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    Good morning, everyone.


      Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

      I know.. I know.. I am late but..
      CONGRATS ADMIRAL on 30,000 Posts!!

      And as you can see.. Things have changed over the weekend for me!!

      Hello AQOJaC.. Long time no see!!

      Hello. Uh, Jack's kinda busy this morning.


        Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post

        Thanks, purple. Beta Boy, get it loaded into the sigline.

        Sure...I wonder where Jonas is...


          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
          Hey Addy

          School is doing fine AQOJaC.. but those 8AM classes are not nice!! ONTLLJC is not a morning person! Oh by the way.. AQOJaC is the only I know who can get away with saying that Word!! And getting away with it!! you know the one that say "no" with a "S" at the front, and a "W" at the back Your lucky!!

          ONTLL: Oh Jack!! You are such a Flirt!!

          Hey AQOBB () Yes I go to school. But I skipped to see "the orginal" at Sun Shine.. And I was kinda turned after watching a few of your Far Scape Episodes.

          Yeah, well, I'm an evil clone, so I'm gonna say it - SNOW!

          It's best not to give him such a huge opening like that, Snow Bunny.


            Originally posted by hastiekido View Post
            Coffee:..why's hastie banging her head against the desk?
            BouncyButt:..cos she has extra lunchwatch, and she doesn't want to go.....
            Coffee:...any plans for when she comes back?....

            Lunchwatch? Is that like cafeteria monitor duty?


              'mornin' everyone


                hi all
                how yall doin today?


                  Originally posted by CKO View Post
                  'mornin' everyone

                  Hey, babe.


                    Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
                    hi all
                    how yall doin today?

                    Addy has a report to get done this morning, so Jack's helping her, and I'm in charge. How are things with you?


                      Hello everybody!!!

                      Congrats to everybody for the number of posts!
                      I really hope you had a BRILLIANT birthday, mayo!

                      I missed it here! But my life is messy right now (moving *again*) and now that I finished watching everything i have from SG, I've been watching new things... Like Dr. Who (only the Ninth and the Tenth, but I really liked it )...

                      Of course I had to give Torchwood a try to and...

                      hmmm... errrr... Excuse-me, I'm going to continue watching Torchwood... *drool*

                      Hihihihihihihi *blushes* Yeah, I did it!
                      Base Carson by Haliyah, small changes by myself ^^

                      Thanks for the greens (and for all the explanations!).

                      Now it's my turn of "greengiving"


                        Originally posted by fnordine View Post
                        Hello everybody!!!

                        Congrats to everybody for the number of posts!
                        I really hope you had a BRILLIANT birthday, mayo!

                        I missed it here! But my life is messy right now (moving *again*) and now that I finished watching everything i have from SG, I've been watching new things... Like Dr. Who (only the Ninth and the Tenth, but I really liked it )...

                        Of course I had to give Torchwood a try to and...
                        hmmm... errrr... Excuse-me, I'm going to continue watching Torchwood... *drool*



                        At ease, Mitchell, you can be in charge for the whole day.


                          hi ya had good one.... only got in at 8 this morning... its after 3 here now...
                          never leave clones in charge of bying drink!!!!!


                            Torchwood is kind of a spin-off from Dr. Who, dear Jack. The gorgeous lad is Captain Jack Harkness, leader of Torchwood (and he also had an important paper in the end of the first season of this Dr. Who series ).

                            *glances at the tv* Oh, dear god, every time he smiles my knees go weak...

                            *gets the remote*

                            Hihihihihihihi *blushes* Yeah, I did it!
                            Base Carson by Haliyah, small changes by myself ^^

                            Thanks for the greens (and for all the explanations!).

                            Now it's my turn of "greengiving"


                              Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
                              hi ya had good one.... only got in at 8 this morning... its after 3 here now...
                              never leave clones in charge of bying drink!!!!!

                              DJGirlSC: Speaking of drinks...

                              DJGirlSC: *takes drink, GULPS* Much better
                              DJGirl: It's only 10:30. You are drinking already?
                              DJGirlSC: Looking for Darling is hard work. I am taking a break.

                              DJGirlSC: Besides, beer is the breakfast of champions
                              Sig made by me


                                Originally posted by fnordine View Post
                                Torchwood is kind of a spin-off from Dr. Who, dear Jack. The gorgeous lad is Captain Jack Harkness, leader of Torchwood (and he also had an important paper in the end of the first season of this Dr. Who series ).

                                *glances at the tv* Oh, dear god, every time he smiles my knees go weak...

                                *gets the remote*

                                I see. Double checked. We have no file on him.

                                Should I eject him, sir?

                                Nah, we'll make an exception.

