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"Chief Exorcist says Harry Potter is the devil" - Dont read if offendeded easily!

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    oh my god... well I guess theres some relief knowing the devil has stuped to possessing fictional boys/books...Im sorry Harry Potter is the devil just makes me laugh.. it's just a case of people with strong beliefs being afraid of anything that differs from their views... seriously though the Harry Potter books aren't even close to Wiccan..not that Im saying wiccan is evil but at least then I might be able to see where they were coming from... that was a good laugh.. until I started getting seriously worried
    You can never really know some completely. That's why it's the most terrifying thing in the world, really - taking someone on faith, hoping they'll take you on faith too. It's such a precarious balance, it's a wonder we do it at all. And yet...
    -Libba Bray


      This, right here people is why religion shouldnt be encouraged! religion is more satanic than satanism as far as i can see, they are all nutjobs! "they" meaning anyone who believes in god and follows a relgion or someone elses way of life because of it.
      I know im going to offend people here but i really think this kind of garbage is whats wrong with society. if someone can think a fictional character is the devil not going to comment much more, all i can say that if people actually spend there time thinking HP may be the devil then they should be locked up..or exorcised for their stupidity!
      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
      Stargate : Genesis |
      Original Starship DesignThread
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      11000! green me


        I want tot ake this moment to differentiate between faith and religion. I don't want this thread to become an "Anti-God" thread. Everyone has the right to belief in whatever deity they see fit and be respected for it.

        Faith is a belief.

        Religion is a way of life that is usually governed by a hierarchical system.

        It is the latter in this case that I have a problem with, and is the real problem with the Harry Potter scenario.

        (Thanks for pointing that bit out Anubis )

        "Five Rounds Rapid"



          I would like to say one thing to you Immotep, I personally do believe that their is some kind of higher power than us in the universe. But I also firmly believe that he/she/it would be very disgusted at the types of atrocities that are being done in his name all over the world. I too agree with completly everything you say, thanks for putting up thi post


            Im saying belief in god is ok, there is something ultimately mysterious about the universe, be it lack of knowledge or lack of exploration. Belief in a higher cause of things is a natural thing, without that belief some people would feel lost.
            What i have a problem with is when people use that belief to create a relgion and then use that relgion to take away those freedoms which are given by society. Relgion, the actual political systems and purpose of relgion are nothing more than slavery wrapped in to something paletable.
            If you choose to live your life according to another person's teachings or the word of god, or the pages of the bible then you are handing your freedom away in exactly the same way as any slave would to his master.
            Thats my view on religion, gloryfied slavery. Belief in god or a higher power is something that i personally do not have but i do not condone having those beliefs because they are perfectly natural.
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              I am a Religious Jew and I think that the Harry Potter books are rubbish, but what the bloodly hell is this man thinking?! A fictional character is the Devil himself?! Well, it would make sense since Catholicism isn't representative of Christianity.


                Thanks for clarifying and I agree with you 100%.


                  Originally posted by Col.Foley
                  Thanks for clarifying and I agree with you 100%.
                  Is that to me? Thanks if it was.
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
                  Original Starship DesignThread
                  Sanctuary for all |
                  11000! green me


                    1. Is Harry Potter practicing magic? Yes. It is evil. Magic both "good" and bad when not drawn from God are drawn from Satan.

                    2. Is there clairvoyance and other psychic practices in Harry Potter? Yes there are. Such powers once again come from Satan.

                    3. Monsters/ghosts/spirits/evil. Yes. All are illusions of Satan.

                    Even though Harry Potter is fictional what kind of message is it promoting to children? Children are very easily influenced by things available to them. They see magic being done in Harry Potter, they want to research it so they look on google for "magic" they find love spells and **** like that and then they read about witches and wicca and they keep getting interested. Then they talk to wiccans and see photos of wiccans and see how they dress and monkey see monkey do. Then they hang around with wiccans and most smoke "herbs" so now your children are on drugs. Then they get tattoos and piercings and skip school to practice magic. Then they cut themselves to draw out energy. They turn to crime or prostitution to support their drug habit. All because they saw little Harry casting a spell.

                    But it is fiction remember...

                    One look at the author of Harry Potter and you can tell theres something screwed up with her.
                    I'm a TrustNo1/Weir shipper Also TrustNo1/Carter shipper and TrustNo1/Teyla Shipper. In fact I'm a TrustNo1/Weir/Carter/Teyla shipper. Yes, that would be good Throw in some Vala in tight leather. Is this sig PG? Oh well

                    Thank you L-JADE for the sig, it ROCKS!!!

                    Waiting for my posts to be approved.


                      Wow - I realise everyone is entitled to their beliefs, and I am certainly not arguing about that. But it is difficult to see a point when you have jumped from 'reading Harry Potter' to 'a life of prostitution'. It incredibly convoluted: you can justify anything doing things that way. I could blame the size of chickens on the results of my exam at university (the chickens nowadays are larger than 100 years ago, so I took longer to eat causing me to miss the train, have to catch a bus, arrive late at uni which caused me to stress and misread the room number, which in turn required me to look at the internet where I saw an ad for a mathematics technique which I glanced at and subsequently, this caused me to forget the previous maths I learnt and therefore I did marginally worse in the exam than I could have! ) I think that this type of reasoning implies that people have no other sources of role models (as such) and are not only easily influenced but clearly don't think things through. I don't think that Harry Potter is evil - but ultimately its fiction, and conveys a lot of good messages. I know heaps of kids that really got into reading because they enjoyed Harry Potter so much! Maybe the Church should focus more on more important issues like faith, rather than a ficitional story? But this is all just my opinion (and I am rather biased - I love the Harry Potter series)


                        Originally posted by TrustNo1
                        1. Is Harry Potter practicing magic? Yes. It is evil. Magic both "good" and bad when not drawn from God are drawn from Satan.

                        2. Is there clairvoyance and other psychic practices in Harry Potter? Yes there are. Such powers once again come from Satan.

                        3. Monsters/ghosts/spirits/evil. Yes. All are illusions of Satan.

                        Even though Harry Potter is fictional what kind of message is it promoting to children? Children are very easily influenced by things available to them. They see magic being done in Harry Potter, they want to research it so they look on google for "magic" they find love spells and **** like that and then they read about witches and wicca and they keep getting interested. Then they talk to wiccans and see photos of wiccans and see how they dress and monkey see monkey do. Then they hang around with wiccans and most smoke "herbs" so now your children are on drugs. Then they get tattoos and piercings and skip school to practice magic. Then they cut themselves to draw out energy. They turn to crime or prostitution to support their drug habit. All because they saw little Harry casting a spell.

                        But it is fiction remember...

                        One look at the author of Harry Potter and you can tell theres something screwed up with her.
                        I've got these things wrong in the past, but... are you being serious? It's a book. Fiction. Nothing more!

                        Know what? I'd honestly hate to be growing up in school these days. Overzealous measures to keep children safe up to, and including, trying to protect kids from fictional characters and stories. Give children some credit and assume they know what reality is.

                        Obviously my opinion.

                        ETA: I completely agree with kingshell. Well, apart from the liking, reading and/or watching Harry Potter bit.

                        Another edit: The last part... WTF? JK Rowling. That just seems like a petty insult to me.
                        Last edited by Anubis69; 11 September 2006, 08:16 AM.

                        The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                          The thing is parents don't seem to have the slightest ammount of faith in their children to make a proper decision, understand the difference between make-beleive and real-life, so they're scared of a little PRETEND. They don't trust their kids to be able to interpret truth from make-believe (sit down with your kids and discuss the books in a non-biased manner for crying out loud), instead they shield them from any number of things in the world. They're scared of made up stories, and I very much feel sorry for these people because they're the ones missing out. Childhood is about make-believe, and parents not allowing their children to make-believe, are depriving them, robbing them of their imaginations! Magic is very much real, it's what we create and pretend within our own minds, and believe it or not that is a very good thing.

                          Personally, any religion (disclaimer: I said religion not faith) that tries to oppose this kind of.....closed-minded censorship upon what children and can and can't read, I personally don't have time for.

                          If you're going to ban your kids from Harry Potter because magic is a product of Satan, then you may as well ban them from Shrek, pretty much every fairy tale ever written, including a massive number of Disney movies, every other fantasy book written (otherwise banning them from Harry Potter would be biased to senselessness, just because it's popular), etc. Wow, suddenly your kid knows nothing but the horrors of this world. If your kid even knows anything about this world.....

                          Harry Potter to would take someone already pretty messed up to get there, reading Harry Potter is not going to do it.


                            Originally posted by Anubis69
                            Know what? I'd honestly hate to be growing up in school these days. Overzealous measures to keep children safe up to, and including, trying to protect kids from fictional characters and stories. Give children some credit and assume they know what reality is.
                            See, that's my main beef with public education. Except, then again, it's okay to teach about sex to elementary students.

                            The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                              Originally posted by TrustNo1
                              One look at the author of Harry Potter and you can tell theres something screwed up with her.
                              Yeah I see what you mean, she looks like a complete freak!



                                Originally posted by jenks
                                Yeah I see what you mean, she looks like a complete freak!

                                LMAO- almost missed the [/sarcasm]

