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Who's next for the airlock?

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    Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
    But we haven't had much of her yet - let's wait and see and give her a chance...

    btw, when is it due to start again?
    Ooooooh ! *Stamps foot* Ok..seeing as it's you asking for a reprieve for her.

    *Feeds Dr Who some Gallifreyan Gourmet food *

    *Gets The Doctor to operate the Tardis so that Donna doesn't get airlocked*

    There you go MC.She's back !

    ( No idea on the new series,I'm afraid..maybe May ? )

    sillyscipia : Excellent first list ,imo .Add more !
    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


      The thing is, Baggy (you don't mind if I call you that?) - I would prefer the Doctor with a companion than without. We can always airlock her after the first episode.

      Btw: have I mentioned, yet, that thanks to an h2g2 friend I am the proud owner of a Sonic Screwdriver? And that I annoy the Gruesomes by "opening" automatic doors with it when we go to the supermarket? (I've also tested "sell by" dates with it until Mr.MC confiscated it for the duration of the shopping trip)

      sillyscipia - don't you have an ex-boyfriend you could add to your list?
      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



        OH NO!
        In a flash of ... synchronicity? Serendipity? Who knows? (who cares? ed) i was just flicking round the channels, in an attempt to get the excrable Drake & Josh (who will also be airlocked shortly) off my TV


        I can't believe it.

        Anyway, the one who prompted this whole thread appeared, whining (natch, ed) on my TV (without my permission)

        since it doesn't seem to have worked first time round

        *opens airlock and pushes out Hoshi*
        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



          Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
          sillyscipia - don't you have an ex-boyfriend you could add to your list?
          He's on there. Three times.
          Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
          "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
          dA | tumblr | twitter


            In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



              Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
              The thing is, Baggy (you don't mind if I call you that?) - I would prefer the Doctor with a companion than without. We can always airlock her after the first episode.
              Baggy or Baggie is perfect ,M'dear MC !
              (Fits my shape and generally loose comfy clothing ,lol !)
              Yeah ,the Doctor has always had and needed a companion .She'll be ok .I hope they don't overcook the shippiness though.

              Originally posted by Major Clanger
              Btw: have I mentioned, yet, that thanks to an h2g2 friend I am the proud owner of a Sonic Screwdriver? And that I annoy the Gruesomes by "opening" automatic doors with it when we go to the supermarket? (I've also tested "sell by" dates with it until Mr.MC confiscated it for the duration of the shopping trip)
              Excellent news and WTG ,Major !
              I had to make do with a tyre pressure gauge for years and years ,so treated myself to the silvery screwdriver last Xmas.
              I get the "Oh grow the Heck up ,Mum !" look from my son when I brandish it to sign forms in the Bank and shops ,but he might get "airlocked " if he doesn't shaddap soon.
              He has the beige ( Eccleston) one,the silver (Tennant) one and the Master's Laser Screwdriver as well.This apparently gives him bragging rights over me.
              He also stole my little pad that came with the Sonic Screwdriver and used it all to exchange notes with his mates at HS.
              He is also sitting laughing at my admission about the tyre gauge ....

              Hmm..can I airlock my son ? Temporarily ?
              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                we could have one of those inbetween things - so not quite airlocked, but not in the main body of the ship - for wayward offspring (and yes, mine nicked my Psychic paper too. Until I hijacked their DS games. hehehe)

                Before I had my Sonic Screwdriver I used to use an apple corer...
                In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                  Hehehe...I suppose there could be a bungee rope attached to the "Not quite airlockable" peeps ?

                  *Attaches bungees to both son's ankles and yo-yos him in and out the ship*

                  What ?

                  (Served your gruesomes right ,and if they really play you up,just press "New Game" and save .
                  Note : This will only work once .They might leave home or dob you in to the RSPCA *ahem* NSPCC if you do it again . )

                  Edit : Apple corers rule.Excellent way to mock-scalp the cowboys when we were playing cowboys and Indians in the park.
                  The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                    JESUS! not the deity, my gardener.
                    Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina


                      don't airlock him - send him over to my garden. He's got to be better at gardening than I am

                      and having caught a rerun of Atlantis... Elizabeth Weir. Please!
                      And now i appear to be having DS9 on my TV - please airlock... oh what's his name? Jake Sisko
                      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                        Drat.Tom bombed the gardener outta the airlock already.Want to borrow a used Tardis ,MC ?

                        *Sticks fingers in ears about Weir's airlocking because I liked her....*
                        Lalalalala !

                        Jake Sisko was the son,yes ? I much preferred Benjamin and Dad Sisko .

                        I suppose Jake was there to get the Ferengi lad ( Nog ) into the show to the point where he could be believable in Starfleet .Um,and I can't think of much other use for the boy...

                        *Assists MC in jettisoning JS*

                        My own airlock victims for today :

                        Cally from BSG.Never liked her at all.
                        Out she goes.....

                        Oh yes ..
                        *Airlocks near neighbour for being a complete ass towards his wife,and for using alcohol as an excuse for his actions after the latest bust up*
                        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                          you should have mentioned Cally before - I'd have helped you.

                          Can we send out Roslin too? I don't like her mouth...
                          In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                            Why,thank you ! I don't post in the BSG section.I love the show,but I think I'd get stoned by Cally fans and maybe Chief/Cally fans for airlocking her .

                            Roslin is a perfectly acceptable airlock-ee.

                            She doesn't grate on me ,despite all her turn-arounds and the "myffic" phases,but she grates on you so I say go for it !

                            Roslin awaaaaay !
                            The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                              it's the Easter holidays. We have back-to-back Nickelodeon until I can wrestle the remote of the bigger-by-the-minute Gruesome Twosome.

                              So, next for the airlock: Drake and Josh (STOP SHOUTING, Drake, there really is NO NEED)

                              *boots them in the back*
                              In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                                *Pushes Jo Grant out airlock*

                                Bye Jo... that's for being one of the most annoying Who-Companions EVER
                                I have been using this username since 1998, it has no connection to "The Last Airbender", or James Cameron's movie.
                                - "Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson, they will in fact calm up!"
                                - "I hope you like Guinness Sir, I find it a refreshing alternative to... food"
                                - "I'm Beginning to regret staying up late to watch "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigalo" last night... Check that, i regretted it almost immediately"

