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If you had a stargate,what Stargate SG1 planets and non-Stargate ones would you visit

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    If you had a stargate,what Stargate SG1 planets and non-Stargate ones would you visit

    If you had control of a stargate, what admired planets in the Stargate SG1 TV series universe, or from any other admired sci-fi universe would you most like to visit, using the stargate and please say why, for any planet/s named.

    I'd probably do a Harry Maybourn. Live in some primitive little town and have the townfolk worship me for comming up with awesome new stuff

    I'd make sure to take the designs of some of the more complicated stuff before I left, as well as the famous classical music scores to claim as my own .
    An all new Stargate spinoff presents

    Stargate: The B Team

    The galaxy just got a whoooole lot crazier!


      I'd like to visit John Carter's Barsoom.

      I hear those Martian babes are something else...

      "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
      - Stephen Colbert
      "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."


