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Rep Points, the Universe and Everything, Now with MAGNETS

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    I mostly give green rep when a post in the thread itself would be off topic. "Excellent post", "Lovely sig" or "LOL, thanks for making me laugh" come to mind. I always sign them; not because I expect folks to reciprocate but because I know how curious I always are to know who repped me.
    I've only ever given three red reps. IMO dinging without signing your name is wrong but I can understand all those who don't want to sign their name for an honest criticism because the receiver will retailiate with unjustified dings themselves.
    If someone makes a stupid post I tell them so (nicely) in the thread, and if someone makes an offensive post I mod them. I would certainly give out much more red rep if I didn't have those mod powers - it's immensely satisfying to show trolls and idiots the right way. *g*
    Newbies coming in here begging for green or people whinging excessively about red reps they received (and deserved) are the ones that really tempt me to use the neg rep feature more often!

    All in all I'd like to keep the rep system but dispose of the anonymity.


      I love the idea that we mods are beyond and/or above reproach.

      heh heh heh
      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



        Originally posted by Major Clanger
        I love the idea that we mods are beyond and/or above reproach.

        heh heh heh
        The idea? I thought that was fact!


          I absolutely had reputation points.

          I had started to accumulate some green and feeling pretty proud of my accomplishment of 26 reputation points. And then a liberal comment got me one neg rep and I go down to a whopping 4 repuation points.


            You have to be careful about what you say. I had several people give me red for just one post that was off topic. Fortunately I have enough friends that it really didn't affect me.

            P.S. THANK YOU MY FRIENDS!!!
            The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

            Live life for what you have and those you love.


              Yeah I got my first red this thing was I really was on topic for 75% of the post...o well..Klorel, did you get the job yet?


                One of my roomates when I was in my first couple years of college and living in Florida managed a local Chic-a-fila over the summers when he would go home...I want to say the town started with an was near Denver...I always thought it was awesome that the minimum wage there was above the national rate...ofcourse anyone from Europe would think it was ridiculously low.


                  I don't know if I got the job. The dude said that if I do get the job, I will hear back by saturday. If I don't hear back by then, no job.
                  The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

                  Live life for what you have and those you love.


                    Continued good luck, and I think my friend was from Franklin, CO...maybe...not sure


                      Originally posted by Feli
                      All in all I'd like to keep the rep system but dispose of the anonymity.
                      Maybe that's the best idea. It would certainly make people who are "red ding happy" or make nasty comments think twice.

                      Won't take care of the frivolous green binges but I figure eventually all the "oldtimers" will have as many green blocks as you can get.

                      The rep system has added some fun moments to the forum and I really like the ability to give comments on posts - it's a quick way to let someone know you appreciate their efforts.
                      Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                        I agree! Kes, thanks for helping me express my opinoin.
                        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

                        Live life for what you have and those you love.


                          Originally posted by Major Clanger
                          I love the idea that we mods are beyond and/or above reproach.

                          heh heh heh
                          You mean we're not!!!? Well, thank you so much for destroying the illusion.

                          It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                            IMHO it isn't an illusion. It is reallity
                            The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

                            Live life for what you have and those you love.


                              Re: rep system (I'm gonna get some red for this but...)

                              I think to some degree it works and to others it doesn't. What a lot of you guys don't understand is how intimidating it can be when there is a load of one block primtah talking and suddenly Mr.P or Wass or Tame or Shadow ( I could go on) system lord with full greens come in. Although you have seniority through posts you could have just spammed your way there. (not implying that any of you have) However, because you have so much rep suggests that you deserve to be there and people naturally agree with you and follow your lead.

                              Most of you that talk about rep actually have so much of it that you don't need to really worry about, whereas someone who has just gained their third block are naturally going to want to consolidate that - even if it means pandering up to someone with more rep.

                              On topic thought barely get anything. I had three blocks when I was on 260 posts and I only ever posted on topic. People kept saying `Yeah I totally agree` but I never got any rep for an insightful comment. However, since then I've posted in off topic and I end up getting more green rep simply for saying hello.

                              What really bothers me is the thunk/shipper threads where, I'll admit to spending some time and getting some rep, but people just seem to spend their whole time there. They have thousands of posts and almost full rep, but in the two months I've posted I've never seen half of them come out of those threads.

                              Also, the poor people with red rep may have deserved it but people tend to just dump on them because they've already got red rep. I've advised them to turn their reps off until they get green again (which they shouldn't have to do if everyone played properly) but I do think a lot of people abuse the system.

                              Sorry for the length of this post. Actually is there a limit to length of posts?
                              The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic - Stalin
                              The viewpoint of one person is not the viewpoint of all - ShadowMaat
                              Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori - Horace
                              All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
                              Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something - Plato
                              An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind - Gandhi
                              Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake - Napoleon


                                There is a limit to length of posts as some doofus attempting to transcribe an entire ep of a non-Stargate show quickly discovered.

                                I think the fact that people will whore themselves for rep- AND GET IT- proves that there's something massively wrong with the rep system. I also think it says a lot that people seem to feel the NEED to whore themselves. Rep is supposed to be a fun, harmless way of showing approval/disapproval, but a lot of people seem to think that they aren't worth anything unless they have multiple green blocks or better yet- "radioactive" ones. All you have to do is actually LOOK at some of the people sporting multiple green blocks and you can see how utterly worthless THAT is. I'd say a goodly portion of the folks strutting around with multiple blocks haven't actually EARNED them, even from off topic silliness like Mr P's. No, a lot of it comes from people simply DEMANDING green and getting it and as long as abuse like THAT exists, then you can never derive any true "meaning" from the rep system. I've seen some people I like who only have two or three blocks. I've seen people I HATE and/or people I consider to be beyond useless running around with four or FIVE blocks. What an utter friggen waste. I'll take an intelligent one-blocker over a five-block drooling imbecile any day.

                                I still think the best thing would be to strip EVERYONE back down to basics and then leave the "real" repping in the hands of the Mods. You can still rep and comment all you like, but it wouldn't count for anything except as a way to tell someone you approve/disapprove of a post without cluttering the thread or bothering with a PM.

