  Kiwigater, could prepare a stall about the RDA Thunking Academy and introduce some of the instructors.

                  Bev can give us a concert, lovely liquid jazz in the late evening, cocktails in hand, clones at our feet.

                  Then we just get drunk and lie in the sun all day, receiving massages from our various clones and just hanging out.

                  All proceeds to the "Shipper Penguin Retirement Fund"


                    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                    Yes, I think, after considering all of this, that we should have a Mala's World con.

                    We can all meet, up in some place where there is sunshine, lots of clones, good food and fine wine. And chocolate.

                    Mala can open the con, and give us a short talk about how she comes up with her creations. Then a short q&a, followed by a cocktail party (with drink and chocolate) around the poster screens which have Mala's creations on them.

                    A talk about "Use and care of clones" will be given by Meimei. Rural can give a workshop on "How to Thunk and not Flood the planet with drool", and I will give a presentation on "Why you should ship for Weir and Sheppard now that Jack isn't in SG-1 anymore"

                    Kiwigater, could prepare a stall about the RDA Thunking Academy and introduce some of the instructors.

                    Bev can give us a concert, lovely liquid jazz in the late evening, cocktails in hand, clones at our feet.

                    Then we just get drunk and lie in the sun all day, receiving massages from our various clones and just hanging out.

                    All proceeds to the "Shipper Penguin Retirement Fund"
                    Sign me up!!


                      Hi chums. I hope you're all having a great time. Thanks Mala for the Saltire gifs...I'm still deciding which one to use.
                      I don't know what you guys all do on Hogmanay (this is what we call New Years Eve here in Scotland), but I thought you might like to see what's going on here in Edinburgh...Edinburgh's Hogmanay

                      It's the one time of year that you can go up to a stranger and give him/her a kiss!


                        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                        Yes, I think, after considering all of this, that we should have a Mala's World con.

                        We can all meet, up in some place where there is sunshine, lots of clones, good food and fine wine. And chocolate.

                        Mala can open the con, and give us a short talk about how she comes up with her creations. Then a short q&a, followed by a cocktail party (with drink and chocolate) around the poster screens which have Mala's creations on them.

                        A talk about "Use and care of clones" will be given by Meimei. Rural can give a workshop on "How to Thunk and not Flood the planet with drool", and I will give a presentation on "Why you should ship for Weir and Sheppard now that Jack isn't in SG-1 anymore"

                        Kiwigater, could prepare a stall about the RDA Thunking Academy and introduce some of the instructors.

                        Bev can give us a concert, lovely liquid jazz in the late evening, cocktails in hand, clones at our feet.

                        Then we just get drunk and lie in the sun all day, receiving massages from our various clones and just hanging out.

                        All proceeds to the "Shipper Penguin Retirement Fund"
                        This is a great idea! Where do I sign?


                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          Yes, I think, after considering all of this, that we should have a Mala's World con.

                          We can all meet, up in some place where there is sunshine, lots of clones, good food and fine wine. And chocolate.

                          Mala can open the con, and give us a short talk about how she comes up with her creations. Then a short q&a, followed by a cocktail party (with drink and chocolate) around the poster screens which have Mala's creations on them.

                          A talk about "Use and care of clones" will be given by Meimei. Rural can give a workshop on "How to Thunk and not Flood the planet with drool", and I will give a presentation on "Why you should ship for Weir and Sheppard now that Jack isn't in SG-1 anymore"

                          Kiwigater, could prepare a stall about the RDA Thunking Academy and introduce some of the instructors.

                          Bev can give us a concert, lovely liquid jazz in the late evening, cocktails in hand, clones at our feet.

                          Then we just get drunk and lie in the sun all day, receiving massages from our various clones and just hanging out.

                          All proceeds to the "Shipper Penguin Retirement Fund"
                          *Kiwi is suspiciously absent from the opening of the con, due to prolonged inspection of a certain instructor*
                          well, it wouldn't do to have him show up dirty now would it??


                            Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                            Yes, I think, after considering all of this, that we should have a Mala's World con.

                            We can all meet, up in some place where there is sunshine, lots of clones, good food and fine wine. And chocolate.

                            Mala can open the con, and give us a short talk about how she comes up with her creations. Then a short q&a, followed by a cocktail party (with drink and chocolate) around the poster screens which have Mala's creations on them.

                            A talk about "Use and care of clones" will be given by Meimei. Rural can give a workshop on "How to Thunk and not Flood the planet with drool", and I will give a presentation on "Why you should ship for Weir and Sheppard now that Jack isn't in SG-1 anymore"

                            Kiwigater, could prepare a stall about the RDA Thunking Academy and introduce some of the instructors.

                            Bev can give us a concert, lovely liquid jazz in the late evening, cocktails in hand, clones at our feet.

                            Then we just get drunk and lie in the sun all day, receiving massages from our various clones and just hanging out.

                            All proceeds to the "Shipper Penguin Retirement Fund"
                            Sounds like a plan to me, pass out the registration forms!

                            *looks suspiciously at KG* Now what have I told you about using your sponge in an overzealous manner? Clean but not scrubbed to within an inch of his dear life.

                            Love the addition to your sig Astro.


                              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                              Yes, I think, after considering all of this, that we should have a Mala's World con.

                              We can all meet, up in some place where there is sunshine, lots of clones, good food and fine wine. And chocolate.

                              Mala can open the con, and give us a short talk about how she comes up with her creations. Then a short q&a, followed by a cocktail party (with drink and chocolate) around the poster screens which have Mala's creations on them.

                              A talk about "Use and care of clones" will be given by Meimei. Rural can give a workshop on "How to Thunk and not Flood the planet with drool", and I will give a presentation on "Why you should ship for Weir and Sheppard now that Jack isn't in SG-1 anymore"

                              Kiwigater, could prepare a stall about the RDA Thunking Academy and introduce some of the instructors.

                              Bev can give us a concert, lovely liquid jazz in the late evening, cocktails in hand, clones at our feet.

                              Then we just get drunk and lie in the sun all day, receiving massages from our various clones and just hanging out.

                              All proceeds to the "Shipper Penguin Retirement Fund"
                              I take it these clones are going to dress in loincloths, serve us drinks, massage us and fan us with palm branches as we lounge by the pool? I'd travel anywhere to get some of that.

                              s u g a r s h a k e r


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Unfortunately, because my company is run by a bunch of idiots, we are not off tomorrow, although I may be able to leave a little early... So I only have Saturday and Sunday... This is going to be tough...
                                Uh-oh... you just made me realize that I'll be in a off-site training next Thursday & Friday & won't have 'Net/GW access all day long...........

                                **SS falls out of her chair into a dead faint on the floor flat on her back**

                                *Quick call the clones*

                                *call the clones*

                                *hurry.... she needs a clone dang it*

                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

