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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
    That pic is from a second season episode, 2.18 Serpent's Song.

    Thank you, Blacky Kitten! Btw, here's my version of what looks like one of your favorite Jack pics!
    AWWWWWWWWWWWW! I wish instead of that yellow face was Sam's face

    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post

    Here's my 'confirmation' crankie for Jack and Sam (with her braid!)


    ROFL! He's look on 4th pic is realy funny!
    Last edited by Blacky Kitten; 16 July 2008, 08:30 AM.




        Catching up on things in Mala World. Sorry about your phone problems Bev. Here's something to ruffle to make you feel better.

        My Photos


          Wow, RDA madness! Love all those pics!
          *decides to cruise by more often, to admire such a handsome hunk*


            Me, too, Mala! Is there a club we can join?????

            Thanks for these caps.


              How about some golfing?

              Hammond: "Colonel, what the hell are you doing!?!"

              Jack: "In the middle of my backswing!!!"

              Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

              More Action Figure Theater at


                LOL Very nice! Thanks
                My Photos


                  ROFL!!! Very funny! Love WoO!


                    Originally posted by GermanAstra View Post

                    After some time a few new pictures from me:

                    This is the episode "Urgo"

                    At first, it is Jack alone at the table:

                    <pics spoilered for space>

                    Then Daniel, Teal'c and Sam join him:

                    Some of these cakes I made out of FIMO (plasticine which can be hardened in the oven), others are from my little toy shop. The "Jello" are small pearls and some of the glasses always fell over... that was no fun!

                    Have fun!

                    Wow, you made some of those cakes? That's what I call um, dedication to your hobby.

                    You know, when I first looked at your pics, I kept thinking that something was off. Then after I looked at some of my caps from Urgo, I realized that I was expecting to see Jack eating pie by himself in the first shot...

                    Also, when the team comes to join him, the viewer is facing them, but you shot them from different angles (I understand that you had space constraints).

                    And lastly, just for accuracy's sake (and because I'm a dork ), Jack can be seen eating yogurt with a spoon after the group joins him...

                    Overall, I think you did a very nice job and I'm not trying to nitpick, but I guess that I've seen this episode so many times that visually, it's burned into my mind... Anyway, LOL at Daniel stuffing his face!


                      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                      I'm just concerned that our "favorite couple" will turn out to be Daniel and Vala again. Sorry, so not my fave.
                      I'm assuming that you didn't watch the video, Nola. I'm sorry if I gave the impression when I said 'our favorite couple' (those were my words not Brad Wright's) that he wasn't talking directly about Sam and Jack in the third movie. This is the link and transcript of the Q&A in case you're interested...

                      Along the Continuum with Brad Wright (Pt. 2) 1:55 13MB

                      Q: Will we finally see Sam and Jack together as a real couple after 10 years of waiting?
                      A: If you think they're together, if you want them to be together, then go ahead and imagine that they're together.
                      Having said that, there is a scene in the movie script that I'm writing right now for the third Stargate SG-1 movie, that is shall we say, "romantic".
                      I totally agree with you re other pairings. As far as I'm concerned, Sam and Jack are the 'coolest couple' ever!
                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Yeah, Nola, I thought of that too. But right on the heels of Martin Gero's comments on The Ship last week, I'm cautiously optimistic.

                      And remember...Brad has been spotted several times lately on the S/J Ship Family Discussion Thread...

                      I wish we had an icon to put at the post title that showed fingers crossed for good luck!
                      Oh, I have one! It's Jonas!

                      Yes, it's nice that TPTB have recently been making comments regarding the fact that Sam and Jack are together, but I'm taking any hints of future 'moments' with a grain of salt. The fact is, BW has been promising for years that there would be a 'romantic' scene for Sam and Jack when the series ended and they made a movie...
                      Last edited by Mala50; 20 July 2008, 06:09 AM.


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                        The End


                          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post

                          Yes, it's nice that TPTB have recently been making comments regarding the fact that Sam and Jack are together, but I'm taking any hints of future 'moments' with a grain of salt. The fact is, BW has been promising for years that there would be a 'romantic' scene for Sam and Jack when the series ended and they made a movie...
                          It's amazing how BW appearing on the Sam and Jack thread and promising a romantic seen in the 3rd movie, right before "Continuum". I guess TPTB might be a little nervous on DVD sales since some of us shippers have seen the movie on the internet All I can say is "Mr Wright stop the promising and start the writing!"
                          Last edited by trupi; 20 July 2008, 06:57 AM.


                            Mala: thanks for the clarifiction. No, I hadn't seen the video - RL issues recently.


                              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                              Here's my 'confirmation' crankie for Jack and Sam (with her braid!)

                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                              DOUBLE SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
                              Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
                              Glad you like it! Just wanted to post my other version here!



                                Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
                                Wow, RDA madness! Love all those pics!
                                *decides to cruise by more often, to admire such a handsome hunk*
                                to Mala's World!

                                for RDA Madness!

