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Why is gateworld locking in as a site?

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    Why is gateworld locking in as a site?

    I accessed GW from another site, clicking on a link. Gateworld does NOT let you use your return button to get back to any site. You're stuck on the main page.

    Why is this being done??

    Probably some java script, i used to use it but it got annoying when people couldent leave my page.

    I give green for signatures with ancient in them


      That is rather annoying. -.-


        It's because the index.html redirects to index_(date).html. I don't know why it's set up that way. Hit the back button twice (double-click on it), or press the little arrow, and select the page before the index page.


          The page seemingly double loads or something, double click the back button or hit the downward arrow next to it to go back.


            Originally posted by Brianamarie
            It's because the index.html redirects to index_(date).html. I don't know why it's set up that way. Hit the back button twice (double-click on it), or press the little arrow, and select the page before the index page.
            It never used to do this. Wonder if GW can fix the problem, because, well, it's very annoying.


              Originally posted by prion
              It never used to do this. Wonder if GW can fix the problem, because, well, it's very annoying.
              I think 'very annoying' is a bit of an overstatement. All you have to do is double-click back.
              Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
              - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                Originally posted by Mr Prophet
                I think 'very annoying' is a bit of an overstatement. All you have to do is double-click back.
                Double-clicking back doesn't work. And yes, I cleared cache and all that. I am curious why GW decided to do it though.


                  Brianamarie is right -- it happens because the default index.shtml page forwards you to a date-specific page, in order to have today's episode listings on the home page. (It's been set up that way since the last home page redesign.)

                  To browse back, just click the little down arrow next to the Back button (IE), or click and hold down on Back (Netscape), to navigate back two pages.

                  GateWorld Podcast - Info - iTunes - Google
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                    I've wondered why this is for forever as well. I find it EXTREMELY annoying since I don't ever hit the back button on the browser, I use the thumb button on my mouse, and you can't hit the thumb button twice to make it go back. Gateworld is the only site I browse regularly that has such a problem. It makes the website seem either unprofessional, or like the original poster thought, like it's trying to keep you here.


                      It's not a problem, it's a programming decision. It's not ideal, but I think the trade-off of daily schedules on the home page more than makes up for it. Using the browser's drop-down Back menu isn't very hard.
                      GateWorld Podcast - Info - iTunes - Google
                      The Stargate Omnipedia -
                      Stargate Image Gallery -


                        Originally posted by Darren
                        It's not a problem, it's a programming decision. It's not ideal, but I think the trade-off of daily schedules on the home page more than makes up for it. Using the browser's drop-down Back menu isn't very hard.
                        I don't know if I totally agree with you there Darren. Quite often it gives me the listings for a week ago or something. While I enjoy the feature, it should be worked on.


                          Originally posted by Darren
                          Brianamarie is right -- it happens because the default index.shtml page forwards you to a date-specific page, in order to have today's episode listings on the home page. (It's been set up that way since the last home page redesign.)

                          To browse back, just click the little down arrow next to the Back button (IE), or click and hold down on Back (Netscape), to navigate back two pages.

                          **Leave** GateWorld?

                          What a concept.

                          Hey, I run across web sites every day that are formatted this way. Doesn't make them less professional -- it's just the way they're formatted. Life is like that -- not everything (or everyone) is the same everywhere.


                          Another concept.

                          Good work, Darren, on GateWorld.


                          (Another concept -- some people would complain if you hung them with a new rope.)

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                            Tolerance?? What an intolerable concept!

                            Doesn't bug me in the slightest. I see bunches of sites like that. It's a little annoying to remember to use the page back thingy, but it doesn't cause oozing sores to open up on my body every time I have to click back twice or use the drop-down feature.

                            Now, if it caused oozing sores on OTHER people, that might actually be a bonus. You should look into that, Darren.


                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                              Tolerance?? What an intolerable concept!

                              Now, if it caused oozing sores on OTHER people, that might actually be a bonus. You should look into that, Darren.
                              Oh, I wouldn't go that far...

                              Maybe the heartbreak of psoriasis, or an infestation of sand fleas somewhere sensitive...

                              Oh, hey, Shadow, they'd only be allowed to read the SDJ website for a month.



                              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                              Morjana's Blog Twitter

