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Got asked to pass an AIDS test...

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    Got asked to pass an AIDS test...

    I had an... interesting talk with my girlfriend the other day. Namely, she suggested- very tactfully, mind you- that we both pass an AIDS test before we take our relationship to the...ahem... next level, if you get my drift. To be honest, it's the first time I've been asked for such a thing so it surprised me a bit, especially the fact that someone as shy as she is would initiate this kind of talk, but I didn't really have any psychological barrier against it. I've been poked with needles before and I donate blood on regular basis, so the procedure itself doesn't bother me. We are both adult enough to not be shy of the issue, too (I'm 31, she is 28 ), and if she feels she needs it, then why the hell not? In fact, I even took it as a somewhat encouraging indication of her being serious about out relationship.

    So today I happened to mention it to my mom and sister. I am not really very comfortable talking to them about such intimate things, but they live in another country and I don't see them very often, so I do my best to make them feel sufficiently involved in my life and sometimes it involves discussing my personal life, to a degree. To my surprise, they were both unanimously outraged, and said that such a request is an indication of mistrust on my girlfriend's part. They think she probably has a pretty low opinion on my past for some reason and believes that I may have "been around" a few times too many, and that is why she is asking for the test. In my mom's case I could perhaps chalk it up to being brought up in the prudish Soviet society where "condom" was something of a swear word- but my sister's teenage years were spent in the liberal Germany, and yet she tells me that both she and any of her German-born friends would have taken such a request from their significant other as a blatant insult. My mom thinks it may have actually been my girlfriends' parents who don't trust me and who "put her up to it". They both think that I should have at the very least make it clear to my girlfriend that I am disturbed that she would even think such a test was needed, if not refuse it outright.

    The whole thing left me pretty puzzled. One of us must be out of touch, and I am not convinced that it's my mom and sis. If anyone here can give me an advice, I'll be very grateful, because right now I am not sure what to think.
    If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.

    I think your girlfriend has listened to some of the facts about AIDS, and in doing so, has developed a healthy fear of the disease. She doesn't want to take an unnecessary risk. Better to be safe than sorry. I think the fact that you were surprised that your girlfriend would bring this up as it is out of character demonstrates just how seriously she perceives the risk. She doesn't want to die, after all.

    It seems to me as if your mother and your sister may have had a bit of an overreaction. Yes, in some cases asking for an AIDS test could be considered an insult, but not in every single case. And by reading what you said about your girlfriend, I don't believe this is one of those cases. I think she loves you and wants to take the relationship to the next level, but she is afraid. And taking the AIDS test would help ease her fears. So I don't see any problem with it at all.

    That being said, this issue is between you and your girlfriend. Neither your family nor her family should be major players in this issue. I think this whole thing stems from the fact that your mother and your sister don't know your girlfriend all that well, and not nearly as well as you do.

    But if you give blood all the time, you surely must be negative, no? I don't think blood donor clinics take blood from HIV positive patients.

    Best of luck, man!


      Originally posted by cowpants View Post
      I think your girlfriend has listened to some of the facts about AIDS, and in doing so, has developed a healthy fear of the disease. She doesn't want to take an unnecessary risk. Better to be safe than sorry. I think the fact that you were surprised that your girlfriend would bring this up as it is out of character demonstrates just how seriously she perceives the risk. She doesn't want to die, after all.

      It seems to me as if your mother and your sister may have had a bit of an overreaction. Yes, in some cases asking for an AIDS test could be considered an insult, but not in every single case. And by reading what you said about your girlfriend, I don't believe this is one of those cases. I think she loves you and wants to take the relationship to the next level, but she is afraid. And taking the AIDS test would help ease her fears. So I don't see any problem with it at all.

      That being said, this issue is between you and your girlfriend. Neither your family nor her family should be major players in this issue. I think this whole thing stems from the fact that your mother and your sister don't know your girlfriend all that well, and not nearly as well as you do.

      But if you give blood all the time, you surely must be negative, no? I don't think blood donor clinics take blood from HIV positive patients.

      Best of luck, man!
      Indeed on all points...

      And its quite common in the UK for people to get their partners to have tests for STDs before they start having unprotected sex. I personally wouldn't take it as an insult just as a sign that your Girlfriend is an intelligent and cautious women
      A word of advice... there are creatures that live between this dimension and the next, fiendish creatures that feast on the suffering of an entire world to satiate their eternal hunger. Support the Gateworld Cantina or suffer the fate of all who fall into the clutches of the 'Eladrith Ynneas'


        AIDS is damn scary! I can understand you're girlfriend being worried about it. In the end it is better to be safe than sorry IMO.


          Better safe than sorry.
          I don't think you should feel offended.


            I don't know how helpful this would be, but maybe you could say how AIDs could also Transferred through faulty hospital needles, or blood transfusions.


              i think your girlfriend is very smart and looking at sex adultly, so to speak.

              the fact that you give blood regularly pretty much says that you're negative. Dunno how it works in the UK, but in the us, they test all donated blood for all sorts of diseases, including aids and west nile virus. and if you come back positive, they attempt to notify you, i thikn they notify the local health department, and you are flagged as an unacceptible donor

              i suspect that your mom and sis are just outraged on yoru behalf. they, after all, 'know' that you are clean, because you're thier son/brother. and they likely can't see how anyone could doubt you.

              but, the fact is, they likely don't know the 'real' you, especially since they don't see you from day to day

              your girlfriend is just trying to save your and her life. she doesn't want to get any nasty surprises from you, nor does she want to give any to you. it may seem like a romantic buzzkill, but it's a smart and adult action to take
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by The_Carpenter View Post
                Indeed on all points...

                And its quite common in the UK for people to get their partners to have tests for STDs before they start having unprotected sex. I personally wouldn't take it as an insult just as a sign that your Girlfriend is an intelligent and cautious women
                Since when?





                    I was tested both times after my kids were born. (The test was offered along with all the other tests they do right after giving birth.) I didn't think there was any possibility I could have it, but before I started breast-feeding them I wanted to be absolutely certain. There's no shame in taking the test, and I don't see anything wrong with her asking.

                    Also, there are other ways to get it (even if the chances are very slim). After the birth of my second daughter (spoiler due to gross birth-related story )
                    the nurse was showing me the placenta and she lost her grip on it and dropped it in the basin and it splattered in her eye. I agreed to have the test and let her know the results so that she didn't have to spend months worrying about it.
                    I'd just had the test two years before and there was pretty much no way I could have gotten it during that time, but for her peace of mind, I went ahead and did it.
                    Last edited by Callista; 16 May 2008, 07:58 PM. Reason: hehe. I just realized I wrote "piece of mind" instead of "peace of mind" :P


                      Originally posted by Womble View Post
                      They think she probably has a pretty low opinion on my past for some reason and believes that I may have "been around" a few times too many
                      Tell your family that you don't catch HIV from shagging too many people, just from shagging one person, if that person had HIV.

                      Your GF doesn't think you're a slut, just a non-virgin.



                        working in the medical feild i am always worried about getting something i get tested at least once a year and now that i am in a realionship for the first time in my life i am extra careful i don't want to pass anything i have along



                          Originally posted by Madeleine View Post
                          Tell your family that you don't catch HIV from shagging too many people, just from shagging one person, if that person had HIV.

                          Your GF doesn't think you're a slut, just a non-virgin.
                          heck, you can get aids not just from shagging that one infected person, but from sharing a needle - purposefully or accidentally
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?


