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    Timeline by Michael Crichton is the best book ever.


      Ooh, jolly good, I'm reading it at the moment.



        Watership Down was one of my favorites when I was around 10. I was an early and avid reader and it's not a short book so I wouldn't really classify it as a kids book. I read it until I wore out the spine.

        I like Terry Goodkind. And the Magic Kindom series by the other Terry. And Piers Anthony.

        It was, is, and always will be GREEN


          Terry Pratchett, David Eddings, Asimov, A.C. Clarke, Anne McAffrey, plus others too numerous to mention.

          Also any books about cookery, especially Far Eastern and Indian.!


            Originally posted by Shipperahoy
            Watership Down was one of my favorites when I was around 10. I was an early and avid reader and it's not a short book so I wouldn't really classify it as a kids book. I read it until I wore out the spine.
            Read this when I was younger, and I loved it. I remember it moving me quite a lot actually. I don't think it's a kids book, either. Sure, there's the talking rabbits, but it's still just a really good story at the core.

            I really should reread it soon.
            Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


              -Leon Uris
              -James Clavell
              -Daniel Silva
              "Maybe one day you will learn that your way is not the only way!"

              Visit Dr. Radek Zelenka's Complete Translations and thunk thread

              All translations will be found in the first post of this thread, though i recommend to read the whole discussion ;]


                My favorites are as follows.
                Harry Turtledove. He has written a lot of books and only 2 or 3 are actually bad.
                Steve Stirling. Yes the man personally is a jerk and his politics are questionable but his military stories are very good. The Draka are the most evil humans I have ever read and are still able to be competent. The Island series is good. The General series is better. All are definitely R reads.
                The George Martin Song of Ice and Fire are very good. Only 3 have been written so far so the might get all WOT later but I doubt it. At least Martin isn't too scared to kill off characters. And yes Jordan does deserve to be flogged. They started out so good and NOTHING has happened in 3 books.
                Eric Flints books are good. Good characters and good battles but the characters are always too good. The best sword fighter in the world. All the main characters can figure out whole conversations with just 2 words. Things like that.
                The Feintuch books are good but seeing how Seafort gets someone else killed because of his honor starts to get monotanous.
                David Weber. Believe it or not he is my favorite. Well, if you know what Dahak is you would already know that. The last Honor Harrington book was kind of slow but that is because it had to set up the next war. HH is a great character also. The Dahak books are good. But the Starfire books to me are his best. Especially the last 2. Not much character developement but great battle scenes and the writer does a good job of explaining how the weapons and ships work without going into boring details.


                  Originally posted by Athenaktt
                  I'd have have to agree most of Timothy Zahn's novels at great, and I had to fortune to actually meeting the man and getting him to autograph his latest Star Wars novel "Suvivor's Quest"...I haven't read it so I can't tell you how it is.

                  that's so cool! anyway, Survivor's Quest rocks, why haven't you read it yet?


                    Does anyone else besides me read stuff by Tami Hoag?

                    I feel so left out...

                    I need another book. I just finished reading Dust to Dust by Tami Hoag. I never would have suspected it was that person who did it...

                    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                      If anyone likes murder mysteries, I'll include a shameless plug for Cynthia Riggs. She's in my writer's group. Very nice lady. Her series is set on Martha's Vineyard (of course) and feature a 98-year old protagonist, based on her mom. The subject matter is usually pretty mild (unless you know the people behind the characters) and I don't usually go for those kinds of books (the Amelia Peabody books are one of the few crimesolvers I like), but they're still kinda fun.

                      I also get mentioned in the acknowledgements of all her books.


                        Most Forgotten Realms book written by R.A.Salvatore are excellent... All because of Drizzt

                        Also, the three Halo books are strangely good.

                        For more advanced book readers, Isaac Asimov is always a suggestion... Also, Arthur C. Clark (2001: A space Odessey)

                        The Star Trek: DS9 Millenium Trilogy is absolutly GREAT! And should be made into a movie!

                        If I think of more, I shall post more.
                        In the infinite expanse that we occupy, whose to say that something's impossible?


                          Originally posted by Greesha
                          that's so cool! anyway, Survivor's Quest rocks, why haven't you read it yet?
                          Thats a very good question...well when I got the book I was still in school. then after school ended I went on vacation for about a month and just got back this week. I could've taken it with me to read on the plane, but didn't want to carry the big hardcover book with me. But now that i have time i don't have an excuse now. i guess. :s


                            Originally posted by Dahak
                            The George Martin Song of Ice and Fire are very good. Only 3 have been written so far so the might get all WOT later but I doubt it.
                            Well, that's good to hear. I think I will be giving them a try, then.
                            Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


                              Personally I like Charles De Lint and Robert Silverburg.


                                Originally posted by SeaBee
                                Terry Pratchett!
                                His Discworld series is phenomenal!!
                                It's one of the few things that I enjoy even more than Stargate.
                                The characters are great, the books are hilariously funny but also very thought-provoking. It's good stuff!

