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    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
    Because knowing that EDaniel is in charge totally puts everyone at easy, especially himself.
    In his mind.


      Originally posted by Iffy View Post
      If only I could remember when I signed everyone up for leave.
      Cammie will send you the post.


        Originally posted by Iffy View Post
        Mitchie: You told her what? She loooked fat in her wedding dress. Are you a complete and utter social moron? That's why she is in my room crying her eyes out? Just... just... get out of my sight.
        Kat: I just said her hips looked a little big.

        Mitcihie: Get out.
        Amaretti's lair...

        Amaretti: *shakes head, sends message*


        To: Kat
        From: Amaretti

        Congratulations, moron. Maybe we should sign you up for classes on how to speak to women.


          Originally posted by Iffy View Post
          Private Message

          To: RSam
          From: Mitchie

          I was going to surprise you tomorrow, but this week has just got out of hand. There's a stray Dex following Iffy, weird I know it's usually a Ba'al and Kat just called Lilith fat in her wedding dress.

          Love you and miss you. I now have to go keep Lil from shooting Kat. Hope your week is better than mine. oxoxox
          Private Message

          To: Mitchie
          From: RSam

          My poor Mitchie. You are on leave. Can't the others handle all this unpleasantness?

          Surprise me? How? I don't understand.

          Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

          I miss you, too. Love you! xoxoxo


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
            Amaretti's lair...

            Amaretti: *shakes head, sends message*


            To: Kat
            From: Amaretti

            Congratulations, moron. Maybe we should sign you up for classes on how to speak to women.
            OI! No stealing my idea!

            Ooooh! I forgot to mention this yesterday. While we were touring the palace, there were a whole bunch of schoolgroups there and when we walked by the little girls would start yelling hello and look so happy when I said hi back. One of them called me a very pretty girl.
            Awesome sig by Laura
            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

            The randomess that is me
            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
              OI! No stealing my idea!

              Ooooh! I forgot to mention this yesterday. While we were touring the palace, there were a whole bunch of schoolgroups there and when we walked by the little girls would start yelling hello and look so happy when I said hi back. One of them called me a very pretty girl.
              That's so sweet. He hadn't seen your idea yet.


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                That's so sweet. He hadn't seen your idea yet.
                It was and so cute! People kept looking at me when we were walking, that was funny.
                Awesome sig by Laura
                "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                The randomess that is me
                Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Addy: (on intercom) The time flies so fast. You have to share pictures with us. *sends hugs*
                  Will do! I have 200 so far! *happily receives hugs*
                  Awesome sig by Laura
                  "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                  The randomess that is me
                  Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                    Ooooh! I forgot to mention this yesterday. While we were touring the palace, there were a whole bunch of schoolgroups there and when we walked by the little girls would start yelling hello and look so happy when I said hi back. One of them called me a very pretty girl.

                    That's most likely 'cause you're blond and quite the novelty to them. Of course, it helps that you are adorable. Glad you're having fun!


                      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

                      That's most likely 'cause you're blond and quite the novelty to them. Of course, it helps that you are adorable. Glad you're having fun!
                      I iz a novelty! Today it was teenage boys saying hello. And I managed to buy my mom a mother's day present and some awesome shot glasses for myself. Set of 5, 3000Won which is about 2 euro.
                      I'm starting to really love this country!
                      Awesome sig by Laura
                      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                      The randomess that is me
                      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                        Naples...City Center...

                        Zane: *chuckles*
                        Kali: What?
                        Zane: Message from Ducky. Sal's a novelty in Korea. The girls and teenage boys adore her.
                        Kali: Of course they do. She's adorable.
                        Zane: Yes, she is. *smiles, pockets phone, kisses* So are you.
                        Kali: Thanks. *smiles, holds his hand as they walk back to the hotel*


                          Private Message

                          To: Kyan
                          From: Sal

                          xoxox Miss you. xoxox
                          Awesome sig by Laura
                          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                          The randomess that is me
                          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty



                            To: All flight personnel
                            From: Gens. S. Caldwell and C. Mitchell

                            Re: Scheduled Holidays

                            During the following holiday periods the patrols will be covered by the larger ships as noted. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Reserves will have the days off; Gamma Station will be closed.

                            May 24 and 25 - Memorial Day - O'Neill II, Daedelus II and Prometheus Redux
                            July 3, 4 and 5 - Independence Day - O'Neill II and Prometheus Redux
                            September 6 and 7 - Labor Day - O'Neill II, Daedelus II and Prometheus Redux
                            November 26, 27, 28, 29 - Thanksgiving Day Weekend - O'Neill II, Daedelus II, Prometheus Redux, Praetorian Squadron
                            December 24 through January 1 - Christmas and New Year Holidays - O'Neill II, Daedelus II, Prometheus Redux, Praetorian Squadron


                              Seoul...South Korea...

                              Bunny: *beams in, sets bag down* And I am here. *grins*
                              Hey Bun. *smiles*
                              Nibbles: You know what the deal is, don't encourage her to do anything stupid.
                              Bunny: I won't, don't worry, sexy. *kisses* You and Fruitie have a lovely weekend.
                              Nibbles: I was talking to Sal.
                              Bunny: Oh. Well...*snorts* How mature.
                              Nibbles: You're one to talk. *kisses Sal* I'll see you Monday morning.
                              Bright and early. *smiles* Tell Fruitie hi for me.
                              Nibbles: Will do. *beams out*
                              Bunny: So, darling, where are the handsome men? *grins and looks around*
                              Awesome sig by Laura
                              "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                              The randomess that is me
                              Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                                Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                                Private Message

                                To: Kyan
                                From: Sal

                                xoxox Miss you. xoxox
                                Addy's place...Kyan's room...

                                Kyan: *wakes, checks message, smiles, replies*

                                Private Message

                                To: Sal
                                From: Kyan

                                I miss you, too, Kaunis. I'll see you when you get back. I love you. xoxo

