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Lock up your hand sanitizer...

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    Lock up your hand sanitizer...

    Most of us all get those little local newspapers. The one's with the earth shaking reports on the local dangerous intersection, or the latest petition to stop the addition of some business or another.

    Usually, I only pick it up off the lawn so i don't mow them down and I don't want people to think I'm not home. (This after leaving them in a pile for about a month hoping they'd get the hint and stop delivering them... didn't work.)

    I don't know what possessed me but as I was preparing to add the paper, my attention was drawn to the local crime log.

    Apparantly, a resident was approached around 4:30pm by someone with a black revolver, and they stole 50 cent and a container of hand sanitizer.

    Personally, I don't know whether to be concerned and take preventive steps to protect my own bottle of Purrell, or should I be pleased that even the criminals are more germ concious? What is this world coming too. Next, people will be stealing pens from the bank and other businesses.

    Some people have a way with words. Others not have way.