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Mala's World

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    *is exhausted*... Had to teach the kidlets to "ski" in one afternoon, my back is shot, my knees too, and don't mention my thighs... Ouch!!!... BUT I *had* to come here and WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Let it be FULL of RDAness!!!

    Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon



      Hope Everyone has a Happy and Safe 2008
      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


        Holy Hannah! We're on page three!

        Happy New Year gang.

        I went to Dundee and ate all my Mum's food. I drank all my sister's drink. I got soaked by hailstones, and drove home tonight at 30mph on an iced-up motorway during a snow storm. (I could have done with a wee rum to calm my nerves )
        My wee flat is still in one piece, therefore all is well with the world.


          Bev...glad you got home! Sounds like it was as much of a challenge as making it back to the Gate under Goa'uld fire!

          And Anakin...LOVE your new sig! It's positively drool-worthy! Where did Amber Moon find that particular pic of RDA?

          * Yep...smilie by Mala


            Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
            I just want to say one word here.........


            ((((((((MALA))))))))) you are just incredibly amazing!!!!
            OMG! OMG! OMG!


            Thank you!

            I YOU!!

            You know I really really do!!!


              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
              Bev...glad you got home! Sounds like it was as much of a challenge as making it back to the Gate under Goa'uld fire!

              And Anakin...LOVE your new sig! It's positively drool-worthy! Where did Amber Moon find that particular pic of RDA?

              * Yep...smilie by Mala
              Yeah, I soooooo love Amber for that
              The pic comes from a Sea Shepherd event a while ago. The black sweater he's wearing is the SSCS sweater
              Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                Okay, what is your First!!

                These are my Favorite MALA Pictures!

                MALA.. Keep up the great Work!!
                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                See...that's hard to say. I am, after all, a fan of all things Mala. Last week, I would have said this one:

                But this newcomer (all 25 layers of it!) has me captivated now:

                But then she did this...which is probably the hottest thing she's ever created:

                However, these also score very high on the "hot" meter:

                And I'm also very excited about these recent entries:

                And, I love these Mala classics:

                Especially the last one, since it came at a time when they hadn't appeared on-screen together in about two years, and we had suffered through S9...and...well, it was just good to see.

                In summation, I guess I would have to's too hard to choose!!! (Although Santa Baby has filled my drool bucket several times in the past few days!)

                Hope I didn't go on too long. After all, you asked.
                Many thanks to ONTLLs and Melissa for posting some of your favorite pics and thank you to all who made such kind comments about my 'work'... But most of all, thank you to RDA and AT for being such beautiful subjects to play with!

                I know it's a cliche and I've said this before, but it's all a labor of love. I'm just glad that I'm able to bring a COOGAMOOGA! a squee! or a smile to other fans by sharing my pics. Anyway, with that in mind, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you MWers know that I've started overhauling parts of my web site to make room for some of these latest graphics. So if you have the time, be sure to check out my new Ship Art pages in the next few days...
                Last edited by Mala50; 04 January 2008, 07:40 AM.


                  Originally posted by nell View Post
                  What tops desert-camo Jack? Desert-camo Jack with desert-camo Sam!!! Look at their smirks! What have they been doing?!
                  Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                  Indeed! I say they've been up to this:

                  ...and some things Mala hasn't made smilies for yet! ( "" )
                  LOL! Ahem, well you know, some things just can't be shared on a PG forum...

                  But I do have a slightly longer standalone version of the Big Hot Honkin' Kiss that I placed in the middle of my S/J Christmas smilie...

                  As I commented before, I personally think this one is rather mesmerizing (and C7 agreed! )



                    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                    LOL! Ahem, well you know, some things just can't be shared on a PG forum...
                    Tee-hee! But we certainly appreciate you sharing what CAN be placed here! 'Cause a little Shipper Zen is good for us all!

                    As I've said, this one is about as hot as it gets:

                    And, just posting this one because I haven't used it in awhile:


                      Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                      LOL! Ahem, well you know, some things just can't be shared on a PG forum...

                      But I do have a slightly longer standalone version of the Big Hot Honkin' Kiss that I placed in the middle of my S/J Christmas smilie...

                      As I commented before, I personally think this one is rather mesmerizing (and C7 agreed! )

                      Now if only we could see that onscreen someday... and NOT in a 100 years!!!
                      Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                        Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
                        Moving Mala World up from Page 2 1/2.

                        Very much enjoying all the manips and crankies and pics. Mala your latest work is fabulous, love the formal pic. <SIGH>

                        Thank you, Shelly!

                        Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                        I love the smirk in the black T-shirt Jack!! He is always up to something!!

                        Can we get a close-up on that one??
                        Actually, ONTLLs, the close-up of RDA that you already posted of mine
                        was made from that photo!

                        This is the full cast promo that I believe Shelly used for her RDA pic:

                        This one's not as close-up as one you have, but I made it directly from a HQ version of that cast photo:



                          Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                          That is pure genius! I must say they are both so hot-but especially Jack! Too bad we never saw this on the show!

                          I absolutely love the desert camo pics of Jack and Sam! My favorite uniform! They bring out Jack's eyes so well! *Thunk*
                          Woohoo! Another desert camo fan!


                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                            And with Amy's post, Mala's World passed 18,000 posts and 900 pages!!!

                            Actually, I didn't even notice! It boggles the mind, really... I remember when we hit 3,000 posts and we were laughing about it.

                            What's weirder to me and kind of interesting, is that I'm not online as often these days and there are still almost 190,000 views...(I swear they're not all me! )
                            Last edited by Mala50; 04 January 2008, 02:00 AM.


                              Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
                              Woo Hooooo! Years ago I was sad because Mala left the shipper thread, and then I was sad because she said she was leaving Mala's World. Mala, I'm so glad that you come back to visit as often as you do and that your little world is still going strong.
                              (((sugarshaker))) Of course you know that it's because of you and all the other MWers that I keep coming back!


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                                Holy Hannah! We're on page three!

                                Happy New Year gang.

                                I went to Dundee and ate all my Mum's food. I drank all my sister's drink. I got soaked by hailstones, and drove home tonight at 30mph on an iced-up motorway during a snow storm. (I could have done with a wee rum to calm my nerves )
                                My wee flat is still in one piece, therefore all is well with the world.
                                Yes! All is well with the world! I'm so glad to hear that you got your fill of food and drink and are now home safe and sound! It's been a while since I've seen you around MW and I was saving this special holiday smiley just for you. I know it's a little late, but I knew you'd appreciate the sentiment... Here's wishing you a

                                Merry Tok'ra Christmas, Bev!


