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    Originally posted by gater62 View Post
    That is so cute! I wish I had cute school kid moments! I just get freshmen who act like they're in kindergarden.
    Heehee, I've heard that before about the older kids... I see older kids walking down the halls of the elementary, and I think...I have kindergarteners that walk better down the hall then they do! I guess they just never grow out of it!

    I just love, love, love this age group. One of my boys said "I love you" to me today. sweet! I love them so much. AND they call you mom all the time...You have to remind them: "I am not your mom or your mama..."

    Oh, and it is SO sweet how two of them say my last name, because they say their 'r's' as 'w's' SO CUTE!

    One of my second graders my first ST half asked me if I had went something like this:

    : "Miss (we'll use my first name) Brooke, do you have kids?"
    : "No, I don't have any kids."
    : "Aww, you should get one."
    : "Oh, I don't think it's that easy..."

    I guess it's story sharing time today.


      ahaha thats so cute ...

      *runs around screaming * exammm tommrorow *runs some more* ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


        yey I've finally finished my project proposal all 9,500 words of it (apparently last year it was about 4-5000 )

        just competition on Friday now! ahhh
        oh and exams next term
        sigpicMy Fanfic


          Just a quick reminder:

          Oma and I have pretty much hashed out the format of the awards ceremony now, and it's looking to be a really fun evening!!

          So crack open the bubbly, sit back, relax and look forward to the results which will be winging their way to you a week on Sunday !


            Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
            Heehee, I've heard that before about the older kids... I see older kids walking down the halls of the elementary, and I think...I have kindergarteners that walk better down the hall then they do! I guess they just never grow out of it!

            I just love, love, love this age group. One of my boys said "I love you" to me today. sweet! I love them so much. AND they call you mom all the time...You have to remind them: "I am not your mom or your mama..."

            Oh, and it is SO sweet how two of them say my last name, because they say their 'r's' as 'w's' SO CUTE!

            One of my second graders my first ST half asked me if I had went something like this:

            : "Miss (we'll use my first name) Brooke, do you have kids?"
            : "No, I don't have any kids."
            : "Aww, you should get one."
            : "Oh, I don't think it's that easy..."

            I guess it's story sharing time today.
            How funny! I get called "Mom" by the freshmen at least once a year, but it only happens when they are arguing with me!
            Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


              i've been guilty even a few times in high school of not even thinking and calling a teacher mum.. it was quite funny.. sh elaughed for about 10 minutes.. the whole class did and i died from embarrassment lol
              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                Aww, I'm glad it's not that way when they are five. They still love everyone and usually want to play with everyone equally. They are so very sweet and I love them!


                  hehehe so cute!!!
                  Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                  Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                    My youngest one started playing volleyball at the Boys and Girls Club with her school. She's had 3 games and only one practice! But that one practice taught her quite a bit. She's still wary of running up to the ball, but she is getting better!
                    Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                      Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                      My youngest one started playing volleyball at the Boys and Girls Club with her school. She's had 3 games and only one practice! But that one practice taught her quite a bit. She's still wary of running up to the ball, but she is getting better!
                      should tell her to make the other team be like "oh s---......she's gunning for the ball!!!!!!"......


                        Warning huge rant about to happen

                        Does anyone here have any experience with past surgery on knees? I've had up to three surgeries on my right knee (though one that came forth out of a medical mistake; wounds opened up again, creating a bloodcloth, bringing me back to the ER, scraping bone from my kneecap and well long painful story) and during a previous scan a doctor is telling me I should be keeping my options open to do another surgery.

                        I dislocated my knee in such a way that it surprised experienced surgeons and after those three surgeries, I'm still experiencing pain and it's been five years now since the last surgery and I can't explain it in English but as I hunch down and turn, you can see my knee trying to pop out again.

                        This has happened about six times since and you can actually see the two knee joints flexing out and every time I have to quickly lie down and stretch my knee to let it pop in again (you can hear the crunching/scraping of the bones), I have to sit on the ground for the next hour and put a brace on it for it not to dislocate again and I'm just really worried because the last two times it happened my body apparently went into shock.

                        I feel that I have to do this operation but I'm so scared that something will go wrong again. When I woke up from the second surgery, I was alone in a waiting room and I couldn't lift my leg or flex my toes and I started crying, thinking my leg was crippled. It turned out okay except for the problems I described above but it scares me.

                        What are the odds to get two medical faults in your life, you ask? Well I'm 24 and I've had three so far in two different hospitals. That's what I'm afraid of really.

                        I've had people tell me that I'm still young and that I worry too much that nothing can go wrong at my young age. True, my body will recover more quickly than someone twice my age, then again I've experienced a cardiac arrest when I was in my teens so I guess I don't worry too much but I'm just realistic. The human body is incredibly strong and we tend not to appreciate it until it goes out on you and - gosh I'm rambling.

                        I don't know what to do. When to do the surgery. Guess I'm just a little bit scared.

                        Sorry for my rant but I hope someone in here can reassure me or share their surgery stories.

                        Thanks for listening

                        *hugs family*


                          Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                          Warning huge rant about to happen

                          Does anyone here have any experience with past surgery on knees? I've had up to three surgeries on my right knee (though one that came forth out of a medical mistake; wounds opened up again, creating a bloodcloth, bringing me back to the ER, scraping bone from my kneecap and well long painful story) and during a previous scan a doctor is telling me I should be keeping my options open to do another surgery.

                          I dislocated my knee in such a way that it surprised experienced surgeons and after those three surgeries, I'm still experiencing pain and it's been five years now since the last surgery and I can't explain it in English but as I hunch down and turn, you can see my knee trying to pop out again.

                          This has happened about six times since and you can actually see the two knee joints flexing out and every time I have to quickly lie down and stretch my knee to let it pop in again (you can hear the crunching/scraping of the bones), I have to sit on the ground for the next hour and put a brace on it for it not to dislocate again and I'm just really worried because the last two times it happened my body apparently went into shock.

                          I feel that I have to do this operation but I'm so scared that something will go wrong again. When I woke up from the second surgery, I was alone in a waiting room and I couldn't lift my leg or flex my toes and I started crying, thinking my leg was crippled. It turned out okay except for the problems I described above but it scares me.

                          What are the odds to get two medical faults in your life, you ask? Well I'm 24 and I've had three so far in two different hospitals. That's what I'm afraid of really.

                          I've had people tell me that I'm still young and that I worry too much that nothing can go wrong at my young age. True, my body will recover more quickly than someone twice my age, then again I've experienced a cardiac arrest when I was in my teens so I guess I don't worry too much but I'm just realistic. The human body is incredibly strong and we tend not to appreciate it until it goes out on you and - gosh I'm rambling.

                          I don't know what to do. When to do the surgery. Guess I'm just a little bit scared.

                          Sorry for my rant but I hope someone in here can reassure me or share their surgery stories.

                          Thanks for listening

                          *hugs family*
                          First, *hugs!* That's a terrible experience.

                          Next, I can somewhat sympathize. My right knee has dislocated several times in my life. However, while the docs have threatened surgery, they have preferred that I do physiotherapy instead to strengthen the interior muscle to prevent the cap from dislocating. I also went to a physiotherapist to get prescription orthotics to correct the way I walk. I'm no expert, but it sure sounds like that muscle for you could use some toning and the orthotics. Therefore, I don't have a surgery story to share, but more of a second opinion and sympathy for your knee pain. I think you are totally justified to feel how you are about the whole surgery bit.


                            Thank you very much Amalthea!

                            *gives a giant Jack-like hug*

                            I'm afraid I'm beyond the physio. They tried that for two weeks, it didn't help. So the only option they are offering me is surgery.

                            The thing that does reassure me somewhat is that the surgeon will be someone that does sport surgeries for our first class soccer teams. And they're ALWAYS injured so the man knows the routine but ah well he's still a human being that can make mistakes.

                            Although I'm limited in the things I can do with my knee (even during sex I have to be really careful not to do anything that might strain my knee and make it pop out), I'm getting used to it you know. When I hunch down I stop myself from turning and will shuffle.

                            I used to be a dancer before all this and back then it felt like they clipped my wings and just threw me out in the world without being able to do that again.

                            Knowing that there are people out there that are paralyzed and went through so much more, I feel I shouldn't nag about it but guess that's just being human huh

                            Thank you for the hugs!


                              Two weeks doesn't seem like a long time... I was in physio for months before it started to pay off, but a surgeon that routinely operates on the soccer team sounds like a really good bet to me. I mean with the track record you've had I'd still be nervous too, but even with being human, I'm sure he'll be the one! Look into the orthotics, though. I love mine. I recommend to every human I meet to get orthotics I'm so obsessed with them. LOL

                              I think you're allowed to be upset, though. Embrace the upset-ness. Sure you're not crippled for life, but it has changed the way you live your life, so I think you get to be mad, or frustrated or whatever you feel. None of us would ever be allowed to feel anything if we were always comparing ourselves to those less fortunate.

                              Hugs are always free!


                                Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                                We were getting ready to leave school and one of my little men asks me...

                                : Do you know that show that comes on DishinNetwork? It's a parent show called The Lady Bunch.
                                : The Lady Bunch? No...What is it about? (I figured I knew what he was refering to...but it was cute.)
                                : It's a show on DishinNetwork. They have three girls and two boys.
                                : You mean Dish Network, right?
                                : Yes.
                                : I believe you mean the Brady Bunch, not the Lady Bunch, and they have three girls and three boys.
                                : Yeah.
                                Yes, I've seen it before.
                                : Oh, okay.

                                Ahh, children. That is my random kid story of the day!
                                I just saw this and I had to laugh!!! I know nothing about Dish Network, but that show description reminded me of another show...It's another blended family show, but it was one guy with two sons and a daughter that married a woman with two daughters...I love it!!! Life With Derek is one of my favorite shows!! Although, I'm always wary of telling people who I ship on it...
                                Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa

