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My Atlantis Dream

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    My Atlantis Dream

    I had a dream the other night about Stargate Atlantis. I think I watch too much television...

    I can only remember bits and pieces now. I was in Atlantis and everyone there was busy running around trying to prepare for an imminent Wraith attack on the city. I suppose I was helping.

    Anyways no one seemed to be able to figure out a good way to stop the attack. The only character from the show that I can remember specifically was McKay. For some reason everyone there was waiting for him to come up with a brilliant idea to stop the attack.

    McKay was great in the dream. He acted exactly like McKay would. He was rude to me too! He was making snide remarks and unfortunately complaining that we were all doomed because he could not think of a solution fast enough to stop the attack.

    Now if got weird. Since no one could figure out how to stop the attack everyone was climbing up onto a giant bookcase and was hiding at the top hoping the Wraith wouldn't find them. They should try doing that in the real show.
    Games 'n Stuff

    And? So? Did you get away or did McKay come up with an idea? Better yet did you come up with an idea? or was the bookcase your idea?

    I love those kinds of dreams. Especially the ones where you get to go on an adventure and wake up laughing.
    "I know. Maybe it's a really stupid idea, but isn't that why I'm here?" Sam to Thor


      Hm, that's interesting. One thing you have to remember about dreams is that it is God (I'm a Christian) trying to tell you something by pulling images out of your mind to use as symbols in these dreams.
      Alex :: UE Photographer @ Large
      2 Cor 4:7



        I hardly ever remember my dreams.

        I remember having a couple really strange Stargate SG-1 dreams. Also this one really screwed up dream that was sort... crossed over Stargate SG-1, with real life, with All My Children. Made no sense at all. I wrote a couple down, and no one shall ever read them lol.

        When I was younger (about 9-12) I would laugh in my sleep. My sister and parents would tell me that but I never realized that I did lol.

        Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
        Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


          And? So? Did you get away or did McKay come up with an idea? Better yet did you come up with an idea? or was the bookcase your idea?
          No such luck. I just woke up after the bookcase part. It was a tall bookcase and everyone had to help pull people up because there was no ladder.
          Games 'n Stuff


            You need to get out more.
            It’s the show that doesn’t end, it goes on and on my friends, some people started watching not knowing what it was, but they will be watching forever just because it’s the show that doesn’t end…..


              Hmms... after I saw "The Storm" I had a crazy Atlantis dream, too. Basically, what happened was that some main Atlantis people were up in some large building (that looked strangely earth-building-like, and the surroundings weren't actually Atlantis... but it was probably supposed to be, nonetheless), and then then the hurricaine came, and McKay and the other scientist guy (Zelenka, was it?) climbed out a window down a webbing that was there for no reason and into a clouded white area... this somehow was "subspace" (at least, what it was in my dream), and they somehow ended up in an arcade game or something odd like that... I really don't remember much from there. I love how dreams can be so bizarre!
              Sheppard and Mitchell: and you were worried they were going to be O'Neill clones?

              Two of my favorite shows are about Jonathan Sheppard, assuming Jack is always short for Jonathan. Weird, huh? (Lost and Atlantis)


                Book case? Subspace arcade game? My kind of people! I've ad really strange dreams, too, but no SG related ones yet.........

                My Own Little World

                101 Ways to Annoy, Harass, Confuse or Generally Scare Lord Voldemort
                "Be nice to nerds;
                one day, you'll end up working for one."
                -Evil Overlord Bill Gates
                Ba'al: I'll never let go, Jack, I'll never let go!
                Jack: *choke* That's my throat, Ba'al.....


                  Sounds like a plan that I would come up with.

                  I've had one SG-1 dream where I was in the SGC base and the base was being overrun by replicators. I was helping out SG-1 fight off the replicators when I woke up.
                  "You speak you're mind" - Kytano

                  "That's why I don't say much"- Jack


                    i had an SG-1 dream and SG-1 were running around my school for some reason, except the staircases were different, and i think someone fell down them, because i've had a lot of strange dreams about people falling down staircases, it's a weird fear of mine. Anyway, we had to rescue my friend, who had been brainwashed by the bad guys, who had taken over the chemistry lab. It was strange.

