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Alainn's SGC Alpha Site

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    Alainn's SGC Alpha Site

    Hey everyone. I was checking out all the other lounges and such, and I didn't see an official SGC home. So I thought I'd start one. So report for duty with your clones, get settled into you new quarters and make them your own. I have lots of new things here, so come on in and take a look around. Visit with me and my clones. You might like what you see.

    Btw, the SGC Alpha site is located on the West coast of Ireland. It's top-secret to everyone except those who are on a need-to-know basis, and it's being made invisible by a large Goa'uld cloaking device. It's powered by two ZPM's and a naquadah generator, and it's also protected by Asguard shield technology. I found it while I was vacationing in Ireland with my husband, Gorm, and we both found two new clones inside. We activated all the systems and the cloaking device, and now the city is up and running again.
    Last edited by imzadi35; 11 March 2008, 04:48 PM.
    Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
    (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)

    *Alainn and her husband Gorm are walking around the coastline when she bumps into something hard*
    Alainn: Oof! What is this thing?

    Gorm: I don't know, Alainn.
    Suddenly a large door opens in front of them, revealing a long dark corridor.
    Alainn: I wonder where that leads to?
    The two of them walk inside, turning on the flashlights that they had with them. The door closes behind them as they meander down the corridors, exploring all around. They wander along until they come to what looks like the control room.
    Gorm: I wonder how you turn on the power?
    They both look around until they find a large switch, and Gorm flips it up. The power comes on, and they smile.
    Alainn: Wow! This place is huge! I wonder what else is here?
    She and Gorm continue exploring the different corridors until the come across a small room with two stasis pods in it. They go up to the pods, and discover two humans inside.
    Last edited by imzadi35; 11 March 2008, 04:48 PM.
    Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
    (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


      Gorm looks around and find a control panel. He pushes a couple of buttons and the stasis pods slowly shut down and open up, releasing the two people inside.
      He comes back to her side, and they watch as the two people wake up.
      Man to Alainn: Who are you?
      Alainn: My name is Alainn, and this is my husband, Gorm. Who are you?

      Man: My name is Grai Muifin. Is my fiance here?
      Gorm: You mean the woman in the other stasis pod with you?
      Grai: Yes.
      Last edited by imzadi35; 11 March 2008, 01:42 AM.
      Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
      (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


        Woman in second pod calls out to him: I'm here, love.
        Alainn goes up to her: What is your name?

        Woman: My name is Mealltach. Where did you come from?
        Alainn: We were walking along the beach outside and I bumped into something. A large door opened up, and here we are. So what is this place?
        Grai gets up out of the stasis pod: This place is called Stargate Command Alpha, or SGC Alpla, for short. It got shut down many years ago because it was no longer needed, but we were left behind in case someone found it.
        Mealltach, smiling: We can show you around if you like. There's lots to see and explore here.
        Alainn: Honey, we really need to get going. We leave back for the states tomorrow.
        Gorm: I know, but do you really want to go back? I mean, I'm an expert in Ancient Ireland, and I would love the chance to live here and study instead of always having to fly back and forth. And I'm sure you could help me with my research. Besides, we need to get away from that woman.
        Last edited by imzadi35; 11 March 2008, 02:05 AM.
        Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
        (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


          Grai: What woman?
          Alainn: There's a woman back in the US that is trying to break us apart so she can get Gorm for herself.
          Mealltach: How awful!
          Alainn turns to her husband: Are you sure about this, Gorm? This is a HUGE step for us. You know our baby is due in a few months.

          Grai: You could live here. Several of the quarters have two rooms, so you could make one into a nursery. And when the base was running, I was a neonatologist, and my fiance was a nurse.
          Mealltach: Yes, and this place is hidden from the rest of the world, so no one would be able to find you here.
          Gorm: Well, sweetheart, what do you think?
          Alainn thinks about this for a moment. She smiles, taking Gorm's hand, squeezing it: I want to stay.
          Gorm leans in and kisses her, smiling: Then we'll stay.
          Grai: You tell us where you live in the US, and we'll have all your things brought here in the next few days. In the meantime, why don't we show you around?
          The four of them all walk out of the small room and head down the corridors to discover all the hidden treasures of the base.
          Last edited by imzadi35; 11 March 2008, 04:51 PM.
          Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
          (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)



            Alainn: This place is really big. What do you use to power it up?
            Grai: We use two zero point modules and a naquada generator. He sees their comfused faces. It's technology left behind by the Ancients and the Goa'uld. Don't worry. You'll learn all of this in time.

            Gorm: What do you use to protect yourselves and keep the city hidden?

            Grai: We use a combination of Goa'uld cloaking technology and Asguard shield technology.
            Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
            (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


              The four of them walk down a corridor leading to different rooms on each side. Grai leads them into one of the rooms.

              Grai: This will be your quarters here, if you like it. The large bathroomm is that way, he points to his right. This is the main bedroom, and through that door to your left is the smaller bedroom you can use for your nursery.
              Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
              (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


                Originally posted by imzadi35 View Post
                *Alainn and Gorm beam into the lounge*
                Alainn: Gorm there doesn't seen to be anyone here right now.
                Gorm: I know, honey.
                Alain: I guess we just seen to come at a slow time in the Lounge.
                Gorm: Yep, it looks that way.
                Alainn: Do you think they know about our new home, the Alpha site?
                Gorm: Probably not. Why don't you post a link to where they can find it?
                Alainn: Sure. They can find it here..
                I hope they come and take a look around. We could use the company, and I know that Grai and Mealltach would love it, too.
                I agree, sweetheart, but all we can do is wait and see if anyone comes.
                Alainn: I know. I hope they do. *She looks around and no one has come in.* Well, I guess we should head home. I was really hoping to talk to Addy and introduce you two.
                Gorn: Maybe tomorrow, my love. For now, let's head home and get you off your feet.
                *Alainn takes Gorm's hand and they beam back home to the Alpha site*
                Addy: (on intercom) Hello. I will subscribe to this thread so I can see when you post.

                And it is Asgard...not Asguard...MJack and Thor get touchy about that.



                  MSam: This place looks fun. I will make sure Wendy checks it out.
                  Sig made by me



                    Gorm: Hey! Someone stopped by here. Did you see who it was, Alainn?
                    Alainn: No I didn't. Grai, did you catch who it was?

                    Grai: Yes, I did. It was Addy and her clones checking out the base.
                    Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
                    (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)



                      Mealltach: And DjGirl and her clones came in, too. She said something about telling one of her clones, Wendy.
                      Alainn: That's great! Maybe we'll have some more people in here to help us run the base.
                      Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
                      (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)



                        To: Alainn
                        From: Addy

                        Your two posts above were made about midnight, my time. It is now around 06:30, my time, and I should be around until 16:00, my time. Hopefully, we can connect today. I will be monitoring this site for any activity.
                        Last edited by Admiral Q O; 15 March 2008, 03:46 PM.


                          to: alainn
                          from: anna and clan
                          know we know what the glitch on our scanners were....
                          we are located in mayo on west coast too
                          we look forward to sharing information and resourses

                          slán libh


                            Alainn: It looks like someone else stopped by here. That's great!

                            Gorm: That is good, Alainn. Maybe we'll be able to talk to them soon.

                            Turas maith, slán abhaile
                            Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
                            (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


                              Alainn and the others are walking around the base, discovering new rooms and new items when they come across the main power center. Inside they discover a single stasis pod.
                              Gorm: Alainn, I think I found something.
                              Alainn, Grai and Mealltach come into the room and go to him.
                              Alainn: What did you find, sweetheart?
                              Gorm: There's someone in here. Grai, did you know there was anyone else left here other than you?
                              Last edited by imzadi35; 20 March 2008, 04:58 PM.
                              Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
                              (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)

