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    This thread has been dead long enough.

    The night is over
    It's morning, again
    Seems sooner than before
    just like last time
    Parents are home
    I put on my mask
    Just like I always has
    Just like I always will

    Time hits eight
    I'm off for school
    Barely enough time
    to change my mask
    Meet up with my friends
    I'm just like them now
    They all think they know me
    They have no idea

    Home again
    Safe in my room
    Barely breathing
    I take off my mask
    No one can know me
    For who I really am
    No one can know me
    They would not understand

    "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
    The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

    Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


      When Cows Eat Beef

      When The Cows Eat Beef
      These Cows could get really Sick
      Lets Have a burger

      *must resist quoting a roses are red style poem involving rake
      Originally posted by Jonzey
      Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


        You read too much bash

        "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
        The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

        Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


          Self Reference

          reading old poetry
          can be depressing
          but then I realize
          this is sort of self referential
          then laugh a little
          this is a bad poem

          Originally posted by Jonzey
          Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


            Defeated fears

            I have learned
            These recent years
            That while they influence us so much
            Nothing is so insubstancial
            As defeated fears
            Once you find something to not be scary
            And accept it as it is
            You soon cannot remember being afraid
            And you start to wonder why
            You once were leary
            Because the memory of a fear defeated
            Is as insubstancial as a dream
            So, my friend, find something that you fear
            And learn about it
            You may just see
            That it's not as scary as you thought it
            I know it can happen
            It's happened for me
            Before you met me I was a fairy princess
            I caught frogs and called them prince
            And made myself a queen
            Before you knew me I traveled 'round the world
            I slept in castles and fell in love
            Because I was taught to dream

            I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
            To capture tinkerbell
            They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
            But I could always tell

            I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
            And I believe in Peter Pan and miracles
            And anything I can to get by
            And fireflies...

            "What's the point of being grown-up if you can't act childish sometimes?" -- Doctor Who



              I knew you,
              Or at least I thought I did;
              You were my best friend,
              Once upon a time.
              I knew you like none other
              and you knew me the same
              And now I can't help but wonder
              Because everything has changed
              I sit here and wonder who you are
              Because you sure aren't my best friend
              I KNEW her.
              You're not her
              She abhored what you are doing
              Because it killed someone she loved
              Because it made her ill
              Who are you?
              What is that you say?
              Things are changing and we must change with them?
              Are you changing with them?
              Or are you just sinking into the mold?
              Are you changing with them?
              Are you keeping up with the times?
              Or are you being dragged into the same trap
              That has destroyed so many others?
              I thought you knew better,
              I thought I knew you.
              I thought I did, but I guess I was wrong
              Because I never thought you would betray me
              Nor did I think you'd betray yourself
              But I guess I didn't know you as well as I thought I did
              Because I thought you were smart
              I thought you cared about life
              I thought you didn't want to die
              I guess I was wrong,
              I guess I never really truly knew you
              And I'm sorry
              I guess I wasn't a good friend
              If I was, I would have known
              And I wouldn't feel like you betrayed me
              Before you met me I was a fairy princess
              I caught frogs and called them prince
              And made myself a queen
              Before you knew me I traveled 'round the world
              I slept in castles and fell in love
              Because I was taught to dream

              I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
              To capture tinkerbell
              They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
              But I could always tell

              I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
              And I believe in Peter Pan and miracles
              And anything I can to get by
              And fireflies...

              "What's the point of being grown-up if you can't act childish sometimes?" -- Doctor Who



                Everywhere, struggles
                A war of creatures
                All against all
                Forced to kill to survive
                A constant game
                Of hide-and-seek
                Seeking food in others
                Hiding prevents becoming food
                And casualties of carelessness

                Flattened squirrels in the road
                Baby birds fallen out of nests
                Cheetahs killing zebras
                Big fish eating little fish
                All of these casualties
                Of this never-ending war
                No side can win
                As no two are the same side
                Only one end to this war
                More casualties
                Originally posted by Jonzey
                Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                  Originally posted by Otera View Post

                  I knew you,
                  Or at least I thought I did;
                  You were my best friend,
                  Once upon a time.
                  I knew you like none other
                  and you knew me the same
                  And now I can't help but wonder
                  Because everything has changed
                  I sit here and wonder who you are
                  Because you sure aren't my best friend
                  I KNEW her.
                  You're not her
                  She abhored what you are doing
                  Because it killed someone she loved
                  Because it made her ill
                  Who are you?
                  What is that you say?
                  Things are changing and we must change with them?
                  Are you changing with them?
                  Or are you just sinking into the mold?
                  Are you changing with them?
                  Are you keeping up with the times?
                  Or are you being dragged into the same trap
                  That has destroyed so many others?
                  I thought you knew better,
                  I thought I knew you.
                  I thought I did, but I guess I was wrong
                  Because I never thought you would betray me
                  Nor did I think you'd betray yourself
                  But I guess I didn't know you as well as I thought I did
                  Because I thought you were smart
                  I thought you cared about life
                  I thought you didn't want to die
                  I guess I was wrong,
                  I guess I never really truly knew you
                  And I'm sorry
                  I guess I wasn't a good friend
                  If I was, I would have known
                  And I wouldn't feel like you betrayed me
                  omg otera is this me? if it is help!!!!


                    The Chase

                    I'm running from everyone
                    Trying to get away
                    Always running, never hiding
                    Running without a purpose

                    I like the chase, it's all I know
                    Until they get too close
                    That frightens me
                    Why, I do not know

                    They must not catch me
                    I must keep running
                    Though the reason eludes me
                    I just don't know

                    "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                    The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                    Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


                      I don't remember what poems I've posted, but I'm going to bump this thread a bit!

                      ein Nocht allein

                      Sitting alone,
                      She gazes at pictures
                      Losing herself in the past
                      As the tears fall unheeded
                      Down her face
                      The music plays, soft and haunting
                      The tears fall faster
                      As the chorus comes
                      So kiss me and smile for me
                      Tell me that you’ll wait for me
                      Hold me like you’ll never let me go

                      The scenes flash before her eyes
                      Her mother - weak, ill, dying
                      Lays on the bed once more
                      The gentle hiss of oxygen
                      The cold sweat on her pale, pale face
                      The silence overpowering
                      When she returned home that night
                      She sees the face of her mother
                      Calm, quiet, at peace, pale, white
                      Tears fall faster yet
                      But no one sees
                      The song ends
                      The tears dry
                      No one saw
                      No one will see
                      Tears shed not for a lost life
                      But for innocence lost
                      Now scarred
                      That lonely girl is me
                      Before you met me I was a fairy princess
                      I caught frogs and called them prince
                      And made myself a queen
                      Before you knew me I traveled 'round the world
                      I slept in castles and fell in love
                      Because I was taught to dream

                      I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
                      To capture tinkerbell
                      They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
                      But I could always tell

                      I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
                      And I believe in Peter Pan and miracles
                      And anything I can to get by
                      And fireflies...

                      "What's the point of being grown-up if you can't act childish sometimes?" -- Doctor Who


                        My dog is a lazy, fur-covered beast,
                        Who never takes heed of my words in the least.
                        I find it annoying that she never obeys,
                        But she will not be changed from her villainous ways.
                        What can I do to combat such rebellion?
                        How can I convert this relentless rapscallion?
                        When she gets that mischievous look on her face,
                        I find myself giving her more and more grace.
                        Her eyes are so bright, her fur is so soft,
                        Her tail so regal when she holds it aloft.
                        She looks at me lovingly, yet ever she's scheming,
                        While she sleeps at my feet, it's of mischief she's dreaming.
                        She waits by the door when I am away,
                        And greets me joyfully at the start of each day.

                        You may call softhearted, and I fear I must concur,
                        But I can't think of a dog that I'd like more than her.
                        || twitter || tumblr ||


                          Darkness has come
                          I'm alone in the night
                          Hiding my feelings
                          Out of everyone's sight

                          Despair fills my soul
                          Which as a fact is quite strange
                          Cause inside feels empty
                          My feelings have changed

                          When you left I felt good
                          Like you wanted me to
                          I looked deep inside
                          And there I found you

                          It felt like you were here
                          Living in me
                          Giving me strength
                          To live life and just be

                          I felt honored and proud
                          That you were my friend
                          That I was there your last days
                          All the time that you had

                          Brave and determined
                          To get through this with pride
                          To keep the promise
                          That I made as you died

                          Forgive me if I fall though
                          I know there will be bad days
                          Cause I loved you so much
                          In so many ways

                          As a friend and lover
                          Counselor and adviser
                          There never lived a women
                          Who could have possibly been wiser

                          I'm so sad and confused
                          Like a lost little girl
                          I feel like an oyster
                          Without its precious pearl

                          Cause that's what you were
                          All shinny and bright
                          Who brightened each day
                          And chased away night

                          I'll never forget
                          And I'll always miss you
                          But we'll meet again
                          This just has to be true

                          With a love as strong as we had
                          Not even death can keep us apart

                          Where are you?

                          R.I.P. Julie



                            PA, I would love to be able to tell you what that poem did to me, but I can't. All the words I usually use are bland.

                            I had tears in my eyes; it conveyed such strong emotions.

                            You have a beautiful talent PA. A really amazing talent.

                            20 greens wouldn't be enough for this and nothing i can write can convey what I feel towards you and so many other people like you.

                            So here's my contribution. If any of you who read this know me and are close to me then this poem is for you.

                            I wrote it several years ago.

                            So Precious

                            You do not know, you never will,
                            Know how much you mean to me.
                            You cannot think or ever feel,
                            The joy you give to me.

                            I do not know, I never will,
                            Know how to tell you this:
                            The joy you bring where ever you go,
                            Brings more than happiness.

                            God already knows, and always will,
                            Know what you mean to me.
                            He planned it so, because he knew,
                            I needed someone like thee.

                            Keep this with you, if nothing else,
                            The love I give to you,
                            And remember this, if nothing else,
                            God loves you more than I do.



                              *hugs Atem tight*
                              Before you met me I was a fairy princess
                              I caught frogs and called them prince
                              And made myself a queen
                              Before you knew me I traveled 'round the world
                              I slept in castles and fell in love
                              Because I was taught to dream

                              I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
                              To capture tinkerbell
                              They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
                              But I could always tell

                              I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
                              And I believe in Peter Pan and miracles
                              And anything I can to get by
                              And fireflies...

                              "What's the point of being grown-up if you can't act childish sometimes?" -- Doctor Who


                                Lament of the Moth.

                                I am Moth
                                You are a Flame.
                                In my soul and essence
                                With passion
                                And desire.
                                But when I approach
                                Say something
                                You burn me.
                                Or I you.
                                Driving a distance between us of a thousand miles.
                                A chasm that is getting harder and harder to jump.
                                Filling up with darkness in between.
                                Dividing further
                                The moth from the flame.
                                You cannot possibly imagine what you do to me.
                                And I can only dream of what I do to you.
                                Or is it a nightmare?
                                Of fear,
                                And rage
                                For after all aren’t these all-reciprocal emotions.
                                All sprung from the same source?
                                But yet there is always that small slimmer of hope
                                Some miracle that could yet happen.
                                For us to understand one another.
                                My intentions
                                And my

