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Religious Beliefs

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    Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
    I do not know what the west has to gain, and this is part of the reason why I am rallying against this so much. because we are going along with it regardless of anything that common sense dictates.
    Doesn't common sense dictate that the scientific community are likely right, and this is a real problem?


      Originally posted by jenks View Post
      Doesn't common sense dictate that the scientific community are likely right, and this is a real problem?

      Egads, man!

      That's crazy talk!


        Originally posted by jenks View Post
        Doesn't common sense dictate that the scientific community are likely right, and this is a real problem?
        But this is not really a logical world, and I have given up trying to make sense of it one way or another. Take that however you wish, that is the way I look at the universe.


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
          Then you have no case until you find those sources.

          You know what? How about this. If you can't find those sources, do you at least remember what those sources said? Do you remember what it is that disproved this data?
          Actually I did...the thing about the planets was one of the points that was brought up. I do not remember the specifics on the other debate unforatantly....something to do with cloud cover though.


            Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
            Actually I did...the thing about the planets was one of the points that was brought up. I do not remember the specifics on the other debate unforatantly....something to do with cloud cover though.
            Ok, cool. See, we can work off of that.

            Well, sorta.

            The problem is, how can you know for sure that these arguments refute those given by Pandora's Box and jenks, when you don't remember them? Remembering that "some scientist" and a right-wing radio host said that these refute the arguments of Global Warming means nothing if you can't remember the details; that's the same as taking their word for it, which is useless.

            Hey, I heard from some guy that God doesn't exist. I forgot who said it, but I know he was an authoritative figure (oh my may have been God), so I trust it blindly. That doesn't make much sense, does it?

            Have you read Pandora's Box's links? Forget about what Rush said, just read the links, and see if the science makes sense. Also, see if you can refute it. Or, better yet, point out any bit of science that doesn't make sense to you, and we'll see if we can explain it.

            Maybe that will jog your memory of what that scientist said on Rush's show.


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              Ok, cool. See, we can work off of that.

              Well, sorta.

              The problem is, how can you know for sure that these arguments refute those given by Pandora's Box and jenks, when you don't remember them? Remembering that "some scientist" and a right-wing radio host said that these refute the arguments of Global Warming means nothing if you can't remember the details; that's the same as taking their word for it, which is useless.

              Hey, I heard from some guy that God doesn't exist. I forgot who said it, but I know he was an authoritative figure (oh my may have been God), so I trust it blindly. That doesn't make much sense, does it?

              Have you read Pandora's Box's links? Forget about what Rush said, just read the links, and see if the science makes sense. Also, see if you can refute it. Or, better yet, point out any bit of science that doesn't make sense to you, and we'll see if we can explain it.

              Maybe that will jog your memory of what that scientist said on Rush's show.
              Thanks for the suggestions and I will try and do them....but not tonight...which really...really....really sucks.

              Brilliant post though.


                Cheers man.

                It's not really about Global Warming in this case, but Theory of Knowledge.

                Best class I've EVER taken.


                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  Cheers man.

                  It's not really about Global Warming in this case, but Theory of Knowledge.

                  Best class I've EVER taken.
                  Hmmmm. I know. And most people say that class sucks. I do love it so.
                  Which is ultimatly why I am asking the question, as I stated, I am not sure yet whether GW exists or not, or who is to cause for it. I am merely stating that the evidence that I have heard before on both sides makes me question if it exists. It is not yet proven to me. That is it, in basic.


                    I think the problem with global warming is that scientists can't agree to what extend the human factor contributes to global warming. As mentioned before, there are other factors that play a role. This leads to confusion among the general public who don't know what to believe. However, the human factor is the only thing that we can control. Also it might not be a bad idea to reduce the use of fossil fuels for other reasons. And we should definitely stop destroying forests because we are disturbing the ecosystems and endangering the species that are part of them.


                      Originally posted by Betelgeuze View Post
                      I think the problem with global warming is that scientists can't agree to what extend the human factor contributes to global warming. As mentioned before, there are other factors that play a role. This leads to confusion among the general public who don't know what to believe. However, the human factor is the only thing that we can control. Also it might not be a bad idea to reduce the use of fossil fuels for other reasons. And we should definitely stop destroying forests because we are disturbing the ecosystems and endangering the species that are part of them.

                      If it looked as though I am somehow not for saving the planet, or not thinking that humans can cause harm. That is a false impression, I merely do not believe that we do it through raising temperature of the planet. But yet, a lot of my objectives are the same as yours, just for different reasons.


                        I just saw Wall E and have to admit that was kinda depressing. To think we humans could screw up our world like that..... And then we end up fat obese slugs like that captain. Yuck.
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          Originally posted by dalene View Post
                          granted, you may have never committed a felony, or even a misdemeanor by the law of whatever country/state you live in, but you've never done anything wrong? you've never lied to anyone about anything? you've never stolen anything? anything at all? you've never spoken badly about someone throughout your entire life? never cheated at a game? never cheated in school? no one is perfect, not any one of us.

                          well i can quite honestly say i've never stolen anything on purpose. as in, i've taken stuff that i thought was free to take but later found out it wasnt. i've never spoken badly about someone behind their back unless it was true. sure i've cheated in games, but never at school. but even so, can any of that be considered evil?

                          bc satan wouldn't give such glory & honor to anyone but himself.
                          Originally posted by dalene View Post
                          i'm sorry, but i don't remember anywhere in the bible where it says 2 wrongs make a right, men are better than women, or suicide is worse than murder. Bible reference (verses) pls?

                          the Bible is history & past culture - & it's history of those cultures that showed men dominated women. God never said men are better. if you can find it, pls show me. thx.
                          i'm pretty sure there's a passage where a man goes to an inn, and people want to rape him, but because he is more important the inn keeper gives the people his daughters because they are worth less.

                          Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                          What about the facts since you like to call these such that those studies were done in the summer when ice caps are supposed to be melting and then they grew right back to their normal size, and some of the reports I have read claim greater, right back in the winter time.
                          And there could be millions of things that affect global temprerature that scientists who want you to believe that CO2 is the great evil are not considering, at all. Like the sun for example. Did you know that according to certain criteria global warming is happening in every planet of the solar system? Now all of them have never had humans on it, so we cannot be blamed, and some of them do not even have I said fishy.
                          And as I said. Global Warming might be a fact. But scientists are doing a poor job of proving it to my satisfaction. And frankly, based on the evidence, a lot more people should be looking at things and saying...wait a minute.
                          I am all for protecting the environment. But I will not be conned into it.
                          so you do believe in global warming? saying global warming exists doesn't necessarily preclude to the fact that humans are responsible for it in it entirety, or that CO2 is the cause, it jsut means that global mean temperatures are rising, which is a scientific fact.

                          Originally posted by Betelgeuze View Post
                          I think the problem with global warming is that scientists can't agree to what extend the human factor contributes to global warming. As mentioned before, there are other factors that play a role. This leads to confusion among the general public who don't know what to believe. However, the human factor is the only thing that we can control. Also it might not be a bad idea to reduce the use of fossil fuels for other reasons. And we should definitely stop destroying forests because we are disturbing the ecosystems and endangering the species that are part of them.
                          ^ exactly my point
                          I have been using this username since 1998, it has no connection to "The Last Airbender", or James Cameron's movie.
                          - "Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson, they will in fact calm up!"
                          - "I hope you like Guinness Sir, I find it a refreshing alternative to... food"
                          - "I'm Beginning to regret staying up late to watch "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigalo" last night... Check that, i regretted it almost immediately"


                            Originally posted by dalene View Post
                            i don't mean i saw a pic of what I think Jesus looks like in my head - anyone could just fabricate that (& most ppl do it poorly with blue eyes - sheesh!). lemme give you an example. i was walking on campus & saw another student (a guy) sitting by himself, just people-watching. i was walking by & in my mind's eye i saw a picture of a bus & an old man, & felt the urge to go talk to this guy. i walked over to him & said that i looked at him & then saw the pic & asked if it meant anything to him. he was shocked & said his grandfather was just hit by a bus the day before & he's in the hospital & was going to see him later that day. i told him i believed God showed me the pic & asked if we could pray for his grandfather & he said yes & we prayed. now i don't know what ever happened to his grandfather, bc we didn't exchange ph#s, but what i do know is that this guy now knows God wanted him to know that He cared about him. plain & simple.
                            therefore it must be God? i'm more inclined to believe in ESP than an all powerful creator, or perhaps it was in the local newspaper and you happened to glance it in a shop, but my point is, God is not the only explanation, and it is bad to jump to conclusions as such.
                            I have been using this username since 1998, it has no connection to "The Last Airbender", or James Cameron's movie.
                            - "Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson, they will in fact calm up!"
                            - "I hope you like Guinness Sir, I find it a refreshing alternative to... food"
                            - "I'm Beginning to regret staying up late to watch "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigalo" last night... Check that, i regretted it almost immediately"


                              Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                              And I told you that he has had scientists on his show, and has given evidence on his show. This is not so hard. I know he is not a scientist, but he has scientists on that usually are not approached by our far leftist media sources. Science can be manipulated.
                              After making so many claims about how science is skewed by politics, your own opinion seems to be largely based on the media's skew of science. Could you not consider that you are being manipulated yourself?


                                Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                                Actually when you get down to it...says other 'experts' in the same, or different, fields.
                                a very small group.
                                Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina

