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Old vs New

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    Old vs New

    I've a funny feeling this subject has been discussed here before, but anyways...

    Lately I've been recording some old horror films off the new Horror channel on Sky Digi. I taped Asylum the other week which was made in the early 70's and which had a star studded cast (Robert Powell, Britt Ekland, Charlotte Rampling, Peter Cushing). Its an anthology film featuring various inmates of the asylum telling their stories to Robert Powell who has to guess which one of them was the Asylum's doctor/director. Very enjoyable and a tad gruesome but not too camp.

    Tonight I've just watched City of the Dead which is a film about witchcraft and satanism starring (who else) Christopher Lee. Made in 1960 its very atmospheric but rather camp and silly with all the usual cliches thrown in. I still found it enjoyable though.

    So I thought I'd open up a discussion here. Which horror films are better - old or new? I'm rather partial to the oldies - lots of atmosphere and great stories as opposed to the gorefests we tend to get these days.
    Oh honey. You say potato, I say vodka!

    I'll go with the old. The new guys rely on exploding hamburger to depict blood and guts flying everywhere, and too many boogymen jumping out of dark corners. 28 Days is a prime example to me. Supposedly the scariest thing to come out in years, but all it was was gore and boogymen.
    Carter: Navigation? O'Neill: Check. Carter: Oxygen, Pressure, Temperature Control?
    O'Neill: Check. Carter: Internal Dampeners? O'Neill: Cool!, and Check. Carter: Engine?
    O'Neill: All Check. O'Neill: Phasers? Carter: Sorry Sir.

